Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, November 26, 1909, Image 1

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iiN I J
fc 'J M 1! E R Z
Unexpected and Phenomenal of
WilUmett. Ca-e. Detection of
Property and CnM Amounting to
Hundred, of Thousand. ( DolUra.
of Mr.. C. C. '"'l hfy
irii....u. Mre. Jl.rf.r.t.
.1 L.. wuu "uro iellt. Ullit
profitable a .. rnooii im ti.jt .d. lliej
offi'ira fr Hi" l"'
,lo ted ami nr.. an follewa: M- tv
lia Davis, prrfcUI'-i.t; Mr. I'ur
li.r. nirr-i"iJ k -r"ir Nlr
Martha Klchunl on. ircajtur.-r; Mr
Wu KomU Kurr... r cording a. rr. i.4.
ry. , j
lu the evening, at h M. K ! lwMr. Jl'irf rl gnn- one ul r
led urea. "Tim KIM ;,.." wa
Well attended. 'I' lU'K
time had lu adv.-niM. ll. Ihr." "
member, w. r., . 0 "
i, u r.HiiK t.d ilmt ull member aui
Clettll M1W1M
a auirtt of M M "In Ml"'"1
team u ouui J In I'Vt-iy pa!.
ulur but lu w ti U Tli r !!.. -r
tor llHl. IM lld -Hi ! A14lil'Ml, lol'l
eroy, VWIlm-o. a d !.-ii' rl. k. ..! ii
am'a lal ttiiiiunt fu .li
j wlili the except m l mi al'i.u-i'ii
if.rward pus. wh.n Lj l'U ' I,v
1 1 rmJ lu Hi" opiki jWiH lii a-r.-ii a
CITY IS NO BETTER THAN HER ! tou, n,ou. Th. y U 1 d lo kh K fai.
RESIDLNTS. jl'om roy und KldrnUn wro injur.
Result, for Betterment Ar B.ied f(,.l(,
en Effort. Individual, muw .
Their Aet.vity in Booatinfl Natural
Advantage That turround Ua.
! U "
) In ili latter part of th lt half of
l he guute and wer carrlcl from Hi'"
Th, mut i.b. nuin. iuiI rlno if tli.?
VlliiuiHu rlwr of urr-d tliU
ln tliu itt.r' turn.. itlilit t' of Hi. litKh wui.-r u""" "f 1,10
f ill of Tli.) ir.'i of tlio flood
taint about 2 o'rlo. k Tl.urMluy morn
!,. wbt-ii It In tlioiigbt to I'uvo r- i;l
1, r. d ttl'oui twt iity-fiv.! ft a.
DnimiK.'a from the flood i r
1 uad will 1'iol.aoly nwt H fai no ii.
of vulo-y boltonm lure at nr "" wttl,"r V
In tho hUlory of tlio country. ovlK
to tlie audd.-un.-Ha of tbc- rlao and tin'
lack ot .r.miat ou for it,. Onlmrd
and gurd.n prodiMa not yt
gathiTod l '! " w"ro 'lU
chnn from ti.'lda onbiirdn. Hop
growira aro li.avy lo.r. Moat of
thi'iu .w. r tuuKbt with tn-UU h
on tlio Kiound .re.arlnK to at Hi-m
and th.H re all ost Ui hvl.l
loaer ao fur n-iwru-d w 1X""'1J Mc'
Carthy wiio loat 1700 poloa. Mat of
theno wiio aot lu lh boh rt-mly to
bo lamped whu tbo flood cumo and
floutod tlu-m aay. NummiUB In
tancea itlintlar to thlw aro report, d.
Conaldrabl loss or Jive alu'k la x-
A raft of a quarter ui.....
log. got aay from the .aw nillU i
Corvallia Monday nUbt Hud by tlila
tlmo thy are probaidy In the I'ai-iflf
ocean. To give ume id. a of l ie
awlfinva. ot tbo current during the
rlao of tho river the raft of Inaa
Corvallia at 5 1" th.i evening and they
jmsaed Salem at 3 lu tho mornlim fol
lowing. Tha heaviest losa of hop. was 0JO
bales at tho Homo yard, valued at $20,
000 Other amaller hwaea aro also
reported, Uavldaon & Hudgoa losing
four bales. Only part ot theae will
be lost slue they were 'not wet
through. They also lout a few head
Of stock. James Collins lost . thirty
i r,f o-oftis which wore cut off
. , i .ha finrifl came. Trim
jrom uu wut-i. w
wa. about half the bunch, the others
having boon rescued by Mr. Collins.
It Is likely that there will be a
wood famine since moat of the wood
not delivered to town was ricked up
on the bottoms and this has probably
all drifted down the river.
.luHn Galloway Holde Court.
Judge William Galloway came to
Dallas Monday afternoon ana neia a
session of Circuit Court, Department
o The session was brief, lasting
iu'. than two hours. Orders were
made as follows:
ruin nnseh vs. Irvine L.
XV. van " -
Btoddard, foreclosure; J. H. Flower
for plaintiff. Dismissed on motion of
plaintiff. ' o ul ,
T.h Sehnebeli vs. William Schlnd
ler et al. foreclosure; John Bayne for
plaintiff; W. C. Wlnsiow tor u-
ant. Dismissed on motion of plaintiff,
G. S. Reid et ux vs. Emma L. Sav
n title: Corby &Blng-
ham for plaintiff; Carey F. Martin
Decree for plaintiff.
Thomas Crowley ys. Nellie Grant,
partition; Kelley & Curl for piauuui,
Oscar Hayter for derenaauu x-.-
r, flin amended complaint;
defendant allowed fifteen days to
further plead.
TnUto wheeler vs. Harland Wheeler
Bult in equity; Oscar Hayter and G.
O Bingham for Plaintiff. .Demurrer
to answer over-ruled; plaintiff allowed
ten days In which to answer,
B M. Smith vs. Thomas Jones,
Bult' to quiet title; L. D. Urown for
plaintiff. Default and decree..
Tilghman Hlnshaw vs. Anna Hin
shaw,' suit for divorce; Oscar Hayter
for plaintiff; L. D. Brown for defend
r ant Defendant allowed $50 suit mon
ey, to be paid on or before thirty
days from date.
D L. Kayt vs. G. W. Shriver, con
firmation; N. h. Butler for plaintiff.
Sale confirmed. Observer. ' ;
W. C. T. U. Meets.
A parlor meeting under the aus
pices of the Woman's Christian Tem
perance Union was held at the home
lw P'-il'le have any dfiu le Idea
ui ,.rvnhi U lu) U' '
for Mr l.y. and. Kirw. na . . .... . ,,ur
dry t.i I'JIO. .nail u , ml of Ull. d,.velp-
tUe W. C T. I". i , Bll(111, ,.,y. All are
Matters In Probate.
Ksta'e of W. C. lirown., d'an. d
final a' count t for h. arliiK !"
c uib. r i7. at lu a. m.
Katutu of Mallnda Syrou. doci.-d
... . . i . . . i f
I .-HtUlu KUllllUeil to jiumh. v, i.. v..
Syron appoint, d a liiiinin'raior; bond
nnrl ntmr.ivid: J. I., (jink. Wll-
ni'iit round aimm .i
pro.tluK by the -ra of pro..perity that! limn Mei.ale and W. H. Andre, ap
pointed appruiiw-rn,
u and all should help
ZIZ"B..rvi.,.a were! la thU fight for a Kr.,Uer ul?, and
1 'nldil
h.ld 111 tho IOvwnf-SU ul (hureji
Mminioutli yeHt' rday.
Mr Wblto of liid i peudeneo recent
ly made an ex- haiige of hi- Lu.-kla-
mow farm for a nice remu-n. , .
ii. m eltv. Tho d al wa inado tiiro.iKi.
..... -.... ..-.! firm tf W . A. -lueaer.
iu. i 1 "
... u Oreuon. say Kalem Siaus
, ...... ... .1,1. cr.iit
ntiui. Many aro neipwK '
work and other, would be If "',-y
knew what to do or bud a plan of
ac ion. Tho suburban push clubs
i.v done a KrcU d.ul. The fniit-
Krowtrs organizations have also done
l-ui.n.. i.t AiiL'iiNla CamnleOl. de-
ceaaml final account allowed and ad-
nilnlBtraior diacliai-ged.
Estate of Kruiik U Urown. de
Estate of Viola Sloper. deceased
will admitted to probate; WUlard A.
Sloper, Charles 6. Slop, r and W. H.
Cockle appointed executors without
bonds; A. W. Cooper, W. S. Cooper
iH real estate firm , . - Fa.u.-1 bonds; A. W. Cooper. W. S. Coop.
Mr... Carpenter of Norn i rltlru, .,lllllllt,, thu good road, meet-j aua Geo. Agee appointed appraisers.
,,.nlly v.i.ed for aevera! day. here a In M , jne tl)Urches and .
with Mra. K. W. 8trnK.
AKate iAi.lge No. 177 ot Hebekabs
bad a very enjoyable session Wedncs
day evening, November 18. After tli
Initiation of two candidates and the
election ot officers those present
were aerved with a splendid banquet.
Mrs Henrietta Haley and Mrs. Mc
Klnuey were delegate, from , the
Chrstian church to the Sunday
achool convention. M. M. Jones also
Mr. Cornelius has Just completed
tho irection of a l"re scratching
.bed and hen house on his chicken
farm where ho propos. s to nave a
extensive poultry farm. .
nr.. Jennie Shr.-vo returned home In Port and Thursday af
ter a two weeks' visit with her moiu
er, Mrs. Davis of this place.
w W. Percival shipped a car load
of hogs to Port and yesterday.
Calvary Presbyterian.
T,a Bl.i.b.ct for next Sunday morn
ing at Calvary Presbyterian church
will be, "Systematic uiving, , oi
"ir Much Do You Owe?". At 7:J0,
Dr. Dunsmore will deliver the ninth
loet.irn In the series of Charac
ter sketches, the subject being, "Deb
orah, The Strong-Minded' woman.
Sunday school m 'ets at iu o mui-k.,
moralng worship with sermon at 11
..i,w,b- nn,t tioDu'ar lecture at 7:30.
A cordial .welcome to all who attend
these services. '
Christian Church.
Tho evangelistic services at the
Phristlan church, which have been in
progress for the past two weeks, con
rtntH hv R. C. Black, evangelist, and
I. N. Mulkey, pastor, are deepening,
in interest nightly. The t)aa weak
er has retarded the work, but already
twenty additions have been made to
-r.hi.reh. The meetings will con-
. a, tnriofinlt.a Derlod. The
tl 11 LIU iwi " v -
linino' subjects will be 'discussed
by the evangelise: Friday night,
The. Wnrld Turned Upside Down;"
Saturday night, "A Young Man Away
frnm Home:" Sunday, at 10 a. m-,
an Illustrated talk to young people,
f 11 n. 'm.. "Christ, not Christians,
and at 7:30:'p. m., "Thy Kingdom
rvm-" Monday nlKht. "The Upnrtea
Christ" The ordinance of baptism
will be attended to on Saturday at
o.oa All are cordially invitea
' th0A meetinKS. Come with
a smile on your face and bring a
friend with you.
lugs, and schools, the churches and
ier'v element of society has done a
Kr at deal a'id has miuh more to do
in this work of making our communi
ty prominent on th map.
Se.retary Hou-r. of the Board of
Trade, bands out the following pert
inent nnints and suggestions relative
Ut this work for betterment, based on
results of activity in the boosting
work all over the country:
Our Town and tha Map.
Where Is our town and county on
the map?
Wonder who sees it?
Who knows our town Is on this
ho care o her than our home
What does our town mean, indus
trially, to America?
" What is Its rank in the American
town development game?
What's I ho score?
Are we in the game?
nova it is almighty Important, the
position our town takes in this raco
for supremacy among towns.
And the old town cannot fight her
battles without you and me to boost.
We can boost, at least, If we do not
hnll, I.
No town is better than her men.
No town ever went ahead without
men to push her ahead.
A lazy farmer allows nis crops w
run to weeds
a lazv townsman allows his town
to run to weeds literally and figura
weeds and crops do not come on
well together. Weeds and town de
velopment do not know eacn oiner.
.Let's cut down the weeas.
Let's cultivate our ground.
The, la a reason for our town be
ing on the map, else it would not be
there. - . i .
Let us Study our town a little.
Find out why we are on the map;
why you and I and our neighbors set
tled in this spot instead of some oth-
t mnklne that inquiry we prob-
. " o -
ii.rin Hiaenver reasons why other
persons, other business men would
like to live and do Dusiness m uu.
town. We will discover our aavan-
era a
After we know our town, let's tell
w. Wa nass the information
around; 'send It abroad.
. .' Morn
Liet S worx loc u"
Our private business is important,
and must not be neglected, dul om
huainesa interests are inseparably as
Hilton- with the welfare of the town
to tnwn nroSDtrd. we will have
XL vw i Mr
a better chance to prosper
if 0 urn making good now, what
could we do in far more favorable
Mrenmatancea? What are you ana i
willing to do to make our town more
prominent on the map
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lu
cas County. .
Frank J. Cheney makes oath tha
he la senior partner of the firm of
s-. J. Cheney & Co-, doing business
in the City of Toledo, County and
State aforesaid, and that said firm
will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED
DOLLARS for each and every case ot
Catarrn that cannot be cured by the
use ot Pall's Catarrh Oa.-. f HANK
Sworn to before me and subscribed
in my presence, this 6th day of De
cember A. D. im. A. W. Uleason,
Nntarv Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is tkaen intern
ally, and acts . directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system
Rend for testimonials free F. i
Chenev A Co.. Toledo. O. Sold by
nil druirelsts. 75c.
Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Baptist Church
Tho Baptist 'church will hold their
Thanksgiving ''service nexi Sunday
morning. Subject of the morning ser
vice will be, "Why Give Thanks and
How," and in the evening, "Calvary.'
The evening service will be the sec
ond of a series ot sermons. Sunday
school at 10 a. m.. young people's
meeting at 6:30.
Bulk oysters,' eaetera and Olympia,
at the Gem Restaurant. ' f
Again the Independence Athletic
Club football team demonstrated thei
ability in the field against all comers
yesterday afternoon when they defeat
ed the Multnomah Addition team by
Principals of the different high
schools of the county and of schools
doing work above the egihth grade
met In the office of the county school
superintendent at Dallas Saturday
last and completed plans and arrange
ments for debating work for the
county this year. They are working
along the same lines as last year,
when the value of the work of the
High School Debating League was
an thoroughly demonstrated. J. E.
Dunton, principal of the Falls City
wth School, who was president or
the league last year, was re-elected
and Superintendent H. C. Seymour
was also, re-elected as secretary of
the league.
There will be twelve teams in the
Ian 0-.1A thla year and the triangular
system, of debating will be followed.
Tho flrsfc debate will be held In Jan
uary, the second in February and the
third in March, the debates to take
niaeo the first of the months namea
a cm has been offered to the
team winning the championship for
thA countv and if won two years in
succession by the same team, to be
thA nmnertv of ' that school. Gold, sil
ver and bronze medals will also be
given as premiums to successful de
"Much interest has been shown in
h wnrk hv members of the different
schools and everything points to a
successful year's work in the league
this vear. Programs for the diner-
ent debates, also questions for debate
and other arrangements win De puu
lished later.
Farewell to Miss Boyle. !
A farewell reception to Miss Mu
riel Boyle was tendered Saturday ev
t thA hnme of Prof, and Mrs.
cu6 w
rTt,h nrinr tn her leaving witn
her parents for Seattle. The evening
was pleasantly spent at games. Miss
Boyle was presented with an Indepen
dence High School pennant in remem
nf her achool days here. Dain
ty refreshments were served. Only
teachers and pupils were prebeuu
The Brandagee
. On Men's Clothing
Mean, thai every dcta.l I- . rrect from the patt.-m of the Ul nc
.d the cut of !be an...-l. I l. lh- .!.. :"l l"",,"t "" "f"
out of Uhl lu the finhl.-d n.nncl.1. but m-an o mudi imd-r
tual erl.-u Our p..t oh" P'n of bulii.-.
us to taw you H.-.-nil dollar, on every suit. You don't pay
ll.-luliuor'. del l, w li.-K ) ..u trade at K ca.-h "'"re.
Boys' Clothing
Our bov.' null are built to stand boys' m.-ar. The fubrl.a r
vtcui.le and the a-.... nrudy b.-w.d. The nobby full t,b
will plciiHf yon.
Cushion Comfort Shoes
,., p tl,- soles of your feet warm because th.-re Is a layer of ngn
rado felt under the Unlit, flexible Insole. They're tl.e ideal
for cold.-et as well . fur t nder I-et. we.e
other large shipment of
"Brown's Star-5-Star Shoes
In the latest fall styles for men. women and children. Every pair
built. to give satisfactory service.
The cooler weather demands heavier underwear. Our Hue of
North Star Underwear
Is made In full liberal dimensions on tine gau;e knitting machines
We show a splendid assortm.nt In cotton, mixed wool and cotton,
and pure wool garments at lower prices than you can find at "reg
ular stores."
Ladies' Furs
Have you seen our new line of ladies' furs? Fur scarfs are com
fortable as well as stylish. You can't appreciate values offered till
you see goods. ,
Barnes' Cash Store
grand Opening of
Beauty Parlors
A noted beauty specialist from the East has been
Imported at great expense to assume charge of this de
partment, conduct manicuring parlors and handle a
complete line of toilet articles and hair goods. The
complete manicuring parlor equipment from the Port
land store has been brought to Salem for the use ot
this modern store.
air goods 6n
A large balcony has been erected In the store to be
used exclusively for beauty parlors and the most com
plete line of hair goods ever shown in the Willamette
valley An expert has assumed her duties here. She is
the only specialist of the kind in Salem. You are in
vited to call and inspect bur new department, meet
the beauty specialist, and tell us what you think of the
Diss tli D. van
279 Commercial St., SALEM, OR.