Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, October 15, 1909, Image 1

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NI'MCKit ;
A Cental, Sunny-T.mpered Man
Whoee Kamly Numlifn Mora Than
a Hundred Thoumnd Parson It
Thla Great Woodman.
"Willi Ihca.. Taiurt-a safety
valvu tli. p.-rmniiwiry of I tin yt.lii
In a,iiuriJ, fur ll I a aim ply a common
trulHin Hint tint firm duty of an Insurance-
society la to Inauro Itself.
This tlu Woodmen of tho World iloiiu anil ia iiumerleally ami fi
nancially fit for ltn ti l" Hint ram
to it naturally: 'TJi Fral.-riiul Giant
l the Wist'."
Are Coming to Independent?. , ,
On ti'X Thursday iiImIii, O'tobr'
;u. w,t an lo lone th ph-lnure f W1" Splendid WillamcMa, Val
ley Applet In Alco Club Auditor
ium Where Will Alio Bj Shown
Ffi.a Exli bit of Chryj.;t lemjmi.
1. A. li nk. Ui .il Cm nl of til c
l'r -piira 01 h an well under way
f jr tin f rili. (iiiilin; appl fulr ii l-In-Ill
In Albany October .,', 2K and
i".i. Th .- in I'-.sium of l In- .) i ('lull
li.ia bee" Hi-rnri-d for tuc ii::o of
aKiilii n.-.-lux 1 .11 W Illar.J And Mil com
pU'i)- .ii hi lulii.t M if . ' "H. " i .i. Vai
From Mlnsoi rl." Thia play ii u li H
III) llU.'lllloil, t'Xell.-d tin tUlli'. 'H, w-1
toil" bed ili'i lnurla of On1 iin-rl mi
public for th.' past four a.-iiMitit'. ii
rifle lur...,i t.on, V.ooitim.n of I In) ia ioiIkui li.lly pallileij pii'iuro or nil
Worl, I, MUM In lint p.... d m i" Tm-Hilay H"" )''. human lv "! human mm
and Wedn h.Uiv of thU we k. In th "' ll-t nr. whoso uuibryiiit cur
JurlH lli lion tli. to In. p limps. HO ""' "f l'boM only deepens I In Mind-naiiii-
li. u. r ku.iwn n ,-! im r n ipi-n- of l.wki round, making Ui nUut
d I loin linn of llfii.i CoiihiiI I. A. "f HmIImIiIhij iiiui'o l.rlnlit and gold. u.
Honk In dilkliiK lo u repr sciitailve j As tt aiory It ll b.-yond correction,
of tin Ft", rirlse re ar'S'T j t': (tr Tin, li.-nn-r J'oal of September 5
work ol ili. Wooiim n of tint World ' " follows: "Ii la Indeed
for tin uroie.-llon of lion,-. Mr. Hoak I rirr,Htilnn to Imve tho opporlunlly of
Bulj. witnessing a dramatic performance ; afford every convenience for the occa
which iuiH genuine merit. Thin was;slnii. The directors or ill" Alio mm
tho f idlng lilri iioaafHHi-il those court eousiy voti'd at tholr last nnit
who aaw U'u Wlllard and hla compa-lliig lo issue special cards to visitors
ny prcacnt 'Tin; Man From Misnourl'
at tho theater lant nlrht. Mr. Wll
lard 1h verHatlh In hla Inierpreia-
tlons. and lian tin happy faculty of
proMciitliiK ho:h tho at-rloim and lu-JI-
crnua aldi-a of life to hla u mil lorn In
a very aatlafai tory inanntr. The play
ia clian, moral, full of heart Interest,
thrilling aceneg and Joyous humor."
Seat on Halo at Williams Drug
fair and rhryin.tli iniiin can hal, lo- '
Itether M'iib tho ciimpleie program
for tliu oi i msIoii. Coi I. a of Hi In will
bo at- lit tliroiihout tlio i n'ir.- Will
ani' tte i alley.
ReJud-d ratea have he.-n ruiii d
by tlie Kou'hern I'ailflc Company for
oiio and onit-tlilrd furi-a from at'
polnla aonth of Oreuon f'lty and UK-,'
Minnvllle and north of Eugene and
Corvallls. AIho I y th- C. E. It. II.,
a rale of one turn for Hit round trip.
Children, half the. a'novo rate. No
aduilttnlon cliaie of a:iy kind will be
in. id : at t in apple fair.
le Mir . and Hi r in nil t;" reprint thla week of
Soma Unutual Store Events
S u th blR 1 of Ked Front
atore in thla Ihriib of the Enierpri i .
This Btore has dealt Out aonie good
hur.alim during the year past and
maKes aoiu auractlv,. prieet. In the
ad in thia Ihhu'-. Another adv-rtliu-
ment to which we wiih to call at ten
fru t Hiid flow r (llHplnys will he tnudi
and the lei: ur.-s and literary and mn
nii al cxercl e of th talr be h-ld.
The room la an Id ul one altuuted in
tho central part of ih city, and will
"I am alwaya K'ad to any a word
alio'it the fni'irna' Hj.itein llf" Insur
ance, for, heinit my life's work. It Is
Head Con--. w. 0. W. i
I. A.
General Organizer W. O. W.
Nuturally my l.fe'a study. I am proud
to he ul I he hcud of 105,000 men
who hull, vi; In a r'servo fund and a
rute that insures permanency.
"The people lire learning more and
more every y. ur that fraternal orders
tan eslalillsh uiu Imneable rates, ad
equate for all purpos e and safely car
ry th Ir uieiubera for all time. The
system Is li re to slay; Ju-st as cer
tainly as mankind Is subject to the
ireeds of fraternal aid and brotherly
cousidi rullon, just so Ions these or
ders and sorb lies will not. only ex
ist but ex ami and b.'comn a mighty
factor in lie nation's welfare.
Prize Winner at the Rink
At (he mask skating at the rink
last Wednesday night, Claude John
son and Clara Karbart won first prize
for the best costumes and Frank
Klrklaud and Maurice Duller second,
In rural costumes. Dorris Herren won
first prize for the best single skater.
Fully fifty costumed skaters wer
on skates and the auditorium was
crowded with spectators. The event
was a very pleasant one.
We have Justly earned the reputa
tion of showing the best values of
any house In town in outing flannels.
A cow lot Just In at Conkey, Walker
& Lehman's.
lieu Hive .Store of Dallas. Tiny
have one of the finest stores of any
of our large contract advertisers of
Folk county. The Bee Hive Store Is
wide awake as a buyer and their
stock is certainly an innovation In
this county In furnishings for men.
The store has a splendid ladles' suit
department, under another roof.
Stockton is In the paper again this
week with a half page full of bargain
prlces.Stockton has been doing things
this fall. There are other attractive
quarter page ads In the paper which
are worth reading: the Buren &
Hamilton furniture store, for one.
They are making their demonstra
tion of ranges this week an event of
Salern. Tomorrow Is the last day
and everyone who goes to Salem to
morrow should drop in at their store
and see how profitable a demonstra
tion can be made to the cooks.
Married in this city, Wednesday,
'Th nii .Idl i ami poorer classes are ! October 13, 1901, at the home of I).
the ones who need tho pl'oteilion of
life Insurance and when one' of that
class dies without it, they leave their
dependents in straitened, or perhaps (drctimsiances; certainly It.
would mnku no dlffi fence to thorn at.
thai, time where their insurance was
placed, as Ions is the Institution was
solvent und honorable in its dealings;!
but have we not learned, are we not
daily learning that 'no man liveth to
hlms:lt'?' And are not the fraternal
Ists of our land continually teaching
the responsibilities of brotherhood?
"The methods so generally In
vogue In these institutions are surely
among tho commendable things of to
day; it Is unquestionably a comfort
ing thing for a toiler, one whose fam
ily depends upon his weekly wage for
life's necessities, to know that in his
hour of distress and want his loved
ones will be cared for and ministered
to by those who, though not connect
ed by the ties of kinship, call him
neighbor or brother, and that the
monthly payments on the Insurance
policy that may at any moment be
the only thing that stands between
his family nd dire poverty will be
met by thfi lodge he belongs to.
"One of the wide spread evils of
the insurance system is lapsation,
and while it is prevalent in fraternal
societies, as well as In corporations,
the cause or excuse for it is mitigat
ed, being almost totally confined to
carelessness or indifference; experi
ence is surely a great teacher and
the honesty of purpose in fraternal
.life' Insurance societies is being con
tinually borne out by the great les
sons they are daily learning in the
worldwide, school conducted by this
Universal Master; these societies
are presided over by some of the mas
ter minds of the age, and with few
exceptions adequate rates and econo
my of management is their slogan.
L. Hedges, Mrs. Sarah Thorp of In
dependence to Mr. John Shelton of
Monmouth. The ceremony was per
formed at high noon by the Rev. Mr.
Wood of Monmouth.
The wedding was of more than us
ual interest on account of the prom
inence of the contracting parties, to
gether with the fact that both have
reached the age of three Bcore and
ten. They are old and respected pi
oneers of Oregon, both having
crossed the plains in the early fifties.
The bo-autlful parlors of the Hedges
homo were artistically decorated with
autumn leaves and Oregon grape for
the occasion. The bride was attired
becomingly in pure white and the
groom wore a suit of black broad
cloth. Followine the ceremony a
dainty lunch was served.
Their honeymoon is to be spent
with the son of the groom who is a
prominent merchant of Goldendale,
Both the bride and groom are re
lated to many prominent people of
the Willamette valley, Mrs. Shelton
being a sister of D. L. Hedges of
this city. They will make their home
in Monmouth on their return from
Call of the Circle.
Notice is hereby given to members
of Independence Circle, No. 69, Wo
men of Woodcraft, that a full attend
ance of the Circle is desired on the
night of Friday, October 22, when
Miss Eva Montgomery of Salem will
be here to talk for the good of the
order. By request of Miss Kathryn
Jones, Clerk.
Any person writing on the walls
or otherwise defacing the Post Office
building will be prosecuted.
M. E. Merwin, Postmaster.
from out of town taking part in th
program, so that during their stay in
Albany they will have the freedom of
the club parlors.
In addition to the display of apples,
which now promises to be of a very
high class, there will be given prob
ably the fin st exhibition of Oregon
chrysanthemums ever shown in the
central Vlllame;te vail y. Devotees
of this queenly flower In Albany are
coaxing their finest buds for display
at that time. One enthusiastic grow
er reports that he lias now a blossom
only partly developed, which measure
eight and one-half inches in diame
ter a remarkable product.
Tho program committee ol me ap
ple fair has partially completed the
program for lectures and other exer
cises. The addresses will be given
in the Alio Club auditorium, which
has a seating capacity of about 200.
Taken in connection with the gymna
sium, however, where the exhibits
will be placed, there will be ample
room for all who will be likely to at
tend. The following is an outline of
the program, which is subject to pos
sible modification:
Wednesday, October 27, 2 o'clock
p m., Alco Club gymnasium, ex
County Judge C. H. Stewart presid
ingmusic by Elks'. band of Albany;
address of welcome, Mayor J. P. Wal
lace; vocal, music; address, "Prun
n and Grafting," Professor C. A.
Cole of the Oregon Agricultural Col
Thursday, October 28, 2 p. m., at
Alco Club, Judge Stewart presiding
music by Elks' band; address, "Prac
tical Peach Growing in Oregon," A.
H Carson of Gra-ts Pa--s, State Hort
icultural Commissioner; "The Man
agement of the Orchard," W. K. New
ell of- Gaston, president of the State
Horticultural Society.
Thursday, October 28, 2 p. m-, at
Alcq Club, County Fruit Inspector E.
W. Cooper presiding band and vo
cal music; address, "Apple Show Pub
licity and Exploitation," Ben H. Rice
of Spokane, secretary-manager of i-the
national apple show.
Friday, October 29, 2 p. m., at Al
co Club, County Fruit Inspector Coop
er presiding music; address on
"Sprays and Spraying," Professor A.
B. Cordley of the Oregon Agricultur
al College; address, "The Supply and
Demand for Apples," H. II. Richard
son of Portland, secttary Oregon
Horticultural Society.
An illustrated booklet is now in
prepara ion which will contain the
entire premium list of brth the apple
Highland Farmer Dies
A. J. Moore, a farmer of Highland,
died at his home Monday night after
a protracted illness of several months
He leaves a wife and step-son. The
funeral took place yesterday.
Efforts were made by this office to
get a more complete account of this
death but even the phone proved of
no assistance. It is hoped that a
more extended account may be given
in next week's paper.
Your credit is good for an Edison
phonograph at Craven & Moore's. 18t
Hop growers are having their inn
ings, with the prevailing quotation
for the Oregon crop at twenty-five
cents per pound. The average price
last year was seven cents, in 1907,
seven cents and in 1906 twelve cents
The last high priced year was 1904,
when the Oregon hop went to forty
five cents and away back in 1882
there were sales as high as $1.25 a
pound. In some respects, the mar
ket this year resembles that of 1S82.
Light crops all over the world are
responsible for the prevailing high
prices. The Oregon crop is the light
est since 1896. The estimate of .70,-
000 bales for the year's yield in this
state is considered about right, with
Washington's crop 15,000 bales,, com
pared with 17,000 bales last year, and
California has about 60,000 bales this
year compartd to 68,000 bales last
It is expected this year will mark
the first of a series of high-priced
crops. This year, the next and pos
sibly one or two more, will mean
large profits to growers. After that,
because of high prices having stimu
lated production, more hops will be
grown than are needed and the price
will drop again.
Independence1 Has Osteopath.
Dr. D. D. Young, D. O., from Los
Angeles, California, arrived in our
city last week and is now located in
the Campbell building, over Craven
& Moore's. Dr. Young is a graduate
of the Los Angeles college of osteop
athy and comes to us very highly rec
ommended. Having passed the state
board of medical examiners in Port
land he is now licensed to practice
in the state of Oregon. Dr. Young,
while in Los Angeles and Portland
made many friends whose best wish
es follow him to his new location in
our city where he is heartily wel
comed. The doctor makes examina
tions free.
Nine Out of Ten Credit
Customers Pay Their Bills
It Is to pay tin. Inaa. of ihe funtb that ury has to pity
more for the prlvlh-K-. of e'ting rredlt.
While You Have Cash to Spend
Trade at a One-Price Cash Store
If you have, a family to fit oi:t fur Mi .hut ie' is tl... um- t
do your trailing while the assort.. iut in ..ii . 1. ;... : . .t -.. . t, f;. -ph
te. We carry i otlii;, for th'. who! f.iui y our pre , .,
are positively j,-, to j( p,.r t,i,t i,,.r th-u at 'n.-dit aior.-a."
Have You Seen Our Full Line
of North Star Underwear
Every garment Is cut In full liberal dimensions and properly fin
ished. We're showing splendid values in Union Suits for Men. Wo
men and Children. They're becoming more popular every year.
Summer Shirts for Men
Are cut to fit. There are no skimped sizeg in the line. You'll
find the strictly correct fabrics n Summit Coat Shirts, Golf Shirts
and soft collar Negligees. Work Shirts of every description in wool,
cotton and mixed goods.
CUp you buy now must be built of solid leather or they
ont stand the rainy season. Every pair of our shoes
is built to give satisfactory service.
Drygoods, Clothing, Blank
ets, Comforts
2 pound full weight wool battg for comforts only $2.00. Cotton
batts all prices from 7c to 6.1c per roll.
Barnes' Cash Store
Dress Headquarers for
JIBosi of lb c newest Stifles
An endless array cf handsome tailor-made garments for
Fall and Winter wear. Every correct style is here.
We now offer the greatest variety, the greatest values
and the strongest buying inducements ever known in
Salem. We absolutely give any tailor-made suit in our
store at exactly ONE THIRD of our regular price. Ev
erything is marked in plain figures.
Benderson Corsets
Tou'll always find that wearing a Henderson Corset
makes you better satisfied with yourself for several rea
sons: You know you are making a stylish appearance
and feel that your health is benefitted. ' You are not
afraid of a broken steel, and you know they won't rust.
We are sole agents In Salem for the Henderson Corsets.
Many special values that are not advertised will be
found in our store. If it comes from Frakes it's correct.
SHi$$ IE D. van$
279 Commercial St., SALEM, OR.