tlGMT PAGE. REEDS NOTWORUS Independence Psople Have Absolute Proof of Dssds at Mom. It's not word, but d''ds that prove true llHTlt. , TU domls of Doau's Kidney l'llls, for liidopfndoiicw kldiioy surfon-rs. Have made llielr local reputation, proof IUs In the testimony of In dopoiidine people who have been urd to stay cured. Mrs. Melissa tiovro, Lok Cabin Hi.. Independence, Oro., ayi: "I uttorcd for years from kidney coinpluliit, the principal symptom being a retention of Hit) kidney secretion and nervous ness I w also tubj-t to l ,he and dUy .poll. I Ml und run down and brdly ew what l0 do to find relief, a I had doc tored a Kryai a,'l uhoul b",,,B benefitted. 1 finally ",ttl UMll,K Ijoan'a Kidney Tills and In less than a wwk I wan helped. The contents of four box.- of this remedy nmdo ,.... iii... ii.ftVrent woman, rid- din mo of tho kidney difficulties antj utrenKthenlim "y hack. My kldueyir are now normal and I feel better In; every way." , The above Htatement wan given Sept. 7. 1907 and on Dec. 9, 109 Mrs.' Oovro said: The statement 1 gavej for publication In 1907. recommending Duun's Kidney PIUb t 111 hulds good." For aalo by all dealers. Price 60 tenia. Font T-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, solo agonta for ths Vnlt- .ed State. Remember the name Doan'i nd take no other. MATTERS IN PROBATE Estate of Andrew J. Newman, de ceasedfinal account set for hearing March 7, at 10 a. m. 1 Estate of Joseph L. McTUumonus, .deceased final discharge enured. Estate of Isauc Dyck, deceased David D. Peters appointed adminis trator; bonds Mod and approved. Estate of Henri Alexander, de ceased bond filed and approved; M. F. Corrigan, P. C. Sears and S. W. Uass appointed appraisers. Estate of Jacob Brown, deceased final account set for hearing March C. Estate of C. J. llussey, deceased final account set for hearing March D, at 10 a. m. Estate of Giles B 'nnett, deceased ordered that commission Issue to any person qualified .o administer an oath at Gothenburg, Nebraska, to take deposition of J. II. Kelly and B. K. Kelly as to execution of will. Estate of Catherine Murray, de ceased inventory and appraisement, approved. ' . Guardianship of minor heirs of I. F. Boyer,' deceased new bond in Bum f J2000 filed and approved. , Estate of William Llvermore, d ceaBed petition .to cnange recur u granted. ' Estate of Mary E. Ramp, deceased Maggie J. Ramp appointed admin istratrix; bond fixed at ?700. Estate of Eliza G. Emmons, de censed inventory and appraisement filed and approved; estate appraised at $22,937.49. Estate of William Grant, deceased U. S. Grant appointed administrator; bond filed and approved; Hardy Hol man, M. M. Ellis and D. J. Riley ap pointed appraisers. Estate of Isaac Dyck. deceased petition to loaae farm granted. Guardianship of Wendell Sanders, a minor Abel Uglow appointed guar dian; bond filed and approved. Estate of C. J. Hussey, deceased application to withdraw final account and allow estate to remain open granted. Estate of Henri Alexander, de ceasedInventory and appraisement filed and approved; administrator li censed to sell personal property. Estate of George W. Billings, de ceased semi-annual report filed. Estate of minor heirs of Gust Pe terson, deceased final discharge en tered as to Anna' Johnson and Eva WHEN YOU SIT DOWN TO A MEAL In this restaurant you are sure it will be excellent as to food, cooking and service. The suvrou idlngs speak for themselves and the bill of fare tells mutely of fine eating at little prices. Come in and bring a friend or two along, Tfou will all be pleased. WHITE HOUSE RESTAURANT Wm. McGilchrlst & Son, Props. SALEM, OREGON INDEPENDENCE tNTIRPRHE. INDEPENDENCE. OREGON, Peterson, JSaialt of James T. MiCtuIn, deceased-Inventory filed and approved. Estate of Thomas II. Dnny, d ceUsed petition ti remove admlnls trator heard and taken under advise metit. A Common, Cold Wo claim that If catching cold rould be avoided some of the nioal dangerous and fatal disease would never be hoard or. A cold often forum a culture bed for germ of Infectious diseases. Consumption. . pneumonia, diphtheria and scarlet fever, four of the most dangerous and fatal diseas es, are of this dims. Tho culture bed formed by the cold favors the development of tho germs of these diseases, that would not otherwise find lodgment. There Is llttlo dan ger, however, of any of those diseases being contracted when a good expec torant cough medicine llko Cham berlain's Cough Remedy Is used. It cleans out these culture beds that fa vor tho development of the germs of these diseases. That Is why this remedy has proved so universally sue cessful In preventing pneumonia. It not ouly cures your cold quickly, but nilnlmlies the risk of contracting these dangerous diseases. For sale by r. M. Klrklaud. Civio Ugliness. Civic ucllneHH Is ut an anei. Slat ternly municipal housekeeping attract neither r.iilciitn nor Invexdnn. Kuril Inescuwible i niiiNgreiwIou cannot but reuct. and eventuiilly ll will be found that the way of the tnninsrexmir Is lu deed bunl. To be known mm ii lieautl ful rlllaue murks the place an u bud dlug city. A Iwiutlful city soon be comes u mighty city. A beuutlful country mooii develops Into a lund of HpleiHlid homes, Inhabited by a muh ilor rlas of citizens. Everything eventually yields to the Irresistible rhurniH of beuuty, whether midst the noisy utrlfe of artlticlnl city life or anion pveu fields and meadows brown and sear." The upshot of It all is to keep spiv aud span not ouly with our own premises, but to Jolu with our neighbors lu a co-operative movement to care for public property In a manner that will commend our community to alt visitors as a live, up to date, progressive place In which to permanently reside. Ask the man who knows, the man who now has a bearing orchard, or the man that probably has some five or six year old trees that has refused $600 or $700 per acre for his orchard, not the man that sits around and waits for something to happen. 37tf INDEPENDENCE AND MONMOUTH RAILWAY TIME TABLE From lndpendonc to Dallas Mn Rl ' leaven IndeDOIldllC dally 6:00 a. m. and Monmouth at 6:15 a. m. and arrives at Dallas at 6:40 a. m. . Train No. 68 leaves Independence daily at 10:50 a. m. ana raoiimuum a 11:05 a.- in. and arrives at Dallas at 11:30 a. m. ' Train No. 70 leaves Independence and Monmouth at 6:30 p. m. and arrives, at Dallas at 6:55 p. m. From Independence for Alrllo Train No. 61 leaves Independence dally at 7:00 a. m. and Monmouth at 7:1.5 a. m. and arrives at Airlle at 7:50 a. m. . . Train No. 73 leaves Independence dally at 2:30 p. m. and Monmouth at S:50 p. m. and arrives at Airlle at 8:23 p. m. From Dallas for Independence Train No. 65 leaves Dallas dally at 8:30 a. m. and Monmouth at 8:55 a. m. and arrives at Independence at 9:15 a. in. , ., Train No: 69 leaves Dallas daily at 1:00 p. m.- and Monmouth at 1:35 p m. and arrives at Independenc at 1:40 p. m. (This train connects at Monmouth for Airlle.) Train No. 71 leaves Dallas daily at 8:00 p. m. and Monmouth at 8:25 D. m and arrives at Independence at 8:40 p. m. From Airlle1 for Independence Train No. 62 leaves Airlle daily at 8:15 p. m. and Monmouth at 8:50 a. m. and arrives at Independence at 9:10 a. m. , Train No. 72 leaves Airlle daily at 4:05 p. m. and Monmouth at 4:40 p. m. and arrives at Independence at 4:50 p. m. urn N 1,1 jfcsstv .? 5: 9 ISJ? iv vim m urn' v 'i SCHOOLS TAKE HIGH RATING Following Is tho result of the spell ing contest of tho schools of the county, composed of two or more rooms, as reported by Superintend ent of 8ehools II. C. Seymour: Fourth Grade Klrst place, Indepen dence, 98 per cent;aecond place. Falls City, 95 per cent; third place, Mon mouth, 94 Per cent. Fifth Grade First place, Falls City Kg per cent; second place, Monmouth 97 per cent; third place, Dallas, 6 per cent. Slxih Grade Urst place, Mon mouth, 97 per cent; second place, Falls City, 94 per cent; third place, Independence and Duena Vista, 93 per cent (tie). Seventh Grade First place, Inde pendence, 97 per cent; second place, Bullston and Monmouth, 9C per cent (tie); third place, Buena Vista, 93 pt-rj cent. Eighth Grade First place, Mon mouth, 96 per cmt; second place, Buena Vista, 95 per cent; third place, Dallas, 93 per cent. Reason Enthroned. Because meats are so tasty they are consumed In great excess. This leads to stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation. Revise your diet let reason and not a pampered appe tite control,, then take a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will soon be well PROFESSIONAL CARDS B. F..8WOPE ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC Will practice in all cour.a of the State. Probate matters and collec tions given prompt attention. Office, Cooper Bldg. Independence Oregon THE OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSO CIATION McMINNVILLE, OREOGN Chas. Gregory, Agent Dallas, Oregon W. R. ALLIN, D. D. S. DENTIST Both phones. Cooper Bldg Independence, Oregon., LAURA PRICE, M. D. Monmouth, Oregon Specialty Diseases of Women Bell Telephone Main 193 L. L. HEWITT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office In Cooper building, room 2 and 3. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 12 in. and 2 to 6 d. m. Calls anawered night and day. DR. DAVID D. YOUNG OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Independence Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Office, Cooper Bldg. Dallas Monday, Wednesday and Fri day. Phone Main 243. LAUNCH INDEPENDENCE Plys between Independence and Sa lem daily except Sunday. Passenger and freight business solicited. Leave Independence .. 9:30 a. m. Leave Salem 3:15 p. m. SKINNER BROS. SKIPPERS CALIFORNIA MED ICATED SOAP The bent for Sores, Chapped Hands, Dandruff, Insect Stings and Poison Oak. Mrs. J. W.Richardson Sr., Agt. , Monmouth Street, Independence. THE ELDRIDGE C. E. VanAllen, Prop. Large sunny rooms, en suite or sin gle. Electric lights, bath and piano. European Plan 24S N. Commercial stv Salem, Ore. FttWUAWY 1. 1810. attain. Tr It. For salo at P. M. Klrkland's dru itore. Samples free. Doptlon In Trsds Harmful to Mer chant and Should Bt Stopped. Among the steps of progress to be recorded In our young national career are the Increased honesty aud dimin ished dlshoneety of commercial adver tising. The change Is perhaps most noticeable In that hybrid and amphibi ous trade of "dry goods." The public Is now quite used to seeing the sale of such wares anuouueed In fairly plain terms, without spurious allurements of euphemism or eulogy, whereas twenty or thirty years ago lying was thought to be a matter of comiuou sense by shopkeeper who advcrtlwa. Of course all advertising nil a inerclal basis, whether It nukes kuown a railway time lahle or a w umI course, a brand of whisky or n church service. Meuuwblle the pleasing luiprovemeul In "dry goods" advertising has reucU ed the remarkable degree of ut least one merchant sfttlng forth the relative udvautagc aud disadvantages of two articles offered to the public. This Urutus of business says concerning one kind of rulucoat that It Is "Dot absolutely water tight," though "proof against any ordinary shower." The other kind, be tells you. "is water tight;" but. sluce the body's beat and moisture do not escape, this accumula tion or aecretlou dumpeus the inside of the coat besides making the wearer uncomfortably hot" Is It not rstber a new thing for a truder to pay money to a newspaper for telling the public the defects of things be wants to sell? For that Terrible Itching. Bcsenia, tetter and salt rheum keep their victims In. perpetual torment. OFFICERS H. HIRSCHBERG, PRESIDENT A. NELSON, VICE-PRESIDENT C. W. IRVINE, CASHIER THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK INCORPORATED 1889. Transacts a General Banking Business Interest Paid on Time Deposits DIRECTORS H. HIRSCHBERG, A. NELSON, D. W. SEARS, B. F. SMITH AND H. H. JASPERSON The Willamette, Light, Power & Water at WATER. RATE (Water by meter applies to resi dences only.) Residence rate on meter applies to cus tomers only who pay 2.00 and over at the rate ol 20o per 1,000 gallons; minimum $1.00 per month. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER. ItATE- Reuidence, 15 cents per K. YV. Business houses, 25 cents per drop 'intl i cent per K.. W. Power, rates on application. OFFICE AT WATERWORKS PHONE .V.A1V 41 tfthletie and gymnasium eedtf. diimt mmuniticn 9cdct tutkrti flaxors SHeifdea, iei(rfe Repairing. SALEM, F2.. L.. C3AINBiS Dealer in Tobacco, Cigars, Soft Drinks, and Lnnch Goods. If you want to esjoy a quiet game of pool ar solo, come here. INDE&SXDKNCE, QBSI PAGE The application of Chamberlain1 Salve will Instantly allay this Itching, and many cases have breii cured by its use. For sale by P. M. Klrklaud. Repeating Shotgun The 13 gauge Z2a2e repeater is a can of perfect proportions, and baa one-third less parts than sny other repeater. It bandies quickly, works smoothly and Shoots cloee and bard. The JZZjt&m solid top prevents powder and gases Wowing back; the eide ejection of shells allows instant repeat shots I the cloeed-4n breech bolt keeps out all rain, snow and aieet, and the dirt, leaves, twigs and sand that clog up other repeaters. All ll-ue J7Zarfct repeaters here double extractors thai pull ny ehell, end the autocnetle recoil ttancflre eafety lock mekce them the safest braech-loadiot au built. ZSonS It sauce re peatera ia three die tlnct models, many grades and strlee,Jiillr daseribe4 la our 136 paa eataloe;. free for 1 stamps posure. 7&27Zarvi2rearmsCat 42 Willow Street NEW HAVEN, CONN. Valley, Company Very Reasonable Rates and $hhinq 9aekk. ifutt ffiipewriter $4Q OREGON. Wafflo en 3