Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, October 29, 1909, Image 3

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Quite a stir mid rirlieiuenl waa
raleed In llltthland last Monday wM-k
when Ihe two MMpd convict a, Mur
ray and Nluhollch, were dlaover-d
biding Id Ibis vicinity.
HUM Complon and hi two broth
ers left Wednesday fur Blo to be Hi
the bedside of thnlr father who la
Quito 111 of typhoid fer.
'George and ller.ry Dlrklnaon wre
Independence vlaltora Tueaday.
Henry MrKlmurry wa an Indepen
dence visitor Thureday,
Amy and Elma MeKlnney have
been quits III.
A number of hlKhlandt-rs attended
Tbe Man from Missouri" Thtiraday
night of lant wk.
Talk about your exiltement In haa
log tonvlite that certainly I tame
according to three of our promliitSt
young men. Hera la thilr recipe for
future excitement: Take a windy
day with a shower or two of rain
mlK'd In. and Into In tliu evening,
three young men to aurromid a auiall
field with the wheat Junt romliiR up
and a band of brants quietly feed
ing In It. Ut one young fellow with
repeating ahot gun ahow lilniH lf
and get the brants to fly, thou fire
aboil- eleven shots at the bunch with
out ruttliiK a ft' her, plk out a
Ingle goose Bnd lot tho fellow that
carries tho double barrell gun got two
holla faHtouod In It and throw It on
the ground and damo around It for
two nilnutoa until ho worka off the
poll of buik fover and thon all tako
about six niore ahota boforo being
able to take the one poor little, ln
Ignlflcant brant Into camp.
lleary MrElmurry waa In Indepen
dency laal we after shlnglee with
which to re-cover tila house.
Oall Alexander and alator, Edith,
and Oren MiKluiurry left Friday v.
rnlng for Albany where they apnt
Saturday and rSumlay.
George Hlmfer and Fred llannon
returned laai Hunday from Corvitlna
whore they have boon hallux hopa
for IX II. Taylor.
Fred Keathoratone and Mr. McKtn
ny left Tuoaday for Lebanon whore
they Intend going to work.
Independence Couple Marry.
Fred Oberaon and Mlaa MUlle Bug
land of thla rlty were united In mar
riage laat Sunday morning at the
Cathollo rtiarcb at Salem, Oregon.
Father Moore official lug. The bride
and groom loft for Portland Immedi
ately after the service and will
attend the weok eight aoolng. fioth
of the contracting partloa have grown
up together la thla city and have
many frlonda who extend their hearty
oonuratulatlona and wlnh tbera a hap
py voyage through life.
Mr. and Mra. Oberson will be at
homo to their many Ind. pendente
frlonda after thla week at the real-
donee recently oc upled by Mr. and
Mra. Thomua Sullivan. ,
Well Known Hotel Keeper Uaea and
Recommonda Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy.
"I take pleasure In Baying that I
h ive kept Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoe a Ilemody in the
family medicine cheat for about fif
teen years, and have always had sat-
Utaotory results from Us use. I have
administered It to a groat many trav
eling mon who were suffering from
troubles for which it la recommended,
mid have never failed to relieve
them," aaya J. C. Jenkins, of Glas
gow, Ky. This remedy la for sale by
1". M. Klrkland.
The Willamette Valley Company
Light, Power & Water at Very Reasonable Rates
WATER RATE- (Water by meter applies to resi
dence only.) Residence rata on meter applies to eue
tomcra only who pay 2.00 and oyer at the rate of 80o
per 1,000 gallons; minimum 11.00 per month.
Residence, 15 cents per K. W.
Business houses, 25 cents per drop and 6 cents per K.
Power, rates on application.
Moat Independent People Have a
Weak Part a.'d Too Often
It's the Back.
Eviryone baa a weak spot.
Too often It'a a bad back.
Twinges follow every sudden twlat
Dull aching keeps up, day and
Tells you the kidneys need help
For backache Is really kidney ache,
A kidney cure Is what you need.
Doao's Kidney Pills cure sick kid
neys. Cure backache and urinary Ills.
Good proof In th following state
E. E. Gilliam, 332 Water St., 8alem
Ore., says: "A fall I received aev
eral years ago, which wrenched my
back badly, tended to disorder my kid
neya. I suffered from backache so se
rerely at tim e that I could hardly
straighten. Sharp palna caught mf
when I aroao after ait ling and the
remedies I tried, did me no good. A
ihort time ago I was Induced to ua
Doau's Kidney Pills. They gave mo
more relief than I had received In
years. I know of others who have
used Donne Kidney Tills and all
speak of them ae tho beat medicine
they ever tried."
For sule by all dealers. Price 50c.
Foster . MHbiirn Co., Uuffalo, Now
Voric, sole agouta for the United
Remember tbo name Doan's and
tako no other, i
We hereby offer $1000 to anyone proving by chemi-:
ri'. analysis or otherwise that CYRUS NOBLE con-'
v ns anything excepting pure straight aged whiskies.
It is distilled in an old-fashioned still and contains
Al those secondary products cf. dis- elation which the
U. S. A6'ricuuural Department and the U. S. Internal
Revenue Department rule must be present to entitle
the distillation to be called whiskey.
Alcohol does not contain these constituents.
, Neither does cheap so called straight whiskey made
in a continuous or many chambered still.
Money talks.
GYRUS NOBLE a pure-old-honest-whiskey,
aged in wood. ' .
A ' - quart bottlea of GENUINE CYRUS
Apj NOBLE direct to you, all charges paid
to the nearest railroad express office.
Etab!ished, 1864 105-107 Second Street.. Portland. Oregon
W I Van Sj-hltWM A Pn.. P.rtUnJ D. ......
Endojtd pleoe find $4.90 (or which pleaie Knd me t once by expren, ptepiad. four quarts'
Genuine Cyru Noble.
P. O. AJdt.
Counljf -.
Wllllo Ilevena of Ruena Vleta sold
his hops to Joe Harris of Salem at
tweiiU'-flve cents a pound.
Th new addition to F. M. ponaia-
son'a store Is completed, and still the
carpenters are busy. '
A number of men have been In thla
locality looking for real estate, which
has kept our aKf"t, Mr. Winn, quite
Mrs. Henry Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Ho
mer mil and Mrs. Den JohnBon of
Independence were visiting friends
at this place last week.
Milo Elklns returned home from
Crook county lant weok. "
McClain Bros.' new gasoline engine
la doing excellent work. They have
been grinding at the rate of one
thousand bushels a day.
Fred Wells of Dallas was seen on
our streets one day last week.
Wlllard McClain' went to Parker
Tuesday morning to build a ware
house for Ralph Davidson. Mr. David
son expects to use it to store his
own train in. He expects to install
a gasoline engine and In fact a whole
cleaning outfit.
It is understood that a Mr. Combs
has purchased E. T. Black's butcher
shop. He also expects to buy town
property in the near future.
The first, bout of the season, Ore-
gona, arrived here October 24 to get
a load of oats of McClain Uros. iney
still have about ' 10,000 bushels of
wheat and 5000 bushels of oats on
hand to ship.
Rnenn Vista has Seattle skinned
a long way for big babies. Wlllard
MrClain has a baby that weignea
thirty-two pounds at the age of four
months while the baby that won the
prize af Seattle weighed only twenty-four
pounds at the age -,of four
months. '
There Is a great difference in scalp and hair diseases. This is the
reason patent medicines fail. They LACK THE INDIVIDUALITY
NECESSARY TO CURE. ,1 put up the treatment specially for you,
and if I can't cure Dandruff and Falling Hair, there is no use wast
ing money buying tonics. To show my ability, I will offer to the
first hundred Ladies or Gentlemen, a MONTH'S FREE TREAT
MENT. Send for special question blank today. Address Madam
PURITY GRANT, P. O. Box 1199, Los Angeles. California.
Miss Derby, our local milliner, visit
ed her home in McMlnnville over
The farmers throughout the coun
try are progressing well with their
Mrs. Minnie Mack was a business
visitor from the Heights Monday.
Mrs. Rachel Newman died at her
home here Friday after a 'lingering
illness. She was aged seventy-four
years and came from Michigan six
years ago. She leaves a husband and
a son and daughter to mourn her
loss. .
Clarence Hyde came in from Seat
tle for a week's visit with the folks
at home.
Brick was' hauled to the creamery
Monday to make needed improve
ments. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Coulter arrived
from Pendleton Sunday and will re
side in Monmouth.
Mrs. L. R. Burkhead came home
Friday from Tygh valley whree she
spent the past two months with her
daughter, Mrs. Beatrice Crofoot.
Miss Alice Stanley, who spent the
past week with her grandmother,
Mrs. Elizabeth Lucas, went to her
former home at Hillsboro Saturday.
Mrs. Merrett Miller of Bellevue is
visiting with her daughter, Mrs.
Blumme, this week. ,
T. J. Berry and wife went to Salem
Monday to make their future home.
Miss Emma Cramer, a Salem
school teacher, was a pleasant visit
or in town Saturday.
Mrs. Mary Pickens returned to her
home at Willamina Sunday after a
few days' visit with H. S. Chase.
Began October 15
As the seaaon advances we are finding ourselves crowded to the walls
for room, especially In the Suit and Mllllnary Departments. In order to
overcome this we have decided to close out alt of the knit and mualin
Underwear, Hoalary, Sweaters, Infants' and Children's Wear, Umbrellae
" and Hair Cooda. It would take up pagea to describe these goods, there
fore we Invite you to call and for yourself. If Intereated we guar
antee the price will not be In the way. Theae are bargaina you cannot
afford to pass without Investigating.
Buy Your Suit, Coat or Cape Now
while we are offering a special discount and the stocks are complete. If
you appreciate honeat values and a perfect fit we are sure te please you.
la now at Ita beat and a large number of trimmed Hats are aold daily. In
spect our stock before you pay the two prices of the exclusive atorea.
We are satisfied you will realize the great aavlng we will make for you.
pTp3 f f T
HE.flv J
French Kip Driver $7.00, Corn Calf cruiser $6.00
and Custom grain $3.75. To those who want a shoe
for the hardest kind of service, they have no equal
as protection to the feet against mud and water. Just
the shoe for the Oregon Farmer. We also have the
that give excellent satisfaction as a work shoe; and
we would like to show you our triple wear sole shoe.
This is a nice looking shoe, but made for hard knocks.
We don't want to sell you cheap shoes, but good
shoes cheap is our motto. Yours truly,.
Exclusive Haberdashery
Independence, Or.
A number of Monmouth residents
are painting and otherwise improv
ing their homes.
The Monmouth Cannery & Evapor
ator Company finished a fine season's
work last Monday.
The scarlet fever patients are all
convalescent and no new cases are
Trespass Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that no hunt
Ing will be permitted on my farm,
known as the east half of the old
Stewart place and adjoining the Ing
ermanson place on the west Any
one caught violating this notice will
be prosecuted.
18-22 Mrs. P. H. Drexler.
Cheapest and Best
Edison, Victor, Columbia
Full Line of Cylinder and
Dise Records
Genuine Needles
Oils and New Farts
Sheet Music and