Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, October 22, 1909, Image 4

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Kraut, Kt-rnlitlte uf I'aWU apent
Sunday tn till illy.
A well equipped ktuk of t& room
Dcltl.'. William Drug Co.
Your credit I rooJ for an Edlaon
plioi.oraiih at Crav.u t Moore'a. I St
II. I). Coop r wax doing tuiutiu
In Dullna l he latu-r itrt of ut week.
The ladlcii alii of the M. K. churtn
Met with Mm, Or, Hewitt y.aterday
For Kale rht ami vol. li Ki-i'il
also fr,h milk tow. Apply to Ho
mer lllll. SO-HS
The South Hend Steel Range exhtb
it now on at 1 lamia llroa.' store. In
nut mist It
Fresh oyster, both Eastern and
Olyiupla, received dully at the Gm
Itestuurant. 19tf
J.'B Whiteaker ha returned from
Port laud where he apeut several days
transacting business.
C. M. Hall, of near Salem, Orenon,
is proud owner of a new Monanh
range, bought of R. M. Wade A Co.
Mrs. A. V. Whitney now has lit
her home a Monarch range, which
she purchased of R. M. Wade & Co.
J. H. Burton has coumiiUced his
fall plowing and expects to put a few
more acres Into hops next year.
Those who have hops for sale ar-
standing pat and when a buyer makei
an offer they smile and look wise.
W. E. Bevens returned TVsJay
from Portland where he had been on
a combined business and pleasure
F. O. Frost of Spokane spent a
day or two In the city this week.
Investigating the possibilities of this
The hop warehouse at this place
la filled to overflowing owing to the
fact that everybody is holding for the
market to go up.
When in town drop In and get on
of those full siie 25c dlnntrs served t ween the bank and P. H. Drexler's
daily from 11:30 a. m. to 2 p. in.
the fiem Restaurant. 19tf
Gem Restaurant. IM and 3. 0ffl(.e hour3 9 a. m. t0 2 ra.
Mrs. Ed Owen and daughter, Miss C. W. Henkle, who last week pur- answered night
Mrs. Ed uwen ana aaugmer, jus - . Ja
Nola, left for Portland last Monday " "" d d
afternoon where they went to spend Bice & Calbreath and H H. Jasper- f
j K Kn 1 111 1, or rtnr-u rr.
I son, lias remeu wc uunuin6 -
the week with friends.
16 WeeK Willi mcuuo. -
I cupied by Geo. Dunham's harness
Wm. McLaugnnn was among iu h ,
who were at ratted to the city la,t - ftg
Sunday by the man hunt that took " nnrln.
place a few miles south of town.
Mrs. W. D. Morjland and her two
sous, of Tacoma, Washington, are in
the city on a visit to Mrs. Moreland's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cooper.
Parties who are in a position to
know state that only two car loads
of hops have been shipp.d so far this
season from the, Independence dis
trict. Dick Madison of Salem came over
Sunday to take part in the man hunt
that took place near Buena Vista.
He says that it was a very .exciting
About half of the male population
of the city was out hunting last Sun
day. Those who were not out hunt
ing' pheasants were taking part in
the mau hunt.
The Malleable Range, made in
South Bend, is for homes where the
test is none too good. See it at the
Hanna Bros.' exhibit this week. Hot
coffee and biscuits free.
A beautiful cook book and useful
souvenir given away all week at Han
na Bros.' store. Also hot biscuits anc
coffee. Something still more intertst
ing there. Come and see.
A hunting party from Portland
passed through town last Sunday in
an automobile on their way home.
They reported having had good suc
cess, each of the party having bagged
the limit.
Vn meaningless and gaudy nickel
or,,i frills Just a solid, substantial,
exquisite piece of kitchen furniture
that's all. The Malleable, made in
South Bend. See it at the store of
Hanna Bros.
W. W. Newton, who recently pur
haR'pH thfi Lone and the People's
0!f markets, moved his family in
to town last Saturday, having rented
the Clara Smith place in the east
ern part of the city.
Nelson Anderson, Harley Prather,
Wm. Bevens, Miss Maggie Black,
Miss Lena Steele and Miss Eunice
Klkins, of Buena Vista, attended the
dance given at the opera house last
Saturday evening.
The Southern Pacific has finished
the work of removing gravel from
the river bed at the foot of C street
.,j th ir steam shovel away.
The gravel was used in ballasting the
...,. TnHpnendence.
liUlU " f ,
While there Is not much doing jum
and on C street betweeu . the post-
office and Hanna Bros.
Tin Kind Yen Have A!w3js Bought
Bar tba
J. O. MATTHI8, M. D.
Office Pottoffica Building
Phontt CI and 63
Hulk oyatera, ra.trrn and Olympiad Vateh $td tsf Sal,
at the Gem Restaurant. 1 tn f I lW ' " "J
Crab., clam.. crawfish aid .11 kind. Tbo M
of ah II fan. fr.-.U -u.ry d at ,1.- MPM...
Wanted Udy or K'ntl- iiiati la tan j I C, j r J
va... Apply u Th0 I'acifir llom-j , t-fonta and CLildrett. .
.....1 o..l ....... M''M
(ru, ill. .'h-k"". .-
SaU'U! nuw amberol fourtuinut
rmords this mouth. Call and lieu
theui at Craven & Moor'.. 1M
Why ubo .tale Portland tr ad whei
you can aet luHter fre.ll made bre.i
delivered at your door, liihlt.1 on hav
iiiU Frit' bread. Take no other. 20 2
A.k your arocer for Frlti' home'
made bread and douj;liMui.. Tuke in
other. They are madu from hnn
wheat flour. Made in lud pen
donca. 022;:
R. 1. Cooper, who ha. been to Port
laud to attend tht horwe show held
there, ha. returned hoiu. He .ays
that there were a large number of
fiue horse, exhibited.
Afttr skating luncheons are ver
iwnular. - You an telephone your or-
d.r. f'.ir o.v.tir. from the Jkatinit
rink 'iud tliu. be sure of quick and
prontr-L service at the Gem R-.tau
rant. lStl
The streets last Sunday hud tin
appearance of hoD picking time and
every automobile that came in from
the scene of the man hunt was sur
rounded with a large crowd who were
anxious to hear the latest new. from
the s at of war.
The Independence football team
arrived Saturday noon In automobiles
Id the number were Maurice Butler,
Grover Mattison, V. F. Mc.Vdams, A.
Emerick. Janus M. Jones, Alva Rog
ers. Laurie Cran, F. D. Ponieroy. Jess
Emerick and Rube Williams. Albany
The city is having gravel hauled
for the purpose of putting in con
crete crossings on Main be
tween the bank and R. M. Wade &
Co.'s and on Monmouth street be-
ti. F. JONES
Office next door to Indepetidenci'
National Bank. Ind pendence, Oreitou
W. R. ALLIN. D. D. 8.
lota phabee. Cooper Bldg.
Independence, Orvgon.
J. 8. COOK
Room 7 and 8, Cooper Bldg.
Independence, Or.
Monmouth, Oregon
Specialty Diseases of Women
Bell Telephone Main 193
Office In Cooper building, room 2
an undertaking parlor
Monarch Malleable. the "Stay
Satisfactory" range, needs no intro
duction as it is sold on its merits.
Every range is put out on trial. If
you are thinking of purchasing a
range, do not fail to call at R. 51.
Wade & Co.'s and inspect the points
that these goods have above all oth-j
er ranges.
D P. McCarthy, manager of the
Fir Grove hop yard about a mile and
a hair east of the city, returned last
Saturday from a t n days' hunting
expedition in the vicinity of Grants
Pass and Myrtle creek. Mr. McCar
thy says himself and party succeed
ed in getting four fine bucks, one
of which he had the distinction of
Al Whitney, Frank Whiteaker and
W. A. Ball took to the brusn lata
Sunday. They went north instead or
south to be sure to get away from
the escaped convicts whom the posse
were hunting. They report having
bad excellent sport and all 'of them
got the limiUd number of China
Astonishing how quickly the trend
of public favor changes. Already it
has b:en filled to satiety with Cook
and Peary, before the stories now
running through the press of the
country, of "The Conquest of the
Pole", are concluded. The Oregon
ian began publication of these sto
ries under their twelve headings.
What they end in is a guess, if they
are not abandoned altogether.
Dr. Allln. Dentist. Cooper Bldg,
2T5 A good pair of reaaing glas
fi0yp ses ?1.00 at Kramer's. tf
Old papers for saie at this office
at 23c a hundred.
Go to Craven & Moore for your
school supplies. ' l8tt
New line of up-to-date stationery
at Craven & Meore's. lgt
Faber's Self-filling Fountain Pens
They are right. Williams Drug Co.llti
Dr. Dusanne, Dentist, over Inde
aendeace National Bank. Rell phone
121; Independent, 4410. tf
The Ladies are Invited to call and
The gravel was used in w new Hand Bagg 9nown by
road bed of the main ltne both ways
Bring us your prescriptions. Ac-
wniie iiittic vv - . q
Hn V.ort 1 fnranv qtiH miritv our HlOttO. A ra
in the personel of the business nrnw urug o.
of the city and a number oi uLuc
are said to be under negotiation.
R. H. McCarter and wife returueu
For Chapped Skin.
Channel skin whether on the hands
r H Mcvjarter .
home last week from a visit to Mr. or face may be cured in one night by -
cannot ct bvtrwff
ek from a Visit W lace uiuy uc I nj,Mw work donanywhr.. All work fully rur-
m. fnw I .nl.rln Phamhorlaln'a sal V P.. It lb I Blliw. moaeni aieaww aiiaipaM-w
twrtfr's parents wno resme vvva - W1KT TTll
.. nnf from Dallas. They wereaiao unequalled for sore mPyie.a, uurn j- JLJCIIlaXl VT
ver on account of the Illness and BCalds. For sale by P. M. Kirk- .an.. po-S.OREGON
of Mr McCarter'B father. land. ' wrioa aooafc a,. tt.u. iwun u i.
Of rice hours: 9 to 12 and 1:30 to
Office in Campbell building, room
Piione Home 4910.
fVidtpendence, Oregon
BP ft h. l L'ta
Plvs between Independence and Sa
lem daily except Sunday. Passenger
and freight business solicited.
Leave Independence .. 9 : :i0 a. in.
Leave Salem 3:15 p. m.
The best for Sores, Chapped
Hands, Dandruff, Insect Stings
and Poison Oak.
Mrs.J. W.Richardson Sr., Agt.
Monmouth Street, Independence.
Effective Sunday, July IVni
Ti-Hin No 84 loaves Tnilepenrtem-e daily 8:00
a. m : lenH Monmouth a. m.; arrives
n'nllaf:40 a. in.
Train No 8 leaves Iiniependenee. rtally
10-50 a m: leaven Monmouth, ltMto a. in.
an ives DftllaH, ll'.3 a- m.
Train N"7 leaves Independence dally 16
D. m ' leave Monmouth 8:Sft p. m.: arrive Kal
ian p. at.
Train N 1 leaven Independence daily 7:00
a ii..: lev.H Monmouth T:I5 a. oi.i arrlven
Alrlie7:ra. in.
Trnln Vn 7 lenvcn Independence dally at
2 J0p hi li-aves Mfiiuiiinith daily at 2:50 p
in'.; arrives at Airlie at :2S p. m.
Train No 0.5 leaves Pallan dally m;
Iobvph .-.nnioiili Sr a. in .; arrives Indepen
dence 9:15 a. m.
Train No Wlmves DalluH dally 12:15 ?
leaves Mnnnionlh 1-lOp. m.; arrive i In depwi
clenoe 1:2S p. m. (This train connects at Mon
mouth for Alrlle)
Trnin No 71 leaven Dallas dally 7:.r. p. in.;
lea-en Monmouth 8:15 p. in.; arrives Inde
pendence 8:25 p. m.
Train No 62 leBves Airlie dally 8:35 a. ra,!
cove Mniiminith :15a. tn.: arrl ves Inde
pendence 9:25 a. in,
Train No. 72 leave Airlie nan y ' p.
arrives at Monmouth 4:40 p. m .: arrives at In
dependence at 4:50 p. m.
'ainlf s Dentistry
, I 4cf0w for $3.5
f -
' 7 S Molar Crownt 5.0
' stnamei ruimffi i.wv .
u x wSilvw Fillingi
V f''l ' ' '-f"( llnlay Fillmgt
V V. -T t 4 Plata 9.0U
.V " ..-L , IBaat Rd Rob- , CA
la. W. . mil, FainnrwaMuaaa "r rl,M , , X
at nun tmatmia nam Punleii Extrtlon . 0 U
PslnleM Eitraetioa i re aihaa) oUtaa or bride work
ia ordered, txjnauiiaiion ree, j(iwBaumiiwn
palnleaa work done anywkere. . All worl" fully rur-
Style -
Quality Service
re mi bl.'iulol, wcMihI nnj wi-oukIiI
Into lUt ae .Mnnti rcd Tiliirrd Cloth.
For Men and
Young Men
Your tloilifa) liv o in mil to
do HU your liuutiifiia mil notlnl
Undiim thai you rntinot aftord to he
toiiii'iili d with lhi irdtnary klncU.
You ''d not b tullor or riot In
nd y-t you will litniniitly ri'onl
tho dlffcrcittti bftwfi'ii our lotln
and otliT rlotUi'n. Tltcy arts muilo
for ua by the t'tdobmud MkIit Tall
or and Dcalti"'''!!,
Schloss Bros, cv Co.
of Baltimore and Nw York
Tht young chupa that want to be or
iginal better ace thin mIiowIux the
world lovea wlnm ra and you'll look
tvery Inch a "winner" with oim of
our Suit or Ovenoata.
Ilualnfaa men who are particular
ftboi.t their clothe will Hirelut
our extraordinary collection of "ready
to-wiar Hand Tailored Clothes"
prices ao reaxonublo thut It Ih within
the reach of every gentleman to
dress becomingly at little coat.
Econoinlial. too, for whll our prlc
ea are aa low as others, our clothe
are better.
Men's and Young
Men's Furnishings
In new ahailes Cireena, Olvles. dreya,
London Smoke every hue that fash
ion dictate.
:J i ...,i.m.. tana B. -"..3b
w , i hi us Hn- k rn.
' TIm Clothes Maker
Suits $ 1 0 to $30
141 N. Commercial St.
The Right Clothes
lx'. I Are here ready for serviqe the mo
r 1 menf vou are readv. Why not
rnmp in mdnv nnd see our sunerb
'if7 f K' I ' r-v v' " ' x
rjfj C Vj showing of the fa
rsp ?a
3 rviv.' '
ii$bep'$ Ready
:ailorcd glotbcs
10.00 to $35.00
Salem Woolen Mill Store