Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, November 05, 1909, Image 1

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- I ..... lid I
Era I do Election of Mayor and Threi
Councilman People of lndapndenc
Will B Called on to Vol 8owet
8yUro for City.
Beyond routine bunlm-a ami pay
snout f rRiilur monthly bill
there n lit t lo IhihIiu'hs to come, be
fore llio t-Uy council til lt H'Kulur
monthly meeting Wednesday night.
Tbu council wan called to ordiT by
Mayor Jo.nn, and Coiimllmeii llohau
1.0U, Jlubb..rd. Mil ami Hoffman an
swered to roil cH. Coum llmiiji t'ra
von nulling in Hlnit1y afterward.
tRoconltT William ami City Maihhal
J'oaKl' H wure alo present.
Tito inlii'it-H of tho Inst regular
mooting went road anil approved.
Councilman Mix, chairman of the
committee ou at roots, reported that
gravel ha boon delivered for the con
crete cross wulk ordered put In and
that tho foot brlclgo on Monmouth
troa has boon completed and turned
over to I ho lty.
Councilman Hubbard of tho fire
' end water ooinmltUe report d that
fcothlng haa been i.i the matter
Of having the flrem n'a hall rfplaa
tered and painted, owing t j the fai t
that the new roof, which had recent
ly boon put on the city building !
leak and that it will bo useless to
fix up the hall until the rojf la re
paired. The committee asked for
further time which waa granted.
The following bills were read and
ordered paid with the exception of
R. M. Wade & Co.'s which was re
furred to tho finance committee:
James lillllard. niKht watch,
one night 200
A. Whitney, niKht watch, one
nigh 200
Fred Oliei-aon, haiillnx gravel, 19.80
Frank Hush, building of foot
bridge 31.60
Chas. K. Spalding Lumber Co. 4.1.43
R M. Wade & Co., roofing city
hall 1,807
Milliard Bros., repairs of Jail 2.00
Enterprise Pub. Co., printing, 14.00
Willame tte Valley Co., light
and water 104 0
J. II. Feaglon, salary for Oet. &7.'0
Clias. Hubbard, paint lug roof, 2-00
Under the head of new business
tho city recorder waa instructed to
have election notices printed and
posted for the annual city election to
be hold Monday, December 6, for the
function of a mayor for one year,
three couiicllmen for two years, city
recorder for one year and to vote on
a certain municipal measure, viz., or
dinance No. 104 of said city entitled
"An ordinance authorizing the issu
ance and sale of bonds of the city of
Independence, Oregon, for the pur
pose of raising funds for the construe
tion of a system of sewers in said
City" .passed over the mayor's veto
June 2, J 909, and on which a refer
endum was ordered by petition of
the voters of said city filed with the
-recorder of said city on the second
day of July, 1009.
The following persons were appoint
ed to act as judges and clerks at the
said election: S. B. Irvine, F. A.
Patterson and S. B. Walker, judges,
and Carl Perclval and S. E Irvine,
Councilman Hubbard made inquiry
as to whether or not the street coni
inlttee had been authorized to have
the concrete crossings put in. He
was advised that no instructions had
yet been given and on his motion,
which was seconded by Councilman
Bohannon, the street committee was
instructed to proceed with the work
at once. Councilman Craven said
that his attention had been called
to the condition of the cross walks
on C street between the Independence
hotel and the north side of the street
and from "the hotel across the rail
road track. He stated that during
the recent rain the water stood over
them and the pedestrians had to go
out into the mud in order to keep
from getting their feetMvet.
City Marshal Feagles stated that
. noatnB ar in Rood condition,
1112 V- I
but the drainage on the north side
of C street is bad and that It doe
iw.i Mtir to run off. 11m
sIho auted that It can not be rme
died ai ImiK M homo are lied to th
telephone ikiI.w, aa I hey paw holm
in tho street which prevent the water
from running off.
After Borne dlacuaalon aa to wheth
er or not there, la an ordinance pro
hibiting tho tying of how to tele
phone) polea within Iho city limit Ihe
ordinance committee waa Instructed
to look the matter up and If thorn I
no aiieh ordinance In exigence at the
pteitnut I line, to have one prepared,
Th"ru being no other buainc tho
council adjourned.
Caat of Character
Topsy Turvy, Nellie Clarendon.
Nellie I Minion
May tiolden, Topsa cousin,
Mm. F. M. Bklnner
Mm. Clarendon, Topsy" mother,
Florence Ilurlon
Ml Sprlggs, Topsy goveriieH,
Ada Myers
Ixird Clarence, a rich EiiKllahman,
Frank Skinner
Frank Gulden, May' brother,
O. llyera
Deacon Jouea, a pillar of the
Church Kersey Eldredge
Nd, sonant Word Ilutler
Synopal of Event
ACT I. Mrs. Clarendon' parlor
Topsy Turvy Interrupts The. second
rascal appears Poor Mis Sprlgg re
signsThe thunder storm Tho ghost
Ned arrive The two rascals ap
pear. ACT II. Arrival of Lord Clarence
Miss SprlggB haa troubles of her
own The two ras a!s hold a coun
cil of war Ned hears hlB sentence
Ona nronosal Interrupt another
Topsy Turvy makes friends with Lord j
Clarence Deacon and Miss Sprlggs
are marrioed.
ACT III Ned makes a contract
with Lord Clarence May's Jealousy
A trick on the nigger Mrs. Jones
Deems to mum inis -
ure-Topsy gives her a lesson-Frank
tr ihlnlr marriaire Is a fail
...,,,,.. an,i Mrs. Jones' visit
rudely terminated May goes to meet
her fate "(lolly, where dat skale
wae ob a gal ebbor is, ebberting
Just don' get topBy turvy, suah' yo"
Specialties between acts. Music by
the orchestra. Doors open at 7:30.
Performance hegins promptly at 8:30
It is reported that a hotel and
summer resort is to be built near
Hall's Ferry, on tho banks of the
Willamette river, where there are
valuable mineral springs. According
to Information at hand the plans
for the structure are already complet
ed and it is understood that construc
tion work will beln soon. The struct
ure will be patterned after the for
estry building at the Lewis and Clark
fair 1n Portland. It is understood that
the hospitals of Salom will patron
ize the institution to a large extent
with patients who will be benefit
ted by the advantages of such an
The 'hotel will be made accessible
both Independence and Salem by
daily boats and that it will be
largely patronized by both cities goes
without saying.
Who the parties are who will build
the resort is not learned but it is
understood that they are from the
east and are well supplied with
means to "undertake the enterprise.
In Probate Court.
Estate ' of Sarah Miller, deceased
final discharge entered.
Williams, de-
ceased petition for order to sell cer-
tain real estate set for neanng ou
Monday, December 6, at 10 a. m
onuay, ucicuiuci v,
Estate of Jennie Shark, deceased
H. G. Campbell appointed aamims-
. . . a. T7i,i
trator; bond filed ana app.oveu, u
,t...- a .i Di.,nH Hor-
gene l-iaycer, jvubuoi,
ace Webster appointed appraisers; ap
, . a nrnvoH
praisement filed and approve.
Guard anshiD of Marun neirs
nual report approved.
Guardianship of Edgar E. Williams
al minors report of sale of real
estate set for hearing November 20.
smiATh,;: is
Damand Ha Fallen Off nd Market
I Practically at Standstill With
Three-Fourth of Hopi In Handa
of Dealer.
Tho lull in the hop market during
tho past tu day has had little ef
fect on the holder among the grow
er of Independence. That it is the
calm before the storm la conceded
and what the storm will be Is the
anxious conjecture of everyone. With
throe-fourth of the hop in the
t i
" h i
at -v4
Nancy Johnston-Brouse,
died last week.
... u.-j
1 ands of the .peculator, i s a hard
er speculation than ever. With these
hops in the hands of
the growers.
who are able to hold and wnose
nerves are known not to be on the
verge of collapse, the result would
be easier to forecast. Thirty cents
f,.. iinu woiihi he as certain
.w ti, n io renoired. every
a 7 I. li ci i . m j - - - ' -
a tim, t fin the wants of a
i .
snort iui fihii uiaiivut .o wt v"-
u...,,!.! ,,ewis ,.f our own country. With
Germany almost 200,000 hundred
weight short, with the poorest crop
tiiat country has experienced in a
century, why should holders be threat
ened with nervous prostration?
There was a sale or two here the
lust week, but nothing of any conse
Quence. These sales will be intended
only to strengthen the market for
those who will hold "for thirty cents
or better. A nervous holder is better
out of the game.
Little can be expected of the mar
ket until the actual buyers come into
the field. They have an object this
year in being tardy on the grounds,
but that they will have to buy the
hops at any price is evident since
there is no surplus to speak of. Eng
land likes an old hop, that is known,
ana with the consumption of the
small amount now on hand she will
have to come after the new crop.
The conditions are about the same
over the United States as they are
In Independence. About the same
amount of hops are remaining in the
hands of the growers. Very few
choice are changing hands anywhere
and only those who haven't the nerve
to hold are selling at any price. That
there is a meaning to the lull will
certainly develop soon and that the
market will break with an upward
tendency there is every reason to be
lieve. One thing is certain, the deal
ers and the growers are in the same
box. The dealers are loaded to the
guards but that they will play fair
with the growers is a certainty since
everything depends, upon the ad
vent of the English buyer into
thP market. Should the dealers,
by anjP misadventure, weaken, panic
wlu ensue, mis is an
but that such a thing is remote there
h8 every reason to believe since every
authority in tne country is -
I . . l nnt nP Vtrtna nrt hand
t0 tne accua. au.uuu. " "
a nonte ann.h ftssueeested. would
necessarily he of short duration and
imi hsirm could result from it.
very mue amm .
uonaiuons wouw hsi.
very shortly and the tnarket wouic 1
take an upward tendency aavancmg
probably into tne tony cem.
VTVUtlQiy "W a."j
The law of supply and demand must!
operate In thl case. Each of these j
condition being a known quantity'
there 1 but one tiling for the dealer j
and the grower to do, and thai la to
wait, and wait they will. Another
fortnight will I' ll the aiory.
The following item from the
Stateaman show something of the su
perior character of I'olk county for
all purposes;
Five years ago the NoIhod fumily,
near Independence, Btarted dairying
with five Jersey cattlu purchased of
"Uncles" Charje Miller, a breede r
near Jefferson, the Quintet of Jersey
costing $100. Since then but one
heifer was sold, and last Tuesday the
original five and all of their offHprtng
totaling forty-four, were auc tioned off
to anxious purchasers, the total sum ,
derived for them being $H!iS. Such j
a transact ion Indicates that there Is
"good" money in the breeding and
raising of such excellent cream pro
ducer; and then It must be remem
bered that during those five years j
the owner was deriving considerable.
financial revenue from the sale of
milk and cream from many of the
cattlo. There is acres of room in
thl groat Willamette valley for many
more dairy herds of this kind. Then
there are hogs and sheep and poul
try and goats, and fruit and vegeta
ble growing one great diversity that
will make many a person roll in
wealth and enjoy life as he should.
Drilling for oil will soon be one of
the attractions in the vicinity of
Monmouth. Polk county. The tower
for the machinery is eighty feet high,
and the drill may be set to turning
in a few days. The greit ciuestion
over there Is: Will oil be struck?
A thirty-six-ounce Gloria Mundl ap
ple picked from a tree on a farm
near Monmouth, Oregon, beats by
four ounces the one told about In yes
terday's Statesman as being on dis
play at the Hood River fair. The
Willamette valley against the world,
A Scalded Boy'. Shriek.
horrified his grandmother, Mrs. Maria
Taylor, of Nebo, Ky., who writes that
when all thought he would die, Buck-
j kn's Arnica Salve wnony cur mm
Infallible for Burns, beams, vuc
Corns. Wounds, Bruises. Cures Fevei
i '
Sores.. Boils, Skin Eruptions, tnn-
f . . r- OAn fnnfo
Piles. 25c at all druggists.
The local Rebekah lodge enter
tained the grand president of the Re
bekahs for Oregon in a special meet
ing here Wednesday night of last
week, says a Prineville dispatch to
Portland Journal. The president, Mrs.
J. E. Hubbard of Independence gave
a very Instructive and beneficial talk
covering the Rebekah work and com
mended the local lodge on the ap
pearance of their home here and their
After a brief program, luncheon
was served and these ceremonies
were shared with the grange, which
was holding a meeting in the building
at the same time. Mrs. Hubbard vis
ited several lodges along her way
here and left today for Bend and
to Prineville. She left for Bend and
Lake county where she will continue
her work.
Young Girls Are Victims
of headache, as well as older women,
but all get quick relief and prompt
cure from Dr. King's New Life Pills,
the world's best remedy for sick and
nervous headaches. They make pure
blood and strong nerves and build up
your health. ' Try them. 25c at all
500 Club Entertained.
Mrs. J. S. Cooper entertained the
ladies' "500" club on Monday after
noon. The house was prettily dec
nmtoit with 'autumn leaves. Candles
a. jack-o'lanterns lent a quaint Hal-
ana jacKo muiei us h
, f
lowe en eect- partlcularIy
tne ainmg room p
freshments approprl
j y.v the
ate , to it he season - e-d by he
ooss . a
Mrs. G. W. Kutch and Mrs-C. W.
- Jrt
Butler were awarded prizes.
Tie hk
Reliable Footwear
Our Shoe are famous for their be havior under actual service
conditions. Every pair is built to give satisfaction.
We carry styles and qualltlca suitable for all cia-,ses of wyar
for every member of the family.
Our Men's Clothing
bear the I1KANDEUEE label which stands for all that's good In
modern tailoring.
Tr.ump Clothes
for boys are made to stand boys' wear.
Comforts, Wool Blankets,
Cotton Blankets, Hosiery
and Underwear
for the winter season at . prices that "credit" stores can't match.
Barnes' Gash Store
A noted beauty specialist from the East has been
imported at great expense to assume charge of this de
partment, conduct manicuring parlors and handle a
complete line of toilet articles and hair goods. The
complete manicuring parlor equipment from the Port
land store has been brought to Salem for the use of
this modern store.
Ipr goods 6fi
A large balcony has been erected in the store to be
used exclusively for beauty parlors and the most com
plete line of hair goods ever shown in the Willamette
valley. An expert has assumed her duties here. She is
the only specialist of the kind in Salem. You are in
vited to call and Inspect our new department, meet
the beauty specialist, and tell us what you think of the
S11i$$ ill I)
279 Commercial St., SALEM, OR.
. Evans