Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, November 05, 1909, Image 5

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Nw Una or tipto-data stationery
r CrmTcD A Mwore'a. 1
Ftbpfi BMfniMnii Fountain I'ena
TtieX arn rluht. Wllllama Drug Colin
A wull equipped aloe of sl k room
jfraalllea. Wllllama Drug Co.
Tha tiBt Una ineii'a heavy alilrta
In the cllr l Conkey, Walker Leh
niau'a. W. II. WliltKukir of Portland was
vlaltlng with roluttvea In tint vity
this week.
Fresh oyntr, loth EnHtom ami
Olympla. alwaya ou band at tb Gem
Restuuranl. 'l,Jl'
Mrs.Wlllurd Craven spent 8tur
day and Sunday with friends and rel
ative In Dallas.
Ed Owen In at lit I1' of bual
stRi after a week'a absence ou ac
count of aUklieaa.
Uulk oystera, eatrn and Olympla.
at tha Ueia Itwoiaurant. HKf
An uptodale boi of satlloiiwry and
a beautiful lc tirw for only UHo at
Craven ft Moore'a. 2-'tf
Klvw and ion acre traita on term
to ault purchasers. Clin. R. Hlcka
Ileal KnImIu Company.
O'lllnK flatnieU loiiiii ly aold for
I2'4 cent w el for 10 fell la.
Conkey, Walk.r & Lehman.
Mra. W. T. Hall of Victoria. II.
C, U visiting her pan-tits, Mr. and
Mra. A. W. Htnimherry of this Hy.
K. K. Tripp went to I'ortland Mon
day In tho Interest of llio Cbaa. 15.
Iihka Ileal Estate Company.
Now la Urn 4lmu to HhI your furm
or city properly for quirk aale with
tho Cbaa. 15. 1 licks Heul Estate Co.
Kor Bal) Gentle, family pony, Call
at the Ilundy farm, five nilla aouth
of Independence. James Flnlgau. 22-24
To the People of Inde
pendence and Vicinity
If you want to aell your Ranch
or Farm or City I'roperty, rail and
lint with STl'LL & n.MlST, THE
LAND MEN, North aide of C street.
We want large and amull tracts for
prospective buyers.
The Land Men. Independence, Oregon
Po you want a heater that will keep you warm?
Do you want a heater that will save you wood?
72 lant a heater that la neat and of the latest design?
If bo, give
JIM. Wade Co.
a call and look over their lino. It wlH pay you to Investigate be
fore you purchase. Note their window display.
Our Specialties
this WeeK
are Dutch Collars, Ruches. Hosiery, Toweling, Ladles' and Chil
dren's Underwear, Combs, Barrettes, Ladies' Gloves and Hair
Goods of which we have a large and complete line
When in Salem
call and examine our line of goods which comprises everything
usuhlly carried in a Variety Store. Our prices are right.
Remember tHe Place
The Variety Store
free A 120 picture with cb
bos of atatlonery purrbaaed at Crar
at Moore'a. 22tt
U. W. liraudt, a farmer who re-ald-a
In the vicinity of Alrllu. tu In
tlin city thla k,
Mra. It. Urunk returned to her
home lit Balem Saturday after a l
weeks' visit with her in. Cbaa.
bhi lii fi'M.
Bllkolhie and aaleeii ioered com
forU, 2..'.0 to $100, pure lilfe rot.
ton filler, at Conkey, Walker & Ml
limn'a, Mla Iora Craven returned home
Momluy from Dallas where aba baa
b' . ii Uniting with frlemls and rela
tlVea for the paat week.
A lb girl waa born to tho wlfa
of Itt-v. Maynard II. TbompHon, pus
tor of the liapilht thuri b In this city,
on Monday morning November 1.
Curt and Theodore Cooper were
her thla week from their homii lu
WaMbliiKton to attend th funeral
of their ttlHter, Mra. Viola Bloper. .
Mrs. Nora Mattlson and her
dauKbtrr JchhIu were among the In-
dcpelldeliecllea who attended the
dance at Alrlle lat Saturday niKht.
Lost In Independence. Saturday
night, between Matiisou and KKhard
aon homea, on Monmouth street, gold
bra- elet. Under leave at this of
fice. 23 24
We are this aeaaon allowing the
hem line woolen blanketa we have
ever shown. If In need of bomethlng
in this lino give ua a look at Conkey,
Walker & Lehman's.
Mabel and Hertha I'orterfield left
Wednesday for Portland where they
will spend the winter. MIhs Mabel
will take a courne In one of the bua
h.oss colleges while there.
Fletcher Wilson and George Will
iams of Tillumook vlulu-d at th
hnm of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stans
berry last week and attended the Nel
aon sale. Mr. Wilson Is a nephew of
Mr. Stansberry.
Friday November 12, one day only,
Dr. Lowe, the eyesight specialist, will
be In Independence. As he- does not
go from house to house, consult him
in his hotel office. Dozens of Polk
county references.
Geo. Brown and wife of Corvallls
visited in the city Jhls week, the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Whlt
eaker. George has a hoBt of friends
In Independence who are always glad
to see him.
Friday November 12 Dr. Lowe, the
optician, is lo be with us again. This
is his third trip. He comes every
edght weeks. He has been visiting
Dallas for more than seventeen years
and has scores of Polk county refer
ences. Dean Walker, who Is attending the
University of Oregon at Eugene,
spent Saturday and Sunday in the
city with bis parents. Dean is ma
king quite a record as a foot ball
player with freshmen of the college
this season.
A. B. Estabrook of Portland has
takf.n a five-year lease on the busi
ness house recently occupied by
Moore's Cash Store, on Main street,
and qwned by Mrs. Mattison. It is
understood that Mr. Estabrook will
open a blll'ard parlor and cigar store.
"Deacon's Courtship," which will
be put on at the opera house tonight
by local talent gives promise of good
clean amusement for Independence
people. The cast of characters is
enough to recommend it and there is
no doubt standing room will be at a
D. A. Cook this week bought the
small larm of J. L. Van Loan through
the Chas. E. Hicks Real Estate Co.,
the consideration In the transaction
bdlng 3000. Mr. Cook will remove
to Independence at once ' with his
family to occupy his new possession.
The river is up past the ten-foot
mark today. It is considered to be
higher than is usual at this season of
the year. This high water marks
the end of the low water period until
next summer. Deep river transpor
tation has been resumed between this
city and Portland.
Seventy new amberol four-minute
records this month. Call and hear
them at Craven & Moore's. 18tf
Aiter skating luncheons are very
popular. You can telephone your or
ders for oysters from the skating
rink, and thus be sure of auick and
nrompL service at the Gem Restau
rant. 19tf
R. J. Taylor and wife, who visited
the past month with their daughter
and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Loren
Wann of Roosevelt, Washington, and
with brothers of Mr.' Taylor at Spo
kane, returned home Tuesday. Mr.
Taylor says that he found that sec
tion In a flourishing condition .and
that everyone seemed prosperous.
He Is loud In his praise of Spokane
and thinks that It is one of the best
towns In the Northwest. '
l. rfjj lj - ,Url - . VJ"
$1.00 a Week Buys the New
Hoosier Special Kitchen Cabinet
Hoosler Special Kitchen Cablneta can now be bought In the same way as John Wanamaker'a
Century Dictionary. Rldpath'a History. Plaiioa and other worthy articles. It places the very great
est value In kitchen cablneta in reach of all. It la an Ideal way to buy, there la nothin3 for
you to sell, nothing at all to do; simply call and ask to be a "Hoosier Club" member.
P , This Is Your Greatest Opportunity
You can begin fpjoying the wonderful convenience of the Hoosier Special today and mere
ly hand us the small change It aavea you. The new Club Plan of the Hoosier Manufacturing
Company gives you the privilege of using the Hoosier Special practically free a wbole half year,
while you pay for It only $1.00 per week. It enables you to sit down and work in comfort now.
Allows you one or two hours more leisure each day beginning at once. It puts all your kitchen
supplies at your fingers' ends Immediately. It saves miles of useless walking about your kitchen
and pantry from the moment your cabinet arrives, and you need spare only a paltry few pennies
For advertising purposes the Hoosier Cabinet Company, with its large capital, is standing
back of this plan to give you their best Cabinet at a low price, otherwise we couldn't afford
to rive you this bargain. ' ... .,,,,
You have seen this Cabinet now in your magazine for years. Look at it In our store today.
Then use it In your house tomorrow.
Mrs. Floyd Williams was the guest
of friends in Alrlie last Saturday and
Several new pieces dress goods
just in this-Week at Conkey, Walker
& Lehman's.
Henry Christian, one of the old set
tlers of Suver, was transacting bus
iness in this city Monday.
Mrs. D. Davidson and Mrs. Lottie
Dorris returned Saturday evening
from Portland where they visited the
past week.
Friday,, one day only, November 12,
Dr. Lowe,, the well known oculo-optl-cian,
will be at Hotel Independence.
Consult him about your eyes and
Buy you an aquapelle suit and keep
dry. No matter how hard the rain
nor how long you are in it you will
keep perfectly dry At Conkey, Walk
er & Lehman's.
1 Card of Thanks.
We. the undersigned, daughters of
the late deceased Mrs. Nancy Johns-
ton-Brouse. desire to thank the many
friends of Independence who so kind
ly assisted during the illness and at
the funeral of our mother.
Mrs. T. House,
Mrs. S. E. Irvine,
Mrs. H. Stumberg,
Mrs. N. A. Wilson,
Mrs. William Burns.
Scott C. Jordon, who died at his
home in this city Wednesday of last
week, was born near Oliveburg, Penn
sylvania, June 27, 1862, and died Oc
tober 27, 1909, being forty-seven years
and four months of age.
In 1887 he married Laura Sparks
of Brookville, Pennsylvania. To this
union there were born eight cnuaren.
Lillian, Ella, Belle, Guy, Lon, Am
brose. Scott and Hazel, all of whom;
reside at home except Ella who re
mained in Pennsylvania.
His last wish was to get strong
enough that he might unite with the
Methodist church. He joined tne
Maccabees In 1902. summer he came witn nis
family from Pennsylvania to Oregon
settled In Independence, hoping
to improve his health, but tuberculo
sis had developed beyond enmauc
remedy. .
Next Sunday morning at Calvary
Presbyterian church, Sunday school
will be held at 10 o'clock, to which
a cordial Invitation is extended to all.
At 11 o'clock, morning worship with
sermon by the pastor, on the subject,
"What is Man?". In the evening at
,7:30,. Dr. Dunsmore will deliver the
sixth of the Sunday evening sermon
, lectures or character sketches of men
land women of the. Bible. His subject
!for the evening will be, "Moses, the
i Uncrowned King." A cordial invita
tion is extended to the general pub
lic to these services.
Subjet of morning sermon at the
Baptist church Sunday will be "Ye
have dwelt long enough on the moun
tain," and of the evening sermon,
"The six 'comes' at the end of the
Bible." Bible study, 10 a. m., young
peoples' meeting at 6:30 p. m. and
Draver meeting on Wednesdays at
7:30 p. m. Baptismal services are ex
pected to be performed Sunday evening.
Services at Methodist church. In
the morning will be "Confidence in
Christ;" Sunday school at the regu
lar hour. In the evening the subject
will be "The destiny of a mixed char
acter." Song service begins at 7
Protracted meetings will begin at
the Christian church in this city next
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. These
meetings will be conducted by Rev.
D. C. Black of Salem. Everybody cor
dially invited.
What Would You Do?
In case of a burn or scald what
would vou do to relieve the pain?
Such Injuries are liable to occur In
n.r famiiv and everyone should be
prepared for them. " Chamberlain's
salvo atinlled on a soft clotn will re
lieve the pain almost instantly, and
unless the injury is a very severe one
will cause the parts to heal without
leaving a scar. For sale by P. M.
A Peculiar Wrench
of the foot or ankle may produce a
very serious sprain. A sprain is more
painful than a break. In all sprains,
cuts, burns and scalds tfanara s
Liniment is the best thing to use. Re
lieves the pain instantly, reduces
swelling, is a perfect antiseptic and
heals rapidly.
Price 25c. 50c and $1.00. Sold by
W'illiams Drug Co.
Independence People Should Learr ttf
Detect the l Approach of
Kidney Disease.
The symptoms of kidney trouble
are so unmistakable that they leava
no ground for doubt. Sick kidneys e
crete a thick, cloudy, offensive urine,
full of sediment, irregular of passage
or attended by a sensation of scald
ing. The back aches constantly, head
aches and dizzy spells may occur and
the victim is often weighed down by
a feeling f languor and fatigue. Neg
lect these warnings and there is dan
ger of dropsy, Bright's Disease, Of
diabetes. Any one of these symp
toms is warning enough to begin
treating the kidneys at once. Delay
often proves fatal.
You can use no better remedy than.
Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's Inde
pendence proof:
Mrs. Jos. Whitford, Independence,
Ore., says: " Doan's Kidney Pill
helped my husband a great deal
when suffering from kidney complaint
and backache. At times he would
be so stiff that he could hardly move
and if he attempted to stoop, sharp
pains would catch him in the kidneys.
The kidney secretions were so fre
quent as to force him to arise many
times during the night. He procured
a box of Doan's Kidney Pills at P.
M Kirkland's drug store and noticed
a great change for the better in a
short time. He now feels much im
proved in every way. We are glad
to give Doan's Kidney Pills our rec
ommendation." For sale by all dealers. Price 60c
Foster - Milburn Co., Buffalo, New
YorK, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan s ana
take no other.
lfift here last week;
on his way to Los Angeles, on board
the steamer Kansas City, met with
some excitement on the voyage. A
ennsiderable of a storm overiooK uiw
vessel and it was reported that six
r0 missine on the arrival of
the steamer in Los Angeles. A great
wave broke over the vessel warns
.ka ratlin? from the prow and
baptising many of the passengers la
their berths. Otherwise ne u -pleasant
voyage, never missed a meal
and arrived in the best or ,.