Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, December 03, 1909, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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face rrvr
1 "
New Una holiday goods at MoWs
('ab lnri.
Wauled Km and tmiur at
MiMtrn'a Cah Htor.
A He Ha i.f lik v&rti at Mrs
WslUtva for Xium present, full
and lln'iu. s',f
Freeh oysters, both Kamcrn and
Olympla, alwaya ou hand l ,u" "
Restaurant. ,91'
School La-hcrs n Kt special
pries on candles, nuts. .. at
Moure'a Cash Hlore.
A Uudnoiuo " "f n,?" cutthloii
topt for Xmas t Mrs, Wallace's.
Ncit door to ptwiloffice. 2Ttf
Williams' l-aisllve Cold Tablets
will cure that cold. Try Uwro. Wll
llama Prug Co. 2,lf
When la towu drop in and 8t on
of those full alia Ho dlun a served
dally from 11:30 a. tu. to 2 P '
tli Ufin Restaurant. I"
('. C. (Jrldley of Vanrourcr. Wash
liiKton. of CltUcn' Hank of thul
city, spent ThtiiikKl vIiik In this Hy.
a Kiic.1 at Hi" home of Arthur Moore.
Misses Minnie Johnson ami Sclnia
NetibiTgnll of Portland sp lit Thanks
giving at t home- of Mr. Marshel
M.twIh of Independence. Tlu ladles
returned homo Friday.
Il I whispered t hut wedding U' Hh
will noun ring In our city, when one
of tho young business men will lend
to th altar one of our popular young
Indies. Wn await the announcement.
C. W. Il' iikh- returned Saturday
from a trip to Tillamook where he
bail (4ciit l In- previous wci'k. Mr.
1 1 1 1 1 k t vai there to Hike or tli'.'
umli-rtakliiK buslm-.-ifi of C. 10. !.'
nuld. In the purrhaHi' of that bus
iness he will have tin- monopoly of
Tillamook county. II has nn-nt hop' s
for that country urxj Is of the belief
tlm- ii will coiiii- out 1'ijual ( 'r
ah. mi of thin roiiniry with the com
pletion of tin- railroad Into Tillamook.
A hrothi-r of Mr. Ilcnkle will hav
charo- of lln uuil' i taklm,' cstiihlMi-in-lit
at Tillamook.
('. I.. Hi'.ttlcy of Mel'oy, ihe i)
n '-ii- I.IikdIii man, who lias done mi
niiii h to bring tin- lii' i ,1 io its lil ;li
popularity In this region, will s t mx
te.-n aen-H of land to walnuts this
winter, In addition to the ten aires
tie planted last winter. While he
has lost nolo- of his ihei'"M in tli"
nl p, he le lieves there is a great
future In the walnut husim ss ami is
acting on this lielief. lie ha; more
ewes than eer iiefore and a Kreat'T
demand for hiuihs.
Mrs. Lena May Schwartz Cook died
at her home at JVrrydale. Thtustlay,
November a'ed torty-two years
and five monW's. The funeral was
held from the Christian church In
rertydale at 11 o'clock Sunday morn
ing and burial took place in the old
Uelliel cemetery. The service, was
conducted by the Itev. C. A. Slas,
paator of tho First. Christian church
of Dallas. Mrs. Cook was horn In
Knox county, Illinois, June 2a, 1SG7.
She was married February 2, 1880.
She was a member of tho Christian
church at Perrydale. Six children
are left to mourn, the loss of a devot
ed mother. Observer.
Independence Dramatic Club is
working on a military drama of four
acts which they expect to put on
some time before the holidays. The
play is one of the most intricate in
stage settings and will require care
ful rehearsals and special scenery.
There are fourteen people in the cast.
It will bo largely attended.
A. Gross was in Independence the
first of the week from llillsboro. Mr.
Gross Informed the Enterprise man
that he has his stock of goods ready
at that place to open a general dry
goods store. Mr. Gross says that
he will have one of the best stores
in the city.
On Wfdmdar Mr. K C. lavL at
t lej a W, '. T. I'. meiii,a at Im.1
U. l aa r( ly il.xud pr.
Idem of Ui Independent W. f
T. V.
Tl Mntliodiil i hurt h at lim na VU
la .ipU lo lsln revival ar !-
Itisi'inlH-r 19 Hi'. Weber of Inde
peiuleiim o lll ahll Ihi panior, ll"
MnrrloK" lln-iiea wi-r Umnil
weea lo Handera A. Kdward and Ken
In M. Wallace, lrnn W. Ilurl.ank
and Kl two Meador and Albert Clwrk
and Mliuilii HrrU.
Alter akatlug lun liiua an r
popular. You u li'lephonn your or
dnra f T otr from Hi" ikatliu
rink tnd thua l aure of nulck and
oronipi aerl at tbn Cm nau
ran.. ''
Thn auitual auinuier elon of ih
t nlvemliy of Oregon will bo held thi
coinliiK MUtiiuii-r Iroin June S'i lo Auk
ul 10. lmluKle, a all wecki" teim
Tb atletidanei. during Iuhi auuiuier
reaili-'d marly 100, dionI of whom
were OreKoii leuihera, and Indlcatlonn
point to a much lurger atiemlan.
for next aummer.
At the leai In ra' annual Institute
for Polk coumiiy. which take place
ai Dallas, December N, ! and I", a
number of Hie hading educator of
the atale ar to be predeiit. Among
thla number are Superintendent of
Public Imitruetlou J. H. AckerniBii.
President V. J. Kerr of Oregon Ag
ricultural College, Superintendent of
Schools of Multnomah County It. K.
Ilohlnmin, Fx PreMldeiit of Monmouth
Normal K. D. Kessh r.U H. Alderman
of rnivcrnlty of Oregon. J. M. Pow
ers, superintend! tit of hcIiooIh of Sa
hni, and others. Superintend- "I Sey
mour expiets to make this one of the
best liiHtl'utes In r"cent years.
! W. M. Finler mid Leonard Imnd'-s
i wlm recently came to Oregon from
' Montana and bought a large tract of
'fine land mar lii'.'epeinl' n , er' Iti
town Saturday. TI.ey are eiit l.usl.i.t i
In tin ir belief that there Is u at
.future In Polk comity for comminiul
, orchards and lire planning the .s a'e
liMimetii of one of the 1 . r s-t ti'"e
In the county. Orouml i-i b In. n"' -liured
for the planting of l'.o to r- s
lo frulL this spring. Tliey are 1:1 n
who will he H.ititf.ed only with the
I best the country will produce li'.d
are, therefore, the mont desirable ci
Ixeiis a country can have.
' Waller Domes, the cnterprUuK
'young Jersey bre der nt McCoy. Ore
igon, has the distinction of having th"
, world's record official high testing
!cow of any age in I.andsei r's Pacific
I Pearl, her average for .the year being
7 lit). She is also world's record
i cow between three and three and a
half years old, as a butler producer.
1 She began at three years and one
month and was milked cb veil mouths
giving fi!i;iO pounds of milk and 7."'1
pounds of butler. To make (he recor
' more remarkable she carried a calf
during eight months of her lactation.
She was sired by Landseer N. Exile,
! dam Pacific Pearl, that has a seven
! days' record of eighteen pounds sev
! en ounces. ' Walter reports his Hamp
shire hogs all right, lie sold some
'on the fair circuit and has sold sever
al Jerseys since the fair.
j SPII8 DUnui Ol riuioi'j.
The Cummins & Davis real estate
office report the sale of the following
pieces of property: The Estes place
o 20 acres a mile and a half north
west of Independence, to a Mrs.
Bayse of Corvallis at a consideration
of $1000; the F. W. Smith fruit tract
of 35 acres located three and a half
miles south-west of town to J. It.
Ballard of Forest Grove at $5250; the
Island up the river lo Peter Ducep at
$525 and the D. W. Cummins resi
dence in this city at $800.
Afternoon Blaze Yesterday.
Fire broke out yesterday afternoon
about 3 o'clock in the house occu-
Cigars, Tobacco, Candy,
pled by Je. Wliltrakef. Th fir
d paMineni r poiidid promptly, Uul
the fUuie wer illngulnhed before
Hi fir fiislitera arrll. The M
lauahl from a Pf,.tlv flu. About
t!t only dmag don wa tb burn
Ing of lliu paper and rMh of lb ell
In, and th wH near Out iblmm
Tin. I'uati will Im about $13 or i:o.
Tim property, lilili U l'ated near
tb depot, U owind by Wra, U. W.
Il nkl of Corvallla who la apeiidlng
tin. winter In San Jiw. California.
Notio It hereby gln that lhn'
will b held In th -lty hall in lb"
ly of Independent by thn tillteiia
of aaid t lty. ou ili oUbt of Friday,
Decmber 2. ISO'J, for the purpao of
iuaetitig candidates for ibrw touu
cllmeii and a mayor lo b m ud fr
lh illy of Independence, Moiiday,
December 0. I'J. All popl Inter
.nt. d in the welfare, prohperliy and
Improveiiiein of Ihe illy art urged to
Notice of Stock holdera' Meeting.
Nolle U berrby glnn that lii
annual ue'etlag of tho atockhol d r
of the Independency & Monmuutli
Itailway Company will b held at tho
Independence Na loual Hank In ln
.i i.,i.-'iee Orecon. on thn 31 day
of December, l0:, at the hour of II j
o'clock a." in., for the purpose of ,
electing of fleer for nald company
for ih eniulng year and for thej
traiiHactlou of other buslm-H that
may properly come before said meet
ing. D. W. Sear. Secretary.
Dated Novemb.r IS, I99. 2.1 -31
Alone In Sawmill at Mldnljht
unmindful of dumpneHS, drafts, atorm
or cold, W. J. Atk'na worked a night
wat, at Dai.n. r Springs. T. ni:.
SucU exi-u:e gave him a severe cold
that set'led on his lungs. At last ii"
had to give up work. II" tried ma-iy
remedies but all failed till be s-d
Dr. KImk'b New Discovery. "After
using one bottle" lie writes, "I went
bin !. io woik as well as
vvrc folds, Mtibborn Coughs, Inflamed
throat and bore lungs, Heinorrha' . s,
(.'roup and Whu-plng Cough get nuick
Pllef and i.rompt cure from this glo
rious in. d'.clie. r.uc and $ Trial
boi'i" free, ( uaraiit"! 1 by H llr '-'
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
ciinr.ot reach the seat of the dis- ase.
Catarrh is a blood or constitutional
disease, and in order to euro It you
must take internal remedies. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is lak-n internally, and
acts directly on the blood and mu
cous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
not a quack medicine. It was pre
scribed by oiks of lb" best physicians
in this country for years and Is a reg
ularprescription. It is composed of
the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting direct
ly on the mucous surfaces. The per
fect combination of the two ingredi
ents la what produces such wonder
ful results in curing catarrh. Send
for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney
& Co., Props., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, price 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
Dr. A Ilia. Dentist. Cooper Bids, tt
A good pair of reaaing glas
fcr ses $1.00 at Kramer's. tr
For sale At my farm, five miles
south of Independence, well-matured
corn at 63 cents a sack. Also Danish
Ballhead cabbage at 60 cents a doz.
Bell phone 6S1, Alice McGowan. 25-S
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You to Alwsys Bought
Bears the
When you want a
quick cure without any
loss of time, and one
that is followed by no
bad results, use
Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
It never fails and is
pleasant and safe to take.
It is equally valuable for
children. It is famous
for its cures over a large
part of the civilized
every Range User ought know
1. The MONARCH It the only rnice
with a common en drft ylfin.
The Duplet Draft doe wonders to
ward heating th oven evenly and
commuting all fuel.
1. The MONARCH air light conlru
Una. brought about by tb proper u
of Malha'jJti Iron, prevent tb.i fiire
lv ute of ful, InevltabU wKq IpI
rane of lb common typ-
1. The MONARCH i the only rang
with trlpln walla at eery point
pod to tha beat Tbera la no cbaoce
for tb dauiao from rual that eata
tbrounh alulu tblrknona uieial waJla.
4. Tho MONARCH doi away with
tb uiual drudgery of kitchen work.
Neither lu poliitid top nor atmI
body require tba u of itova black
Xbt'Suy Sttsf ttory JUAga
Th reason aoroe peo
ple buy otbur ranges
la they don't know
the MONARCH. Come
and let ua doinouatrate
from the miik itnelf
the "Four FacU" stated above
ua show you how tbla range la built and explain clearly
how thla construction baa to do with all of the thlnga
you want moat In your range. There la qulcknesa of op
eration reliability fuel economy long life and econ
omy In kitchen work without proper construction and
materials these egmtla qualities are not possible In a
range. A few minutes' comparison of a MONARCH
Range with any other will ahow why.
M. Wade Co.
W. E. CRAVEN, Manager,
k'lll I
i t r." .-
I- I -.u
, , - iV . n v aa
rw - ' rj . , . . .1 ra;
$1.00 a Week Buys the New
Hoosier Special Kitchen Cabinet
Hoosier Special Kitchen Cabinets can now be bought in the same way aa John Wanamakers
Century Dictionary, Ridpath's History, Pianos and other worthy articles. It places the very great
est value in kitchen cabinets in reach of all. It is an ideal way to buy; there is nothing lor
you to sell, nothing at all to do; simply call and ask to be a "Hoosier Club" member.
This Is Your Greatest Opportunity
You can begin enjoying the wonderful convenience of the Hoosier Special today and mere
ly hand us the small change it saves you. The new Club Plan of the Hoosier Manufacturing
Company gives you the privilege of using the Hoosier Special practically free a whole half year,
while you pay for it only f 1.00 per week. It enables you to sit down and work in comfort now.
Allows you one or two hours more leisure each day beginning at once. It puts all your k tchen
supplies at your fingers' ends immediately. It saves miles of useless walking about your kitchen
and pantry from the moment your cabinet arrives, and you need spare only a paltry few pennies
d For advertising purposes the Hoosier Cabinet Company, with its large capital, is standing
back of this plan to give you their best Cabinet at a low price, otherwise we couldn't afford
to give you this bargain.
You have seen this Cabinet now in your magazine for years. Look at it in our store today.
Then use it in your house tomorrow.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given to the pub
lic that we have sold our entire in
terest in the People's Market to W.
W. Newton who will' conduct the bus
iness. All parties owing us will call
at once and settle accounts by cash
or notes. Heck & Flubacher.
Dated at Independence, Oregon,
this 5th day of NoTember, 1909. 23-26
W- LStaley, Principal
Salem, Oregon
A good school-none better. Has a well established repuiauou.
ful graduates. Skillful, painstak'ns teachers. Living expense low.
Many other advantages. Let us tell yoit about them. A catalogue for
the asking.