Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, November 12, 1909, Image 5

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A torn bogs (ur sale. Inquire of
Verd IIIU. 2 2!1
Tboaias Onliorn a tfiibni visit
or laat KulurJay.
Mlaa Iliirch of Itlikrtali vUIi.mI
friends In thu tiiy this week.
rUiorman Hay and wife apent U:
Friday ami Haturday In 8aem.
C. A. McLaughlin waa transacting
tmalneas In Halem lt Hal unlay.
A. I TH.k aud I) Murky of Kalla
f'ltjr wrm In the city lam Monday,
Hubacrlptlona taken for any uiaa
(I no published, al ("ravm A Muuru'i 2
Wea perry ha been appointed a
guard at the a'ato petiUetulttry at
We will have a nice bright linn of
holiday aHda Ihla year. Craven &
McxiNt. 221
J. 8. Cooptr was transacting UubI
ii. -hh In I'urtlnnd the greater portion
To the People of Inde
pendence and Vicinity
If you want to sell your lUnch
or Farm or City Property, call and
llat with STL'LL A DAHST. THE
LAND MEN, North aide of C street.
Wa want large and amall tracts for
prospective buyers.
The Land Men, Independence, Oregon
'--.him, miMJ,'
.if, .-.
Do you want a boater that will keep you warm?
Do you want a heater that will save you wood?
Do you want -a heater that U neat and of the latest design?
If bo, give
QM. Wade SL Co.
a call and look over their Una. It wlH pay you to Investigate be
fore you purchase. Note tuek- window display.
Holiday Goods
We are showing a line of the lat
est novelties In Christmas goods from
a penny postal to a set of furs, In
cluding sofa pillows, stamped linens,
etc. While it Is a little early to
buy we would be pleased to have
you drop in
When in Salem
and examine our display. We feel
sure you will find something that will
please you, especially the price.
Remember we are Headquarters for
Santa Claus this season.
- Remember the Place
The Variety Stora
We have just secured the finest line of Bags and Purses that
are ffiaL and now offer them to the public at the very lowest
Call and see our line as we would be pleased to show you.
The Commercial Book Store
163 CvimtcM St, 8ALEM. ORE.
of Old wvt'k, having gone down laat
truth oysters, both Eastern and
Olriupla, always on band at h Uu
Roittturaut. IDlf
I. II, Ideals, who baa a farm la lb
vicinity of llll waa in to rity
tbla week.
Mr. and Mra, O. C. KIp.r went U
Enliiu laat Halunlay returning borne
on I ho lulo boat.
Mrs. Ada Thrasher of Htitimilt aa
Hailing with friend In lh illy Mon
day of thla 'i-k.
Tim Sperling brothera were among
thoai from Independence who vlalied
Buli'in last Hut unlay.
II. II. Wbrkoiut of J'ortlund U via-
Itlflg wHu Ida daughter, Mra. W. U.
A 111 it, thla wick.
Mom U'alkt-r apctit a few daya In
I'ortlmid thla wi-pk. Kolng down
WfdiK'iiday via Kubiu.
jMin'l forget twenty five centa will
get you a nl' i bog of gtatlom ry and
a 16x20 ph ture at Craven & Moor'.2
Kor that peraUtfiit haikfng rough
try a bottle of Hd 8pruc and White
IMne CoiiiMiund. Wllllama Drug Co.21t
C. O. Nah. a farmer In the vicin
ity of lluetia VUta, waa tranaactlug
bualneaa In the city Monday.
town Monday.
Jlube DU kluaon la earning the
mall on route two of the rural deliv
ery for bla roualn Percy who la off
on a vacation.
When In town drop In and get one
of thoia full aize 25a dlnm-ra aerved
dally from 11:30 a. m. to 2 p. m. at
the G'-m ReataMranL l'1
Mr. lllckey, Mlaa Ada Fancb and
Mlaa Slngleion of Falla City atopped
In Independence a duy or two on
their way home from Corvallla.
Miss Grace Wallace and Mlaa Kuby
Earhart, who are attending O. A. C.
at Corvallls. apent Saturday and Sun
day with their parent In thlaAlty-
Mra. Willie Shafer and little aaugn-
ter of Corvallla, spent last week at
the "Flra." the guesta of Mrs. Sha-
fer'a mother. Mra. Alice McGowan.
F. D. Cox was among the Indepen
dence people who went to Salem last
week. He went over Friday and re
turned on the late boat Saturday ev
ening. ,
Tbo Shetland pony raffled off by
thp. South liros. last Wednesday ev-
An ww ... a i-in liV A HA Taylor. It Is
Till lift TV nvii j - -
what is known as the Mexican breed
and la a little "beauty.
H. R. Scott and wife of Corvallis
came down Saturday to witness the
foot hall same between the team
from the athletic club of that city and
th Independence boys.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A- Wilcox returned
Wednesday from their vacation trip.
They visited In Seattle, Taeoma. Port
land. Drain and other points and re
port a very enjoyable time.'
P A McDevitt. a newspaper man
of wide experience, was a visitor In
Independence Tuesday and weunes-
day. Ho was nere as auu
of the Catholic chapel car which Is
to arrive here tomorrow.
rnmnnund Red Spruce and wntte
pw rmirh Medicine Is a combina
tion iwommended by the' medical pro
,..Di ,i nn pxnectorant of rare val
ue, especially In cases of chronic
bronchitis and ordinary coughs and
colds. Williams Drug Co. 24tf
Dr. Alllu. Dentist. Cooper Bldg. tt
A good pair of reaalng glas
ses $1.00 at Kramer's. tf
Special attention to ' filling lamily
recipes. Willlama Drug Co. lltf
Dr. Duganue. BenUst, over
pendeace National Bank. Bell
12L; Independent. 4411. tf
The Ladies axe Invited to call and
Inspect the new Hand Bags shown by
Williams Drag Co. 1 lltf
Bring us your prescriptions. Ac
curacy and purity our motto. A grad
uate pharmacist in charge. Williams
Drug Co.
lor Infants and Children.
Be Kind You Have Always Boagfsl
the T
e of C2
Bears the
C. E. VanAllen, Prop.
Large sunny rooms, en suite or sin
gle. Electric lights, bath and piano.
European Plan
248 N. Commercial at., Salem, Ore.
Funeral Director
and' Licensed Embalmer
Successotjo Bice & Calbreath
and H. H. Jasperson
Undertaking Parlors, Indepen
dence, Oregon
Calls Answered Day and Night
Both Phone - Lady Asslitant
Firm "n fmM
, r r.j- --i -ya - : i r. r'l
- $1.00 a Week Buys the New
Hoosier Special Kitchen Cabinet
Hoosler Special Kitchen Cablneta can now be bought In the same way aa John Wanamaker'a
Century Dictionary, Rldpath'a Malory, pianoa and other worthy artlclea. It places the very great
eat value In kitchen cabinets In reach of all. It is an Ideal way to buy; there la nothing for
you to sell, nothing at all to do; aimply call and ask to be a "Hooaier Club" member.
This Is Your Greatest Opportunity
You can begin enjoying the wonderful convenience of the Hoosier Special today and mere
Jy band us the small change It saves you. . The new Club Plan of the Hoosier Manufacturing
Company gives you the privilege of using the Hoosier Special practically free a whole half year,
while you pay for It only $1.00 per week. It enables you to sit down and work In comfort now.
Allows you one or two hours more leisure each day beginning at once. It puts all your kitchen
supplies at your fingers' ends Immediately. It saves miles of useless walking about your kitchen
and pantry from the moment your cabinet arrives, and you need spare only a paltry few pennies
a day.
For advertising purposes the Hoosier Cabinet Company, with Ita large capital, is standing
back of this plan to give you their best Cabinet at a low price, otherwise we couldn't afford
to give you this bargain.
You have seen this Cabinet now In your magazine for years. Look at It in our store today.
Then use It In your house tomorrow.
. ...
Am. Mi v f J $
ill i y-i4 jfj
; J! i &ir'h'
I Wiv Kir
mi: o
i " SCHL0SSBR0S C0,V- Jf f
rine Llothej nakers
Baltimore asd New York
Schloss Bros,
We' stake our reputation . on Hole
prepared to prove it. If you're) not
happy with your clothes come here
for relief
Suits and 'Overcoats
$10 to $30
Holeproof Hosiery
Six pairs six months without darning.
We tsake our reputation on Hole
proofs .
If you have never tried them, try
them now.
Our Elstn is the
Hat of all Stiff Hats
1 for $3.00
We ask every man that appreciates a gocd Stiff Hat to investigate the merits of this, the most
popular member of the whole hat family.
141 Commercial. St.