... ..... lunrMuniurr onrr.nN. APRIL t. 1810. KIOHT PAGES PACK TWO INUtftWUtwyt en I Lnrnui., . .-,- ...... . - , " ' " " '" " . I i IKillBOIIIIOOD NEWS BUDGET ANTIOCH NEWS Mr. K. Clark visited hrr itauKhier. Mr. Kotta llainar of Sulvm, th Vt week. Osiar Li'hman. Tom Marka ami John Walker were trading In Mon mouth M outlay. Roy Johnson, who Is workln n.ar Independence, visited hi parrnts oxer Sunday, Herman Wunder has put up some Vlri fi'iii-iriK. Mr. OKtrom of Moninoiith wan In Ihls vicinity Monday on business Frank Clark la in the capltol city vtxltlnK ri'lailvra ihU week, lirant lli-ffl.-y and family of Tal ! okviNant vlltorn hfitM Sunday. The Call of the Blood fur purification, find voice In pint idea, holla. sallow complexion, i,.. ....ii.-. ,.i i.u.b imiih uutchi'i and blotches on Hkin. all aUn of . llvr trouble Hi t Ir. Klnn'a Ne i Lift Tllla make rich red blood; nlv icl.ar Hklu. rony tik. fine com 1,1, vi..,i brail h Trv them. 2.'o ut all drusKliita. I Mrs. Unruh Coming Mrs. Ada allnt I'nruli. president of the stnte W. C. T. I', and chair- ! man of the- state prohibition commit tec. will be In Independence to give one of her splendid lecture on Sun day, April 17. Kvry advocate of ho- d LIPPINCOTT'S b MONTHLY MAGAZINE 42 YEARS YOUNG WHAT IS IT LIKE? It U a high-class, pure-spirited maguioe of cleei.:i. It contains one complete copyrighted novel in eery issue, usidef balf-doien capital short stories, pleasing poetry, readable articles, and the jolly-best humor section you erer saw. Every . month you will find a group of terse and timely articles of absorbing interest . . . . SPECIAL FEATURES 12 GREAT COMPUTE NOVELS. ARTICLES ON OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 75 FASCINATING SHORT STORIES. S ARTICLES ON "THOSE NERVES." 200 PACES OF NEW HUMOR. 2000 Page Yearly of Fiction, Fact, and Fun 25c par copy THE BEST OBTAINABLE $2.50 yaw LIPPINCOTT'S Eaat Washington Square PHILADELPHIA, PA. SEND FOR OUR SPECIAL MAGAZINE OFFERS i 1 1 ' CP lltlHT, WHEN YOU SIT DOWN TO A MEAL la this restaurant you are sure It will be excellept as to food, cooking and service. The surroundings speak for themselves and the bill of fare tells mutely of fine eating at little prices. Come In and bring a friend .or two along. You will all be pleased. WHITE HOUSE RESTAURANT Wm. McGilchrlst & Son, Props. SALEM, OREGON . . i.i.i.i..i.4.i..i.-M-i"t- i GO Li 0N I ST r 0REGQN AND THE GREAT NORTHWEST The management of the Southern Pacific Co., (Lines In Oregon) takes great pleas ure In announcing that the low rates from Eastern cit ies, which have done so much la paBt seasons to stimulate travel and settle ment In Oregon, will prevail again this spring DAILY from March 1 to April 15, inclusive. PEOPLE OF OREGON THE WORLD'S MOST EMINENT MUSICIANS ARE ECHOED THROUGH THE NEEDLE'S POINT Of A VICTOR TALKING MACHINE "MUSIC HATH CHARMS" "IT IS ESSENTIAL TO THE LUBRICATION OF LIFEI" WHEN YOU REQUIRE THAT "V;M" THAT DRIVES CAR E AWAY, SEE THE MAN THAT CAN PRODUCE "THE SMILE" AT A LOW COST. WE HAVE A FULL VARIETY OF INSTRUMENTS THAT ARE PARTICULARLY DESIRABLE. SALEM MUSIC CO. (Incorporated) 8UCCESSOR TO L. P. SAVAGE. 247 Commercial St., Salem, Or. brlety and clean government should L. Dix of Claiksvllle, Tenn. "Often plan to hear her. the pain In my chest would be almost j unbearable and I could not do any Saved from the Grave work, but. Dr. King's New Discovery I had about given up hope, after has made me feel like a new person. nearly four years of suffering from It's the best medicine made for the a severe lung trouble," writes Mrs. M throat and lungs." Obstinate coughs, stubborn colds, hay fever, la grippe, asthma, croup, bronchitis and hem orrhages, honrseness and whooping cough, yield quickly to this wonder ful medicine. Try It. GOc and $100. Trial bottles free. Guaranteed by all druggists. The you. the railroads have done . their part; now it's up to The colonist rate is greatest of all home- builders. Do all you can to let Eastern people know about it, and encourage them to come here, where land Is cheap and home building easy and attractive. FARES CAN BE PREPAID at home if desired. Any agent of the road named Is authorized to . receive the required deposit and telegraph ticket to any point in the East. REMEMBER THE RATES From Chicago, $33; from St. Louis $32; from Omaha and Kan sas City, $25. This reduc tion is proportionate from all other cities. WM. McMURRAY Gen'l Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.. BISHOP'S READY TAILORED CL0THE8 SMART STYLES GENTLEMEN WHO DEMAND EXACTNESS OF 8TYLE AND FABRIC WILL FIND OUR EXHIBIT OF SPRING MODELS A M08T PEREMPTO RY AND CHOICE CONCEPTION OF TAILORS' ART. THIS SEASON'S GARMENTS ARE SNAPPY. WE SHOW THEM IN JUST THE PROP ER DEGREE OF SMARTNESS THAT INSTANTLY APPEAL8 TO THE DISTINCTIVE DRESSER. CONSPICUOUS AMONG THEM ARE GREYS IN ALL THE POPULAR WEAVES AND SHADES. THEY SELL FOR $15.00, $20.00, $25.00,: $30.00 and $35.00 ' BOYS' AND YOUNG MEN'S 8UITS ARE SHOWN IN ALL 8HADES AND MATERIALS, SUFFICIENTLY COMPLETE TO SATISFY ANYONE, BOYS' SUITS RANGE IN PRICE FROM $3 to $10 SS'KT $6.50 to $25 Salem Woolen Mill Store 8ALEM, OREGON 1 !