Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, October 29, 1909, SUPPLEMENT, Image 9

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Independence (Enterprise
President Visits Lodge,
la honor of a vUlt from F. F.
Roose, Supremo President of the Fra
ternal Union of America, the local
lodge of that order entertained In
princely style on last Tusday even
Ins.. At the Knlgbta of Pythlaa Hall,
which la the home of the Fraternal
Union of tula city, a program wan
rendereed, the principal number ow
ing an address by Mr. Roose. Those
who board blm say be la a very fine
talker and hla speech wa enthusi
astically received. Members of the
lodge rendered aeveral niuHlcal num
bora which were highly appreciated.
At there la no dining room at the
Kulghta ball, the kilning room of the
I. O. O. F. hall waa secured for the
occasion and in It waa spread a veri
table banquet. The room waa artist
ically decorated and with tables
groiinliig under the weight of the
bountiful repast, presented a specta
cle satisfying to the eye and the ap
petite a well. The Monmouth lodge
ot the Fraternal Union waa In attend
ance as guests of the Independence
lodge. Altogether there were seventy-five
or eighty persons present.
We will pay good price for handle
timber. Any one having same to aell
let us know amount and whtn can
deliver. Stunipage lso considered.
Paclfio Coast Handle & Mfg Co., Dal
laa, Oregon. 21-22
Frank Ellison of Hood River was
In the city last Monday.
J. Simpson of-Alrlie was in town
last Saturday and Sunday.
.. C. Shenefleld and wife were Dal
las visitors last Saturday.
I. J. Pepin of Chltwood, Oregon,
Sundayed in Independence.
W. P. Weir of Salem was doing bin
lness In the city this week.
W. J. Peebles was among the Sa
lomltes in the city this week.
Geo. F. Drown of Dallas came over
to Independence last Saturday.
Jas. Currle of Shaw, Oregon, was
in town Monday of this week.
E. W. Groesbeck of Eugene was
an Independence visitor last Satur
day, Bruce Miller of King's Valley was
doing business In the city last Mon
day. K. C. Eldredge was transacting bus
lness In Corvallls Monday.
Your credit Is good for an Edison
phonograph at Craven & Moore's. I8t
J. T. McCarty of Vancouver, Wash
ington, spent a day or two in town
this week.
FreeA 16x20 picture with each
box pf stationery purchased at Cravcr
& Moore's. 2211
A well equipped stock of l'k room
necessities. Williams Drug Co.
For Sale Cheat and vetch seed.
also fnsh milk rows. Apply to Ho
mer Hill. 2U-23
FreHh oyntera, both Eastern and
Olympla, always on hand at the Gem
Restaurant. 19t
M. It. Lynch of Winona, Minneso
ta, spent a day or two in the city
this week.
J. S. Cooper la putting a new roof
oa his residence and otherwise im
proving IL
Mix Lois Osborne visited with
friends at Albany Saturday, return
ing home Sunday.
Mrs. Lottie Hedges-Dorrla and Mrs.
D. Davidson are spending a few days
In Portland thla week.
The largest line men's wool shirts
In blue, brown, gray, tan and fancy
colors. Con key, Walker & Lehman's.
Thos. Kinchin and O. R. Burbank
of Peedee were among the stock
breeders who attended the Jersey
sale Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and R. P.
Klrby of Central Point, Oregon, are
hore. They will locate on one of
Mr. Bowers' farmsi
When In town drop In and get one
of those full size 25c dinners served
dally from 11:30 a. m. to 2 p. m. at
the Gem Restaurant. 19tf
Ed Owen was confined to his home
a day or two this week on account
of sickness.
A! Bentley returned Monday from
Salem where he had been several day
on business,
J. H. Burton expects to put 150
acres In vetch and oats and ten acres
In wheat this fall.
Dr. Lowe, the optician, will be in
Independence November 12. He comes
every eight weeks.
An up-to-date box of sattlonery and
a beautiful plccture for only 25c at
Craven & Moore's. 22tf
Mrs. S. Clements and Mrs. Foster
of Albany were visiting friends in
this city last Monday.
A. E. and Charles Groskey of Blod
gett were among the visitors in In
dependence . last Monday.
L.H. Slddall of King's Valley was
among the stockmen who attended
the Jersey sale last Tuesday.
R. H. Kaltz, the piano tuner, will
be in town in a few days. Leave or
der at the Independence Hotel. 22tf
: Jas. Lampitt, a farmer and stock
raianr from the vicinity of Suver, at
tended the Jersey sale last Tuesday.
Dr. J. I. Russell, formerly of Lost
inn Wallowa county, Oregon has re
cently come to Monmouth where he
has associated himseir witn u.
Matthls of that 'place for the prac
tice ot bis profession. j (
Mrs. E. Owen and daughter, Note,
returned homo Saturday evening from
Portland where they spent hint wck
visiting friends.
Miss Mamie Montgomery of Sulitu
waa in tho city the first of the week.
IL P. Klrby of Central point waa
In town this week.
R. D. Crankshank of Portland came
up Tuesday to attend the aale of
blooded Jerseys. He aays that moat
of the stock sold well.
Extra heavy blue flannel shirts in
regular and logger lengths at Coukey.
Walker & Lehman's.
Wanted Lady or gentleman to can
vasa. Apply to The Pacific Hom:
atead, Salem, Oregon. 21-23
The Oregon Milling and Warehouse
Co'a brand of flour Is made from old
wheat Buy no other.
Our outing flannels are the best
shown In this vicinity Call and see
to be convinced. -Conkey, Walker &
For Sale One pony. For further
particulars call at the Bundy farm
about five miles south of Indepen
dence. James Finigan. 22-24
E M. Young was among the lucky
ones Tuesday who picked up a snap
buy. Eph got a three-mouths-old call
for the trifling sum of $70.
Mrs. H. C. Hannou and son, Eston,
and Mrs. Alice McGowan were guests
att he beautiful farm home of Mr.
and Mrs. George Ruef last Sunday.
Licenses to wed were issued last
week to Jesse A. Barham and Ethel
Gwlnn, H. Pickens and Rose Faist
and Fred Oberson and Millie England
Mrs. Small and daughter of San
Francisco left last Monday for home
after spending a week visiting Mrs.
Small's brother, Wm. Dawes of this
city. ' '
Rev. Mr, McCain was shaking
hands with his many Independence
friends last Monday, having stopped
over a short time on his way home
from Buena Vista.
Mrs. Henrietta Thomas of Arling
ton, Oregon, arrived in the city Tues
day on a visit' to her sister, Mrs. Asa
Robinson, Sr. Mrs. Thomas is accom
panted by her little grandson.
. t M,.nnnalrt and I. J. Pepin of
Chltwood C C. Bears of Cornelius
and W. P. Fraser of mcjvuuuvui?
were among those who were bidding
for Jersey cows at the Nelaon sale
Tom Sullivan and family, left
TAa mornine for Woodburn
where they contemplate making their
A.. y.nm tn the event tnai uusl-
ness conditions are satisfactory to Mr
Sullivan. ... ;
r, farmer in the vicin-
tly of Albany, who pays considerable
t th breeding of thorough-
bred stock, was among those who at.
tended the Nelson saie or wuuu
stock last Tuesday.