Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, November 05, 1909, Image 7

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Lm purchased E. T. lUual"'"
Hr It a chanra to gt a flr-laa tva and hair cut.
The Fighting
W- LStaley, Principal
Salem, Oregon
A good a hool none better. !la weli established reputation. Success
ful graduate. Skillful, painstaking leacnera. uuni ricim.-s w.
Many other advantages. Let u tell you kbout them. A tatuluKuti for
the asking.
$35- SHOE
Copyright, J'J0, by tint Curtl I'uhlihblug Company.
Copyright, lifuti. by Kobcrt W. CliUiiiUr.
Tin. J
tArii"",wT Vj
There Isn't a part ol the
that will not stand the most care
ful Inspection. It Is honet In
material Inside an J out honest In workmanship,
whether outside, w here you can see It for yourself
or Inside, where only lonjf wear can prove it. Por
more than 30 years the DOUOLAS SM013 has stood
for all that Is best In footwear, and to-day It Is the
Best In the World.
f WE
(CoiHlnu. il from October 22 J
mill mt hnriti. W rit
ft to no I mr-rw tanner nr yo to ah in Rw Fur. .ml JJkw to an uitm w
for Pfl I.UL. Mnrk.-l K.'!"'". nnippini i ir, fn-i
M B'tttna.
V p... Ithw S M.IH tubm rtlfcm. lml,MIt .11 rufiiiiiMto. M
r.jfl,l.,l !-,,,,. It ..niiilu .-,rt..l,. fr.. 3 lv.our i-uow. (I IS H..1-1 knM mu
The Willamette Valley Company
Light, Power & Water at Very Reasonable Rates
WATER RATE (Water by meter applies to resi
dences only.) Residence rate on meter applies to cus
tomers only who pay $2.00 and or"' at the rute ol 20c
por 1,000 gallons; minimum $1.00 per month.
Residence, 15 cents per K. W.
Business bonnes, 25 cents por drop and 5 cent per K. W.
Power, rates on application.
There are two kinds of whiskey.
One is the other isnt.
The kind that IS contains all the constituents that come
from proper' distillation and ageing That's what makes it
REAL whiskey. wMWW, . . , . . , A
The kind that ISN T is made of alcohol, prune juice and
bead oil or is simply aiconoi put in cnarrcu umrcis, mm
branded whiskey. . .
The Pure Food Law aims at having the consumer get
CAUUIIV YVliai IIV tuua . . .
When you call for whiskey ask your, dealer if it will
respond to a government laooraiury ic.
Ask him if he guarantees it. .
Then you will know what you are paying your money for.
Buy the brand you know, the standard for 70 years.
Gyrus Noble pure whiskey all whiskey old whiskey.
quart bottle of GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE
direct to you, all charge
paid to the nearest railroad ezpreM office.
Established 1864 105-107 Second Street, Portland, Oregon
W. J. Van Schujrver A Co., PortUmd, Or.,on.
Enclowl pleuc fmd$4.90 (or which plew taxi m once by
Num . ' '" "'
prepaid, four quart
TBr"r' V- MfTwKM.-! '
mm wm
-Oh, I'd Bl'i"!"
-ya umi. I ui tb tribunal of laat
"TUen I tlirowr uiyaclf upn tb mr
ey of tint ortirt."
-Vou ! Wwanl. 1bl
tourt In vrry nivrclful. How much do
you rare for blnl murder? Very luucbf
It there anytiiliiK you enre for morT
VfT And could thla court grant It to
you In couiM-nHallonT"
He mild dflllHrniely, rod by the
IcTi-l ctialletiKU of hrr n'-e, 'The court
It iiMtiiiM'h nt to cotrux'iiiiate the prla
out or offer any roinproiulBe."
"Why, Mr. HlwardY"
"IW'CttiiN the court herm-lf la already
compnmilHi-l In her future eugage
aiml." Hut what lina my enungeinent t
do with"- '
"Vou offered coiiiH'tmat!n for de
prlvluit me of my uliooilng. There
could lie only one adequate coinpenaa
tion." "And tuat'" Hue ahked, coolly enouifb.
"Your eonllnuul coinpanlonHhlp."
"Hut you have It. Mr. Blward."
"I bin It for n day. The aeaaon
liHta three uioiitliH, you kuow."
"And you .1 nil I are to play a con
tinuous vaudeville for three montha?
Is that your offer T"
"Then one day with roe U not worth
those mnny of murder?" she ask
ed In pretended astonlfbrnent.
"Ask yourself why those many daya
would be doubly empty," he esld, so
seriously that the pointless game be
gau to coufime her.
'Then" she turned lightly from un
l.rtalii ground "then perhaps we had
better be al"tit tliat matter of the cup
you prize so hlchly. Are you ready,
i Mr. Klwnrd? There Is much to le
killed yet. Inelinlliis time, you know."
"1 am not sure." he reflected, "Just
exactly what I should .ask of you If
you Insist on taking n way" he turned
mid looked about lilm through the
burnt gold foliage "If 'you took away
nil this out of my life."
"1 shall not take It, lieoaiwe I have
nothing In exchange to offer, you say,"
the answered Imprudently.
"I did uot Kay so," lie retorted.
"Vou did, reminding me that the
toiirt Ih already engaged for a con
tiuitouM performance."
"Wan It necessary to remind you?"
he nsked, with deliberate malice.
She (lushed up, vexed, silent, then
looked directly at him with beautiful
hostile eyes. "What do you mean, Mr.
SiwanlV Are yoo taking our harm
less. Idle badinage as warrant for an
Intimacy unwarranted?"
"Have I offended?" be asked, so
Impassively that a flaub of resentment
brought her to her feet, angry and self
"How far have we to go?" she asked
lie rose to his feet, turned, bailing
:he keeper, repeating the question. And
H tife answer they both started for
ward, the d(t ranging ahead through
1 dense growth of beecti ana cne?fmir.
sver a high brown ridge, then down,
always dowu along a leafy ravine to
the water's edge a forest pond set In
the gorgeous foliage of ripening maples.
"1 don't see." said Sylvia impatient
ly, "how we are going to obey Instruc
tions and go straight ahead. There
must be a stupid boat somewhere!"
lint the game laden keeper Bhook his
head, pulled up his hip boots, and
pointed out a line of alder poles est In
the water to mark a crossing.
"Am I expected to wade?" asked the
girl anxiously.
"This here," observed the keeper, "is
one of the most
sportin' courses
on the- estate.
Last season I
seen Miss rage
go through it
like a scared
deer the young
lady, sir; that j
took last sea
sou's cup" In
explanation to
S i w a r d, who
stood doubtfully
at the water's
edge, looking
back at Sylvia.
Raising her dis
mayed eyes she
encountered his;
there was a lit
tle laugh be-'
the ffirl be- tween them, sne
them, they stepped daintily
waded out. across the stones
to the water's edge, instinctively gath
ering her kilts in one hand.
"Miles and I could chair you over,"
suggested Siward. .
"Is that fair under the rules?"
"Oh, yes, miss, as long as you go
gtraight." said the keeper.
So they laid aside the guns and the
guide's gamesack, and formed a chair
with their hands, and, bearing the girl
between them, they waded out along
the driven alder stakes, knee deep In
brown water.
Her arm. lightly resting around his
neck, tightened a trifle as the water
pose to his thighs: then the faint pres
sure relaxed as they thrashed shore
ward through the shallows, ankle deep
once more, and landed a.mong the dry
1 itxLLkt&i
I - BSt-
D9 - acf-
rveila uu the farther bank.
MUihi, the keepwr, wmt bank for the
guns. Blward aiainped about in the
sun, ahsklnf the dr-a from water
proof breechea and fatten, on'T be
half drenched again who gnjearoore
hook himself vigorously.
"I supple," said fylvl, looking
sideways at Siward. "your contempt
for my sKrtlng accouipllsbmenU baa
not decreased. I'm sorry. I don't
like to walk l wet shoe even to gain
your approval."
And a the keeper came splashing
across the ahallowa: "Miles, you may
carry my gun. I aball nt need It any
The upward roar of a bevy of grouse
drowned ber voice. Toor Sagamore,
pointing mnd'y In the blackberry thick
et all uiipereelved, cast a dismayed
glance aloft where the sunlit air quiv
ered under the winnowing rush of
heavy lngH. 81 ward flung up bla
gun. heading a big quartering bird.
Steadily the glittering barrels awept
iv the are of fcre, hesitated, wavered,
then the possibility passed. The young
fellow lowered the gun slowly, grave
ly, stood n moment motionless with
bent heud until the rislug color In his
face bad faded.
And that was all for awhile. The
astonished and disgusted keeper stared
Into the thicket. The dog lay quiver
ing. Impatient for slgnul. Sylvla'a
heart w hich had seemed to stop with
her voice, silenced in the gusty thun
der of heavy wings, began beating too
fast. For the ringing crack of a gun
shot could have spoken no louder to
her than tlm glittering silence of the
suspended barrels nor uny proml of
his voice sound as the startled stillness
sounded now ulM.ut Isr. for he had
iiuide s et'.ilng a trifle more than
1 .i-r, for hl rudeness. He
v. us overdoing everything a little.
Me Kt" . I u the thicket's edge, ab
Kei:"." uv'osn'iiig the weapon, scarcely
iinderstiiiid'unr what he had done and
what he had no! done.
' A moment later n far haii sounded
across the uplands, and against the
sky figures moved distantly.
"Alderdene and Murtou Page." said
Biwurd. "I believe we lunch yonder,
flo we not, Miles?"
They climbed the hl'l in silence, ar
riving after a few minutes to lind oth
ers already at luncheon the Page
boys, eager, enthusiastic, recounting
adventure by tlooj tin J Held; l.eua
I'.onuesilel, tired and frankly bored and
decorated w hh more than her share of
mud; Eileen Shannon, very pretty, very
etlective, having done more execution
with her eyes than with the dainty
Cowling piece beside her.
Marion Page nodded to Sylvia and
Siward with a crisp, businesslike ques
tion or two, then went over to inspect
their bag, uoudlug approbation as
Miles laid the game on the grass.
"Eight full brace," she commented.
"We have Uve and au odd cock pheasant
-from Black Fells, I suppose. The
people to our left have been blazing
away like Coney Island, but Keua's
guide fays the ferns are full of rab
bits that way, and Major Belwether
can't hit fur afoot You," she added
frankly to Siward, "ought to take the
cup. The birches ahead of you are
I'nil of woodcock. If you don't How
cr.l Qmirrier will. lie's into a flight of
j..r-V .-!pe. ' Lear."
' (To be continues)
Croup Cured and a Child's Life Saved
"It affords me great pleasure to
add my testimony to that of the thou
sands who have been benefitted by
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. My
child, Andrew, when only three years
old was taken with a severe attack
of croup, and thanks to the prompt
use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
his life was saved and today he is a
robust and healthy boy," says Mrs. A
Coy, Jr., of San Antonio, Teas. This
remedy has been in use for many
years. Thousands of mothers keep it
at hand, and it has never been known
to fail. For sale by P. M. Kirkland.
Buy Farm at Corvallis.
The Armstrong place, formerly the
property of W. C. Metcalf, about two
miles south of this city, was sold
last Tuesday to Messrs. T. J. Pettit
of Corvallis and Peter Kurre of Inde
pendence. There are 102 acres in
this farm and this is to he cut into
five and ten acre tracts and placed
on the market. The land lies just
across the road from the race track,
reaches to Mary's river and is as
sightly a piece of ground as is to
be found anywhere. Messrs. Kurre
and Pettit propose to cut a road
through, fence the smaller tracts and
sell at only a fair advance on their
money. It is understood the ground
cost them $10,000.
By a typographical error the bal
ance of cash on hand for the book
fund, as published in the library re
port last week, was made to read $12
when it should have been $112.
Embroider Your Xmas Gifts
and Save Money
There Is nothing more welcome to Maid or Matron than dainty
band embroidery. See our special offerluga.
Stamped Towela
Stamped Pillow Slips
Stamped Linen Dresser Scarfa....
. .!'c
, . . K,c
Something new. Swiss Apron, made up and atamped to em-
h brolder "
Needlecraft 5hop
Mrs. S. C. Wall
270 N. Com'l. St.
Salem, Oregon
. Don't
if Pay Rent yu
I 15 U I Jf M ( JJVI b.
TiriYf r
:: V
toll?'' '40
, t
frfr W hile giv-
Jpi Ing you this ad-
' vic we rlo not mean
to ad vis 3 you to go to
the poor house and become a public
riW ghoraa Vim nntrio tn HQ H.T1 1 lpt lis P5 - "
u v,
plain to you our plan of how you can apply V
"' "Si
the purchase of
your rent money to
home, so that in a short time you will be
the possessor of your own place.
Neither do we me an that you should go
to the poor house to avoid the landlord
problem, but we mean that it will
pay you "to step in or write to
us for, our proposition, of avoid
ing him as well as the county's
home. Our plan avoids both of
these results.
If' you have property that you
desire to sell the best possible
advice that we can give to you
is for you to sit down right now
and write to ttie Chas. E. Hicks
Real Estate Co., telling them what
you have, giving a full and com
plete description. They can sell
it for you quicker than any oth
er real estate firm in the Willam
ette valley.
yawr V".-. ''
of Independence, Oregon
Send for list of farms for
immediate sale' .
The Chas.
Hicks Rea
Estate Co.
has become
one of the most
widely known real
estate firms of the
Villame!te valley,
through its range
of advertising and
pamphlets sent out
over the northwest.
They have done more
county than has ever 1,1
been done heretofore.
The company never
quits. Advertising mat
ter is going out every f
day. List your farm
and let it be sold.
Cheapest and Best
Edison, Victor, Columbia
Full Line of Cylinder and
, Diso Records
ieimine Needles
Oils and New Parts
Sheet Music and