PAGE tlX IND EPENDENCE ENTERPRISE. INDEPENDENCE. OREGON, APRIL W, 110. EIGHT PAGE 1111 f w iUOHOL S PER CKNT. At8e!aWe Vrt pjrginn (or As slmitatiiK! the FoodanlRnMi lirjj !! Suwckts atkiikjwrsi mm Promotes Ditfcst'onJdrrrfii X'ss and frstjConialns Brthr Opitim.Mdrptunr mrMuaraL NOT NARCOTIC. itiumtU Ml pal ltr ttmafmlnr. Apert Renwdy forConsflpt Hon . Sour StomacllDtarrtuo WorrasfmnnlswMJWnsa npssaiaLossorMXZR FacSlniik Signature of NEW YORK. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of WW In Use For Over Thirty Years " "ixct Copy of Wrapper. rxt t ohmht. m. A. C MAGERS. Pmnrk TELEPHONE MAIN I7J Standard Liquor Co. WHOLESALE' DEALER3N WINES, LIQUORS Sr CIGARS 148-156 S. COMMERCIAL STREET SALEM ' OREGOX V ILmforoicieries FOR SUMMER Coat Sets, 35c to 65c ; Dainty Bags & After noon Aprons. New ideas in Waists and Dresses. Needlecraft vShop i Mrs. S. C. Wall 270 N. Com'l. St, Salem, Oregon COTTAGE H OTEL CHARLES SAVAGE, LESSEE Special Attention to Commercial and College Organizations Salem 160 Court street. Telephone 209 Mala Telephone and Messenger Service at Hotel RECORD 2:28a ! j& HOPS REG. NO. 52692 6IRED BY THE MIGHTY ZOMBRO 2:11, IS NOW AT THE INDEPENDENCE RACE TRACK WHERE HE WILL MAKE THE SEA80N. K. N. WOOD, MANAGER R. D. COOPER, OWNER t H I I i '' ARRIVE SAFELY AT DESTINATION The following loiter from EC. Pav li and family, who recently loft bore to return to tholr old home In Kan sas, tolls of tholr safe arrival. Friends of the family will be pleased to hoar from thou: Mr. Chas. E. Hicks, Independence, Oregon. Dear Frlond Will you kind ly poruilt nie throuuh the columns of your welcome visitor, the Enterprise, to Inform you and all of our friends lu and around Independence that we arrived safely lu St. John, Kaunas, on Saturday night. the Itith. about U o'clock. As Intended we went to Newborn Wednesday evening and stayed until Friday morning when we loft for Portland. Arriving there In duo time, we proceeded at once to look up our aunt and cousin whom wi found over In Portland ahout nine or ten m ! from where we landed at the Jeferson street depot. We had a good visit there, attended church on Sunday and left there at 1:30 Monday morning. Our aunt, Mr C. II. Davis, accompanied us as far an Cottage Grove where she went to visit her daughter. We arrived In Fr: . n''out 11 o'clock Tuesday where wo went to meet our brother and family, whom, to our surprise, we found as soon as we landed at the Ferry street depot, so we all went to the hotel and got a square n.eal together. And to our surprise No. 2; there were four cousins came to the hotel that evening to visit us, and you may know had a Jolly Bood tlma. The next morning we all went out to the Cliff House and took j . ..i... iu .root Pnplfie ocean. We' saw some very fine sights. One of tht most Interesting ones was the many leals which we saw out on the rocks taking a sun bath. '11, we took the train from 'Fr sco :40 Wednes day night and started i r sunny Kan sas. We went down t-rough Califor nia by the way of Earstow and Need les, and through Arizona and Mexico, and by mistake we got a slow train, w-hich made us twelve hours later than we should have been. However, we arrived safe (for which we were very thankful) and found our children at the depot waiting for us. When some of them saw usi through the car window they beean to Jump up and down, and when we landed you may believe there whs some kissing and embracing and patting of cheeks go Inf, on. When we came to ourselves .! unn tn think of going some nlaee to spend the night, we looked j around and there wore three antos ready to take us to our stopping place. , Well we cannot tell yet wnat wo will do here as it will take us somo time to get around to see the folks, so will have to write again Bonie time in the future. So witn Dest wishes to all our friends and praying that God's choice blessings may rest . . ., ! .. . .1 11 .1 on all our nroiners anu " friends at Independences will close. Yours most truly, E. C. Davis and family. The Circus acrobat finds It necessary at all times to keep his muscles and Joints supple .... . i .i That Is the reason tnat nuiiuieun ul them keeD a bottle of Baliaras snow Liniment always on hand. A sure cure for rheumatism, , cuts, sprains, thmot liimo hack, contracted 1 a vu wuv, " ' hnnlons and all pains. Frice 25c, 50c and ?1.00 per bottle. Sold by Williams Drug uo. INDEPENDENCE AND MONMOUTH RAILWAY TIMETABLE From Independence to Dallas TVoi Nn fii UavAa IndeDendenct dally 6:00 a. m. and Monmouth at 6:15 a. m. and arrives ai ojaimu w 6:40 a. m. Train No. 68 leaves Independence! daily at 10:50 a. m. and Monmouth a I 11:05 a. m. and arrives at uauas at 11:30 a. m. ' ! Train No. 70 leaves Independence daily at 6:15 p. m. and Monmoum ai 6:30 P. m. and arrives at Dallas af 6:55 p. m. From Independence for Alrlle xrn i ibbvoh independence dally at 7:00 a. m. and Monmouth at 7:15 a. m. and arrives at Aime 7:60 a. m. . , Train No. 73 leaves Independence dally at 2:30 p. m. and. Monmouth at 2:60 p. m. and arrlvea at Airlie at 8:25 p. m. From Dallas for Independence Train No. 65 leaves Dallas dally at 8:80 a, m. and Monmouth at 8:55 a. m. and arrives at Independence at 9:15 a. m. ,, Train No. 69 leaves Dallas dall at 1:00 P- m. and Monmouth at 1:35 The . Tenderfoot Farmer U w.i el Ihete .ip.rimenl.1 wbo p ptaolM M his sow son i.a r ...-.. ulh.l 11 eide'l waller h.l the eow .te lj wsi M. Tbe ouMlions ot dino and aourrthwsel Ma ul talsred iate bit leuUtion. , li t ealy od.Hool" farmer Ihsl would try " mm ..Mrinsal with eow. Bui tuny farmer feede ... . . . ! II. mmmlllmS III IDIT sriw. 'weak" l'7..lioa ol tbe er... ol d.gwlioe and nulrilio. art 1-P !S he 7. euffer. Jh. el dy.pep... and lb. .... ol ..rvou.o. Tm err.,,. le efe c, ftiw l et''L"m!lm'.? mlL U contai.. a.ilh.r lalo.i.a-1. -or ..reol.o.. and VZ!l7uu,X m Irem opium, and Mb.r daagereu dru.. AH tnredi.oU pnoi.a WbVffl TO- lor b profil. There I. -edlcln. lor iT.b. liver VLi IWL "lull a. ood" a. "dolde- M'"' Dn. E. L. T O WNSEN D ban purchased E. T. Ilenklo's BARBER 8HOP AND BATHS IN THE INDEPENDENCE HOTEL Here Is a chance to get a flret-tluss shave and hair cut, TROJAN POWDER (Successor to Dynamite) Is tbe powder that will clear your land of trumps. No thawing required. No headaches. Fuuirl-as and safe. , Call or write for circulars and prices., HAUSER BROS. Salem, Oregon POLK COUNTY BANK Monmouth, Oregon Paid Capital, $30,000.00 Transacts a Gcnural Banking Business OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: J. H. Hawley. Pres. J. B. V. Butler. Vice Pres. Ira C. Powell. Cash. F. S. Powell. J. B. Jtump, I. M. Simpson. THE NOBLE 1). A..M AIUSON, Prop. Corner I'oiiuiif relal and State Ncrt 5ALKM, OHKOON SLOPER BROS. Tubular Well Drillers Same prices for wells drilled with tbelr new larger 1 diameter drill. WellB for Irrigation purposes. Both Phones Independence, Oregon DO YOU WANT TO OWN 10 OR 20 ACRES OF THE RICHEST AND BEST LO CATED LAND IN POLK COUNTY7 IF SO, CALL ON OR AD DRESS Tucker & Ferguson Real Estate Dealers INDEPENDENCE AND MONMOUTH GEM RESTAURANT C STREET C. B. KOOZBB, 1'ROPRIBTOR INDEPENDENCE, OREGON First Class In Every Respect. Open Day and Night. Regular Meals, 25 cents. Short Order at all Hours. Give us a Trial. p m. and arrives at Independenc at 1:40 p. m. (This train connects at Monmouth for Alrlle.) Train No. 71 leaves Dallas dally at 8:00 p. m. and Monmouth at 8:25 p. m. and arrives at Independence at 8:40 p. m. From Alrllei for Independence Train No. 62 leaves Alrlle dally at ft: 15 p. m. and Monmouth at 8:50 a. m. and arrives at Independence at 9:10 a. m. ' . Ma ti leaves Alrlle daily at 4:05 p. m. and Monmouth at 4:40 p. m. and arrive at Independence at 4:50 p. m. GLHawkins Dallas, Ore. few Si- Mo-onenta and Headstones, Gens' etarr work. eta.