Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, June 03, 1910, Image 1

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n r " "mal' ' " NUMBER 1
. sMi-r ra LANE AND
ttLLCU vw, -1
MARSHFIELD- At bualneaa-
dinner tield t the Chandler
100 of the lead
III ir i -
. -i.i.-.n. rMaintloni were adopted
lift .
supporting the movement of tbe Coos
Bar. Oregon & Idaho Kauwaj u
daring that the bonus of 1160.000
ahould be raUed here at once. The
railway matter came up " n cn,ef
topic of the after dinner epeechea. C.
O. Smith, the Minnesota lumberman
who has large lotereate bere. baa
a.arted the iubacTfrrtlon Hat with $25,
COO. It wa the opinion that the
Bolae road offered the beat chance
for a railway Into Cool Bay thla Sum
mar. and the bonua must be raised at
.... . . .ni.
nee. The committee i uww
Ing the business men.
making falae entrlea In Use banka
booka. The Jury did not consider
Inaanlty plea of defenae la IU anon
deliberation. The Jury reacneo
nnininn that Scrlber was
hii. rjLihisr of the bank and
only conaldered tba chargee and d
feme on tbelr merits.
Well-Digger Strlkea Ore.
CONDON While alnklng a well. H
It Wlllburn. of thla city, at a depth
of 95 feet atruck a ledge of ore whlcl
waa at first aupposed to be gold. The
ledge waa two leet thick. Samples
f the mineral were brought to thla
city, and an analyaia ahowed conclus
ively that the ledge contained a rich
depoalt of copper. Other eamples will
be taken to Portland for a more
ough analyaia.
SELLS AT 14c TO 17c
wark Will Begin Soon.
nnori Aicn Ore.. June 1. That
con ruction on the Cooa Bay t Ore-
- (- w.iiroad. the road from
Cooa Bay to Bolae. via Roaeburg, will
begin before Septemoer i, was
. hr br Ftancla H.
Ulliriuriu w - -
Clarke, praaident or ine roaa.
Why Spending Your Money Eleewhere
Might Be BO wwwikw-
. . hvfnre the West-
ID a HT-TU I n w t
v l. Manraimrwr Publishers
association E. K. Russey. publlaber of
th. PhelDa (N. Y.I Cltiwm. said:
I -The problem la really a aerloiia one
and baa not receivwa iu
veraua Claiaop County, for the reeor
ery of $4207.60 of the 1909 state tax,
which Ciataop County refuaea to pay.
MARSHFIELD After aatiafylng an
idea that he could eat beer g!aaaea
and aimilar artlclea, Frank Gran
bolm died at bla home near Marah
i..i.t utiiia ririnklna he ate a Quan-
II1C1U. .......
, tlty of glaaa and died after contract.
Ing pneumonia, wnicn, wuu me
eating, caused his death.
PENDLETON The moft aucceasful
wool aale of the aeaaon waa held at
Pilot Rock. Of the 300.000 pounda of-
I fered. more than 100,000 changed
-..-1 . . .. . L.
COUNTY ORGANIZE ABSOCIA ( handa. Other ciipa may yei ue
I aa the growera In some caaea bave
----- IBICU H"? w.
pricea offered ranged from 14 to 17
ASTORIA Samuel Elmore, the mil
lionaire salmon packer of the North
Pacific Coast, U about to dispose of
his holdings, according to informa
tion that has reached his friends in
Astoria. Mr. Elmore Is now In San
Franclaco, where he Is in conference
with representatives of the J. K.
Armsby Company, the prospective
CANTON CITY The Jury to try
Ben Hinton for murder has been com
cniiRiR riTY The First National
Bank of Prairie City, Or., baa been
authorized to begin business with
$25,000 capital.
DALLAS Polk County KepuDiici..-
will bold an assemDiy, m ui. ...w,
Saturday, June 25. Delegates will be
chosen at precinct prlmarlea on
KLAMATH FALLS That the mui-
nesa of Klamath County is to be
reached out after by the larger u
cerns in the United States, is shown
by the fact that a branch of the
Swift Packing Company, of Chicago,
la being opened here.
pOTTTLAND One or the mosi r-
,rMnna ever performed
at St. Vincent's
IU III ID til -
Hospital, where surgeons operated on
There la no doubt that in offering:
to send a representative to Mexico
to Inspect the "Fort una" tract of
land, comprising 620,000 acres, the
Mexico American Land Co., through
their Independence agency, the Chas.
E. Hicks Real Estate Co., have hold
Inga In Mexico of which they are not
ashamed. They advertise It as the
"Richest land on the American Con-
. ti,oo lanria are thrown OD-
aton for murder has been com- en t ,ettiement 0f American people
and the taking of evidence guch gmaU payments that anyone
should have bad. Tbls lo a large of ayde Eng,e of 0regon
County Petitions Filed. i meaaur account, for the expnns oo of who wa8 accidentally shot,
a it ir.Mp-trtions have been filed thB huBlDel co Immense proportloua liy. ,
J - . . i i h..PA I ITTTaTi H fV in U1IG VI
in the office of Secretary of State F. one concern In Chicago cm..u- "..-..i.r track and field
W. Benton, calling for tn creauwu .
tbe county of Williams, out of th
territory of portioua of Lane and
Douglas counties.
Also a petition ha been filed pro
vldlng for the annexation of a portloi
or Clackamaa County to Multnonn:
County. A petition to change tht
County l
OOUnuai ieB Ul " n
expected in a few days, also the Or
chard Coumy petition and aeverai
j Man 8tabbed by Partner.
MERRILL A cutting affray which
almost ended the life of Otto Qessel
and landed Bobby Bums In the Coun
ty Jail at Klamath Falls occurred In
. namn in Sandy Hollow. Gessl
and Burns were partners fn the wood
business. Burns was preparing to
make what he called root beer and
a a int nf bottles on the floor. His
. intn the room and
..i ...a nvar iflmfl of the bottles.
Is charged that Burns drove a knue
into Gessl's neck in tnree piaceo.
40a Ann Acrei Deslanatod Dry.
onpTT. AND Secretary Balllnger
ed under the enlarged
lias -"
f aa not sasceptiDie
.np.RfiiI irrigation at reasonable
1913 800 acres of land in town
ships 17 south, range 25 east; i
south, range 25 cant; 17 south, range
.. 9i annth. ranee 32 east; 22
aouth, range 33 east, and 27 south,
sn Pftst. of Oregon, making the
. . !.. nniiar that act in
total uesiBiuuuu u
Oregon 88,848,800 acres.
.i.u.a Onarfer Centennial
0 UCIBM'"' ----
nnnttT t isinvitations have been
sent out by the Oregon Agricultural
College to attend the quarier-u..-
celebration or ine uiB..".
inMtut.ion. The celebra-
. . ovonf will be held June
10 to June 14, Inclusive. A general
liieiaijf uu
ti ..h nnd class reunions are
arranged. A presidents' reception wil!
be held at Waldo nan.
lng, June 13. '
Scrlber Found Guilty. 1
PORTLAND-Jefferson W. Scrlber,
cashier of the Farmers & Traders
National Bank, La Grande, which he
was charged with wrecking, was
found guilty on the four Indictments
covering 40 counts, against him by
the Federal Court The Jury was out
j5 minutes and took but one ba lot.
. horr nit which Scrlber
was found guilty were embezzlement.
abstraction of the Dana. iuuu,
h hank's funds, mat
ing false entries In his reports and
Uinwmti" ... . i,i,
a buslueea of $53,000,000 per year, with
an estimatea proni u "- r
.. . 7 rmn noo
"One village with a poiulntlOD of
6.000 is cited aa an example of what
i... k,..inw. means locally
tne man muc.
It la claimed that during the month of
xs.noo was sent In
money orders from that village to one
rtkl.m mil II order Duuttv. i ..... .
- - . . th,
' . .... ..,infirtn for such a
tnere is " ---
nlthnimh WDat IS Cdlixiu
""re"" " " . . t..,.. la
ered a large anwuni oi du..
actunllv sent to the mall order boiiKes.
The estimate given places it at about
m r nniillllllv
A somewhat receui ueviwt""" -la
the triule in
ladies' wearing appareL A number of
a -l n 1 1 r in
ladies patronize uoue uC-....B .-
.. - J n,l.hnil roHllzlUK tllllt 111
tnese kwu " .
permitting themselves to be ensnared
. h. now fnd. the
Dy ine iiwu" .
1. 1 n .1 T IIIVITI1NIUH. n .
psycuuiun. " - . .
lUmivM mien to criticism
laying - . .
quite as much as tne mu uv
s i intA nnn nwuv
Anna trnndH which BDOW
earneu uuiiam
a. .1 In thA Pfl 1 11 lOCU e, UUl
DP UetlUUi Uiij ai-
,,H H nnnuiirailf1!)
have a decidedly aiuereui
WDt'U UV icvwii.
"The regular mail order bouses at tbe
present time have auunng
... it. whlh thev
. in Till. 1 1 1 1 1 1.' 1 1 A 1 1 1 1 CI i.a . . . . . .
..unNi wonderful burgalns in
Indies' suits. The psychological feature
of the advert laments seemH u.
cuarautee. which is given Kiei
nected to draw the deduction that in
hns a correspondent to deal with the
case who Is quite as expert In his Ine
. i i. i dii inrion iiiuii nuu -
the ads. I" the mutter of indies' suits
It should not be a difficult mutter to
present rt strong argument id ivm
v . . .,.,.,i uuioiMinn from a
large stock In a store known to he re
r.. , .worn. e to seiKlliig to n dis
tant city, nnd buying as It were, a cat
In a bug. The local houses
have the Hdvantage of tie best
arguments, and these if properly pre
sented are bound to prove effective.
began Tuesday morning, ntiy-uve
Jurymen were sworn and examined,
the state and defense using every
challenge allowable. Hinton is one oi
the gang accused of lynching Ollle
EUGENE Announcement has Deen
made of the organization of the Skull
and Chain Society, an honor society
for the senior men of the university.
The organization Is composed of l i
. .i i.
prominent seniors, wnose mienuuu
ipcctacular track and t-M jt permanent honor t0Clety
meets, ever held In tne inou thoge wWch ,n other
tne umvei-. . . colleges.
Washington State College, ot run-. ,
01 r
Dj ie HCUiC Ul O w.
PORTLAND The 62d annual ses
sion of the Willamette Baptist Asso
ciation of Oregon was held in Port
land this year. The session oi.cucu
Monday morning, May au, wuu ac
tional services and closed Thursday
evening, June 2, by an address, "An
Aggressive Baptist." hy w. a. nmsuu.
EUGENE Glen W. Hoover, m w
University of Washington, won the
lnter-collegiate oratorical champion
ship of three atates in the annua', con
test by representatives from the s'ste
universities of wasningiou, w.v.6-"
and Montana.
ROSEBURG In an effort to uphold
the price of Umpqua Valley fruits and
protect against inferior production.
about 50 of Douglas uoumy a ululu.-
nt frulterowers nave orgauiaeu ....
t J ..ra Tfl HP KnOWU t' 3 1 ' v-'
kuh n at i. its The Circuit Court
has postponed th,e case of F. E. Mills.
an alleged forger, until tne nexi
Tommy George, an Indian, was con
victed of horsestealing and received
a sentence of 30 days In the County
Jail. John Moran, who tatally stabbed
C. W. C. Larsen in a saloon quarrel,
was found guilty of murder In the sec
ond degree.
SALEM Governor Benson has
v,o ronnlsdtinn of the Gover-
1 All LCU fcuvt
nor of Missouri for William Allen, In
Jail at Marshfleld, ur., ana wauvcu
in Missouri for killing Hank Gibbs In
that state in July, 1897. Allen Is said
to have confessed the crime to a fel
low prisoner in the Marshfield Jail.
The murder grew out of a quarrel
over a gambling debt of $12.
Tit t,U BVlilVtHVH V w -
at such small payments that anyone
can afford to Duy.
In presenting the matter to the
Chas. E. Hicks Real Estate Co., the
Mexico-American Land Co. says:
We take pleasure In announcing to-
you a proposition mat. k'"6
make our first excursion to our gre
. .1 1lar
'Fortuna' tract ,01 ia a cu .vw.
day in the land business a great
event to be marked on the calendar
of all our wide-awake land men.
"This first excursion Is set for the
.i. Tno Our Pullman cars-
iuuulu ui. "
will start from Kansas City June 2
this month.
"Mid-summer is not usually regard-
. . v 1.1 Hmo ttr a trin to a.
g(J a IttVUIBUlC Limy. -
tropical country. But so well ao we
1 .t, oiihtfnl climate of our fa-
vored region on the south gulf coast;
. 1 i. ntinoan
so well do we know mat oui
land will "make good' on tne iup
tion of the severest critic even at the
mic.mor spason: and so great is
our confidence in the virtue of our
splendid land offering tnat we nr
decided for our nrst euu. .,.. -make
the most favorable and remark
able offer ever presented to the land
buying public. Briefly stated, our of
, fr fnr pach man repre-
nn individual or club purchase
ocun iej
of 400 acres of our 'Fortuna lands.
"This means that we wui g-ve
transportation to all such parties
from any point In territory from
which homeseekers tickets are sold
to Mexico City, and return; all Okla-
nent fruitgrowers u v,.6 - pnQWP shelley died at the.uooa to Mexico vnj,
v.. in ho known as -lie Roswell fcneney u eu 1 no nts are also In-
associHiiuu ut-.c - - onion hnsnital in foruttuu i" numa
Umpqtia Valley Horticultural Society ZXT burled in eluded. wiU-
& Fruit Association. , Fellows cemetery at turn : in our sleeping - -
SALEM Assistant Attorney-uener- Tuesday Mr. Shelley was and return; we wii iuru.u
ai IAH. Van W.nkle.filed a complaint J, of this place. either in our dinins . cat - or - in hotels
case of the State of Oregon
Mr and Mrs. Jesse Whltteaker,
Frank Whltteaker and Miss Erma
Brown leave soon for a short vaca
tion at Cascadla. Mr. and Mrs Whlt
teaker will remain there while the
other two will return in a -
ohnnt fifteen men who
i ne pui . "
. ..1 k Mio-hiand neighbor-
went OUl 1U"
t, Wednesday to hunt a panther
renorted in that vi
. .. ,hi,h had been killing
cinuy " - . w
livestock in that part 01 uie
x in wir On account of tne
dry weather lately the hounds were
' fiintv th scent. It
were unaDie
. tA that no less than twenty
head of goats have been lost from the
ravages of the animal.
1 -11
.. -: '
'.,; "Wj.-.s'-Lv. ' , ,v , 1
or eating houses en rome lo
from our lands; we will also furnish
free accommodations and facilities for
the inspection of our lands, and we
will furnish free hotel accommoda
tions and free entertainment at Mexi
co City and on any pleasurable side
trips to be arranged by us.
"There will be no deviation from
the conditons and rules governing. thU
utter, as follows: ,
"For each free trip we require the
purchase of 400 acres, or more, of our
Fortuna' lands. This purchase may
be by one person or by any numoer
VK ' be by one person 01 vy
7, Lo not exceeding forty, as
v X r' " OPO -.a a(.res. so
. . . Tim tut TTTP. PT.T.'F.TIRA
our smallest tracts are 10 acres, so
there could not be more tuau iu.
'purchasers to make up a club-purchase
of 400 acres.
1 "For each purchase of 10 acres, or
more, but less than 160 acres, the
' price , wll be $13.00 per acre, payable
'on the basis of 10 acres, as follows:
$25 00 cash down at the time of appli
j cation- of purchase, and ?5.00 on the
I first of each month for 25 months fol
lowing the date of the confirmation
Uf the purchase by the committee
' man's inspection. No interest charg-
es on deferred payments. In other
I words, the regular price and terms
(quoted by us on sales of land In 10
I acre units.
I "For each purchase of 160 acres, or
'more, the price will be $12.00 per
acre, payable on the basis of 160
I acres as follows: 160 acres at $3.00
(Continued on page eight.)