INOCNCNCS ENTEftfMtttcT, INOEMNOENCC OWtGON. JANUARY t1, 1110. PAGE N1NC AID FOR HOME TRADE It MmU the Catalogue Hauaat en Thalf Own Orawnd and Enablae the Ltel Marckanta la Cut Ratall Pria Co aptation la Bantffeial. whera tuey can get tue beat prior, and thr will wbatew we Bay, Tor bartl of tha looal ruoxcuaiit ta to con fine tbt public Ibat b ran lva bot tar yaluea. Co-oiwratloo wltb other lo? af merchant, aanaoially In tba mat tar ft bur "l anabla him tba mora ' , A. ED0ERT0X. On uirtbud of lighting tha mall or der bouwa adopted by aoma country uiorvbanu la that of ayttem buylug. Wbllf It U wall to warn merobanta against lrrioualbla repreaeutatlvftof ao called "tytteM- concern, the plan i. n of merit and nroiwly or- Kanlxwl and bonrttly carried out euu w nmde of very great benefit What im known an ayatom buying 1 nierclj n application of tba co-oneratlva prlmlple. It meets tha cntalu bminea on their own ground and by procuring the lowest possible price from the manufacturer enable the i-hI niorchnnt to cut retail price. vHtwiu buying takea advantage of the' method of buying adopted by the mall order concema tbeniaelvea Through considerable experimenting pd atudy It baa been brought to a higher aUte of efficiency than It could boast In the beginning. As a matter of fact, aorae of tha early effort In this line were rank failures. These cry failorea taught their leasona. how erer. and pointed out the danger spots. A kindred effort to help the local merchant 1 the aalea promoting coin pany. The design of these concern la to gire the IndlTldual tradesman the dTanttge of the latest and moat ap proved metboda of advertising, collec tion. aollclUng trade and carrying on a successful campaign against tha cat alogue houses. Both the system baying and the aalea promotion are In a way an ap plication of the principle of co-operation among local merchant. The Idea bas perhaps been carried to its far thest point of development tn the com bination of mannfactnrera and mer chant into a house similar to the mall order concern, with the exception that all sales are made through the local tradesmen. One of the pioneer bouses of tbi kind ha It headquarter In Sionx City. I am far from advocating any specific company or indeed from advocating any ort of combination, system buying or sales promoting that doe not appeal to the individual mer chant himself. My own idea ha al ways been that in the last analysis thi fight depend on the local trades man. He la the trade winner. He Is the one most Interested, and he U the one who must decide. It i only with the idea of making ome BuggeaUons which may possibly help him in bis fight that thi article Is written. While it la true, however, that the individual merchant 1 the cornerstone. Jie is not the entire superstructure. Hi" relation to bis fellow merchant who have like interest with hinwelf goes to make up the completed wilnce. The co-operative principle la sound and Is the most important factor in modern commercial and Industrial de velopment For the local merchants of America to make a successful fight against the catalogue houses some form of co-operation is absolutely nec essary. This will in jbo way or at least should In no way hamper the iberty and initiative of the individual merchant. Its only legitimate function is to help him, to make him more effi cient, to give blm lower prices in buy ing, better ideas in advertising and soliciting, more businesslike handling of credits and collections and up to date methods In selling. In the main the interests of all local merchants are the same. Their experience should help each other. By uniting each or them ti,on his hands. But this union must be their own. must belong to the individual merchants themselves. It must not be made by some outside concern for the purpose of Its own ad vancement and enrichment. That Is not co-operation, but exploitation. The union must be for the purpose of ad vancing and enriching the local mer chants. Tbey should keep the control in their own hands. This is sound business. And some such co-operation is forced by the very logic of the situ ation. There is no reason why a large num ber of local merchants should not band themselves together and adopt a meth od of system buying that would be of benefit to all. It would even be pos sible to have certain manufacturing concerns p In with thein. Such an association could devise its own meth ods of trade promotion and of fighting the catalogue houses. The individual merchant would be left absolutely froe in his own sphere. lie would only have added the support of his fellows and sained the advantage of their ex perience. He would likewise have the power through combination with them to procure the lowest possible prices in buying goods. This is the day of honest merchan dising and of truthfulness in advertis ing and representing goods. No other ui win in the long run. No other plan will meet the competition of the catalogue houses and the big it is foolish and unfair to abuse the mail order concerns or their Will Debate Hare January ti. The first tryout of the high school debating team, o( (hi city will occur January tl lit tha oppra house be tween the affirmative team of Inde pendence high aihool and the nega tive team of Porrydale high chool. On the same night the negative team ot the Independence- high achool will .....- TUiUtnn with tbe affirm- Ul'UUlO atlve high tchool team of that city. The Question to be debated I! R aolved: That the U'sUUlora of the Oregon legislature ahVM be elected by a aystem ot proportion represent- tlon. A program. Interspersed wun musical number, will be rendered on that night. The debater of the af firmative team are Bessie llartman, Gretchen Kreamer and Marie Jonea. Those who will go to Ballston on the negative team are Clyde Dick, Ma rlon Butler and Florence Gebo. THE MARKETS Portland. Wheat New crop, track pricea: club, $1.08; bluestem, $1.18; red Rua ian, $1.06. Barley Feed and brewing. $30. Oats $33 per ton. Hay Timothy. Willamette Valley, $1820 per ton; Eastern Oregon, $182l; alfalfa, $16; clover, $16. Butter Eatra, 39c; fancy, 3336c. Eggs Ranch, candled, 43c. Hop 1909 crop. 1822c; 1908 crop, lS(118c; 1907, crop, 12c. Wool Eastern Oregon, I623c per pound Mohair 24c. Seattle. Wheat Bluestem, $1.21; club $1.11. Oats $3233 per ton. Barley New, $28 per ton. Hay Timothy, $2024 per ton; alfalfa, $16 per ton. Butter Washington creamery 39c; ranch, 26c. Egg, Sainted, local, 4648c. Potatoes White River, $16(318 per ton. Germany's Novel Movamant. Germany baa started a unique move ment for the improvement of town and amall cities by constructing a number of gardeu cltlea. on Berlin society having acquired a large plot of land on the northern outskirts of tbe city for the construction under the name of Frahan of tbe first real gar den city of the capltul. This city will be built In a pictur esque hilly part of the state forest, will have its own railway station aud will be laid out regardless of cost as regards external adornment. Judging from reports from all sections of tier many, the Iden has taken a Hrm bold on the people, the feature most insist ed upon being the abandonment of tbe flat bouse and the substitution of the small bouse aud villa ou tbe English model. In Bavaria, where there is al ways a shortage of houses, the gov ernment will transfer for garden pur poses purt of tbe state forests In the vlclnitv of large towns. At Magdeburg bouses with large gardens for single families will soon be rentable for about ( h year American money. It is to be hoped that this country will soon undertake the same kind of development. A Good and Lasting Memorial. i iQri n inn n who had watched with great Interest the development of Cornell university, at ltnncn, . intimated his desire to present to u some memorial to express his love and interest for the Institution, tie nau not great wealth, through which oth . . ut...i . m-ouonf fine ers uad ueen euuuiru i v buildings, but be appreciated tue Deau- tv and value of trees, ana so ue -celved the Idea of planting East ave nue with elms. Long years ago me donor passed away, but nis avenue remaius as a living wmi i Ulr, rraraVlilV fill d at either end may be seen a stone bearing the inscription: "Ostrander Elms. 1880." in. no Dene, way can runn erect for himself an un- dving monument to tits punm- ihm... ness and in no other way tnny lie leave behind a more graceful or titling tribute to his love of nature. Not only may man leave his own monu ment behind, but loving hands could plant a fitting memorial to many of our best and most public spirited cit izens To the writer all of our stone monuments and statues are most-inexpressibly ugly, and few indeed are Worthy of preservation. The party who borrowed the bridle and drivine lines from Tom Hart dur ing the holidays will please return thnrn. They are for his friends, of course, but he would like to Just see them once in a while. OREGON NtWt 'AaiAGRAa'H. Portland Secretary of Inttrior Ballinger hat withdrawn 3179 acrra alone tha Mollala river and 598 acre along the McKtntia river. Portland Canar Bauraeoia. a Pclgian, 26 years old, was shot and kilted by I.ouia Blanchrt, manager I the Mor:tf Carlo f:.!o?:t. Wallowa--Postmaster Tulley hat rece'd notice that ihe Wallowa postothce Jul been placed in the third cU l't arid Hi Jtlary ad vanced to $1200 per year. Mit A commercial club recently organized at this place it planning to build an electric road to connect with the A. 4 C. R. at ClatVanie pr jrtme other point mi the Columbia river. 1. .LnU the gilt i'f tobacco to hi .year-old .n a the cause that bro J.t John H:- l;fore the police court. He admitted buying the weed for the boy, saying it wa to keep him from having dyipepsia. Eugene No acceptance hat been received to the challenge of Captain C. J. Dodd. the 70-year-old toldier, who recently challenged any man of hit age to run a foot race of 100 yards for a purse of $100. Medford The citixent of Wood ville and property ownert along Evans creek have organized the Evant Creek Telephone Company to build a line up Evana, Pleatant and Wards creeks. Portland The new year begint in Oregon with approximately 500 milea of new railroad actually under construction. Before the clote of 1910 mott of thit new work will have been completed. Clendale The mott tuccestful event in the history of this vicinity waa the first annual Newcomers' and Old Settlert' Union. Practically every family in Cow Creek valley wa represented. ; Pendleton There it great rejoic ing among the membert of the Uma tilla County Anglers' Association over the prompt action Oregon't delegation hat taken to stop the wholesale destruction of trout on the reclamation project at Hermitton. Springfield An immense charge of dynamite tent off in a vacant fieli near Natron by tome unknown per son, presumably as a New Year's celebration, shattered all the win dow within a radius of a quarter of a mile. Fever ton. Fever sore and old chronic aore should not be healed entirely, but ahould be kept In healthy condition. Thit can b done by apl'lyln Chaw bcrlaln'a Salve. Tbta aalve hat no auperlor for thla purpose. It la alao mott ncolleut for rhappwl hand, aore nlpplea, burn and dlewuea or the tkln. For aale by P. M. Kirk-land. mm mm . f if "My baking is always successful I always use OLYMPIC FLOUR" Mother. V Olympic FLOtm Is mad from narfifnllv elected Northwestern wha,t thorolT cleaned nd aconred by the most modern methods known. All th nutritious oualitie of the wheat are retained and it reaches joo clean and pure and wholesome. If your dealer cant supply yon, write oa and well tell yon who can but don't take any other than Olympic insist upon iu "then laat any Just as good." A m i V luUlaiuleJtouAti vi.Yrrnc r. AT vnim GROCER'S trTusD ruUKUta mills co.. poetland obeoon THERE IS BUT ONE PLACE IN SALEM WHERE YOU CAN GET THAT $22.50 High Grade Suit FOR $10.00 THAT'S THERE AT JOHNSON'S "THE QUALITY ECONOMY CLOTHING MAN" IS BUT ONE PLACE IN 8ALEM WHERE YOU CAN GET THAT $3.50 Packard Shoe for $1.95 i OR THAT $4.00 Packard Shoe for $2.75 . . . . . n i a i io euoc tucdc IS Rl I RfiT A KJTI A- ARE THE SOLE AGENTS FOR (MIS wunLU CHmuu;. orw. ..mhtdo mime tun nilBARILITV BEHIND TrltlK Kfc- BILITY BEHIND THE mNtruiuntna ToDYDSPYODUURCOPP0RTUNITY. THESE BARGAINS ARE THE LAST EFFORTS OF A GREAT SALE. SECURE THEM. G.W. JOHNSON & CO. WE COMMERCIAL STREET SALEM, OREGON wrnns. Men have a ngui iu