Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, January 07, 1910, Image 1

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    A TOWN I
..wvbbuvu vrii
llAllinm . -
-rnrSSSSSSSi -- - i . . i. . nAu k Mrtfiilttiral
I and utility to the map or our o rw ui w ..
hereafter published. In giving name Collgee, Corvalll. Oregon.
reasona should bo carefully signed.'
Attendance U Larsr Than Antici
pated and InVar la Increasing
Nlohtly Evangelist Taylor Makaa
Powerful Addraaaaa.
The church workr at lha audito
rium hav eiploded several old-time
falaclea. One wa that the nugn au
ditorium building could not be heated
that It never had bra nd never
could be warmed- The determin
ed worker have cloaed up many
core ot hole and crevice and put
Into operation five targe atovea, an
tU, on Wedneaday night, the only ftir
ther need In part of the room waa
fr fan. with which to keen cooLAnd
.hi. i. mM weather too. Soma
uii, -
thought It would be hard to light the
place, but the big new Tongsten and
thnr lamoa baa made the place aa
light aa clear noonday. Other skep-
tlca aald, "If the place could oe n v
ed and lighted, atlll you would not
ha .m tn har in it. That frightful
cho will convert the speaker's voice
Into rumbling thunder and the alng
Ing of the large choir Into bedlam
The ministerial and other crpent,
aa inr meet with ft aerloua i
problem. The echo waa there and
waa all It waa "cracked up- to be.
But they have built a large pavilion
In front of the choir gallery and tfver
the newly constructed pulpit Then
the echo aaw that It waa time tq
quit and It took Ita flight up through
cracks In the shingles, leaving only
one or two of Ita weak puny volcee
behind. In all the middle and front
portions of the room the acoustic
properties are now better than In
the average church building.
But finally the croakera said: "any
how, you can't fill the place. jTho
amall attendance will not warrant the
heavy expense. You ought to have
had the union meetings In our larg
est church." But on the second
night the earnest, eager listeners to
the good old Gospel would hav fill
ed every seat In the Baptist church,
every foot of standing room and both
the large vestibules with probably an
overflow still left out In the cold.
Clearly God wanted his children
gathered to be taught In somothlng
as big as the auditorium.
"Have you heard Taylor yet?" dif
ferent ones are asking. "No?" (Well,
then It Is time yon did. .ile has
something coming worth wWra every
minute. The large audience sat up
and took notice of his every word.
He brings a wonderful wealth of Ill
ustration and his stories fit the point
to perfection. He knows the bible
and can picture Us scenes in modern
day language. He knows other books
too, and draws many of his true stor
es from great historical characters.
While he does not sink to the coarse
siang or fierce abuse of Billy Sun
day, yet he often speaks in the lang-
unge familiar to many who do not
attend Sunday school. He is tear
less in denouncing evils in the
churches and outside of them. He
figuratively knocks one down for Ms
Bins and shortcomings, and then
slaps him up straight for falling. And
paradoxical as it may seem, he does
air this in a reasonable and gentle
manly spirit. ' .'
His sermon on , Wednesday even
ing on "Obedience to Qodi is prob
ably the best thus far. . v. C. C.
nort anrt Rev. J. R. 6f Russell,
pastors of Astoria, had tjme as a
delegation to hear mm "w
pressed themselves. as Mgmy Pieas
ha fathered up from somewhere an
mating nututx-r of local singers
mho under hit training are producing
wonderful volume of harmonious
aong. Ilia own eolo wora ia oi "rj
high order. To hear him once la to
want to hear him as often aa possi
ble. Mrs. Taylor, the rornotUt. com
pletes the group of workers. From
far down the itreet her ewert-throal-.d
initrument can be heard leading
the great choir and congregation.
When she playa a aolo there la per
fect and enwrapped attention shown
In every face present and her beauti
ful pleading notoa will long be re
membered. The people have a mind to pray
and We work. Four cottage prayer
meetings are b-lng held In differ
ent section ach morning at ten
o'clock. Committee are busy at va
rious tasks. Faithful, humble christ
ian are calling on their frieuda and
nelghbora to direct their mind to
ward IChrUt. the Crucified One. Even
the most lowly or most sinful one
among ua need not say that no
one care for my eoul." Come to
the rink and receive the "glad hand"
and the good word of help.
Written for the Enterprise by
Rev. M. R. Thompson.
Baptist Church
The Bible school. Including the or
ganised young people's clubs, meets
at 10 a. m. The B. Y. P. IT. for
young people meet at 6:30. The
other services of the church will be
the union eervice at the rink to
which we a a church cordially In
vite all people of Independence and
with the sermon, the
and the general arrangen.
thought is to secure th
for Astoria after'they le:
Tt v v. Leonard i
cldedly good in his chot- work. He
itire service
nits. Their
e Independ-
making de-
Method let Church
The revival meeting at the Metho-
dlat church, which have been very
successful, closed last Sunday night,
In order that the church might co-opera
in the union meeting at the
auditorium. McFronk, McCarty ana
wife nroved themselve very capable,
sincere and true people.AII who hear
them sing were lifted up and every
m resetted their leaving Independ
me. Friends were on hand Tuesday
.in. tn hM timm farewell. The
V B w
Sundav school will meet each sunaay
durin tha union aervlces. The
members have secured a piano and
there will be a cornet and in the
near future a small orchestra. Two
vnunar neoole'a classes have been or
.ranlzed and are prepared to do good
work. Everything ia climbing at the
Methodist church. All people are in
vited to attend Sunday achool.
Land to Be Opened.
Klamath Falls Unallotted lands
In the Klamath Indian reservation
are to be opened for settlement in
1910, if the plans of the commercial
organizations of Klamath Falls do
not go wrong. Through pressure
which the citizens of Klamath Falls
able to bring to bear
at Washington, the Commissioner
of the General Land Omce nas or
dered the issuance of trust patents
to 951 claims filed by Indians. De
partment officials are understood to
havp nmmised to begin the issuance
of the document immediately. It is
...rfct there will be 30,000 acres
of land available for settlement.
Efforta to Hav School Gjgraphys
Pre ent More Fully Oregon Names,
Resources, Etc. a Eastern State
Hav Been for Fifty Year.
The National Geographic 8orlety
desire to collect the geographic
name of Polk county with their or
thography and pronunciation for ref
erence at Washington City and for
use of those who make geographies
for the public achool. It la especial
ly deired to obtain thi Information
during the life-time of the pioneers
who rave thee names, so that all
disputed point may be settled beyom
That Oregon may be forever t
ariahi in this respect, the governor
of this state has appointed a geo
graphic board consisting of Will O
Steel and George H. Hlmes of Port
land, J. B. Horner ot Corvallis. Le
Moorehouse of Pendleton and Judge
School Officer Story XX
J. Q. A. Bowlby of Astoria to co
operate with the National Geographic
Society in securing all possible inror
m.tion and data regarding the name
that ought to appear in the school
Th board ha decided to observe
the following rul-:
Rule Governing Suggestion
1. Preserve th most authen
tic name with as few rhangae as
2. Euphonious and suitable
namea of Indians, Spanish and
French origin should usually be
S. Long and clumsy paints
should be obviated. If the name
consists of more than one word,
the word should be comblnod If
4. Avoid the multiplication of
names. Only the name should be
applied to a stream or mountain
throughout it entire length. In
most case Independent names
should be given to the branch of
a river; and the use of "north
fork", "east fork" should be dis
Post Office Of Polk County.
Alrlle. Ballston, Black Koi k. Bridge
port. Bueli, Buena Vlsia, Butler, Corn
rane, Crowley, Dallas. Irry, Fall
City. Field. Gilliam, Indp"itl-iH'e,
Lewlsvllle, Lincoln, Lutklamute, Mc
Coy, Monmouth, Parkers, Ded- It
rydale. Polk, Rlckreall, Roca, Bait
Creek. Simpson. Smllhvllle. Stiver.
.Thurston, Zona and Dolph.
The- rivers of Polk county are the
Lurklatriute and Willamette.
The Great Choir Leader
: 1 -vv
f ' ' ' '..
.".. . ;y :, -
f A s .
, . -
A Wild Bllriard Raging
brings danger, suffering-often death
i to thousands, who take colds,
cough and lagrlppe that terror ot'
l winter and spring. Its danger signals
are "stuffed up" nostrils, lower part
of nose sore, chill and fever, pain
In back of head, and a throat grlp
'plng cough. When Grip attacks, as
'you value your life. Don't delay get
' ting Dr. Klng'a New' Discovery- "One
1 bottle cured me," writes A. L. Dunn,
,. ... . ..m. of Pine Valley, Miss., "after being
Polk countr that usually appear on -M up' three week, with Grip. For
the map. There may be other nam,, -ore lungs. Hemorrhages Cough.,,
which are a. Important a. the.e and Colds. Whooping Cough, Bronrh'tU.
which ahould appear. If this 1. true Asthma, if. supreme. oOc. $1.00.
ther should be reported and some Guaranteed by all druggists.
ot the reason assigned for their ap- - - "
pearance. It any of the namea ahoulc SUVER coui-ll ia
be dropped reason should be report-
ed to the board. I On Sunday afternoon, jusi u.o
In supplying information to the the northbound passenger train ae-
board to be placed on file for future parted from Independence, Rev. W. J
reference the following form la rec-j Weber united in marriage two. ex-
ommended: .. IceUent young people or suver. urgTO
Name adoptetd; when; by whom; Io-1 Ralph L. ColUna and Miss Nina Ellen
cation and description of the place. McCready: - i ne ceremony w
.Di a . fki. nfh. nesBd br Mr. Williams, Miss Bene-
er name by which the place waa diet. J. D. McCready. father of the
known and the reasons for each, his-, bride ana miss Mre-u. -
toric Interest connected with the Mr. and Mrs. Collin will spend their
place, remarka. honeymoon amid the splendor of the
Information from Polk county Columbia, ineir mn, -
ihould be addressed to J. B. Horner, them a most happy career in lire.
Alleged Lynchers Arrested.
Heppner Deputy Sheriff Joe Cas
M Ren Hinton. Emmet and James
Shields and a brother of Arthur
r.,.n thr murdered man, have tieen
arrested charged with the murder
of Ollie Snyder, the man who shot
Arthur Green, Triday night, Decem
ber 23, near Monument.
Citizens of Grant county are in
censed at the lynching and are giv
ing "1! their assistance to aid in the
arrest of the guilty persons. Owing
to the storm, all telephone commu
nication between .Monument and the
rest of the world is' shut off and it
is impossible tc obtain details.
Rev. Rorlck, pastor of the M. E.
church of Astoria and Rev. Russell,
pastor of the Baptist church of the
same city, visited the union meet
ings in progress at the auditorium.
They were here to ascertain the ad
visability ot securing Evangelist Tay-
geographles and maps of Oregon.
Important to the State
While It means much to a commu
nity tn be correct on the map, the
board has found that many localities
are not recorded, primarily for the
reason that map makers have not
had adequate information at hand.
Some names are incorrectly spelled,
others mispronounced, others dupll
cated while many are omitted. Data
shows that Umpqua is pronounced
" UmD-kah also "Ump-kaw"; some
say Coquelle, others Coquille; Cow
some accent the second syllable m
Oie word Willamette and other the
last, and still others pronounce it
Walamat ; some accent Oregon on the
first syllable and others the last; the
word Qaquinna gets it on the sec
ond and sometimes on the last; Wil
lamette Valley and Webfoot; ' Arling
ton and Alkali; Mary's Peak, Marys
Peak and Mary Peak and Chintimi
ni; some accent the word Santiam on
the first syllable and some the last;
Lacreole and Rickreall; St. John, St.
Johns; Yachats, Yachaata and Ya
huts. The majority of Oregon names are
bits ot fossil history whic should be
permanently preserved to. the state.
The board will esteem it a favor,
therefore, if principals, teachers, pio
neers and others will furnish such
information as may add correctness
'grand Opening-of
Beamy Parlors
A note beauty specialist from the Bast has been
imported at great expense to assume charge ot this de
partment, conduct manicuring parlors and handle a
complete line of toilet articles and hair goods. The
complete manicuring parlor equipment from the Port
land store has beea brought to Salem for the use or
this modern store.
air goods em
A large balcony has been erected in the store to oe
USed exclusively for beauty parlors and the most com
plete U:ie o hair goods ever shown in the i..ame,:e
valley Vi expert has assumed her duties here. She is.
the only" specialist of the kind in Salem. You are in
vited t- call ana inspect our new department, meet
the beauty specialist, and tell us what you think of the
mitt m
279 tVinnu'ieial sH., SALEM. OR.