V . . ! - I u R 1 WW v m AY.-yUaV JVpsrti.'fl Sr.U - : li VSS .ml ii'M l'l1il!J!fl K tiV I tpiuni .Morphine ftT Uiiat 'OTX4WCOT!C. - V1, ' ' - ! trMi lu';- J . VrU- 4 u I,- If I MN.MIf NEW YORK I a-W'-"" 11 1 ..- Eva.t Copy of Wrapper, 4 fr.l. YI(r.TKS CAN HP FO M . V FWrWHFPK POINTrWTO) 11 HIS'-rH(Xl. AS TUF. REASON .'(!. THltf lf -'-VKKAHl F SKI Ks-Sl 1 V.'f jTOf Send lor new Folder and Success Stories, When You Sit Down To a Meal in this rthtannini joii nrf . ore it will le 'xcelU nt as fix il, ttokintr and nrvi". The nrrivii'lii eptak for themsclvi's, and t.tii' hili "I fare tfll nmu-ly i lint fating at ittle dice, ('dine in unit hrmtf a friemt or two along- Ymi will all be tm pleased. White House Restaurant Wm. McGilehrial & Son, Proprietors SALEM - - - OREGON A. C MAGERS. Pioprictot Standard Liquor Co. WHOLESALE DEALER IN WINES, LIQUORS Sr CIGARS 148-156 S. COMMERCIAL STREET SJILEM ' OREGON COTTAGE CHARLES 6AVAE, LESSEE Special Attention to Commercial and College Organizations 160 Court street. Telephone 209 Mai Telephone and Messenger Service at Hotel For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years TM( ITU MNI. N(W 0 Cm. ii m hrn irwiiifru i law 'i it i 1 8 ' U.UL W-.fJ II r Li Li m i J i Facts Worth Noting Enrstlment of (tudtntt past yeir 468. All griduttu placed lit good positions. Filled but 50 per cent applications (or office help. Reputation lor thorough and personal Instruction. Safe and refining Influences. mm -. "stj COPvRUdKT. For Style or Beauty We have them. All of the popular hapes and popular priced Shoes WE DO FINE REPAIRING JACOB VOQT 345 State Street, Salem, Oregon TELEPHONE MAIN 175 HOTEL Salem 1 S3' POLK COUNTY'S SCHOOL REPORT HiHrt f ihi ilioU of llli louniy f.tr thi 1kki uititiib finllnis No-inl.ir . 1 !!. furiiUhtd ,y riu IwiiH-'iKliiit II. t". Hi-xiioiir: Nuih'mt f ai'lum'e r i tin mlTiHlly and on Um .... Co 60 Hi'hiMiln iiul roHtri.il tli'' dlul.u No. 31. l't and Nuinl'. r f iuitl r umtiiliiK ln-.t r iHri l'.H'S Nnmlr of tui.ilH r.-Kifur.d huh (Iiiiihk moiiili N.mitnr of fiioiu r'-lhtfrd i-ii'lry dur.HK hkIi .... Niiinlx r tif pupil ri uvlmlt f l iIurliiR tiioiiiti Toinl nnmix r of pnplln n r. r- iM. r ihiilni; imt. 1 1 Niuiilxr of pnp'U .Inil'lfd dur- lllK lliolllh Nuuilur of pawls r. iiiaititiiK at t in.- of r. poit .,nnl,.r of I.'V l:ui.,at Ouriiic tiii'ii li 19 t ;;-.(' 1! 1 So 411 1M7 I'.r.io ;.ii Who'..- mutiti. r of diija uti-t,n- BUro Wholo mi mtx-r of lis ab." iH i hu!- niiiul'i-r ot lliiH' la'o . . Nim:l"'r of pupils neither ah- R.ni nor lurly A-.vrauo inni.li.r of pupii ho. I.mcitiri Avi'iauo daily aitomlaaro 1'i-r vm of al!"ii'lauc Numlur vishs l.y p:m'iiis. .... Niiii.lxr viMis hy iiioinh'-fs of fs hoot L-oria "' Tin' followitm a.liools wore pla.o.l on tlio'io'.l of honor for ilio county for havins mud" a Pt o. nt of ali. nd an.e of W or m..r.: Z.-tia. imllas. Snihlifiohl. IVodro, H--il ria'.ri.-. llrulu.-port. No. I-. -Mfllo. U. ih-!. IVriydah". Fairvu-w, Coosom-. k, l'o' h ran.', Oak ruin., Ind p.-iidoio Ami o h. Hip-na Vista, Hu.ll I'opconi. liar mony, Tpp.T Sail Croik. l.iu.olu. N irth liaUafc. lCntorpriso, Ktua, Orn u wood, Concord, dakdalo. .M'Cy, Teuls, Falls City, W.uk Hock, pio ne r. Mountain 'h w. Tiu foliowiu); wore pl.o od on th" roll of honor for the county for hav ing no turd:i8 during too inonlh; Sm thii.-ld. Hod l'rairlf, SitoskI No. IT., Airlie, noihcl, Kairviow, Oak Po nt, tlkins, Atitioih. Harmony, 1'p pc a: i. ..... ni'oiii. .Suv.r, Ktna. McTlmmoiuls Valhy, (Jrooiiwood, Hun ny Sloit', ' Concord, Oakdalo, illai k li :;, Pioneer, Highland. T:t- ittondanco this last month has h"tu .,ooil and it is hoped thai ail parents, teachers and children will do their best to see that it remains as good during the entire year, as teach ers and children cannot do their host work when the at ondatn e is not the best possiblo. Four hundred and th'rty-ono tnrdies are too many for this county. It ought to he reduced considerably and It Is requested that all will aid Hie tea- hers in keeping the tardies down. At the beginning of the school year County Superintendent Seymour sent a circular le'ter to all teachers ask ing that among other things done this year, that grounds be cleaned and that each child or at leant each fam ily have its individual drinking cup. Now over half of the schools in the county have reported tho grounds cleaned, out-buildings repaired, and about two-thirds have reported the individual drinking cups. These are all being asked for he cause of the benefit to the health of the children and if all parents, school officers and teachers would work to gether in these matters we would soon have the blue ribbon county in the slate for health conditions of th children. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lu cas County. Frank J. Cheney makes oath tha he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrn that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Ck-j. FUANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of De cember, A. D. J 886. A. W. Gleason, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Curo is tkaen intern ally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send for testimonials free F. J Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for const! pation. Conflict in Election Laws. A change in the law3 made by the brilliant session of 1909 unearths an other conflict which will shove that session a little higher in the Hall of Fame, says Salem Statesman. This time It is in the election laws. Au a t l'"d liaiiKli ih 1 1 m of lli g.iiral dHtt.Mt from Jun t November, Thin a.t i.r.nld.-t that other ia rdatin to ..- itu and nUira l.n t i-hm-4 acoidincly and eoite)ii.'iit!y lh I tm for rnU irau.tn la hvd ahead miuU Jun UtiraLn rlor to thl iIhik "h mrl.-d l!h January of h )er of tbt iditlon. lit aii.iili.r a.t tho .';Uhtir pro vided that ho co"''y ,,,," ," ,l count t Hliull iiie- i In July and al audi lU.-eUiig Khali l'Ha on th pr. ho i iMoimlurtea and oth. r mattrra i. ttln Iiik to tho eilon In au h toiinty. I dor ihU piMUton th.' pi.vlu.1 If itn diil. would he -.iihlth.d fully a inoittli a.'l.T r.silrt.hti atari. d ' iii.ll-i.a .oi.f.iNlon oi;ld he th .m n.-uucno h l'""hh. onld not he w..re to !i re the.' hoi'M t I t..r and many r'nl"t'i'uoi intent h" lliu.le III .he roim pteeil'.M Suti.H.ript.oeN taken fr u.e.v ma.Ka tine pt.bib.hei. at t raen t Moote': COUGHS AND COLDS SHOULD NEVER BE NEGLECTtD Ti.lie home n bottle of li' d Si.ru.e mid White Pine Compound Couth Medicine and a box of Williams' Lax aihe Cold Tablets and he prepared. Sold only by WILLIAMS iM CCMPAKY Indf pendence, Oregon To Exist is to stay on a farm with your nose down on the grindstone year after j year, making barely enough to tide j you over from one crop until anoth er, or working In a prune Orchard part of the season for someone els.j to make enough to run your farm the next yar. Are you in this class? it so, get out of the rut. Cot up onto tho trail and kick up a dust. To Live is to plant your farm out into an Ap ple, Pear, Peach, prune or Cherry Orchard and raise aoinething for which the world is crying and for which it is .willing to pay. good Orchard is tho best real estate "tit you ever had if you want to soli, ...id the best income producer when you want to live on Easy Street. For prices on fruit trees write to G. W. PLMBAKER 990 South 12 street, Salem, Oregon. Steele's Ferry Bueiia Vista, Oregon. The ferry that crosses the people. Most direct route to Jefferson, Scie, Shedburne, Salem and Al baay from all points in South er and Central Pork ceunty. G L Hawkins Dallas, Ore. Jvlarble end Granite 2 ( k 1 I l s r Nioiuinientf and Hiarf ttonts Cemetery work etc. HL 60 YEARS' " EXPERIENCE TftlH Copyrights Ac. AnTone npnrttng a Kketoh and dncrlpt.lon may ont"kl? ascertain our opinion free whether ap ...Jintlnn la urohatily patenlnlile. Cominunlca-tlona- rict fSnnSdentnll. HANDBOOK on Patent. Patent taken throuuh Munn Co. receive nrrial notice, without cbaree, In the Scientific American. Fads for Weak N.....h. it ..I .he .UWr.. e4 -o. . id l he uim ilitliavily lemtatne. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription it Makca Weak Women Strom, Sick Women Well. h ac. dirtily - h ' " '' "T 'T! l?"'Z'pnZZ I . 1 tor ih. hul. ay.ia. Il cur,, lem. e.pl..nl n.hl PJ IwmI lrriinr..l to u.iner.ellr In.i.l.o evrry hiihIci! ion. , k almll mH pruiiUrie htre at to Hie iympfome l il.. peiuh.r .tlcli.Mu inriUf.it la women, but Ihn.e w.nl.ni lull tntoroil... lo Ihrlr ivmplomi , anil n.c.n..,l poalnte rur .re rr(err.d lu Ih. I'n.p - n,,.. Sena. Me.lir.1 Advi.er- KH paa. n r rviJ oJ up-K-dl. I-Union, .cnl frt n fcr..l .l .I ccnl .i.mpa lo over coal ol adinf W or, in cloltt hoidind lor .l emp. AJd.caa Dr. R. V. Pierce, HuflTalo, N. ij JUST RECEIVED A Tnll and Complctciliic of Buster Brown and Wliiteliouso SHQES; rop rHitriRr-N MH l'vry puir warranted Also Cotton Blankets and Comforts l. II. DRKXLKR, 'i l l K GROCER Corner of Main and Monmouth Streets Independence, Ore, We Make a Specialty of Farm Produce Getting Married Is No Joke When you have to scrape the bottom of your puree with a fina tooth comb every month for money to buy ahoee for the little ones. Our Special School Shoes are especially touCh for the purpote of helping you to keep money in the bank against a rainy day. They can actually stand more rough usage than any other shoe we ever saw. A pair of them for your boy or girl will prove thi. to your satisfaction. A fit with every pair. The Knorr SHOE V0 444 STATE STREET, SALEM. OREGON. makes good pastry, too." ThfTiliimn. hnrd srrains. eclectt'd Vi f Tfll H 11 Will W V1U v - ' H t rinrolvfdejmed. i,.uf. mi the. hill for a itcrfect nastry fl,1,1rle.sidc8 it is the Hour for good bread and cakes ana discuhb. Olympic Flour always the Bame, al wlif.lHome and nutri- tious ia an aid to rather than a tent of a young housewife's ability. If your grocer cant suppty you we ii ton you -but insist upon uiymiui; mand it there Isn't any Just as good. at vnim POBTLAND FLOUEIKQ MILLS CO., POHTLANll, ORKGON Women "fFZtrJZ uU upon vj vw in .Men aua oui.u. lymplc Flour Rlotner. and scoured ll.UUV.UJ uo tfnorP!!! n