RFWfTR. FNTFRPRTSE F.PF.K i Kin 1 N -S- m Mi!i:u CONVICTS E8 CAPE FROM PEN OFFICER MEET WITH THRILL INQ ADVENTURES. Floyd William, Harold Fitchard and Marshal Faagloa of Thla City Maka Final Captura of Laat Two of the Five Fugitive. behind a ulvert which they had J'"41 ami oi iiiiI firo alno. In all. belwcn .thirty and forty ahota art- Id to bavo haiiRed. lit" convlcta Jumped over tho r iuti and took toward tho river going south. About llila tlmo Sheriff Grant or thl ount and City Mundial rYa Kla of Independence arrived ou the ai no. They, In company with the guard from th penitentiary and a poaan of cltUena of Hucua Vlwta, fol low! d tho convict toward ll rlvr, wh'To a aecond battle tmik lli''. but aa fur a U known, no one waa biirL J.ilwiHon was put Into an automo bile, and lroiiKlit to "'I Ur IJutl.T was called and drcs.-d hla wound and he km then aent to ,lU WOODMEN PLAN BIG CAMPAIGN WILL HAVE GREAT LOO ROLLING IN DECEMBER. Co. Wrlthl. alia Carter, killed ... . .. . . i- i. ..... hiuiin ul tli til Amen rerr.H. aeno.. ..... ..... of throng, the body. death renultlng yuu () (Wor1 , a ,,,.pu,,. ttnj lueo from the, Nltot; Mike N'lt. hollch tnt,Ty evt 0f .-mapo wan guarded, hot twi.'u, and Albert Murray P ;jlml h,, n It was IlKht enough lured, wu the futo of lh. uulntet KWlj Ul vmn,,t which had be n of convlcta who eacapcd from Ihu feo-, . ,., L.Ui before, was - RJI UHiriK y tti.j -r - !aKuiu taken up by the orncera aim tho poHH,-. Tho brimli between Duo na VlMta and Well' cronslng, a dla itarce of one and cue-half miles, was searched without result, me panjr then relumed to Iluena Vlat a where Sheriff Orant, Maximal Kcagks. War den Curtla. Conatablo Hamilton, Chief of I'ollee Glbaon, Sheriff Mlnto, Kl mer "Cherokee" Jamea and one or two othera took automobiles and were driven to the mouth of the Unkla inuto river, to the farm of Jan.ea rrathher. arriving there about 9:30 a. di. The party followed tho river up to the log boom, which la about 600 yarda from the mouth of the riv er, where they left their automobile a. Tho autos were sent around to the Vandorpool place where It wag ar ranged for the party to come out aftrr beating the brush between trie turn nolnta. The posse then divided Into two parties, on In cbarre of Sheriff Min to of Marlon county, and tho other In charge of Sheriff Grant of this Id., mlmleri ( liool truHty KUIIK IhI Friday afternoon. The big man hunt la over und will pBHB down Into history ax one of the thltiKa that baa been. LI t tin did the cltUeiia of Indep nilencu think that the first few day of the hunt ing acanon, w hU h op ned lunt Friday, would develop Into one of the moat exciting man hunta In the history of Polk county In which almost every one who could Hare up a shooting iron of any description, took part. To th offlcera and cltlxena of I'olk county la largely due the capture of the convlcta. While the atate offlc Inla and Marlon county offlcera were the flritt ou the ground, It wag left to Sheriff Grant of thla county, City Marshal Feaglea, Floyd Wllllanm and Harold Fitchard, of Independence, to deliver the gooda. Notwithstanding the fact that Mey .r,' I he man who aiu t the Salem policeman recently, waa allowed to escape, In thla day and agj of tele graphic, rural telephone and automo bile aervlce it la almot InipoaBlble for a criminal to escape. The newa of the eacape of the convlcta waa at once telephoned or wired to every ' poHHlblo place where they could ctohh the Willamette both north and south from Salem. Itetween two and three o'clock Saturday afternoon the con victs crossed the Willamette at Wells' crossing about six miles south of this city, and, following the main road, were working their way toward Bue na Vista. They had not gone far be fore they were discovered by Mr JJundy, Who resides In that vlcir. i polk rountV( Oregon, at 3:00 HiLvlii no telephone he lnrormeu . mu,iQ n.-tnher 12. Commlttao, From Various Camps of Polk County, Held Ita Meeting In Thla City Laat Night When Final Arrangements Wer Perfected. Tuesday of last we. k tho Woodun n tf the World of this city entertained representatives from five different camps of I'olk county who came here In honor of the visit to Independence of Head CoiihuI I. A. Hoak. Extrav agant plans were made for the occa sion, a aumptuous banquet having boon laid lu the Hotel Independence in the evening In honor of tho visit ors. The occasion of tho gathering waa to organize for a monster winter campaign for membership. A gener al comtnlttte was appointed to make area novelties in the w.iy f lie Itlat indldaten cv. r an. mpt'-.l in the livery laudiiluix, en ry offi cer very uiDinlj.-r of the uniform rank will bo on roller kMtc during the Initiatory work. I'rouilnenl Woi.d men from many section of the I'arl lc JurlsdMlon will bw pri-sent. Con grensman 1 law ley, one of the head managers, and lion. John I'aUersuu, bIhO head manager, of Spokane, Wn., will bo here. Mr. Patterson will be rt-membercd as having ben the can didate on the democratic ticket for governor al tho last election in that! stai BKiilust Cosgrove. Salem camp' will char er the boat and will be hi rej one hundred and fifty strong. It wlir bo a big thing for your town In the way of putting you on tho map." Dr. Duusiuore and C. I'urvlne, as pastor and eider representing Calvary Presbyterian church of this city, at tended the meeting of the Oregon Synod of the Prcsbytcrlun church at Newberg last week, returning on Fri day night There was a large attend ance of the Presbyterian ministers throughout the state, most of the churches being represented either by pastor or elder, and in many Instan- itev. H. U Mount, U- ces bv both. D.. of Eugene was moderator of the ai commune was ihi.-u . , the necessary arrangement, for the meeeUng and Kev L. M. Sharp of campaign, composed of P. M. KlrK land, II. C. Seymour of Dallas, H. Cor land of Monmouth, W. S. McLain of Buena Vista and J. S. Bohannon, secretary of the committee. The com mittee held Us first meeting af ter organization last Thursday at this place when final arrangements for the campaign were completed. This campaign, It la expected, will gather In a membership of one hundred can- Mt. Tabor church. Portland, the clerk.. Rev. Dr. MacKenzle. preBldent of San Francisco Theological Semin ary, was present and gave two very Interesting addresses on the subject interesting addresses on the subject of '"Christian Education." The re ports from throughout the state show the church to be in a prosperous con dition, and advances made along all lines of church work. The next meet In a mcmberswp of one nu.mrea can- at pen didatea who will be initiated in this L. (Continued on last page.) obitWTf JOSEPH MOORE ity Floyd Woodward, who lives auoui i Jo8nph A Moore iullo north of hi in and who happened re wajj bori to be on his way home from Bueiiui ohl0j Qn the u of April jg44 viain dint thn escuned convicts had .. . . , u nrt Bventeen crossed the river and were a snoiu distance down tho road and r. quest ed him to notify the authorities at the peliltentlury. ' Woodward hurried home as fast as possible and on bis arrival telephoned Superintendent James of the penitentiary that the convicts were in that vicinity and at tho samo time phoned City Marshal FenRloH of this city to secure a pon ee and come out. In Just flfty-fivo minutes from the time the word was received at the penitentiary, Superintendent James, Warden Curtis, guards Jlusslck, Gage Bailey and 1 Union and Deputy Sher iff Wnlter Johnson, of Marlon county, arrived at the Woodward place in tin automobile and in leas than on? hour and a half the convicts had boen lo cated and a thrilling battle was in progress In which Walter Johnson was shot through the log by a bullet trom one of the guns held by the convicts and Geo. Duncan was shot through the body by a bullet from the gun of Johuson. Tho scene of tho shooting was about 300 yards south of Buena Vista whpr the convicts were located by Walter Johnson and Duncan Ross While the balance of the party were eating their supper. The convicts were standing in a path by the side of the road. When within about twenty-five feet of them Johnson said, "Hello, boys, I want to speak to you a minute." . The words had hardly left his mouth when the convicts, three of urmed with automatia re volvers, opened fire. With the first uij. Tnltiiann 7 Z of the Hgh leg b our successor, who comes among us in the shin of the right t recommended as a business pir S Z eg out .t man and one who thorough.y under passing uuuufeu t. & ,,nHortak ne business in . m A ttor .(11UHUU BUIUUO fc" " me rear ol - . I,. .. details. Thanklng you again was shot ne empueu u. lc.".. . opened fire with his rifle at the con- we remain, yours truly. Bice & Cal Victa who were making a get-away- wem-a. Boss, who was a little behind Jonu son when the firing began. Jumped Died at his home in Highland, two and one-half miles south of Indepen- o'clock a. m., Tuesday, October n Mr. Moore was born in Belmont Here he spent the first Beveiueeu years of his life and in 1861 moved to Peoria, 111. While living at that placo he met Miss Mary Gentle to whom he was married in 1870. Their union was blessed with five children. After his wife's d. ath, which oecured in 1881, he removed to South Dako ta, where in 1884 he married Mrs. Hattie M. Featherstone. To them one child was born. Mr. Moore and family moved from South Dakota to Oregon in 1888. where he hits since resided, lie joined tho Presbyterian church while quite young and remained faithful to tho end. Mr. Moore leaves a widow and six children to mourn his death. The body was' taken to Wilsonville, Clackamas, county, where it was in; terred beside that of his son. Mr. Moore was a beloved and lov ing husband and father and his death is a great loss to his family. clt oarlv in December. It has bee announced that the initiation ceremo ny will be conducted at the auditori um where the candidates, officers and team will be on roller skates dur- lmr the Initiation. The town of In Card of Thanka. We take this opportunity of ex tending our thanks to the friends and neiehbors who have been so kind Ing the initiation, rue town or u- - - sympathy dependence will think a cyclone has us aepenaenco wm mum a , , . , struck her when this ceremony takes during our berEavemen niace. Special trains will be chartered from ' Portland. Dallas and other towns on this occasion. Many promi nent Woodmen will be here on that night, including General Organizer F. B. Tlchenor, Head Managers John Patterson and Congressman Hawley. District Organizer Simpson will assist the various camps of the county to secure applications. It will be one of the biggest frater nal events ever held In Polk county. General Organizer F. B. Tlchenor, who was also In Independence with Mr. Boak, had the following to say of the big campaign which is planned to take place in Independence in De cember: "With the committee that has been appointed co-operating with the field force of the order 1 predict that the meeting on the 7 of December will be the largest gathering ever wit nesseed in this city. It is going to do much to advertise Independence. We will Put the name of Indepen- CONGRESSMAN W. C. HAWLEY "Of all the thoughts of God that are Borne inward into souls afar, Along the Psalmist's music deep. Now tell me that if any is, For gift of Grace, surpassing this 'He giveth his beloved sleep'." TO THE PUBLIC. Having sold our undertaking busi nesa to C. W. Henkle we take this opportunity to thank our many friends and the citizens of Indepen dence in general, for the liberal pat ronage extended us during the timt we were- engaged in the undertak in a- himiness. and also request that volvers, shott Job, on they extend the same courtesies to volley one of the shots hit Johnson J a a u8 Give the advertisers your trade. i ; T", : X!, : 77 f . . ; v. 4?. ( 4'' t !' , " ' 4 - ; i i '"" , ! " t Head Manager of the Woodmen of ' tho World, to be in Independence Deecember 9, 1909. Mrs. J. A. Moore and children. ALBANY TAKES FOOTBULL GAME ,The foot ball team of the Indepen dence Athlelic Club went down to de feat in the game played last Satur day afternoon with the team of the Alco Club of Albany, at that place The boys are not discouraged over their defeat as they were consider ably over matched, the average weight of the opposing team being about eight pounds heavier than that of the Independence team. The score was eighteen to nothing In favor of Albany, all of which was made in the first half. In the last half our boys played them to a stand still and feel confident when the game is played in this city, some time in the future, that they will be able to L'ive them a good run for their mon ey. In the first half the Albany team worked a couple of forward passes on the boys that . they were not ex peering, which, shot them all to piec es and before they could get settled rtnwn tho name was won. Those who went over with the Independence team say that the work of the boys Khnwe.d that they have got a lot oi o-onrl material that with proper coacn- ing will be able to cope witn aimosi any of the amatuer teams of the vai ley Has Recovered from Injury Fred Mosenian was the victim of an automobile accident a few even Inns aeo. savs the Monmouth corres nnndnt. of the Dallas Observer. While returning from Independence tn his milk wagon, an automoDite PATTIA tearine along at break-neck speed and collided with him One whi nf tho aiito caught in the wheel of the hack and turned th ... TT- MrGOTIlftn . vonieiA over, luiumus dence into the homes of i.uuo uuu peo - hjg M n pie in the United States and Cana ut "at the automobile car da, as our official organs will reach "Jer JJ. Automoblle accidents that many nom. a. u u bpcoInin far too common and been appointed from tne iour.ee . - - done tQ a camps of Portland to work up an ex- some. mug mirsion from that city. I am assurea ' nf hie crowds from all near-by towns We are going to do everything in our power to make the meeting a record OAK WANTED. W will Day good price for handle mab-a tna mpfirinir m. i etui u . - - people present . k,LollP. stumnage also considered. "The campaign wnicn .s now Uci..6p. - - opened In Polk county by the Wood- Pacific Coast Handle & Mfg Co., Dal- men of the World will be one oi inenas, Nine Out of Ten Credit Customers Pay Their Bills It la to pay th ' of th. tenth that every cuatomr ha to pay nior for the privilege of getting credit While You Have Cash to Spend Trade at a One-Price Cash Store If you have family to fit oi t for th winter now U the time to do your trading while, tho ai rtmem in all departments U con. pb te. We carry e-verythlim for the wholn family and our prlv.-a are positively 13 to 20 per cent lower than at. "credit lor." Have You Seen Our Fall Line of North Star Underwear Every garment la cut In full liberal dlmeuHiona and properly fin ished. We're showing splendid values In I'nlon Suits for Men, Wo men and Children. They're becoming more popular every year. . Summer Shirts for Men Are cut to fit. There are no skimped sizes in the line. You'll find the strictly correct fabrics In Summit Coat Shirts, Golf Shirts and soft collar Negligees. Work Shirts of every description in wool, cotton and mixed goods. ( qi ' you buy now must be built of solid leather or they OflOCS wont Btand the rainy season. Every pair of our shoes Is built to give satisfactory service. Drygoods, Clothing, Blank ets, Comforts 2 pound full weight wool batts for comforts only $2.00. Cotton batts all prices from 7c to 63c per roll. Barnes' Cash Store E. T. BARNES, PROPRIETOR, SALEM, OREGON FRA.RE'S Dress Headquarers for Women Jlfiost of the newest Styles An endless array cf handsome tailor-made garments for Fall and Winter wear. Every correct style is here. We now offer the greatest variety, the greatest values and the strongest buying inducements ever known in Salem. We absolutely give any tailor-made suit in our store at exactly ONE THIRD of our regular price. Ev erything is marked in plain figures. Rcnflcrson Corsets You'll always find that wearing a Henderson Corset makes you better satisfied with yourself for several rea sons: You know you are making a stylish appearance and feel that your health is benefitted. You are not afraid of a broken steel, and you know they won't rust. We are sole agents in Salem for the Henderson Corsets. Many special values that are not advertised will be found In our store. If it comes from Frakes' it's correct. IW$ in . D. van$ MANAGER 279 Commercial St., SALEM, OR.