PAGE PIVC eJGHT PAGES INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRII. INDEPENDENCE. OREGON, MAY 20. 1l6. INDEPENDENCE NEWS "Clndorelltt" will delight you it the 'llo Fair", A good pair reading t'.tw - J $1.00 at Kramers, tf For Hale Hay, baled and loose. f'rlc right. Hell phono 624. thus. .8. lllft tl C2 PROFESSIONAL CARDS L. L HEWITT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Oftl In Coojw building, room I nd 3. Offl: boars, a. m. to 12 m. nd a to l. tail answered nlgbt ad day. THE ELDRIDGE C. E. VanAllen, Prop. Large tunny rooms, ult or sin slo. Electric Uitbt., bata aud piano. European Plan 24S N. Commercial at, Salem, Or. LAURA PRICE, M. D. Monmouth, Oregon Specialty Dlaasa of Women Bell Telephone Main 193 b. r. SWOPE ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC Will practice In all couria of the State. Probate mattera aud collec tlona given prompt attontlon. Office, Cooper BIdg. .fadopendene 0"" W. R. ALLIN, D. D. 8. DENTIST JJotU phones. Cooper BIdg. Independence, Orwgou. DR. D. D. YOUNG OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Monmouth. Oregon-Tuesday, Thurs day aud Saturday. Hours, 12 m. to 6 p. m. Office opposite Lindsay's store. CASTOR I A Tor Iafonts and Children. The Kind You Have Always Boughl Bears the rf Z?JM. Signature of fu.zfy. wtc' Making Pure Candy Is a Mission r Modem Sweet A Mixtion Fulfilled Patrmin iU "Modern Dealer" Modtra ConUcllomnr Cfc, Sir, Pwtlurf, Ortf Orchard Spraying EVERYTHING YOU NEED ROCHE HARBOR LIME, JAPANESE GROUND SUL PHUR IN LINEN SACKS, NO LINT. LIME AND SUL PHUR SOLUTION, READY FOR USE, GUARANTEED FULL STRENGTH. BLUE STONE, ACID HYDROM ETERS FOR TESTING SPRAYING SOLUTIONS. CALL AND GET OUR PRICES Williams Drug Company' Iflf IS THE TIME 'tl' " '-J bridge work In ' !lV,J irvr. of the yr to have your wuta out mm p I te and hrldite work doue. For out- Af.tnwn nafrnnil Wrt finish pfnte and tinaife wors us sue . . .. crt GoldFitllnn 1.00 Jl'MW" jjl SIV Filling. .50 Xw.ii.n ;.5.0 Wn""?t""""n'K"l-aPtt or brtd i -ork AI1 w.)rU. tully iniraateJ for '"l! Wise Dental Co. INCOWOKATEP Painless Bemists flate- Bant ..uljbtf t CA PlatM 5.00 Dr. Allin. Dfiitlst, Cooper Illdg. tf . I have a few thouaud dollars to luiiu on good security. Mrs. M. II. Itl bunU. For 8alt 2V4 horss power gasoline eimlne. rrlee, $50. luqulre at En terprise office. llrllCant program at opera Iioubb Krlday -vtnln May 27. given by our best loiul talent. H-d and AlHyke clover sed fr salu. Call on Ernest Zlelesch at I'ark or. Phone Farmer 12. Iltf A marriage license was Issued one duy last week to Clayton K. Hyckman and Ethul Johnson. , Dr. Duganne, uentlst. over Inde pendence National Dank. Bell phone 111; Independent. 4410. tf For Balo Single Comb Brown Leg. born Eggs, $100 per sitting of 15. E. L. Ilaker, Home phone. 4t The Orenon Fire Relief Association, MtMlnnvllle. Oregon. Chas. Gregory, Agent, Dallas, Oregon. 43tf Mrs. J. V. Hlchardson, Jr., Is con fined to her home In this city suffer ing from an attack of tonsllltls. Rose Fair. Friday May 27. See the beautiful display of fine roses at the opera house, May 27. Eggs from full-blood Rhode Island Red chickens. 75c per sitting of 15. Chas. E. Hicks, Independence, Or. For Rent 10 acres best quality river bottom land. Just grubbed and Biiltuble for potatoes. Enquire E. M. Young. 60u? Men Wanted Willamette Valley Lumber Company's sawmill at Dallas. $2.00 per day and up. Telephone 401 both phones. 47-52 F. W. Treanor has sold his grocery business located next to the postofflc to E. F. Anderson, who has recently coiuo here from Kansas. McMlnn vllle Reporter. W'm, Dawes, of the Chas. E. Hicks Real Estate Co., has been down se riously 111 at his home In this city during the week. He Is consider ably Improved at this time. X Dr. Lowe, the well known optic ian and optometrist, will be at Inde pendence Friday, May 27. Don't fall to consult him about your eyes and glasses. Scores of Polk county ref erences. The Williams Drug Company has secured the services of Crosby Dalton who la well known In this city. Mr. Dalton takes up his duties with the firm at once. He has spent the past six months at McMlnnvllle. The funeral of the late Mr. Foster, who died at his home near the Luck lamute bridge south of Monmouth, on May 18,was held In Buena Vista cem etery on Thursday, May 19, Dr. Duns more of Calvary Presbyterian church of Independence, officiating. Ladles Do you know what CHI Namel Is? No. Come to R. M. Wade & Co's on May 20 and 21, at which tlnifl a demonstrator will be here and show you; how good this Is for your furniture, floors and woodwork, uo not forget the date. X Why use two pairs of glasses when Dr. Lowe can fit you with one pair that you can use for all purpos es? They have no lines, divisions or splits in them; one solid piece of glass. Call at Hotel Independence Friday, May 27, and have him show them to you. V. P. Flske, the bright and success ful editor of the Dallas Itemizer, was a pleasant caller on the Independence Enterprise yestsrday' while en routf to southern Oregon where he goes a a delegate to some lodge gathering this week. Editor Fiske is now enjoy ing the first vacation 'he has taken iu more than twenty years. J. S. Compton of Highland was in towu last Friday. He brought in to this office some of his first crop of strawberries . which are as fine as could be grown anywhere. The larg est one In the lot was almost two Inches in d'ameter. He 'ms a'most 1700 plants out and expects t.- soil a considerable Quantity this seasau. L. S. Compton departed Friday c.n his way to the Palouse country in eastern Washington where he will as sist his uncle, E. J. Compton, in pi e paring summer fallow for next year's snwinEr. He expects to help with the plowing of between two hundred and three hundred acres. Mr. Compton had just completed planting his five acres of yellow Newtons before leav ing for eastern Washington. FREE TRIP TO MEXICO The Clias. E. Ilbks Real Estate Co. la authorized by the Mexico American Land Co. of Kan sas C'l'y, Mo., to offer to take a representative from this county to see the great "Fortuna" tract land on the southern gul coast in the Republic of Mexico, and return, alrtolutely free free railroad fare, free sleeping car erth, free meals, and arrange various free entertainments for this enjoy able midsummer excursion. THIS REPRESENTATIVE to be chosen by the cltliens of this county and to accompany the excursion as the special guest of this company, the excursion to start from Kansas City WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1910 In special Pullman cars provided by the company carrying representatives from all over the coun try This Is the greatest undertaking ever undertaken by any land company. Arrangements are now being made for the entertainment of the excursion party. In addition to showing the splen dirt "Fortuna" tract of land, comprising 162,000 acres of the richest land In the world and the delightful country surrounding the same, special facilities will be had on this excursion to instruct thn representatives In all matters of Interest pertaining to the Republic of Mexico; Including an in Testation of the laws, the customs of the people, the stability of the Mexican government; and afford the representatives an opportunity to study personally the conditions that exist In that most favored land of opportunity. There will be shown the fertile lands In a district blessed with am nio and seasonable rainfall for all the immense variety of valuable crops shown there. There will be shown and explained the splendid profits to be made on this chosen land from the growing of corn tobacco, rice, sugar cane, bananas, oranges, lemons, grape fruit, pineapples, coffee, rub ber chocolate and many other products. There will be shown a district where cattle, horses, hogs and noultry flourish all the year around without shelter, and are matured with but little expense. A country where nature has lavishly bestowed her most abundant favors, a country that la now awakenlne and presentln to the American homeseekers and Investors opportunities that cannot be found elsewhere, will be shown. There will be shown a tropical country at the midsummer sea son showing that even at this season, the climate is Ideal-the days pleasant, the nights cool and rnvl'goratlng Splendid streams of water will be shown, pure and clear as crystal, flowing through the chosen lands to the gulf. All this Is to be done at the expense of the company, and return to the states In two weeks, if the excursionists so desire. All information and rules governing this great free excursion will be furnished by Chas. E. Hicks Real Estate Co. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON Miss Pearl Knox is very ill at the home of her parents in Independence. Mrs. Geo. Skinner, who has been very ill at her home In this city, is somewhat improved. Salem Woolen Mills Store offers a prize of $10 In gold for the best ad written for their store, advertising boys' and men's clothing. Look up the conditions In their ad of this week. Any school boy or school girl ought to be able to take down, the $10 prize. Memorial Day Services General Gibson G. A. R. post and ladles of the W. R. C. will have me morial services at the auditorium on Sunday, May 29, at 11 a. m., and ser mon by Rev. W. J. Weber. Every body invited. There will be decoration day ser vices at the same place on Monday, May 30, at 10:30. Sermon by Rev. F. E. Brickley. All G. A- R. veterans, sons of vet erans, Spanish war veteraus, Indian war veterans and school children are invited to join in these services. Immediately after the services at the auditorium al! will march to the river and siro.v f lowers on the water In memory of our dead sailors. All bring flowers. 61-52 ment on the college grounds the j same day. This tournament is open; to all who desire to enter. Carroll Hill Wooddy, class of '11 i - .. ... MCMinnvuie uonege, won me bw.i. contest some weeks ago, and will rep resent the colleges of Oregon In the coming contest. Mr. Wooddy is the son of Dr. C. A. Wooddy, Superintend eut of the Baptist Home Missions on the Pacific coast, of Portland. It is hoped both delegates to the national contest will be from Oregon. , Mr. Wooddy delivered his oration before a large gathering of citizens recently, and won high commendation Prohibition Contest at McMlnnvllle The Pacific States' Prohibition Ora torical Contest will be held in Mc Mlnnvllle. May 30. Representatives from southern California, northern California. Washington.Idaho, and Or- pirnn will at that time compete for; at the biennial contest to be held at; the honor of representing the section i at the Biunial contest to be held at Valparaiso, Indiana this summer. The successful orator will receive $75 in gold and together with Mr. W. E. Gwynn of Pacific University, will rep resent the west. Preparations are also being made to have a prohibition convention on the same day, at which some of the best speakers of the state will be present. At least four colleges of Oregon will also compete in a tennis touma- Excursion Rates East DURING 1910, FROM ALL POINTS ON THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC (LINES IN OREGON) Chicago .... - I"J Council Bluffs '. . bu uu Omaha .... - Kansas City 6j-"t' St. Joseph ..- 60-00 St. Paul - St. Paul via Council Bluffs .... .... 63-90 Minneapolis direct .... 60 00 Minneapolis via Council Bluffs .. .... 63-90 Duluth direct 66 Duluth via Council Bluffs 67-50 st. Louis .... .... .... .... .... 67-50 Tickets will be on sale May 2 and 9; June 2, 17 and 24; July 6 and 22; , August S; September 8. THE ABOVE RATES APPLY FROM PORTLAND ONLY. FROM POINTS SOUTH OF PORTLAND, ADD ONE WAY LOCAL RATE TO PORTLAND, TO MAKE THROUGH RATE VIA PORTLAND. ONE WAY THROUGH CALIFORNIA, ADD $15 TO ABOVE RATES Ten days provided for the going trip. Stop-overs within limits In either direction. Final return limit three months from date of sale, but not later than October 81. INQUIRE OF ANY SOUTHERN PACIFIC AGENT FOR MORE COMPLETE INFORMATION Wra. McMurray, GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, PORTLAND, OREGON 47-52