Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, October 22, 1909, Image 8

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(Continued from ft rut psgel
p, v , -
d -a5T Hoval flaking PowJerlathe
th TV II, .. c .- -ru-ilc
county, the Mltiiu lrty crttiB 1"
boom snd taking the south sUU- of
the Lnektaiiiute snd Sheriff liraitt,
thv north side. James 1'rather, )
fcuowa every foot of that section of
the country, a with Urnnt
party, noting as guide. When about
800 yard from th starting H.tnt.
with Pratber In the lead, snd without
warning. s In the case of the til.-M
previous when Johnson shot, tin'
convicts opened fir un thiiu. l'ra
ther, who had no sun, Jumped behind
a tree. So suddenly did the shoot
ing commence and no unexpected was
the attack that the officer were tak
en by surprise, and it la a great won
der that some of tho party were nt
kUUnl. a thi distance between tho
two parties was not more than fifty
feet. The first two shot fired passed
between Sheriff Grant and "Chero
kee'' who were working aide by side,
and so close to "Cherokee" that one
bullet passed through the leg of his
trousers and Just grazed the flesh,
the other going through tho skirt of
his coat.
By this time Sheriff Urant had re
covered from his surprise and opeued
fire, and not a minute too soon, for
the delay of another second lutein
Lave cost his life. Carter, who had
Just drawn a bead on the officer,
was not quick enough, for as he
aimed his weapon, Grant sent a Win
chester 30-30 bullet crashing into the
brain of the outlaw who fell dead in
his tracks.
Just how true a shot Grant is was
evidenced on examination of the
-body when it was found that the bul
let which penetrated the brain had
first passed through the thumb of
the right hand, in which he held the
pistol, piercing the little finger, shat
tering the handle of the gun, then
striking the victim squarely between
the eyes. Those who witnessed the
shooting pronounced it the quickest
and most accurate shot they had ev-'
er seen, and -many were the congrat
ulations that he received from' the
other officers who were engaged in
the hunt, as well as citizens in gen
eral. In speaking of the instance,
Sheriff Grant said that "he just had
to do something as the bullets from
Vi,;":; tlt savers to the pastry cook.
fiwtV Economizes flour, butter v
v i ' era ccfis and xv.akes tho
iXJ food dlsesUUe and healthful J
i r ' iw t r -w r
rv?nir mrts! healthful food (
No alum no lime phosphates
TKo w ftUn0 nowder made
1V - m r
r"rm of Tartar -
irom nujuu -
the convicts' guns wre conilna en
tirely too close to him for comfort."
In tho mean time "Cherokee", Mar
shal Ftagles and Constable Hamilton,
the other members of the Grant par
ty, had recovered sufficiently to K'"t
in the game, and as a rexult, Albert
Ferris was seriously wounded, lie b
lug hit twlce.One bullet went thrmmh
the body Just below the heart and
the other passed through the hip.
rrom the manner in which the bul
lets enured tho body It is thought
one of the balls came from the pistol
of Marshal Keagles and the other
from the rifle of "Cherokee", but
that is only a surmise.
On the death of George Wright, all
as Carter, Albi rt Ferris, a half-breed
Indian, signalled that he would sur
render and when the officers ordered
him to throw his hands up, they went
high above his hade. When the offic
ers got to where he was standing
Ferris motioned them toward a clump
of brush. There they found Geo. Dun
can, badly wounded and so weakj
from loss of blood that It was diffi- j
cult for him to rise to his feet. While
Duncan claimed that he had Just been
shot, examination revealed the fact
that he had been shot the night be
fore by Deputy Sheriff Johnson In
the first skirmish at Buena Vista, as
the wounds had been bound up with
handkerchiefs. The loyalty of his
companions was shown when later It
was learned that they had lmrr--
vlsed a stri tcher and carried him
with them In their flteht. Duncan
was shot through the body. The bul
let entered the rteht side and. after
piercing the Intesllues, pass d out
at the left side.
The two wounded men and the
dead man were left In charge of
James I'ratlu-r and Constable Ira
Hamilton, while tho r st of the par
ty continued the search for NltihotUli
and Murray, the two remaining con
victs, who during the shooting had
made their t scape Into the dense un
derbrush lining tho two rivers at this
pofnt. After spending some time and
fully satisfying themselves that It
was Impossible for tht m to flush
their game, they returned to the
scene of the shooting. The automo
biles were telephoned for, the dtad
man and the wounded prisoners were
taken to Buena Vista where tho body
of Wright was left and the wound
ed prisoners were hurried to Salem
In charge of Warden Curtis and a
guard who returned later In the after
noon with blood hounds from the pen
itentiary, for the purpose of running
down the two convicts at large. As
It was late when they returned and
the other officers were coming In
from the search, it was decided to
abandon the hunt until Monday.
In the meantime a close guard was
maintained In all the towns, and all
the farmers In the vicinity of Buena
Vista were warned to look out for
l raids by the two mn H! at Ii'K". j
both of whom went rat d as liaru.
characters. Hioiliy ft r t o'clock, !
Men. lay afternoon a lelepliuim ni-'s S
sat, was received by Cld Wllliuiiiii
from Wiu. Kcotl who Hated tlial two
men liBd been seen III a iiu)Bik on
tho W, II. Co'krel pluca about two
tilths south o( Indeiieiid lice, by Mr
Keiser. the owner of thu place. Ac
couipaulcd by hi son, Mr. Kelser hitil
(one to a wheat fl Id to burn a straw
stack shortly after It bewail to rain.
and while tl'e boy was atleiiiptliiK
to fire tho H' k. he discovered the
two men Inn tow. d lu H- Callinu to
his fa1 her he said that then, wen
two men lu the slack. Mr. Kelser,
who carried a nun, came around th
stack to where the boy was and dis
covered tho inoii. The im'SHag was
sent to Independence for officers to
come and make thu arr.t. Floyd
Williams headed a poaao which went
to tho seines of iho coinlcts In liar
old Kltchard's auto.
In tho posse wero Floyd Williams,
Harold Kin hard and Marshal FciikI' s.
Tho two convicts, who were leaving
the straw-stack when the posse ar
rived, were ordered to surrender, to
which tiny paid no attention when
Marshal Feanhs opened fire with
his repeating rifle, none of tho shots
taking .ffet-t. Floyd Williams then
opened fire with his rifle ami at the
first shot Mike Mtchotlch, the Hus
siau, fell, and Albert Murray, the half
lined, dodged Into the brush along
the fence yelling lustily for quarter.
He surrendered Imm dintely to Mar
shal Feagles who took charge of him
and brought him to lndependi nee,
lodging him In tho city Jail. Niteli
ovltch, having recovered. Jumped to
his feet and took for the timber mar
by. Then began an exciting chase.
both Williams and Fltchard shooting
as they ran. Although Williams holds
a coast record as a sprinter, he was
distanced by the Russian In the four
hundred yard sprint across the fl Id
to the timber. Being short of am
munition Fltchard and Williams set
guard about the clump of timber and
telephoned to town for reinforce
ments. Within a quarter of an hour
help arrived and the Hill place was
entirely surrounded, everybody anx
ious to get a shot at the fleeing con
Badly wounded the convict had
crawled to the edge of the woods
nearest ito Williams and Fltchard
from where he called to them that
he was ready to surrender. He was
brought to Independence by the two
brave young men and his wound was
dressed by Dr. Hewitt when It w
found that h had received o
wounds, on i) In the leg sml the othr
In the hand. When captured lultli r
of tho coin his was armcu.
At thi Jail tho i-umUts talked Tree
ly of their wand .rings afxr the
shooting of Wright. They iliiiin that
If they hud not got lost they would
liavs ben.n well m their way to tin
tfllcti reserisMon where Murray
claimed to have be n raised. Murray
who had only eight mouths to serve
to complete his sentence at (ho pen
itentiary, claimed that ho wouldn't
have run sway with the oihers had
they not forced him to do so.
About five minutes before Fltch
ard and Williams arrived In town
with their man Ward, n Curtis with
a party passed through town with
blood hounds, having come In re
sponse lo a telephone message from
FiSKh-B on tils way to the scene of
the hunt. The two parties passed
each other on the way, having taken
different roads. Sheriff Grant also
arrived about this time.
The two convicts were taken to
Salem Monday evening by Warden
Curtis who P rsonally thanked City
Marshal Feagles and his aids for
their courageous work In capturing
tho outlaws.
I'pon the decision of Coroner H
L, Chapman that an ltiouest over
Wright's remains was not necessary,
Superintendent James notified his
mother, Mrs. Wright of Junction CHy.
and at her reijui st tho body was
turned over to C. W. Iletikle, under
taker of this city, Sunday afternoon
and was shipped to her on tho 10: 45
train Monday.
Belf filling t mtfl
Ana a self riaaer M.
Tbt piles you'll find ! "I lu "'
For lht eas taat Jtut
It tills Itsolf. It fills all
For tlis effies, school sr sa;
among tbsra all the oue taat lsd
Is Fsber's Fountain Ten.
All Styles
At all Prices
Independence, Ore.
Mrs. L. It. Hicks
Wards aud private roui. Inspec
tion Invited. All classes of non
contagious cases from reputable
physicians accepted, Special at
tention to confinement cases un
der physicians' care. Trained
nurse In attendance. I'hone I'sdfic
Main 321.
1 1
lias purchased E. T. Honklo's
Here Is a chance to get a first-class shave snd hair cut.
When You Sit Down To
a Meal
In this restaurant you are sure It will b
xcellet as t Isod. esoklnn snd servir.
The snrronndloas ssesk for themselves,
and the bill of fare tells mutely ol Una
eating at little prices. Come Is sni" bris
a friend sr two sleng. You will all b
be pleased.
White House Restaurant
Wm. McCilckrat & Sm, Pr.pfW-lor.
CO1-. V I
Let us put this beautiful Range in your home this week and present you with a
useful set of ware FREE.
Is conceded by the stove trade to be the Leading Range of
America handsome as a picture, strength, durability, econo
my and convenience combined in this truly great Range. Made
of malleable iron and Wellsville steel in combination. Riveted
together like a boiler. It will last a lifetime. Saves repairs, saves
the cook, saves time and labor, and does more and better work
on less than half the fuel of cast stoves. No cracking, no warp
ing, no polishing and no open seams.
A Perfect Baker - Ideal Draught Plenty of
Hot Water .
f in k
Jill Ic-' IfTlrfrT!
' ; i
S' 4 W: r
If A
Trade Mark
The Malleable man from the big South Bend Factoy is here this week. Come
vd you SlZc Inside Ran Information and be presented with a cook
book and souvenir. The Malleable girl will serve you with hot biscuit and coffee.
Come early Saturday Morning