INOt Pt NDf NC E tNTKRPNItK. lQgPgr,PgNCE. OREGON. DECtMBCW 10. 1009- fACE FOUR ihulfpcnrtfiuf tfntfrpriftf CHARLES EDWARD HICKS ! "id. p. !u! su i-. Or., post Subscription, 11.50 Per Yc A TOWN'S OBLIGATION. Tliw proprietor ot a certain grocer y of Independence rtdikfil this week to pntnmUo tlu job office of iho Kit-tt-rprlut. HU httitlonery iievdn arc letter heads ami statement, and will ko Imut from lm!i,p'"t'l,c lo buy them, because he can get them print i-il for e. Ha " hf cn buy Hum for less than. $7.2'. That In the price quoted by our olicltor and which U the price set by th. Frank Hit Aoclailon ot Portland mid the PeVintie Anoxia! on ft fa' v.. : rt-tnaikcd that the rranUiih ;;;'. i Vlnttp aso iations art"! . les of merchants who have asrceJ with printers on prices which aiv equitable and just in face of all com petition. Tula (trocerMiian positive ly declined to patronize this office on the assertion tnat ne can m o cheaper elsewhere. It mUht b re HKiik.d that i his game groceryman has lutl patronized this publication t the amount of " in either advert U hiK or commercial prim ins for his in stitution In our history of the town. We would like to Inquire, Is this jus tice to an Institution of publicity which is established here with the ex pectation of receiving the patronage of every business and professional man of the city and every farmer of the community? Is It Just ' hat h should leave the burden of provldli.-. a Dublic necessity to a small cour;- of public spirited men? U It right blt'l are made by the Kltterpi Ue Think of It! Kltcht rent a an Imh for a contract of Si'0 Imin. dou and rlt to other paper ot the stair and compare I'ticea. 1910 rate rd quote U cents for ',' tn )', l;'? cents In an almoKt tmHeraal price of space In country weeklies. Our pric es are an Innovation. Our expenses are reduced lo the minimum and you are the one lu I to recehe mot.t i benefit. We aoliclt )our undivided support for the year HMO and we sincerely hope you UI promptly assure u of il that the Enterprise may be pub lished for yon. Our work during the licit year will be for our patron and everything possible will be don to turn the trade to them. We fcball cherish no Ml feeling tor any one. but our duty to our patron will be our first and only consideration. Our bus lues shall be one of reciprocity. A man who produce an article ami delivers It for cost is fimllsh but, a man who will ask It of you Is a Jew. Do you parley with the grocer over his prices? What does the grocer : think of a man who trie to Jew : him down on hi price. Our price are a staple as those , on groceries. There Is a cost of stock and a cost of production to cut into 11 ! which Is robbery of our family. I iw Imftirliirt vnil Are dealing with a thief when you deal with a publisher or printer. Stealing Is beneath hl dlirnltv and the rhromo which accom panies the wholesalers' shipments is! a bill in which is printed a hand with the inscription "1'lease pay." This Is Intended to remind us that our ac count Is already overdrawn at the mCFTS10NAL CARDS ORS. RUSSELL 4 MATTHIS PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Off i PoWifii ".'l U MONMOUTH, Or.CCON Uoth phone. Call answered prompt y day and nUhl. o)nn I, Vwvjl W. H. ALLIN. n. D. .. DENTIST Both Cooper Uldg. Independence, Ortgon. LAURA PRICE:, M. D. Monmouth, Oregon Specialty DlteiMt of Women Bell Telephone Main 193 L. L. HEWITT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON nrri.-a in f, uiner hulldinf. room 2 and 3. Office hours. 9 a. ui. to 11 m. and 2 to 6 p. in. Calls answered night and day. SB p ism W. hav. throuoh a, purch... secured ?00 of the choice. rug. ever seen on the market In Salem. Thsy come In Asmln.ter, Wilton, velvet, body tapestry Brussels. In all the most charming artistic de sign, and coloring and In all .lit.. The., rug. havi"S been ' .hlpm.nt. coming in too late for the early fall trade, have decided not to carry them ever to the trad.; they ar. ther.fore offer.d at a bargain price. Come In and Inspect them; the prices will eult you. DR. DAVID D. YOUNG OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN COURT STREET, SALEM, OREGON i bank. Old Wheat Flour OI PUDUC SpilUVU men ; i- --n--- jC.VUlUUe fcuwno -". w that such sorely needed printing as flour !s superior to flour made from toe may have to give out should tc sent away because we refuse to furn ish It at a lower price than that which carries a mere margin :f prof it? Is it right that, when we a:v em ploying in the production of this pa per, a member of our family who is more needed at home, he should spur his duty to a public enterprise that without question would return him a profit on an investment in its public ity, an enterprise without which in the town he would be one of the first to complain? We say it without apology; it Is mean treatment. It is such selfish ness and narrow business methods that have forced the publisher of the Enterprise to seek patronage of mer chants in Salem that the town of In dependence may survive a creditable newspaper. This treatment comes at a time when a few faithful business men are making overtures to us looking to a settlement of business that will en able us to discontinue all outside ad vertising, of competing firms. So en couraging is the outlook that it is hoped that beginning with the first of the year such arrangements can be made. The Enterprise has a right to ex pect a liberal patronage from firms and professional men of the city; the more right because there is no over burdening of the firms with the one paper which you have. Not satisfied with the conditions as they exist, with the lean patronage accorded the Enterprise, one prominent business man has made overtures to a pub lisher at Silverton with the hope of having another newspaper established here. No other town the size of Indepen dence in the state of Oregon can boast of anything like the plant of the Enterprise No other town of our population in the state boasts of an eight page, all home print and home news such as you have here. It i onmnlimpntpd far and wide. Let t.prs are on file many parts of the state attest' ing this. And yet some are not sat isfied. No publisher has ever attempted 11:05 a. m more for Independence and none, per- Train No. 70 leaves Independence haps, has accomplished more. l&e!daiy at 6:15 p, m. and Monmoutn ai , .. V...-U -iroor hv Air. icon n m and arrives at Dallas at Everyone knows that old wheat Office hours: 9 to 12 and 1:30 to j Dr. Duganue, Dentist. Offkv In Campbell buildlug, room ! peadeaoe Nalloiial Bank. 2. Phoues, Home 10. TMl 213. Independence, Oregon In Dallas Monday, Wednesday and Friday. THE ELDRIDGE C. E. VanAllen, Prop. 121; Independent. 4410. uter Itni" LW11 phone tf tiouf u-heat. itemtmuer umi u brands of flour are mad-- from ''Id wheat, we having rescrv d etv.. . to last us until the first of th year. Be sure and ask yo;;r gr eer for our brands of flour madu from oh wheat and take no other. Oregon Milling and Warehouse Co. it Notice of Stock-holders' Meetins. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Independence & Monmouth Railway Company will be hi Id at the Independence National Bank in In dependence, Oregon, on the 31 day of December, 1909, at the hour of iu o'clock a. m.. for the purpose or electing officers for said company for the ensuing year ana ior me transaction of other busings that may properly come before said meet ing. D. W. Sears, Secretary. Dated Novemb.r 18, 1909. 23-31 Large sunny rooms, en suite or sin gle. Klectrlc lights, bath and piano. European Plan NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given by the un-rforaiE-nprt administratrix of the estate of James T. McClain, deceased, to the creditors and all persons naving claims against the said estate, to ex hibit them, with the necessary vouch ers, within six months after the first publication of this notice to the said administratrix at her residence at Su ver Polk county, Oregon, the same being the place for the transaction of the business ot said estate. Margaret E. McClain, Adrainlstra- trix- 97 S1 B. F. Jones, attorney. INDEPENDENCE AND MONMOUTH RAILWAY TIME TABLE From Independence toi Dallas Train No. 64 leaves Independence from publishers in daily 6:00 a, m and "oa 10 a., in. cq lpfivps Independence daily at 10:50 a. m. and Monmouth at 2:2 N. Comm;rcial St., Salem, Ore. LAUNCH INDEPENDENCE Plys between Independence nnd Sa lem daily except Sunday. Passenger and freight business solicited. Leave Independence .. 9:30 a. m. Leave Salem 3:13 p. m. SKINNER BROS. SKIPPERS ecftric Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACSJ TROUBLE it is the best nied:;ir.e ever sold over a dn;ee;:si'a counter. PainlessDentistry Out ot town poopla nnd briilgowork Itn- mod in do, uuj p W6 will (fivt you irooo 'r f ritr!, " i22k gold or porcelain C tlrs' Icw-nlor $3.50 i . 1lMolr Crown. 5.00 ' ' d.SU 18 and arrives at Dallas at ifiMH Filliniri l.U Oil.... riittn. .50 Oliver 1 mine, Inlay Fillingi 2.50 Good Rubber - nn Platet tf.ww Wise Dental Co. W W INCORPORATED USSiSSUSS: Portland, oregon mOE BOOBS: S A. M. F. M. Sundyl. to X. f: i.nifb- Knitt this vear by Mr. k xfc Campbell was through the Influence of the commercial club which grew out of the efforts of the publisher of this paper. The cannery, which will eventually be a success and pride to every resident of Independence, was brought out by this paper. The la dies' auxiliary, which was an out growth of the commercial club, and which established the free library and rest room a worthy establish ment, be it saidwas no less credit able an achievement. Many other minor matters have been attempted, and though many failed, it was due to lack of public spirit in a few who lend little support to any patriotic enterprise. It is in a sense embar rassing to recount these public moves in -which the Enterprise has spent a good deal of money but it is said in the hope that all will rally to the support of a paper for Independence and working for the accruement of the trade which belongs to the insti- nrLinnca fir the town. Regarding the rates for advertising space it is just to remans mat u . p m and other paper could exist on charges 1 4: 50 p. m. 6-30 n m. and arrives ar. iwia , 6:55 p. m. From Independence for Airlie Train No 61 leaves Independence daily at 7:00 a. m. and Monmouth at 7:13 a. m. and arrives ar. au 7:Tratn rNo. 73 leaves Independence daily at 2:30 p. m. and Monmouth a ?:D0 p. m. and arrives at Airlie at 3:2." p. m. From Dallas for Independence Train No. 65 leaves Dallas daily at 8:30 a. m. and Monmouth at 8:ou a. m. and arrives at Independence at 9 Train "no. 6.9 leaves Dallas daily at 1:00 P- m. and Monmouth at l:o n m and arrives at Independence at 1:40 p. m. (This train connects at Monmouth for Airlie.) Train No. 71 leaves Dallas daily at 8:00 p. m. and Monmouth at : p. m. and arrives at Independence at 8:40 p. m. From Airlie for Independence, Train No. 62 leaves Airlie daily at m and arrives at Independence at 8:15 D. m. and Monmouth at 8:u0 a. t--; x-,. 79 leaves Airlie daily. Monmouth at 4:40 I p. m. and arrives at ihucitcuuvu I - 7 Flour w ia an aid t0 ratner ' than a test of yonr II ff ability." ill ' M Mother. M ylf you don't got ,, . (f ft the baking results . yJfyol, should try a I'Sadmiiaa l sack of Olympic JM it always makes fjfS33?& I good things to eat. ?KWTTJfTX It's "better j l$Yrtt0 w than ever." 1 r itii i ir1 HepeatingSliotgun MWWf"! ... ... k,i. 1 The 12 cauire diiri rnatr in a pun of nerfrct nrooortioni. and bus one-third lent pans than any other repeater. It handles quickly, works smoothly and hoots close and bard. The JJIarlui toltd top prevents powder and gases blowing buck ; the side ejection of shells allows instant repeat shots j the closed-in breechbolt keeps out all rain, snow and sleet, and the dirt, leaves, twigs and sand that clog up other repeaters. All 12-gue 777iirsi repter have double (xlractor that pull eny ohtll, and the automatic rocoil hang-fire oafety lock makes them the aafeat breech-loading om built. Zfcnfol II re peater In three dis tinct modrla, many grade and atylea, fully described In our 136 pair catalof. Pre for 3 tamp porta-. 7Ze272arut2rarm3 Co., 42 Willow Street NEW HAVEN, CONN. BSCB8CBSCB8CB 8CB8CB8CB3CB8CB Christmas Shoppers Do well to buy from uh; our slock Is complete. mnke your selection. We can lu-lp you to HANI) IIAtlS the best money enn buy. lieniiliie S.ul. AlllKUtor, etc. , New dealKtn. l'rli'cs from $1.00 to V.:m each HOOKS In Ian- Fiction a. I fancy (iirt Hooks. V v.- '.i 'H.V. HiMiks for lo's "ml fc1' all kinds of new Juvenile Honkri. rit'Tl'UKS our new on have arrived and you should make your udoctUm curly, r'nwncd nnd unfratnitl. A line Hm "f Oval Frames shown In sold and In blnck. Illlll. KM u complcle line, ln cludlnx TeaclHTH' Kdlllmia. Text KditlottH. TchluiiK'iits. iNnliim an. I II.10K -. of Prayer. t r ' I.KMA!;S 111 In: .iful Wti- CoIuih, iviilii ii Ml ITlnu; Jiihi. the thliiK f-r a little mt inliranci . I'i I'-i h from !' to 3. 0U. XMAS STATIONKHV a blB nsHortin. nt of Holiday boxcB In beautiful I'hIkiw; all prlccH. Thin lncludeH Crane bt-m. Mn en Paper. CUOKINOLE HOARDS iitivc ben added to our line. Bird you can now' get one of the best Kamea of the m-anon at our More This 87he style on which over SO gam, can be played. Irlce l,h the necessary HIiikh. Cuch. etc.. raiiK. from $:!..r.O to 7.0. Our price on WH1TK HOrSB COOK HOOKS 1h now l.. WATKKMAN'S FOl'NTAIN IMCNS always make a good Kirt; " have them. The Commercial Book Store 163 Commercial St., SALEM ORE. s a 1 1 y . ono onnsaosao Detail Our Superior Steel Ranges emboddy est construction and features in these popu lar style rangse. Attract ively nickled, malleable Iron, Joined with cold driv en rivets are some of the features of this flue rans' It is not au ordinary range. not bolted together mo in a abort time the h,,ltu mirli ioone. the DlU drops out and "air leaks" come In. causing waste of fuel and slow baking. The Superior Steel range is perfection In every construction detail. is It that AT YOUR GROCER'? Bridge & Beach uperior These Haeters give you satisfac tion. They warm the appartments better than any other stove, be cause they are made to throw out the heat. You know that with some haeters you are freezing , when the stove is red hot. Those are not the SUPERIOR-they are wood eaters. I 9 ciJf J ft IT IS EASY to fix up your bouse with our line of builder's mater ials. Rave contractors prices by oomlug direct to us for them. s o o (0 O 4 a v o m w o o t o m v o n 01 o ro j o CD V o CD at o fJB U) O CO CO o CD CO O .-4 ,4