Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, January 28, 1910, Image 1

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rnrtu.Tuvn Asolrantt From Polk
r.,.ni Have Flkd Applications
With Supervisor Hendricks From
Which Ssvsntssn Will Be cnoasm.
The work of enumerating the cen
ua of the United States for the
year 1910 will be completed May 15
next and will occupy Just thirty days.
The work la under the direction of
upervlsors for each congressional
district of th several state of the
Union. Oregon will bave two super
visors. The enumeration of the eo
ond district will be In charge of R.
J. Hendricks of Salem. The candi
dates for enumerators will meet all
over the United States on Bsturday,
February 8, and will take a civil ser
vice examination. Polk county will
have seventeen enumerators to do
the work of taking the census. The
candidates of Polk county will meet
either at Dallas or at Balem to take,
the examination. Mr. Hondrlcfc a
sires that all who can will come to
Salem for this examination that he
may see them personally in making
his selection. The selection of enu
merators Is made with a view to ef
ficiency more than to the standing
which they will attain in tne test.
In making his selection Mr. Hen
dricks will waive all personal friend
ship and politics will be eliminated
In choosing his representatives.
Regarding the work of census enu-
..i m Handrlcks had the
lUOlftuuu, '
following to say to a representative
th. Enterprise: "There will be
seventen enumerators for Polk coun
an extreme later aaie n
named whore for any special reason
it may seem necessary. me iasi
date ts January II.
'Th population of l'olk county In
1900 was 9923 white and 153 Indians.
The census of 1890 was 7858 and
did not Include the enumeration of
Indians. The Increase during the
i.-n years wss 19ia. Of this enumer
atlon 6176 were male and 4203 were
f OD-JUlo.
"The population of Independence
in 1900 was 809.
"The population of the stale of Or
egon In 1900 was 347.788. Of this
number 187.495 were male and 160,-
904 m.ra fniuale."
Th. r,nnnlallon of Independence is
ahown by Mr. Hendricks to be W9 1
for 1900.
Ci-Mt of Enthusiasm of Meeting Is
Attained When Discussion of Relief
from Congestion of School Rooms
Comee up High School Favorsd.
Thn mcL-tinit at the school hot:s;
Mr. Hendricks to be iWtf rld niRhl h,w
100. It Is expected that the p(jrpoge of eIecUng a director
ill how a material Increase of va.ancy caused by the r.s-
several hundred In tne ten yo
which followed the last census enu
meration and It la believed that the
population of Polk county will be
over 13,000.
Among those who have applied to
Uke the examination for enumerators
for Polk county are: Tom Fitch
ard. O. D. Byers, Chas. A.' Ewlng,
John Turner, H. C. Dunsmore, Rob
Roy Parrish. Frank Kurre, Nola
Owen, C. McDeth.
' f ;rvv
la-nation of D. K. Jonos, was presided
nvpr bv Chan. Sperling. It is said
to have been one of the largest gath
erings at a school meeting In many
years in this district. Tlio purpose
of the raetlng, as stated In the call
posted about town previously, was
announced by Clerk E. L. K:t hum.
Mr. Merwln, our very efficlont post
master, gavo a splendid address, cit
ing us to th? necessity at this cr:t
in have elected to -"' .cry
responsible, yet unthankful office, a
m.n who has the interests of the
school at heart, one who is progress
ive and enthusiastic tn me iier
church next wek, to which all new
converts and others are cordially
Old-Time Spoiling Contests.
Tha schools of Polk county of two
rooms or more will hold spelling con
tost from the fourth to the eighth
grads, Inclusive. The purpose of
the contests is to creste an Interest
among pupils In the different schools
for better spelling. These contests
.III iba ntana In all Polk COUIitJ
schools this afternoon. The work of
the spelling contests was Instituted
by Superintendent Seymour and Is su-prlntndi-d
by a committee of five
at large ov r the county. Tut- con-
l;si words will be takn from th-:
spelling books and aslgnmct In a(1!Un week the Initiative petition pray
,.nc. of lessons In whtcn tn.w-.aa. be Md
will occur has been made by th su- ( ,n lor
p-rlntendent. The test paper, of the .March 28, 1910. to submit to the vot
varlous spelling contests will be for-Wi 0f Independence the matter of
waraea 10 iu tuui --- providing a system ui cwc,d
Notices Ar Posted Calling for Spec
lal Election of Votsrs of Indepen
dence a Bond City for Funds to
Provide System of Sewers.
At the meeting of the city council
in a prolonged yet toucning vu Rowena Sperling, ivaue
nominated Chas. Calbreath. The nom Cordlav Gooch. Nellie Damon, Mildred
. ... jn.l.H InaAd Anil bal- r nhJi. Irvlno TnnSV MattlsOn,
Examination Places
iiirtwin la a list of postoffices at
vav tt -9 -
which examinations will bo held:
Benton Oorvallls.
ClackamasOregon City.
r-nnuUln and Marshfleld.
Curry Gold Beach, Port Orford
and Langlols.
Doua-las Roseburg, Kiaaie, w
i. rtratn and Gardiner.
iuuu ) -
i.,t. Aahlanrl. Meaiora an"
Jacksonville. '
Josephine Grants Pass.
Klamath Klamath Falls.
tiVa Ij.kevlew.
Lane Eugene, Cottage Grove and
junction City.
Lincoln Toledo and Waiaport.
Linn Albany.
Marlon Salem.
rnllr Dallas.
Tillamook Tillamook, Bay City,
Milium and r.loverdale.
Washington HUlsboro ana roresi
Yamhill McMinnvlllo. . ,
nnH w now have forty-two appll
fr the noaitlon. There is no
followed in making the
preliminary application and men and
women between the ages of eighteen
and seventy are alike eligible. The
enumeration will bgin April 15 and
will end May 15. There are printed
rules covering the test and each ap
plicant will be supplied with copies
of all printed matter necessary for
preparation. The blanks themselves
for the test will be opened by the
postmaster before those eligible , for
the test. This will be at one o'clock
cotnrriftv February 5, before each
postmaster. January 25, was the last
date for receiving applications, but
Will Coach O. A. C. Ball Taam
Fielder Jones, the well known
White Sox star of tne Amencuu
League will coach the O. A. "C. base
ball team, during the coming season.
Thia Knnouncement has caused muLn
itr.t in th base ball circle among
the. students. It will mean a big
year iu base ball for O. A. C.
niir ninnt at. Willamina wants
strong men with families. Steady
employment year around at best of
wages. Mostly inside work. Nice
home town, good schools, church, and
social surroundings. Apply at onee.
Pacific Face Brick Company, Willa
mina, Oregon. 60'
city, and for voting tne necessary
bonds for the construction of same
tendont who will graiie them and the J
departments of tho various scnoo:s o:
u. ..nt.. raKnlvlnr lh hlehpB O r-
,i. i- - .ii.i i,hm unanimouslv carried. Tinere-
Ceniage will rvvc:r' m uitruvi. ---w. n . .
this medal will be has not been d - were tdxty-elght signers to the De
termined at this time but it wjtjtion. The proposed amount of bond
ls $20,000. The petition meets with
the unanimous consent of thi peopla.
thougbt that it would be of gold. j
A Plasnt Surprise Party ...,.,
Mrs. Van Dor.islfe gave a surprise j meeting of the council J
party Tuesday evening In honor of Byerg wag elected by the council
Chester Siefreth's birthday. The ev-i of gtf.eet commUwioner.
lve and enthusiastic m me i-tca enlng wag very enjuymuij notices are already posieu
of the town In general. His nomine; playlng whist. Delicious refreshment Recorder F. a. Williams, which
was Dr. Dunsmore. W. W. Perdval were gerved. Those present wer:,.aii for .oecM election March 28.
. . U r -it - n..nemnra I ....
1910. Voters of Independence wu.
then express themselves on the pro
posal to bond the city for $20,000 to
raise funds for the construction of
a system of sewers.
The council has gone over this mat
ter again that there may be no hitch
In the proceedings and that the bonds
will be legal and salable.
tnatlons were declared closed and bal
nranard. Jaa. Hanna and J. u.
Mcintosh were appointed tellers and
upon first count Dr. Dunsmore ,w
elected by a vote of 27 to 23.
The meeting was then turnea
ha riUoiiHsion of a new high
W , , ,
school building. Enthusiasm ran higt
a had this bodr of voters naa iu
power It would nave been unanimous
ly In favor of bonding tne aisun-i
to raise the necessary funds to build
a high school building.
Independence is beginning to real
ize the demands of the present and
future and will act upon tne suggea
ffrd hv W. W. Percival to
arouse from our lethargy and look
to the demands of the near iuiure m
respect to better school facilities.
i tha Methodist Church. ,
tjk.1 sundav the pastor took most
of the Sunday school hour explaining
thn teachings of the church and in
receiving the new members, imny
united with the church, on Aion
Hn afternoon at 3:30 the children
n the first, second and tmra graues
meh in the church and were taugui
hi hnnr hv the pastor. The
uuo -
ohlldren are eater to learn aoout Je-
D.,a and verv much In earnest In
thair endeavor to live right. At four
nVTnrir those above the tmrd graue
met and enjoyed one half hour in
study and prayer. About tmrty came
'J . in v.
.uo.r.thor- These classes wui uo
rnntinned everv Monday afternoon.
Tha uinworth League service last
Sunday was well attended and nearly
every one present tooK some
nart.. It is blessed to near
timonlf. of the new converts.
Mavf sundav tha Sunday scnooi
meets again at 9:46; church service
Trnmntlv. Those who Intend
to unite with the Methodist church
who have not already done so are
urged to come next Sunday. At elev
en the church will go to the union
UWCU, ua " '
Clara Earhart. Margaret Hodge. Ches
ter Siefreth. Kersey Eldrtdge. Dr. Du-
ganne, Neville Eldrldge. Claude .ioun
son, Emerson Groves, Frank Kirk-
land, Raymond Williams, Koy w"-
mnnd Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kurre .u
Mr. and Mrs. Van Dorpslfe.
A Sprained Ankle.
As a rule a man will feel well sat
isfied if he can hobble around on
crutches" in two or three weeks after
spraining his ankle, and it is often
two or three months before he is ful
ly recovered. This is an unnecessary
loss of time, as by applying Chamber
lain's Liniment, as directed, a cure
o rule" be effected in less
U10.JT o . .
than one week's time, and In many
cases within three days. Sold oy r
M. Kirkland.
Baptist Church j
Aftar n. short Bible school session.
the church will again listen to the:
of those who wish to oDey
their Savior in baptism, as well as
those, who, having been uapuzea,
wish to be received into the church.
Baptism will probably be adminis
tered In about a week. The young
people meet at 6:30. The young
men's Baraca Club had twenty pres
ent last Sunday morning at ten. They
are planning for a social for next
Thursday evening at Mr. Hilke's res
idence, on the west side.
All services will be resumed in the
NIZED as the most economical trading point in the Willamette
valley and you'll tad immense assortments to seot
from in all lines of merchandise. One of the principai
where the "spot cash" plan of business enables tbem to
undersell "credit stores."
The Gash Plan Keeps
You Out of Debt
and you get better values for your money at a cash More
We make it a point to never buy an article untH we
are convinced that it will prove satisfactory to our cus
tomers. ' That accounts for the uniform high standard
of merchandise we carry.
Dry Goods, Clothing
SHOES, everything for the whole family at prices that
"credit stores" can't match.