pack iok: . .... - - KHAAy ABBII 1S1B. ' CIO XT A61 INOEFENOEMCg INTIIirHlW wmrtnutrn., - tint blSCOtf. hot arenas. 5 pastry, or lessened In cost and Increasea In quality and wliolesomcncss, Dy t TP T. T 1 3 Bake the food at home gj ana save iuuucjt r :" vj and health &fSP.A r w cow W.U.GLEE CLUB TO SING HERE It Is not always that Independence it In line for the best entertainment that make the northwest. But occa sionally we get a taste of the good Purity t m ii ii FBI CANDT MTMNOI THE MODHI DEALER things in store for those who perse i Tere. Rev, Weber has secured the Willamette Glee Club, which has no superior in any or tne vreguu " to give their entertainment on Fri day night, April 8, at the opera house. There are eighteen choice young men who have been specially trlnrt h nean F. S. Mendenhall, Di rector of Music In Willamette Uni versity. The boys were received with great enthusiasm in the larger cities of the northwest last year and this week they are working the cities along the Columbia as far ss Dolse, Idaho. They give classy, original songs, many funny stunts, fine read ings and a most amusing comedy sketch, "The Rajah of India". The Ladies Aid Society of the Meth odlst church is sponsor for the at traction. The prices will be 25, 35 and 50 cents. Whatever the ladles make by the entertainment goes towards the new church building. Here Is an opportunity to get a very enjoyable and profitable entertain ment and also help a worthy cause. ETHIC8 OF SCHOOL ROOM PalnJessJentistry 'n.m. a. witi. r Ml On of ton peopls and br idee work fln- Wtwiil tint 1 tW 22k t Wtnmm cranfor 53.50 Molar CmrM 5.00 m RridnTMth 3.50 Iflald Fill'mn I.PI Filllnn Z.OU LGooJ Rubbw - flA PltlM Btit Rtd Rub- - en 1 bw PlitM 7.0U P,inUi Extr'tlm .50 STATE RAILWAY DEVELOPMENTS An interurban service that Is de signed to nit ths needs of the cities of the state has Just bevn announced by the lUrr.uisu linns. Beginning this week. gaolln motor cars will be put in service on the main line of the Southern I'ailflc between Ash land and Grants Pass and another on the Spilnitfleld branch between Albany and Springfield. Another car of Hi same type will be put on be tween Pendleton and Umatilla on the O. R. Y N. wllhln the coming week. These motor cars are designed to handle hx al business In the territory they cover and serve the different communlt'es much In the same wsy as Interurban fie. trie trains. They have been found very convenient wherever tried and will no doubt aid th dttvelonnient of the districts served to a great extent. The Great Northern Railway plans to run Its cra-k limited train Into Portland by June 1, using the Union Pacific and Northern Pacific tracks by virtue of the traffic agreement existing between the Hill and Harri man lines In the northwest. This will mean the Inauguration of additional train service between Portland and Puget sound points, as well as from this city to the east. (Continued from first page.) led. Modern loctrle eqaipm.ut. Hert metlicl. Wise Dental Co. S?J?S?Z. PORTIJVND.OREGON 0HUSMWSI: S A.M. .!. & C. W. HENKLE FUNERAL DIRECTOR ' and Licensed Embalmer a Bnccessor to Bice & Calbreatn T A I , and H. H. Jasperson T Undertaking Parlors, Indepen- donee, Oregon $ Calls Answered Day and Night, Both Phonee Lady Assistant x GL Hawkins Dallas, Ore. garble and Granite Monuments and Headstones, Cem etery work, etc WW cure from her pupils obedience to rules and regulations unless she be careful to fill her own obligations. Any attempt to demand higher stand ards of action than she is willing to comply with will be speedily detected and resented in tardy obedience to her requirements and criticisms to his derelictions of duty. In conclusion I would say a few words regarding the duty of a teacher to herself. There Is a general stand ard of deportment expected from all men and women. From this demand the teacher does not escape. There fore a certain dignity in her deport ment will east credit upon her calling I Honesty is recognized as one of the hmhooi traits of character. We should be men and women of convlc tion. We should possess that staying ' quality which will not allow us to be ridiculed: like Caesar's wife we should be above suspicion and upon our lives should be no stain of dis honor. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely de range the Whole system when enter ing it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescription from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken in ternally and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists. Price 75c per bottle. , Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. .H..H.,t..H.i , 5 :- rrJ-( 1 RECORD 2-.2BV, j7 ZD REG. NO. 52692 jS X SIRED BY THE MIGHTY ZOMBRO 2:11, 18 NOW AT THE INDEPENDENCE RACE TRACK WHERE HE WILL MAKE THE SEASON. K. N. WOOD, MANAGER R. D. COOPER, OWNER Caught in ths Rain then a cold and a cough let it run on get pneumonia or consumption. that's all. No matter how you get your cough don't neglect It take Ballard's Horehound Syrup and you'll be over it In no time. The sure cure for coughs, colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary diseases In young and old. Sold by Williams Drug Co. WILL BUY MOHAIR AND WOOL I am agent for the Polk County Mo hair Association. You may list your fleeces with me or I will buy ths same direct. Allen T. Clark, Mon mouth, Oregon. Both phones. 43-4 Saved from ths Grave "I had about given up hope, after nearly four years of suffering from a severe lung trouble," writes Mrs. M L. D!x of Clarksville, Tenn. "Often the pain In my chest would be almost unbearable and I could not do any work, but Dr. King's New Discovery has made me feel like a new person. It's the best medicine made for the throat and lungs." Obstinate couKhs, stubborn colds, hay fever, la grippe, asthma, croup, bronchitis and hem orrhages, hoarseness and whooping cough, yield quickly to this wonder ful medicine. Try It. 50c and $100. Trial bottles free. Guaranteed by all druggists. MEAN8 MUCH TO PORTLAND Portland will have anothes great flour mill soon. Balfour, Guthrie & Co., wheat and flour exporters, have completed plans for erecting a big mill at the foot of Tenth street on the Portland water front. It Is ex pected to be ready for operations dur ing the coming fall and will cost about $250,000. Plans provide for a combined mill, wharf and elevator. The contract for the wharf structure has already been let. The mill will be reached by ocean steamers and by railroad tracks as well. It will be operated by electric motors and will be one of the most 0 modern flour milling plants in the country. Its dally capacity will be about 1000 barrels of flour. GROCERIES OUR LEADER IN THI DEPARTMENT WI CARRY THI iET THt MAAKIT AFFORD. OUR tTOCK It ALWAYS FREIH AND UP-TO DATE. IN SHOES Wt CLAIM AS GOOD A LIN AS CAN BE FOUND ANYWHERE AND THEY ARC UP-TO-DATE AND SPLENDID BUYS. BEE OUR NEW LINE OF MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S OXFORDS AND PUMPS IN PATENT LEATHER, GUNMETAL, KID AND TAN. WE WANT YOUR PRODUCE. P. H. DREXLER GROCER AND CLOTHIER INDEPENDENCE, OREGON will be devoted to the literary, libra ry and athletlo fund. Each tag will count ten votes. The grade selling the largest number of tags will re ceive a gold ring to be presented to tha chosen representative of that grade. Presentation will be mads during the literary program on Saturday ev ening in ths public school building. Everybody should get tagged and tie a booster for the Interests of our boys and girls. Mat Warren entered the fifth grade this week, coming from Monmouth district. He Is a tuition pupIL An excellent program is prepared for the Institute. Hear Superintend ent Ackerman and L. R. Alderman on Frldar nluhL Make this a week of events In ths history of Independence by coming out on Friday .Friday nigni and Saturday to ths institute and Saturday night to the sooial. A new Independence Is our motto. Cattls and Hogs Advance Cattle and boKS have made new rc ords In the Portland live-stock market during the past week. Hogs sold at the remarkable price of $1150 per 100 Bounds, live weight, and steers of the best grade brought $6.75 per 100 pounds. Mutton also attained a record, a lot of good grade lambs go ing at $12 a 100 pounds, an unusual price for any season.. R;. TURNS TO OLD I ''' lie expects to leave here Wednesday" and will visit for a few days In anJ ! about Newberg and Portland. Next Monday a week Mr. Davis and fam ily will go to Suu Francisco where they will loin a brothr of Mrs. I)avl and with his family they will go' to gether to Kausas. The good wishes of all Indepen dence will go with Mr. Davis and family to their home. The Enterprise Is disappointed that Independence can not claim this estimable family per manently here. They are, Indeed, de sirable rltli'ens and their loss Is felt. In regard to the new firm, the En terprise wishes them much prosper ity. Msy they bs associated long to gether to both prosper and be happy. E. C. Davis this week sold i In terest In the real estate firm of Da vis t Ferguson to W. A. Tucker of Monmouth. Messrs. Tucker and Fer guson will run the Monmouth real estate office in connection with the Independence office, Mr. Tucker re maining at Monmouth in charge of that offflco. Mr. Davis will return to his old home at St. John, Kansas. Worse Than Bullets Bullets have often caused less suf fering to soldiers than the ecxema L W. Harrlman, Burlington, Me., got In the army and suffered with, forty" years. "But Bu klen's Arnica Salve cured me when all else failed," h writes. Greatest healer for sores, ul cers, boils, burns, cuts, wounds, bruis es and piles. 2'c at all druggists. I ' Csrd of Thanks Mrs. H. II. Jasperson and family desire to express their sincere thank and appreciation, for the kindness and sympathy extended to tbem by" their many friends at the time of the1 illness and death of Mr. H. H. Jasperson. For Constipation Mr. L. H. Farnham, a prominent druggist of Spirit Lake, Iowa, says: "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are certainly the best thing on the market for constipation." GIv these tablets a trial. You are certain to find them agreeable and pleasant In effect. Price, 25 cents. Sample free. For sale by P. M. Klrkland. Best Treatment for Colds "Most ordinary colds will yield to the simplest treatment," says the Chi cago Tribune, "moderative laxatives, hoc foot baths, a free perspiration and an avoidance of exposure to cold arid wet Jfr treatmont." While this i ires con ini. adopt , ',',r for a ! s almost in many . ' ' . it treat:' r ing it mu day or t su.' to ) instano. not better to ,mi your .ii to an old reliable preparation like Chamber lain's Cough Remedy,, that is famous for its cureg of colds and can always be depended upon? For sale by P. M. Klrkland. . SCHOOL NOTES The Tag Sale Each grade in the public schools chose a girl contestant for the tag sale of Saturday. Tags will be sold for ten cents each, and the money OLiyER CHILLED PLOW . The Olver Chlled Plow Works are the largest plow manufacturers in the world. They have been manu facturing the Oliver Chilled Plow for over forty years and are still at it. Many imitations are on the market ' but you cannot afford to buy any thing but the genuine. No dealer should tell you that his plow is as good as the Oliver. Among all plows the Oliver s'.ands at the top. Oliver Chilled Plows are made to work In any soil ana give 'the br;t satisfac tion. Hanna Bros., the! . icnts, car ry nothing but the best in everything. HANNA BROS. HARDWARE DEALERS INDEPENDENCE, OREGON