Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, November 19, 1909, Image 1

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Er T a 1 1 y TT TO T7
$12,000 Worth of Standard Machinery
U Installed on the Whlteaker Place
and Bottle of Wine li Broken at
Naming of Firt Proepect Hole.
Tlio new mm hlm ry lor the t'U "
n the I'. F. Whitni.icr nliu-f wc.,t
.,f this cltv I Inn u.-.t uhil op. r;ittnH ;
Hire h.-nuii Tu'Mhiy afternoon, A
bottle i.f wine was broken lit H"' "I'--nlng
uihI naming of I Hi- well which
uh Cl.r.rti. ii. , Kiir.-ku. Tin- compa
ny U equipped wl'h-H heavy stand
nr,l rig m u cost of $11'. .... It Is u
inn. hint. Hint 1h capable of putting
down a hob- !" '''' I without extra lilnirv or channel. It In not he
lley(l tht H wl" 0" l",,,!""4,y
go down ovr lt"0 feet, however, to
find petroleum and lu'lK (l"""'
MHt of the B'ok for the operation
Of thin prospect hau been raised here
In Polk county, with the exception
Of that whl. li riiiue from Salem.
Tho hole will be fourteen hichcH to
tart with uml casings will be us-d
from the surface down. The diame
ter Of the well Will not be reduced
under two or three bundled feet.
.will then ''i' continued wl'h a twelve
and a half Inch augur and finally It
Will be reduced to ten Inches.
. Head olflce of the company Is at
pnlhiH. (ieo. Kmery, a Portland man
end an expert from California. Is in
charge of operations and in on the
ground most of the time. He Ik the
only r.tland man, It is understood.
Who has st -ck In the company. F.
M. ZiKl-r, an oil-well man with twenty-three
yaiH experience in the fields
of most every malo la the union, has
harite of the well a id drill. He
fomes to OteKon from HakerBficld,
Operations will begin with one shiN
working eiKht hours hut later on it
Is expected two shifts will ho worked.
The operations will be watched
with Interest by people all over the
valley a. id mate. That, there is oil
on tho VVhlteakei- place thorn in no'
tin. slightest doubt Hlnce it has been
discovered In surface iinliiailons to
a certainty. Oil sands are present
throughout the country adjoining I his
Methodist Church
Next Sunday morning the pastor
will preach on "Practical Tliaiiksgiv-
l.,.r i.. i,l nriiHelit the needs of the
Jllh 1 ' I
it.,,,,,, MIssionarv Soclely of the
church. It should he a great nicjins
of grace to all to Rrasp the opportun
ity of helping those in need. In the
evening Uov. Weber yill preach on
the topic "The Curse and Cufe of
On Thanksgiving evening,
ber 25, will occur the second mission
ary Illustrated lecture. The subject
is" At Hie Gales and Within" or" How
America Meets Her Immigrants."
It is a lecture full of instruction and
genuine high class entertain meni,.
The patriotic- vein throughout the lec
ture is inspiring. . The manuscript
and the "slides" come from Chicago
anil are prepared by expert men. To
those who saw and hoard the first
missionary lecture no urging to at
tend is necessary. Let all come. He
member there is no charge made. It
is free. - Only an offering will be tak
en to meet expenses and should the
collection be more than expenses, (he
surplus goes to the benevolences of
tiu church.
The church will begin revival ser
vices on Sunday, November 28 and
continue for two or three weeks at
Baptist Church
At the Baptist church, (brick build
ing) Rev. Jlaynard It. Thompson will
tell in the morning of next Sunday,
November 21, at 11 o'clock, about
"Moses' Enduring Faith in God." His
evening subject will be "Gethsem
ane." The church and friends meet
to study the Bible at 10 a. m. and
the young people meet at 6:30 p. ta.
The union of young people holds an
important business meeting this Fri-
day vi iilnn. Th iliiinlt mid (rl 1
will met for a Thui'kxnt"" l'r'F
Hireling m-xt Wolnnebiy w-nliiB. Wi
Invite you, ,
Union Thankiolvlng Service.
rnUm TlmnkHf.lvtnK iktvI-th will
hi- hebl In the Itiipt l.-l church Hi
10::;u tt. m. on ThmiksKlvlim ilny.
ThirHlily of lo ut week. The iteniioli
Will b"' I'leU' lied by HeV. V. J. We
ber, pastor of i In- Methodic church;
lli.v. II. Chun. DuiiHiuor.', I. will
ofi.r t In- TlnmWHKivliiK prayer; I'rof
J. 0. will n-nd the ri.-il-dent's
Plot hinui'loii, niol ! May
liiir.l It. Thompson will ple-,hle. A
i horns inmiw ii I f'"iii the ev
eiul hull-it Mni Ho- t Kisa will
relub r the Inut li-.
Mi ml. ei of u'l Hi"' church. h lire
cordially luvlfit to Join In this hour
piub.e, anil a f'TVeiit UPP' "I l
.Him.' i., ---
jeoiin. anil join In making thin a real
'old fioJiloiied miting of'lug
to Almighty (Joil, the tiivcr of
jttil Hie good things which we ciijuy.
I Chrlitlan Church
J The reviuil work t Hi" Christian
I church, conducted by I). C. I!u'-k. t-v-JailJellHl.
I Increasing III Interest
......l mi j.nlir. cfillitiillllM V IO
each iiIkIH. Considering the iliHiiKrce
uble weallu r the audiences are good,
while the bet of order, attintioii and
Kood feeling prevail. There has been
t iiiimb. r of additions to the church
durliiB the week, and the meetings
will continue Indefinitely. The ser
vices commence eat h evening at l.'-i"
Tho following' Hiibjects will be dis
cussed by tho evaiiKdist': Sunday.
II a. in., "Why I am a Christ Ian On
ly." At 7:.'! P- m., "Heaven and It
Wonders." At 10 o'clock, the Ilible
school hour, a special talk, illustrated
will be given to the young people.
All are cordially Invited.
The University of Oregon is send
ing out the October number of the
Cnivei-sity Ilulh tin on the Oregon
IVzh School Debating Leasue. In ad
(Ution to tin material concerning the
league Itself, ten pages are given to
the "Principles of Effective Debat
ing" adopted by Mr. (iustaye N. Uu
chen, Instructor in public' speaking
at the University of Oregon. .Com
plete blbliographi. s on the guarantee
of bank deposits, limitations or anun
mviits, capital puiil.ihmeiit, commis
sion plan of city 'government, single
tax, and savings banks are giv
en. Taken us a whole the bulletin
is one of the best the university has
Issued and will bo especially valuable
to debating societies and to all tlu.-i-e
iuirenteH in nubile sneaking. Like
all other unlvetvty publi ations, this
bulletin Is sent free on request, it;
, . .
is worth asking for and
should be read by a,l students who
have any interest in the subject' of
public debating. Mr. P.iu hen has
shown his remarkable thoroughness
in the preparation of the bulletin.
A Scalded Boy's Shrieks
horrified his grandmother. Mrs. Maria
TnvW nf Nebo. Ky.. who writes, uui,
ItlYIUl, Ul l.cuu, jvjm -
when all thought he would die, Thick-
leu's Arnica Salve wholly cured him
Infallible for Burns, Scalds, Cuts,
Corns, Wounds, Bruises. Cures Fever
Sores. Boils. Skin Eruptions, Chil
Chapped Hands, Soon routs
2oc at all druggists.
' ', iV - it's
t it
i f
i I
i s A
Bcautflul Chapel Car, St. Anthony,
of Cathol;e Church Extension Soci
ety, Leave Today for M Hie City,
Continuing on Regular Schedule.
Ind. pendrine will havfl a Catholic
church. This inn. h bus n.-eii deter
mined, b fcaid Father II. J. M'liev.
Ill last niht, win n it In hiH up-
partin.iits of tho upleildid vestibule
chapel car.. The Kite f"T the new
edifice has been practically decided
upon hut the father is not yet ready
to make public the particulars as to
This Is K'X'd news for the follow
ers of Cathollcy of this locality as
well as to the Interests of Independ
ence geiieru'ly.
The Catholic gospel car leaves to
day on Us tour of missionary work.
From Independence It goes to Mill
City. The car is a beautiful struct
ure on wheels and is put into the.
field of missionary work by the Cath
olic Church Extension Society of
America and its purpose Is to take
care of tho villages and communities
which have no churches and to ex
tend the Faith to the vast army of
ought-to-be and usi!d-;o-be Catholics
who are now without priests or
churches. It Is in charge of G'-orgij
C. Hennessey, superintendent of
chapel cars.
At a tons native estimate there
are a million and a half of Catholics
in America who are without church
es or priests and It was with this
Tact in mind that the car was com
missioned in o its present extension
The society for Catholic extension
work was organized four years ago
and through the influence of Its en
deavors and the visit of the cnapei
car, churches have s-.rung up all ove -
the United States in the waKe oi u.t
church on wheels.
Faher MiDevitt was assisted In
his labors here In Independence oy
Father William Daly, rector of St.
Mary's church, of Portland. In Fath
er McDevilt's missions on the west
side of the Willamette are Newberg.
Sheridan, McMinnville and Indepen
dence, His work with the chapel car
ends here today when he will return
to Portland.
Father MfDevitt Is a man of nlost
pleasing personality which has won
for him many friends here in Indepcn
deuce during this and his former vis-
it ot a ye!lr ago.
It is a pleasure to
note that with the assurance oi me
new church In Independence his vis
Its will be more frequent.
New Books for Library.
The following books have been pur
chased for he free library: The
Land of the Blue Flower, Burnett;
Two Little Pilgrims" Progress, Bur-
net t;
College Years, Paine; Ward
iini at Wps-oii. Tomilson; Ward Jim
at College, Tomilson; Dorothy Brown
Rhoades; Peter, Smith; The West-
omoN White; The Calling of Dan
Matthews, Whie; Irene of the
Mountains, Eggletton; Letters from
an Oregon Ranch, "Katherine";
Freckles, Porter; The Cirl of the
t if
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1909., Port, r; Trmton Kinst.
Mt-Cuii-lieoii; Ktiniiniiii ami ii", WIk
Kin; Th ChDMilii. Krum-r; I.I' tie
Hlxter hi now, I. Hi.-; ''Id lloce ttii'l
Slhtir, H ei; The White fci;.'cr.
Crawford; A ( i . talii li" U Mum
While; With PI. ki ole Hiul l'. v. y,
Burleigh. '
These have recently been dt'ttt"d: ,
The Trull Of the ljiicouu- I'll".'
Fox; Lin MiLiii'i, Winter; A Spinner,
In the Hun, Heed; St. C'-orgi' for KnK ,
hind, lleiity.
Big Came of Son. i
Floyd Williams, Dole pi.m.roy.
Frank Kiiklai.d. Jack and C
W. Ilcnkle attended the foot ball
game Saturday between the O. A.
C. team and the Uiiiverl-y of Wash-
i.ll'toli. Ni'twi hstamlillg the lallerj
won by a if ore of IX to nothing Ui.m
bos say thai it was a ranUii ;;.,d
came. The majority of those who
! witneH.-d Jan Saturday's game
pies the opinion that the fcRine be
tween the O. A. C. boys and the
state university team at Eugene thi-S
aft. rnoon will be th- big game of the:
season and that the O. A. C. boys
have a good chance to win. ;
Notice of Stock-holders' Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the
annual meeting of the stockholders
ot the Independence & Monmouth j
Railway Company will be held at the
Independence Na ional Bank in In
dependence, Oregon, on the 31 day
of December, 11MK1, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m.. for the purpose of
electing offl ers for said company
for tho en uing year and for the
transaction of other business that
may properly come before said meet
ing. D. W. Sears, Secretary. !
Dated Novembir 18, 1!)09. 2-31
Prizes totaling $100 are being of
fered to pupils of public schools of
t' state of Oregon by the Oregon
,.-iety of the Sons of the American
(evolution for essays on subjects con
nected with' our war for Independence
The slate has been divided into sev
eral districts and $25 worth of prizes
will be given in each district. Sub
jects are to be the same in each of
these districts and are, first: "The
Influence of Alexander Hamilton up
on the Roiublic," and second, "The
Turning Point of the Revolutionary
War." The district in which Inde
pendence is located is all that terri
tory lying west of the Cascade moun
tains, not including Multnomah coun
ty, which is in a district to Itself.
The marking of papers will take into
consideration accuracy of statement,
manner of treatment, orthography,
syn ax, originality, punctuation, neat
ness and legibility. These prizes are
offered to encourage love of our
country and the study of history. Ap
ply to your teacher for information
and if she hasn't one of the society's
leaflets call on the secretary of the
society for information.
Threshermen Meet In December.
The State Threshermen's Associa
tion has its annual convention in pros
pect on December 2 and 3 at The
Dalles. There is a prize offer of $200
for the best bushel of wheat grown
in the state, offered by Phillip S.
Bates, secretary of the association.
Judges in this contest have been
named as follows: Prof. II. D. Scud
der, agronomist at the Oregon Agri
cultural College, and J. W. Ganong,
vice-president of the Portland Flour
ing Mills. Addresses of note are. on
the program. Prof. Phil S. Rose, Mad
ison, Wisconsin, will lecture on the
use of gasoline power on the farm,
and Bvroii Hunter, of the department
of agriculture, Washington, D. C, will
speak on the selection of s -ed wheat
and the organization of seed growers'
association. The government good
roads work will be represented and
other speakers will tell of the thresh
ing Indus :rj- in this state. The bus
iness men of Tho Dalles wiil give the
threshermen a banquet at The Dalles
Mrs. D. V. Cummins left Tuesday
for her old home in Missouri where
she will spend the holidays with
friends and relatives. Later she will
loin Mr. Cummins in California where
they expect to locate permanently.
Reliable Footwear
Our Shoes are famous for their t.-havlor under s-ni,.
conditions. Ewy pair is buiit o give salUfa Uei.
carry styles snd r;miHtii suitable for all 'la-ff f "
t r every number of the f ;m!ly.
Our Men's Clothing
bears the BRAXDKGEE label which stands for all that's good In
modern tailoring.
Trump Clothes
for bovs are made to stand boys' wear.
Comforts, Wool Blankets,
Cotton Blankets, Hosiery
and Underwear
for the winter season at prices that "credit" stores can't ma; eh.
Barnes' Cash Store
Beauty P
A noted beauty specialist from the East has been
imported at great expense to assume charge of this department,-
conduct manicuring parlors and handle a
complete line of toilet ar'icles and" hair goods. The
complete manicuring parlor equipment from the Port
land store has been brought to Salem for the use of
this modern store.
porii ,
A large balcony has been erected in the store to be
used exclusively for beauty parlors and the most com
plete line of hair goods ever shown in the . Willamette
valley. An expert has assumed her duties here. She is
the only specialist of the kind in Salem. You are in
vited to call and inspect our new department, meet
the beauty specialist, and tell us what you think of the
1HFH2 111 f
279 Commercial St., SALEM, OR.
3 la-Am V ttftiM W fcV
4--. mxta In mi? V
sweniita oi