Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, January 28, 1910, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    roe roon
Enu red at Ore., post office aa .econd ctaa. matter,
oubserlptlon, $UO Vr
Isa. Irw. Tm. WW. TW. IH. .
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2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31 1 !..
The Independence Euterprls U In
receipt of a letter undt-r date of Jan
uary 19, 1910, from Mrs. Charles P.
Strong, correspond secretary of
Massachusetts Association, opposed
to the further extension of suffrag.:
to women, aa follows:
"In view of the Increasing discus
sion of the question of woman suf
frage, In connection with the pro
posed const It utlonal amendment peud
lag In your state, the Massachusetts
Association Opposed to Further Ex
tension of Suffrage to Women ven
tures to hope that you may find
apace for some of the material con
tained In the enclosed paper. 'The
Remonstrance alms to express the
views of the great majority of Amer
ican women, who' do not want the
ballot; and the association which
publishes It has a membership of
more than 14.000 such women.
"Will you kindly send any refer-1
ence which you may make to the
paper, and any extract from It or
comment on It, to Mrs. Charles P.
Strong, Cor. Sec'y., 11 Mason St,
Cambridge, Mass."
All this antagonism does but add
to the flame of desire. Every hus
band of America, worthy the love of
woman, stands ready to grant the de-
sir of bf heart They art the pow
er behind to ballot today.
miualinn nl OSlvnatoD of BUf
frag to women of the country la one Ler advisement; brief and authorities
that la not becoming of men to ar- t0 B0 berearter auummeu.
gue. It la one la which women alone
are affected and, mora or losa, In
tereated. Back of every intelligent
u Dim counsel of man's help-
uievL This fact alone la aufflclent
to Insure suffrage to every woman
when desired. In a aens they are
not disfranchised. It I their choice.
Such Is the abiding faith of man
that If It U really the desire of wo
men It will come, though kingdoms
and republics topple.
The Enterprise baa nothing to say
by way of argument on the affirma
tive or negative. Py way of deed,
however, w may add that wheu the
time cornea and the whispered word
falls from ber aweet Hps we shall
Join with the husbanda of our great
commonwealth in casting our ballot
with their unanlmoua "aye" for the
best woman on earth.
Painless Dentistry
Ihrt or vown pwvw
can bT their plt
kod lriaftworB ua
iihd im on day
Wa will ff iv yM t food
22k cold U porc!i-
cromfor $3.50
Molar CrwM 5.00
a -i j r;iiuM 1.00
UHIW i ft
Enuul Filliogi 1.00
Silmr Fill'mn .OJJ
Fillinn 2.50
Oood Rubbw - nn
I PlltW O.WU
IIIlUlllllMBi.lMiU" -l.Vi VMM
Snteed. Modem .lMtriowiulpmeiit. BtB8U"x
Wise Dental Co.
It la reported that at the urgent
solicitation of many democrata from
all over the atate. Senator M. A. Mil
ler of this city has about concluded
to allow hta name to be used In the
forthcoming primaries aa a candidate
for governor on the, democratic tick
et. The Sage of the Santlam la re
ceiving this honorable mention very
mlldlv and haa not fully concluded to
accept the pro-offered honor. His de
termination will largely be upon the
attitude of the republicans for and
against the assembly plan. If he aeea
that there Is a prospect for such a
schism In the majority party as to
possibly allow a democrat to slip in
to office, he will go Into the race
and make his life effort for the vic
toryLebanon Criterion.
Contrary to representations from
a pulpit In Independence let It be
here remarked that the crime for
which John R. Walsh was sentenced
to prison last week at Chicago suf
fered no loss to depositors, ana,
strange as it may seem, the suffer-
inr was confined to Mr. Walsh ana
his immediate family, since his crime
was merely a technical one, involving
banking laws only. It Is for this
reason that the sympathy of a whole
country goes out to the aged- prison
er Mr. Walsh is Beventy-two years
of age and he predicts that he will
not live out the term of five years
sentence which has been pronounced
on him.
Tho Independence Enterprise Is in
rfiofiint of January's number of The
Tlmberman which is devoted to the
relation which irrigation bears to
the lumbering industry. The suDject
is one in which, the public at large
have a deep interest, ana win
materially to increase interest In wat
ering the now oesolate places ana
make them bloom with fruit and
crop. The Timoerman ih
n intfireBtlnir matter tor everyone
and is a very creditable publication.
There's a man behind the capital,
The man behind the gun,
The man bohind tho enterprise,
The man behind the son.
Though all-important they may be,'
I quit them and return .;, .
To hor vho cheers my home for ma
The wife behind the urn.
What though the frenzied financiers
1(0 tear each other down ;
, I leave v.j struggles, cares and fears
Bellied no in the town,
for sr-Isadora and the gauds of prida
I'll never, nover yearn,
Ho othnr gift can rank besida
The v tfa behind the urn.
The vnr1 rsizy shake the window-pan
And bcofle in the flue ;
Our roof can shed the driving tain,
Our love sheds trouble, too.
With CHASE & SANBORN'S coffee, daz,
True comfort do we learn ;
I pledge you in its fragrant cheer
The wife behind the urn. t
For sale by . ,
The Leading Grocer
iinfarNnrNCI. 0RE00N, JANUARY 88, W0.
Estate of A. i. Purvlne, deceased
fin. i kPt-aum set for hearing Feb
ruary ll. at 10 a. m.
Estate of Utile Way Schwartt, deceaseds-approved
bond In sum of
looo niwL
Estate of Sarah McQuerry, de
ceasedexecutor ordered to pay be
queaths named In last will and tea
lament. Estate of W. C. Brown, deceased
bearing on final account; taken un
ting Dr. Kiag'i Nw Dlaoovery. "On
write A. U Dunu.
r...t m Iwvi AMack Of
chltls by Chamberlain'
Cough Rmdy.
"On October lSth. last, my little
three-year-old daught-r contracted a
severe cold which resulted In a bad
rase of bronchitis." says Mrs. W. 0.
Gibson. Lexington, Ky. "She lost the
power of speech completely and was
a very sick child. Fortunately we had
a bottle of Chamberlain's Cougk Rem
edy In the house and gave It to her
according to the printed directions.
On the second day sue waa a great
deal better, and on the fifth day. Oc
tober 23. she was entirely well of her
cold and bromhltls. which I attribute
to this splendid medicine. I reeow
mind Chamberlain Cough Remedy
unreservedly aa I have found It te
surest, safest and quickest cure pt
colds, both for children and adults, of
a .. r- .,1. tw
any I have ever usoo rm
p. M. Klrkland.
Sad Accident at Salem.
a a,1 accident occurred at Salem
last Saturday when Carteton Acheson.
a son of one of the prominent rest-
dents of that city, was in
killed with a ZZ-cauner r.w ... - . k colds
hands of a young friend. Young acu- " -
i 'nmtianr wiin oiut-i . o
-htr thpv were shooting
at a target when he got In range of are
the gun and was Instantly kiuea b
ahnvA. the bail cmsuiuB
through his brain
years of age.
m i.uimiMii Back rtslisr.or
r ivm "t w. -
' Preved by tap f Tim.
Uackach I a heavy burden;
Nervousness wear on out;
Rheumatic Pain; urinary ills;
All ar kidney burden
Dally effect of kidney weakness.
No use to cur the symptom.
Retli-f I but temporary If the earn,
Cur the kidney and you cure the
Relief come quickly come 1
Doan' Kidney PHI cure kidney
"Cure sick kidney permanently.
Here' proof that you can verify.
Mr. Joseph llobwrg. Grant St., Mc
MiiUvlUe, Ore., say: "I am alway
glad U tell Other klduey uuerera
what a goo, -nwdy Doau' Kidney
PHI are. 1 gave statement public-
im- vallev. Ml. -aner
..... it,. wf.ks with Grip" For
or lung, Hemorrhage. Coughs.
Colds, Whooping Cough. Bronchitis.
Athma, If upreiue. 0c, $1W.
Guaranteed by all druggist.
Held Annual Election.
At the annual meetlnf of th Kick
reU Telephou Company at Rlckreall
laat week the following officer wer
elm-ted for th ensuing ye: Joliu
Mlddleton. president; Wm. Codl.
vlc-president; R. T. Prlre. secretary
aad treasurer. Tb dlrwtors ar A.
Hodge and A. G. Rampell.
Tv Cood Shows Coming
MiKlul-y Merrymaker, will present
Forgiven" Monday. January SI, and
"In Wyoming" Tuesday. February 1.
at the or-r "" " tla elty. Thl
.rr IDfir own
I ilia are. s' r 'i""v t ... i
. .n. TWMtn'. K'linev Pills .,t hv with them thflr own nana
in 1907 and I now wllkJgly confirm ad orchfstra. There will be a airevi
.11 I then ld In their favor
For sale by all dealers. Price B0
cents. FosterMUburn Co., Buffalo.
New York, aula agents for the Unit
ed 8tates.
Remember the name Doan's and
tak no other. '
John H. McNary and Charles L. Mc
Nary announce that on and after Feb
ruary 1. 1910. they will remove from
their oresent quarters and establish
their law office at rooms 305. 306, 30
and 308 United Statea Bank Building,
at the corner of Bute and Commer
cial streets. Salem. Oregon. 33-0
parade ea1i day. This proin.s... iwu
first-class performance for Indepen-dnce.
A Wild Blizzard Raging
bring danger, Buffering often deatl
winter and spring. It danger aignaia
'stuffed up" nostrils, tower par
of nose sore, chill ana rever, p."
In back of head, and a throat-grlp-
. fir n nttacKB. SS
He was twelve ping couKu. ' ,
you value your lire, uou c u--iaj w
A good pair ef reaalug glas
$1.00 at Kramer's. tf
....BY THE
Salem Is preparing to lay seventy
two blocks of hard pavement this
year. Medford property-owners are
petitioning the council of that city
to pave 176 blocks, or about
ten miles. Notice that the property-
owners themselves are asking tor ine
improvement. It is so in every city
whAr a beginning Is made In build-
tt,-.nrfnffiH . streets. ine
r 3 LLIW LJI ui."
work never stops alter a sum
once made. Dallas Observer.
Thn ditor of Albany Democrat is
nr-tiiailv countlne: ahead to the date
of Easter. That's one way of count
ing th bachelor members of the rra-
ternltv. You can bet that me omui
members will be "looking out o' the
window." or measuring up their aa
vertising for the month.
naoer. Us
liltj J2jUI-C f- ao ao j - -
inflnfincfi will bS measured by the in
terest you take in it. Don't knock
It boost it.
To Delight the Young
and the Old
We know by long experience that th irhole year .will be happier
an Edison Instrument in the home. An Edison Phonograph is the
Most Desired and Appre
ciated of Them All
We bar a full
and complete Hne of Instruments and ar making a spec
laity of
Probate Court Matters
Estate of William H. Knower, de
ceasedfinal discharge ordered.
Talking Machines and Records
la records we hare the 10-inch double-disc, reproducing the very latest
from the music centers of the world.
Singer Sewing Machines
Don't forget we are exclusive agents for the world renowned Singer Sew
ing Machines. We can offer them to you on the most approved terms.
Include us in your' daily round of XMAS INSPECTION. We will give
you pleasure and satisfaction In every purchase you make.
(Incorporated) SUCCESSOR TO L. F. SAVAGE.
247 Commercial St., Salem, Or.