IIOHT PAGES INDEPENDENCE INTEWPWI8E. INDEPENDENCE. OREGON. APRIL 1. WO- FAOK TWO i J 1 im NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS BUDGET MONMOUTH NEWS V. Dell Duller goes to Salem thU v.eok to take a position In an electric tutpply store. The Ilaptlnta have built a baptistry in their church here. Four persona were baptised in It last Sunday morn ing. ' W. N. noota la able to be out after I hta reot-nt aerloua lllnea. . A. T. Crosa li '" fl'r ' j long alege of rheumatism of the heart. m. Hold Hubbard, an old-tlm. rea- Ident of thla county but now of Wash ington, called on friend hero last week. Everyone la building and repairing chicken yards as chickens cannot run at largo after April 1. Last, Friday was cleanup day for Monmouth school and the town In general, and as a consequence prem ises look much better. Let the good work go on; there la wore to be done yv -me to California his health. ah here recent--- ts. For Candy- hiimIm tb "Mtxl.r Mm Owhtlwry e., MM., EBec&rEc Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the aupreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY.LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the bost medicine ever aold over a druggist's counter. Jay T for a V Rev. i ly for a v . Union Eastei (the Christian churcii ..... i Rev. Davis preached the sermon and ; also gave a musical program which was some of the bent music we have had the pleasure of hearing. The 'singers certainly did splendidly. The house was filled to overflowing. H. E. Guthrie" father was a visitor In town Friday. He i eighty-six years old and visited Mie past winter In California, traveling alone. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. McGowan have bwn here visiting Mrs. MeGowan's 'parents, J. H. Mulkey and wife. They !are going to live on their recently ac I quired home near Independence. Mr. Phillips, a fellow-townsman, 'was Injured In a iraway accident while coming home from Salem Sun day afternoon. The horse took fright at an auto and smashed up things generally. We did not learn the full particulars. The autoist brought Mr. Phillips to his home here. ! HIGHLAND NEWS THE WORLD'S MOST EMINENT MUSICIANS i Mr. Campbell la still busy laying I off new orchards. Harry Iliff is setting out a few t acres of new orchard. WHEN YOU SIT DOWN TO A MEAL In this restaurant you are sure It will be excellent as to food, cooking and service. The surroundings speak for themselves and the bill of fare tells mutely of fine eating at little prices. Come in and bring a friend or two along, You will all be pleased. WHITE HOUSE RESTAURANT Wm. McGllchrist & Son, Props. SALEM, OREGON SIM it . GOL10NIST r 0REG2N AND THE GREAT NORTHWEST The management ; of the Southern Pacific Co., (Lines In Oregon) takes great pleas ure In announcing that the low rates from Eastern cit ies, which have done so much la past seasons to stimulate travel and settle ment in Oregon, will prevail again th's spring DAILY from March 1 to April J. -J. inclusive. PEOPLE OF OREGON The railroads have done their part; now it's up to you. The colonist rate is the greatest of all home--builders. Do all you can to let Eastern people know about it, and encourage them to come here, where land is cheap and home building easy and attractive. FARES CAN EE PREPAID at home if desired. Any agent of the road named is authorized to receive the required deposit and telegraph ticket to any point in the East. REMEMBER THE RATES From Chicago, $33; from St. Louis $32; from Omaha and Kan sas City, $25. This reduc tion is proportionate from all other cities. WM. McMURRAY Gen'l Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. ARC ECHOED THROUGH THE NEEDLE'S POINT Of A VICTOR TALKING MACHINE "MUSIC HATH CHARMS" "IT IS ESSENTIAL TO THE LUBRICATION OF LIFEI" WHEN YOU REQUIRE THAT "ViM" THAT DRIVES CARE AWAY, SEE THE MAN THAT CAN PRODUCE "THE SMILE" AT A LOW COST. WE HAVE A FULL VARIETY OF INSTRUMENTS THAT ARE PARTICULARLY DESIRABLE. SALEM MUSIC CO. (Incorporated) 8UCCESS0R TO L. F. SAVAGE. 247 Commercial St., Salem, Or. George Washburn and friend from dence bumper crop of spring grain In this Portland arrived Tuesday night to spend a few days with his relatives, Peter Shafer and family of this place. Walter Kisser and Ethel Shafer spent Sunday with Harry Dixon and family across the river from Indepen- A number of Highlanders attended vicinity this season. the "seven-cent" social at Buena Vis-, . ta Friday night. For Sale S. C. White Leghorn ' According to the signs of the times, eggs for hatching. $1.00 for fifteen from the plowing and seeding that is eggs. H. C. llannon, Boll phono going on now there ought to be a C89. 37-48 BISHOP'S READY TAILORED CLOTHES TiGS THE WELL-DRESSED GENTLEMEN OF TODAY, AS A RULE, ARE MUCH INDEBTED TO HIGH-CLASS CLOTHING MANUFACTURERS OF AMERICA. NINE OUT OF TEN BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN ARE WEARING READY-TAILORED CLOTHES, NOT MERELY FOR ECONOMY'S SAKE, BUT AS MATTER OF STYLE AND PERSONALITY. IN CONJUNCTION TO THE ABOVE STATEMENT WE HAVE THIS TO SAY THAT WE HAVE ON DISPLAY A HANDSOME SHOWING OF BISHOP READY-MADE CLOTHES, MADE BY THE MOST RENOWNED MANU FACTURERS IN THE BUSINESS. WE GUARANTEE A PERFECT FIT, STYLE AND WORKMANSHIP. THE PRICES ARE $20 TO $35. WE AL SO SELL THE BEST POPULAR-PRICED CLOTHING ON THE MARKET. PRICES RANGE FROM $10 TO $18. Salem Woolen Mill Store SALEM, OREGON