INDEPENOfNCI ENTERPRISE,' lrt:PENDeNCt, OREGON, FEBRUARY 4, 1110. I IOMT FAMES WESTERN FAIR ASSOCIATION Preliminary steps were taken In .I'orlUnd this week for lbs (urination of a Western Fair Association for the country went of the Rocky mountains to bear the same relation to thin ter ritory the American Trotting At sodntlon and tho National Trotting Association do to the east. Ttia elep waa takon at tho tumttlng of the North Pacific Fair Aesoclallon, which anoolntod a committee to work on tho nroloct and report at the uxt 'infftlimi Now officers for the North Pacific Fair Association were elected a fol Iowa: PreeldeiiL F. A. Welch. 8a lt-m; vlce-pri'sldcut, W. II, Gibbons Holse, Idaho; socretary and trcaaur nr. John W. Pace. North Yakima, Wasblnicton. Datca apt for tho various racing nifi'ii of the northwest during the comlnir season are aa followa: Ever ett. AuRuat 29-8i.ptcmb r 3; Portland September 6-10; Salem, September 12 17; Walla Walla, September 19-24; North Yakima, September 20 October 1; Spokane. October 1015. Every Mother la or ahould be worried when the lit tie onea have a cough or cold. It mar lead to croup or pleurisy or pneumonia then to something more .serious. Dallard's Horehound Syrup will cure the trouble at once and prevent any complication. Sold by Wllllama Drug Co. Estate Valutd at 120,000. The will of the late Mrs. Ellxa G Emmons waa admitted to probate Wednesday, says Dallas Observer. All of the property Is bequeathed to rel atives. Mrs. Anna Coad of Dallas and .Mrs. J. S. Cooper of Independence who were raised from Infancy by the deceased woman, being the principal beneficiaries. The value of the ea tute Is estimated at about 120.000. The bequests are as follows: To Mrs Anna Coad lots 7 and 8, block 13, (the home property,) In Dallas, Ore gon; to Mrs. Jennie McNeal Cooper the sum of 3000 In money; to nieces and nephews. Fred Garwood. C. M. Garwood, Ruth A. Marks and Alma Rlckard, 1250 each; to Nellie Gar wood, daughter of C. M. Garwood, 100; the remainder of the property, both real and personal, to be sold at public or private sale by J. D. Smith, exeoutor; after paying the expenses of such sale the remainder of the pro ceeds of the sale to be equally divid ed betwen Mrs. Anna Coad and Mrs. Jennie Cooper. ' ' . Baby Hand will get into mischief often It means a burn, or cut or scald. Apply Bal lard's Snow Liniment Just as soon as the accident happens, and the pain will be relieved while the wound will heal quickly and nicely. A sure cure for sprains .rheumatism and all pains. Price 25c, 50c and $100 a bottle. Sold by Williams Drug Co. Girls' Club Entertained On Thursday evening last the Miss es Rowena Sperling and Nellie Da mon entertained the Girls Club at' the home of the former, with jbundred. The first prize was won by Miss Cordis Gooch while Miss Mil , 4: When You Sit Down To a In thlH reetHuraut you are nure it will be exuWIent an to IoihI, neekiax and eerjiae. The urroiiDdiriM speak for tlieuM unci the Itill of fare tells mutely of Aae eating at little prices. Come in and braag h friend or two alonif. You will aU M be plensed. White House Restaurant Wn. McCJchiut tt Son. Proprietor SALEM - - OKSGON COTTAGE CHARLES SAVAGE, LESSEE Special Attention to Commercialand College Organizations 160 Court street. Telephone 209 Telephone and Messenger Service at dred Owen triumphantly carried away the consolation prlie. After the game of five? hundred waa finished the rooms were cleared an all engaged In playing "funny duster. after which refreshment were served la the dining room. All expressed themselves as having spent a very enjoyable evenln.g Those preseut were; Misses Erma Drown, Margaret Hodge, Katie Duns more. Cordis Gooch, Anna Addlaon Millie Addlaon. Grace Wallace. Mil dred Owen and Clara Earbart. TEACHERS', EXAMINATIONS. Notice la hereby given that the county superintendent of Polk county will bold the regular examination for applicants for state and county pa Ders at the county court bouse In Dallus, as follows: For State Papsre. Commencing Wednesday, February 9, at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Saturday. February 12 at 4 p. m Wednesday Penmanship, History Spelling, Physical Geography, Read Psychology. Thursday Written Arithmetic, The ory of Teaching, uramuiar, uou keeping, Physics, Civil Government. Friday Physiology, Geography, Composition, Algebra, English Liter ature, School Law. 8aturdaywiJotany, Plane Geometry, General History. For County Papers. Commencing Wednesday, February at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing until Friday, February 11 at 4 p. m Wednesday Penmanship, History, Orthography, Reading, Physical Ge ography. Thursday Written Arithmetic, Theory of Teaching, Grammar, Phys iblogy. Friday Geography, School Law, Civil Government, English Literature. Dated this 17 day of January, 1910. 1L C. 8EYMOUR. School Superintendent of Polk County, Oregon. 34-3 INDEPENDENCE AND MONMOUTH RAILWAY TIME TABLE , Pram Indecendahea ta DallM Train No. 14 leaves Independence daiiv :0o a. m. and Monmouth at :1S a.m. and arrives at uaima at 40 a. m. Train No. M ' leaves Independence datlr at 10:50 a. m. and Monmouth a 11:05 a. m. and arrives at uanaa at 11:30 a. m. Train No. 70 leaves Independence dally at 6:15 p. m. and Monmouth at 20 d. nr. and arrives at uaiias at :55 p. m. From Independence for Alrlie Train No. 81 leaves Independence dally at 7:00 a. m. and Monmouth, at 7:15 a. tn. and arrives at Alrlie at 7:60 a. m. ... . Train No. 73 leaves Independence dally at 3:30 p. m. and Monmouth at j.&o d. m. and arrives at Alrlie at 1:23 p. m. Prom Dallas for Independence Train No. 65 leaves Dallas daily at 3:30 a. xa. and Monmouth at :66 a. m. and arrives at Independence at :1S a., m Train No. 6 leaves Dallas daily at 1:00 o.-na. and Monmouth at 1:86 n. m. - and arrives at Iadependenc at 1:40 p. m. Thts train connects at Monmouth for Alrlie.) Train No. 71 leaves Dallas dally at 3:00 p. m. aad Monmoutb at 3:25 p. m. and arrives at Independence at 8:40 p. m. From Alrltej for Independence ; Train No. (3 leaves Alrlie daily at ,8: IS d. m. and Monmouth at 1:60 a, im. and arrives at Independence at 9:10 a. m. sl :u o. on. uu uuwuun .v d. at. and arrives at ladepMdenee at SO , COPVHlMT, H OTEL Mala Hotel Salem I COUNTY SCHOOLS SPELLING HATCH Following Is the report of spelling contest for the rural schools of Polk county. This contest was held Jan uarr 14 but owlna to the fact that many school teachers were slo about sending In the papers the re port could not be made until the pres Ait time. The contest was for grades from the fourth to the eighth Inclusive and thirty-eight out of the fifty-two rural schools took part In the work and every school In the county ought to have taken part as the spelling In all schools must be Improved and this Is one of the best ways possible to cause the children to take an In terest In the work. All teachers who have taken up the work report that the children are taking much more Interest In the study of spelling and are Improving In their spelling. The report of the winning schools la as ftillows: Fourth Grade First place, Concord school, 100 per cent; second place, Etna school, per cent; third place, Mistletoe school, 97 per cent. Fifth grade First place, Parker school, 100 per cent; second place. Mistletoe school. 98 per cent; third place, Concord school, 97.5 per cent Sixth grade First place, Eola school and Parker school, (tie) 100 per cent; second place, Etna school, 999!thlrd place, Spring Valley school 99 per cent. Seventh grade First place, High land school, 94 per cent; second place, Concord school, 92 per cent; third place, Gooseneck school, 82 per cent. Eighth grade First place, Parker, Etna and Mistletoe schools (tie), 100 per cent; second place, Butler school, 98 per cent; third place, Eola school, PROFESSIONAL CARDS THE OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSO CIATION McMINNVILLE, OREOGN Chat. Gregory, Agent Dallas, Oregon W. R. ALLIN, D. D. S. DENTIST Both phones. Cooper Bldg. ' ' Independence, Oregon. ,". LAURA PRICE, M. D. Monmouth, Oregon Specialty Diseases ef Women Bell Telephone Mala 198 L. L. HEWITT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offloe la Cooper bulldlaa, room 3 aad 3. Offloe hoar a, 9 a. m. to 18 at. and 3 ta 8 a. aa. Calk answered night aad day. DR. DAVID D. YOUNG OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Independence Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Office, Cooper Bldg. Dallas) Monday, Wednesday and Fri day. Phone Main 343. LAUNCH INDEPENDENCE Plys between Independence and Sa lem daily except Sunday. Passenger and freigtit business solioited. Leave Independence .. 9:39 a. m. Leave Salem .... .... 3:1S p. m. 8KINNER BROS. SKIPPERS CALIFORNIA MED ICATED SOAP The best for Sores, Chapped Hands, Dandruff, Insect Stings and Poison Oak. Mrs.J.W. Richardson Sr., Agt. Monmouth Street, Independence. THE ELDRIDGE C. E. VanAllen, Prop. Large sunny rooms, en suite or siu le. Electric lights, bath and piano. European Plan 95 per cent. The next test will be given Feb ruary 18 and it ll hoped that every school will go Into the work this time as It will be of great benefit to the children.. Each of the winning schools will be sunt a small flag which they will be allowed to keep until the report from the next contest, when the flag will go to the grade winning In that con test. In case the same school ahould win twice In succession In any one grade they will be given the flag per manently. Will Club With Journal. In response to many calls from sub scribers In and around Independence the Enterprise has arranged to club with the Oregon Journal during 1910. Following are rates: Dally and Sunday Oregon Journal with Enterprise $7.00 Dally Oregon Journal with En terprise S CO 8unday Oregon Journal with En terprise 3.26 Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal with Enterprise 2.25 Arreetjed cough that has been hanging on for over two months by taking- Bal lard's Horehound Syrup. If you have cough, don't wait stop It at once 1th this wonderful remedy. Splen did for coughs, cold on. chest. Influ enza, bronchitis and pulmonary troub les. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Williams Drug Co. OFFICERS H. HIRSCHBERG, PRESIDENT A. NELSON, VICE-PRESIDENT C. W. IRVINE, CASHIER THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK INCORPORATED 1889. Transacts a General Interest Paid on DIRECTORS NELSON, D. W. SEARS, H. H. JASPERSON H. HIRSCHBERG, A. The Willamette - Light, Power 4 Water at WATER KATB5(v7stw by meter applies to reai denoes only.) Boaidence rate on meter applies to oua tomers only who pay SSVG4 and over at tha rate of 20e per 1,000 gallons; minimum $1.00 per month. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER HATE" Residence, 15 oents per E. W. Business houses, 25 cents per drop and 5 cents per K. W. Power, rates on application. OFFICE AT WATERWORKS PHONE MAIN 41 Hthktie and 'mnasium $ccdtf. 1$un&t ytmmunittch and Jtehing Paekle. 9ika Siei(eletft 8ki(ele Repairing. SALSM OREGON. F?.. G- !A. 1 1ST EC.S Dealer In Tobacco, Cigars, Soft Drinks, aad Lunch Goods. If yeu want to enjoy a quiet game ef pool or solo, oeme here. JNDEPBNDKKQH, OaSOrQH Drlsg u yeur pres arty tloee. Ae earacy aad purity our motto. A grad uate paarmaxiat la charge. Williams Drag Co. 3tf The 13 gauge &anr2e repeater Is a gun of Mriect proportions, and baa one-thud 1ms parts than any other repeater. It handles quickly, works smoothly and shoots dose atod bard. The JTmim solid top prevents powder and gases blowing back ; the aide election of shell shows Instant repeat shots th doad-in.krectlolt keeps out all rain,-enow and sleet, and the dirt, leaves, twigs and sand that clog up other repeaters. All It-fanse ZVar& rrpar have doajble UKtOfl thai pull tor shall, and tha automatic recoil hansflre safety loch makes them tba saint br cfa-toadin funs built. ZZanrEe IS (ansa re paatars la tKiaa die ttoct model a, maay -Sradaa aad atrlaa, fully daaaribaa la our 136 Ml eataloa;. Fraa lor stamps poMac. aafafS aveasT Mg a WtfmW VW Mf 43 Wlllnw Sbaet. StW HAVEN. COMM. Banking Business Time Deposits B. F. SMITH AND Valley Company Very Reasonable Rates dim ' fupmriter 248 N. Commercial st., Salem, Ore. "f