AVcsci.iMf ftrroraii.) CrAs Imjj the Siimls MkiDowch i IVomotcsDituinflroful i?ss ami IVvronuins aeiatr Ophmt. Morphine rwrJtiacraL! Apnfrcl Remedy (brCtaBfls tion.aour roHacn.uiu Vormsfomulswiisffwrisk ncss and LOSS OTLEET. FacSlrtae Sijnamr af NEW YORK. inMd i unsn For Infanta and CMldf tn The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Guaranteed under the Exa Copy of Wrapper. m m m m m f . LV V W Fnr flunr W l Ul W I vl Thirty Years w m w h w auiM.d TMf INTAUN MMNNTi MI TOUR Cl". . ,I.,,UL.:L,., ijj).. BUSINESS COLLEGE nui 111 w --k rv rirrtkvuriirtic rtil irTIV'M l""!! fOPAM f.-VTFS C BK POUND EVERYWHERE POIVTIVGTO iTHISSCHOOf. AS THE KEAttW FOP THHtt BEXAKKABU SUCCESS y Facts Worth Noting Enrollment of students past year 468. All graduates placed In good positions. Filled but 50 per cent applications lor office help. Reputation for thorough and personal Instruction. Safe and refining Influences. Send for new Folder and Success Stories, TWJTlYM SECURED FOR STUDENTS MIEN I UJUlllW COMPETENT WITHOUT CHARGE mmm Messrs. Stull and Darst having withdrawn from the Cummins & Davis Land Co., the business will be conducted as before under the name of eamiNS & davis INDEPENDENCE, OREGON " We have one of the largest lists of Farm and City Property in the county to choose from and if you want to buy or sell anything we would bepleased to have you call and see us. New Listings of Desirable Farms All parties who have farmB for which they desire quick sale are requested to call and list their property with us. For Style or Beauty We have them. All of the popular shapes and popular priced Shoes WE DO FINE REPAIRING JACOB VOQT 345 State Street, 8alem, Oregon BO0KS TQ READ For Summer reading on your outing or at home see our paper line at 10c, loo and 25c We have reprints of the copyright books at 50c. Come in and look ov.r ur large book stock. The CommerciahBook Store 163 Commercial St., SALEM, ORE. COTTAGE HOTEL CHARLES SAVAGE, LESSEE Special Attention to Commercial and College Organizations Salem ISO Court street. Telephone 209 Mala Telephone and Messenger Service at Hotel 'SCHOOL APPOR TIONMENT FUN!) Kii)o tug- U i)0 U(pii l.olllliellt (if wale money of tiki i. r capita by County 4i lui .Superintendent II. ('. Styiiiuur Uh haute of ill Ik i f em h iliHtrui; DM No 1, W 1) II nry, ,. f HI 40 DM No 2. II 11 Campbell .. I2:.To D.t No 3. Jacob 11 lii!i Dut No 4, It Lmnk .. 1 tint No 5, Hurry Lacey 1U No , Ja E Hill .... DM No 7, 8 II (Mm .. .. DM No 8. W W Smith .... DM No St. U A McCulloch . . Diet No 10, U A Sihroeder.. DM No 11, A B Laiey .. .. Dint No 12. B E D Armond.. DM No 13. A J Haley .. .. DUt No 14. E M Grave .. .. DM No 15. A W Fink .... Dial No 16, Porcy lladley .. DUt No 17, J V Sears .. .. DUt No 18. A U Kuiepel .. .. Dint No 19. A It Allen .. .. D.st No 20, HU Hastings .. DUt No 21., Fred Hobdlng .. Dist No 22. C W Stewart .. DM No 23, 1) O Meador .. .. DUt No 21, J F row til ., .. DUt No 2.J. J N Hulfti .. .. Dlst No 26, W E UooUi'H .. Dl-t No 27. I'liaa E Brooka .. Dlst No 28, II W Dliklnson.. DUt No 2!t, E L K' tchum .. Dlst No 30, O I Locke .. .. DM No 31, Ed Loose .. .. Dlst No 32, F L Wood .. .. DUt No 33, E B Gobat .. .. Dlst No 34, J B Campbell .. DM No 3f, J J Stratton .. Dlst No 36. R E Pearoe . . Dist No 37, Cyrus Bluir .. Dlst No 3S, Otto Skerslos .. Dlst No 3!, Wiley Norton .. Dlst No 40, T C Walling .. DM No 41, R E Rsed .. Dlst No 42. B Z Kings Dist No 4.!, J M Lai sen .. .. Dist No 44, W It Coyle .. .. Dist No 4:, G W Pewther.r.. Dlst No 46, W I Bronson .. Dist No 47, I M Robertson.. Dist No 49, V. A Flshback .. Dist No ".0, Chas Rees The Bed Roc of Succm I ! bi kwn, rar brain. lkl by . ein'iijr, Stub por rouiee rroui iu plKiidtd li.-nlih lhai lir, Kliiet'a N' I4f 1'UU Impart They ltlU f rtf l IxlD.I II l.iil Alt' Uly. J. A. lUriii.m. Ueimri, W Va., ru: "They r hip beni pllU evmr ud" 25c l all druKKtuia Dlst No 51, D.st No 52, Dist No 53, Dlst No 54, Dist No 55, Dist No 56, Dist No 57, Dist No 58, Dist No 59, Dist No 60, Dist No 61, Dist No 62, Dist No 64, Dist No 65, Dist No 66, Dist No 67, J M Farby .. W S Branchflowei J K Sears .. .. R R Rlggs .. John Vernon . . L H McBee .. .. M G Ellis .. .. O N Harrington Mrs L Burbank Mrs A B Brown W T Bennett .. B M Howeir .. D W HaUy .. .. J A Meliza .. .. A Countryman .. B C Kenyon .. S5 10 7.r.5 79.:.:. liS 4.". ttO.65 Stl 9." IM.30 86 t5 46 is.r.o 401. 4.1 24 05 h6.9r. 107. 30 123.95 70.30 77.70 27.75 116 55 4.!5 33.3t 44.40 6K.45 116 55 77.70 65.50 760.35 61.75 99.90 120.25 179.25 116.55 96.20 44.40 94.35 37.00 57.35 44.40 155.10 40.70 77.70 14. SO 44.40 12.95 81.40 44.40 35.15 81.40 31.40 53.65 70.30 46.25 37.00 795.50 66.60 3S.85 72.15 157.25 14.80 59.20 5.55 96.20 40.70 COURT HOUSE TRANSACTIONS. Probate. Klt of .MKkt t Mlllef, deccttltei! final Mi'euunt et fr bearing No vember 13, at 10 a. in. Estate of Martha Elliott, deoeaned Inventory and appraisement filed and approved. Real Estate. Luey N.nl and bd to Herman SelileuneiK r, 20 ai res, t 6 r 8 w $ Tom William H u to Otto Jahn, 40 airea t 6 s r 8 w L F Tbarp el ux to A Dunda. 96 aire t 6 r 6 w John V Homo to I'edee Lum ber Co., 1694 acre l 1) r 7 w A L Sureve et ux to Manilo I Bruce, 60 arrea tlirlw Ony Mi-Lane et ux to Mary A Smith, one-third Int. In 48.61 acre t 8 and 9 a r 5 w .. 1300 4400 200 600 10 More Than Enough It Too Much. To maintain health, a mature man or woman needs Jut enough food to repair the waste and supply energy and body heat. The habitual con sumption of more food than U nec essary for these purpose m iuw prime cause of atoinaih trouble, rheumatism and dUord.r of the kid ney. If troubled Willi maw-""", revise your diet, let reason and not appetite control and take a few dost of Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tablet and you will soon be all right again. For alu by P. M. Kirkland. THE ELDRIDGE C. E. VanAllen, Prop. JT 'T"N. drir, ad th deruJa miura or -"r VJj?' I i a U.U lurda of tlllwslth and p.m bcu ol di.rds C"U'C U.iniuals of Ih drlicsle nd Hr"" tU ' ISA M diMimlly IcmM-e. 1 be lwrti so bravely durd com- IS 1 1 f nlrirly upl fh acnts il limg emitiaued. W-rV I Dr. 1'ieroe's lavorif I'wcriplum a positive ure for A. W 1P V J Despair and Despondency No on but womo lr of Ihe suff.rifi. I he weaka and disease of lb tvmioiae ornim. IT MAKH5 WHAK WOflKN STRONO. 5ICK WOMHN VVHLL, ll allays inrlsmmsiioa, bls ulcriin and sooth pala. KTV 5- ? 1 h loars sad builds up Ihe aerv... it bis ir . a VtW - and .! , rhood. Ilunol medicine d.Ur s.11 . anJ ll is Boo .Mr.1, o-UbUi snd has a record ol lorly y.r of cure. As Youa Nsioms..s. Iby probably kw ol ol Us many cures. If vo waal a book Ibal UHs all aboul womaa s - , - lb.es .1 horn., ..nJ 21 oae-eecl stamps lo Dr. Pierce lo p.v eo.l of m.il n , and he will send yoe a A- copy ol his (rest hou.sod p.i '''1 Comma. Sens Medical AdviMr-ravid. up-lo date d.i.). N ' la hnd.on. alolh-bind.n.. Jl sl.mps. Addr... Dr. R.V i'.crce. Hullulo N 1. Well Known Hotel Keeper Use and Recommends Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. "I take pleasure in saying that I have kept Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy in the family medicine chest for about fif teen years, and have always had sat isfactory results from its use. I have administered it to a great many trav eling, men who were suffering from troubles for which it is recommended, md have never failed to relieve them," says J. C. Jenkins, of Glas gow, Ky. This remedy is for sale by P. M. Kirkland. Dies from Pneumonia. J. E. Frame died of pneumonia at Falls City last Friday morning, says Dallas Observer. He had been work ing for Frank tiolman, the Dallas dairyman, and for several days had complained of being unwell. Being given a lay-off by Mr. Holman, he went to Falls City, whtre his condi tion rapidly took a turn for the worse. Mr. Frame was about forty years old and came to Oregon from Tennessee. He left a wife and three children. $1.00 Reward would gladly be paid for a cure by many people who are crippled with rheumatism, yet if they only , knew it, they can be cured by a few bot tles of Ballard's Snow Liniment, and the price Is only 25c, 50c, and $100 per bottle. Soio by Williams Drug C Quite a number of young people came over from Dallas last Saturday evening to attend the dance given in the opera house. Large iinuy rooms, en suite or sin gle. Electric Hk1i8, bath and piano. European Plan 248 N. Commercial St., Salem, Ore. To Exist Is to stay en a farm with your nose down on the grindstone year after year, making barely enough to tide you over from one crop until anoth er, or working in a prime Orchard part of the season for someone else to me.ke enough to run your farm the next yiar. Are you In this class? If so, get out of the rut. Get up onto the trail and kick up a dust. To hive is to plant your farm out Into an Ap ple. Pear. Peach. Prune or Cherry Orchard and raise something for which the world Is crying and for which it is willing to pay. A good Orchard is the best real estate agent you ever had if you want to sell, and the best income producer when you want to live on Easy Street. For prices on fruit trees write to 0. W. PENNEBAKER 990 South 12 street, Salem, Oregon. Steele's Ferry Buena Vista, Oregon. The ferry that crosses the people. Most direct route to Jefferson, Scio, Shedburne, Salem and Al bany from all points In South ern and Central Pork ceunty. Old Wheat Flour Everyone knows that old wheat flour is superior to flour made from new wheat. Remember that all our brands of flour are made from old wheat, we having reserved enough to last us until the first of the year. Be sure and ask your grocer for our brands of flour made from olt wheat and take no other. Oregon mm G L Hawkins Dallas, Ore. garble and Granite Monument and Head rtoneu Cemetery work etc WOOD Large or Small Orders De livered Promptly. HENRY M0TT Independnece, Oregon. BELL PHONE SL.OP.lCIt BROS. Tubular Well Drillers game price for well drilled with their new larger diameter drill. Well for irrigation purpo. Both Phones Independence, Oregon THE NOBLE 1. A. MAIUSON, Vt. Corm-r Commercial rim! aim Sirwt iAXKM, OUKUON A. C MAGERS. FW TELEPHONE MAIN I7J Standard Liquor Co. WHOLESALE DEALER IN WINES, LIQUORS Sr CIGARS I SJILEM I48.IJ6 S. COMMERCIAL STREET OREGON y u Pay Rent 1 BUY A HOME J jl, :l -, V TODAY ' E i -f t : i iii sue in i . c- -- While glv- V NiC ing you this ad- v vice we do not mean i i n ijjj to advise you to go to 1 : thu nnnr liniiHp nnrl henomft a. nubile charge, but come to us and let Us ex ' plain to you our plan of how you can apply your rent money to the purchase or (I home, so that In a, short time you will be ' I the Dossessor of your own place. Neither do we me an that you should go to the poor house to avoid the landlord problem, but we mean that it will pay you to step in or write to us for our proposition of avoid ing him as well as the .county's home. Our plan avoids both of these results. If you have property that you desire to sell the best possible , advice that we can give to you is for you to sit down right now and write to the Chas. E. Hicks Real Estate Co., telling them what you have, giving a full and com plete description. They can sell it for you quicker than any oth er real estate firm In the Willam ette valley. CHAS. E. HICKS REAL ES TATE COMPANY of Independence, Oregon Send for list of farms for immediate sale 1 The Chas. Hicks Rea Estate Co. has become one of the most widely known real estate firms of the Willamette valley, through its range of advertising and pamphlets sent out over the northwest. They have done more for publicity for Polk county than has ever been done heretofore. The company never quits. Advertising mat ter is going out every day. List your' farm and let it be sold. Milling and Warehouse Co. 18tf