WE CAN'T SAY IT TOO OFTEN YOU CAN'T DO IT TOO OFTEN COMPARE - RESVIESVIBER OU 'Bays So ISC. is in full blast. New hats arriving daily which are put m stock and marked nr e sa e prices. A larRc shipment of Mew Beaver Shape, just rece.v 1 r n e c rect from New York. At the prices we are mak.ne them wHI not stay with us very Ion so if you want a Beaver you wdl have to hurry. Hurried IHEair Goods of - HJvery Disoriptiori Complete Assortment oirai ' t n rn n gL P. EL h ULUri U MO J Phone 578 LEADING MILLINER 291 North Commercial Street, Salem. Oregon. 01 TEAM TOOK THEM INTO CAMP The foot ball team of the Indepen dence Athletic Club returned Mon day morning with the Bcalps of the Tolodo and Newport teams, the Tole do game having been played Satur day and that with Newport, Sunday. The Tolodo score was 17 to 0 and At Newport 43 to 0. What do you know about that? Toledo gave the better resistance Of the two games, but the team was too light for Independence and they were carried before our players like Children. Toledo has the making of good team with the addition of weight and the work of a good coach. Newport gave promise of taking the game Sunday, their team being picked from Toledo, Yacjulna and Newport. The weight was there but ( they moved like an ox team. Toledo Williams scored iwu Emerlck one and tap- 17. At touchdowns tain 1'omeroy a goal, totaling Forced Into Exile. Wm. Upehurch of Olen Oak, Okla., was an exllo from home. Mountain air, he thought, would cure a fright ful lungracking cough that had de fied all remedies for two years. Af ter six months he returned, death dog ging his steps. "Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery," he writes "and after taking six bottles I am as well as ever." It saves thousands yearly from desperate lung diseases. Infallible for Coughs and Colds, It dia pels Hoarseness and Sore Throat. Cures Grip, Bronchitis. Hemorrhages, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough. 50c and $1-00, trial bottle free, guaran teed by all druggists. DON'T FORGET THE CHILDREN The great state of Oregon Is grow- iug In population each year, and as In other states, the needs of the char itable institutions are greater. Among v,. I fho rtnvH filrls' Aid So- iclety, whose sheltering arms reach 'out and help the needy little folks. ; It has now nearly 600 dependent chil ! dren under its care placed out in fam jily homes in all parts of the state, 'and more are coming in every day. ! The receiving home of the society Is 'taxed to Us utmost capacity, sixty on hand was its daily average' the : past year. The society has found it ! nocessary to enlarge its present quar Uers and have built a wing to the I original building containing fifteen I rooms, at a cost of nearly $7000. ; $2000 of this amount was appropriat ed by the state and the balance made up by voluntary contributions from philanthropic people of the city of Portland. But this building has to be furnished, the wants of the( Institution are greater than ever this year. The four dormitories contain- ing ten beds each, the management hopes will be furnished by the county courts, the cost of furnishing each dormitory being $175. Already Wascc county has furnished one and Yam hill another, but there are still two empty, also the following rooms: Re ception room $110, assembly $100, dining $50, reading $40, and four sin gle rooms at $60 each. Superintend ent Gardner says that any person who would see fit to furnish one 'of these rooms as a memorial to some departed friend or relative will re ceive' the full credit and an inscrip tion etntin? the donor and object will be suitably Inscribed on a tablet in the room. Those who wish to assist by a small contribution will receive the gratitude of the management. Besides' the above, bedding, grocer ies, canned goods of all kinds, fruit and vegetables will be very accepta ble as heretofore, and during Thanks giving week will be carried free by both the railroad company and Wells Fargo Express Co., also by steam boats running Into Portland. The the Dubllc schools will re member that their annual gifts are looked forward to by all the children of the "Home." Ill packages should be plainly marked "Boys' & Girls' Aid Society, Portland, Oregon." Is president of the club and G. W. Conkey is score keeper. The prize winners were P. H. Drer ler and Mrs. L. Damon. Owls Re-organize. "The Owls" met with Dr. and Mrs. Butler on Thursday evening of last week and reorganized to meet fort nightly during the winter. L. Damon CASH PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE ...BV THE.... BUTLER PRODUCE CO. Winery Clearance Sale Great Another slaughter in our Millinery Section is now taking plac. Up to now we have kept our stock up to the top notch, in order to o fer our customers , a almQ8t at their own prlce and for we have decided to have a clean-up sale. For those who 7 another one, and never miss the money. The stock those who bought early and never dreamed of another ha for this season now can g t h d consists of hundreds of beautifully trimmed hats, models that you will ;ee a dup 1 Hats of all kinds; Patent Leather and Tarns included. Felt Hats, Silk and Moire Hats, Beaver Hats, Velvet Hats, Fu Turban Hats 0 Jetg and ornaments. Investigation of these offerings Also trimmings of all kinds go at the same cut Je- by Great reductions on all high grade Suits. Coats, and Capes, will be complete proof of the bargains. Don't let this opportunity go Dy. See Them before Buying Elsewhere. Be Early for best Selection Liberty St. HALLBERGS SALEM V