1 ! nr.. , 3, L. I coupon in U' 1 i :i i uiu mail uua i l:V-'i I '-- '- ; $7 i to-day w 1 Wo ire Ilia oldett and beet known strictly Vtb(lcMilc huuc in ihc Norihwtit. l or 44 year continuously io busineti rgjht tcre in l'orthind. W ere iiu-.v making1 radical departure. In iuch lot-eluive where you re uneblo 10 rurthiM C KUS NOULK we are uin 40 cU lirecl end save you money. No more daurtcr of refilled bottles. No more denser ol ool Setting the reel thing. 4 quart bolt!, pad., is plw cam nrt rtilroW ape irftc for Pure old onci whiskey bottled by the distillers, bvcry bollle guiriilied. Inquire ol any bunk or trust company M Oregon kt to our standing. W. I. VAN SCHUYVER & CO. UUIIUJJM MJ-NIS CjutLUI 8M lOi 107 , PonUi Or SWT t W tH T W. J. Vu Sckujmr at Co, rxM l ii-1J Mtoi- t..k (Wl 1 uu LLnuiL irnvt num. POM. THE -FIGHT- ' INO CHANCE It In hoped itiHl Uie Enterprise will bo m lo to f nd room for another In Ulliii lit of Tin Flrfutlnn Chance In 111 XI w'ek'B pap r. Tho Kuti-rprlite U burdened to It i u'luoft rapacity wltlt .lvi rt Hlnir anil ,1" rt' 110 liitf wlun It will lot up Imll'tttloim am that It not before I ho hoi- Maya. It la oohhILIh that thu pup. r will have to ho linriH-d to ten -K'-a to a coinmo.la the biialiH-aa. Tho aioroB of tho country are do Iiik imiro adKrilnliK now H'lm thiy have vwr do..e l for.-. 'uhllhln?ra di n't tiivo to hf fr tuln hb now. Tho. Bund a ul two (hotiHUiid ln b ! trm t nr.; common o ; urr. iii fH. Th: i rowd.'d MtoroB of ona ant Bilvi-rtiB'-r at roof of thf iu Idiiiit. foiiipurf tho Mn Mfyi'H Blorr of t-'al.m with the 8toi kton or fhlcaKo. or lliirniu. Tako a trip around and a a for your- $100 ?r Bt Bu.i .1 of Whe.t. U no Mir. f- an J " , , . . , 1... .i,t r..rard In etandard twnhiifh ! Tn 10 f rui Hh th rwnt In- Oli I.u Hr U a ar l m'"i 1'hllHi'i &. IM, fiiary of th Or- 1 train mk nb id" r"' r rra i f liii.-r r-Kltriitlun from num.. attarhrd Blld emtio hffn ll'i ... ,,i-.. A ..... .ICUTTjI IO U v-'iiu. v.tc t"""-'"11'- . , . . oBriintm ha eliu'U to lnili .,....,..! Tim lu.ll -a. IKIO....T 4 aii'l.i. l TL l)all. by BMurdiiy. No- Prim m n . . - - Uclv- PMt Btamp BO ml on oruui7 3. for ih U-t b.l.rl of wh..t .ro.. V. In OrcKoii. An adlltionaj iiou win (- ,..,,. ,, in tirt'Kon. An au'iniwiai - bo divided Be B' cond pri . Tin n patrwaiee our advrtl"! ' self. ADVERTISING FINDS BUYERS Attention of tho wonun l call'-d tr the attractive hargaina In several of the bi store aiU In IhlH Ihbiio of the KnterpriHH. The bl hoiiKt of tho Bee Hive Store of Dallas has a full pae ad In thin Ubuo which off.-ri bo 111 o good bargains. Tliia store h coming to the front In Polk county through the constant use of advertis ing space. Chambers & MiCune of Albany are rUing on the horizon seek Ing general patronat?o. They are atari log out on an InduBirious advertising campaign. It Is understood they have la Bpleiidld store. Head the ads this', week and follow tnem up for they all promise good bargains. It's A Top Notch Doer. Great doeda compel regard. The world crowns Its doers. That's why the American people hae crowned Dr. King's New Discovery the King of Throat and Lung remedies. Kvery atom Is a health force. It kills germi and colds and la grippe vanish. It heals cough-racked membranes and coughing stops. Sore, Inflamed bron chial tubes and lungs are cured and hemorrhages cease. Dr. Geo. More, Black Jack. N. C. writes "It cured me of lung trouble, pronounced hope less by all doctors." SOc, $1.08. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all drug gists. , ratroaM mr AdeeiewtM. Th Best Plaster. A P "f flannel d impeued w ith C!,a.i beiialu's Liniment and bound on to the affm-t'd parts l superior tc anv u'aiier. When troubled with am' ha W or pains iu the ide or chimt :lve It a ir'.ul and you are certain to be wore thau pleased with the promp r li f whl h it af'cn's. This llnliuent also relieves rheumatic palnsaud Is certain to please auyoue BuffTlng from that disease. Sold by P. 1. Klrkland. Card of Thanks. We wish to express, our sincere" thanks to all who kindly assisted during the sickness and death of our beloved brother. J. W. Richardson, Susan L. Richardson, Sarepta T. Richardson. The Bed-Rock of Succeae Has tn a keen, clear brain, backed by energy. Such power comes from the nlndlrl health that Dr. King's New Life PUls Impart. They vitalize ev ery organ aud build up brain and hnrtv. J. A. Harmon, Lliemore, W. Va., writes: "They are tne best pills I ever used." 25c at all druggists. Dr. A 111b, Dentist. Ceo per BUg. tt THE BIG after the fire at Stockton's 1 is a Great 1 Thousands of dollars worth of NEW GOODS received since the fire are being sold at extremely reduced prices Salem Oregon Cor Court HALLBERG'S (ireat offering In the S,U Department of new arrival, of l, di .nd MMes- 8u.' l-Wn tail ored Ud fancy braid ui d jet triii.iued. at the one prf.e loo cry body stor, from U to60. . Splendid Showing of Princess Dresses of .l..'h we carry a full .lock In silk, woolen and u.Ued n.a.e.lals, bla' k and fancy colors, prie s , ranging from $13. do up. Magnificent New Millinery Salem's moat beau'lfu. slock U on dlsplny here for tbone ho 'om seeking unusually stylish and low-prlc d heudnear. We save you positively $1.00 to $10 00 on your hat compared with the ex elusive store. Lot aro. lid f rst. then ome to us a-.d se f r yourseX We alno carry a complete bne of Indies' Silk Waists an- tailored Wash Wa.sis, knit and mus lin Underwear, Hosiery. Corsets, Sweaters, Infants' Wear. Hair and Hit Ornaments, Neckwear, Fllk Petticoats, Leather Dass, Umbrellas, et'jf ' ... j ...11 1. . .. i -,nN,1tnt VOI1 Will be Everything is narked as low as we tan aiiom 10 n. . .uu pleased. No fancy prlcia at HALLBERG'S LIBERTY Street SALEM, OREG. mmmm FREE RAILROAD FARE To Albany and Back Home OVER 600 SUITS AND 1000 COATS W rtTCK TO SELECT FROM Are yc satisfied to select a Suit, Coat, CaU Dress or Skirt from a stock of ten to.wenty garments or select from a ot-alogue. never knowing what you will get- when you can come to Albany, have your railroad fare paid here and back home shop in one of the most modern stores in the state and select a Suit from over ' COO different styles, or a Coat. Dress, Cape or Skirt from a stock of over 2000 garments, in any style you might select from any fashion shee' or maga zine? You will find them here in any size to fit the Big or Little Woman, the Miss cr the Children, at any price you feel you are able to pay. THIS IS AN EXCLUSIVE READY TO WEAR STORE , FOR WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN the largest of Its kind between Portland and San Francisco. Some of the best trade 'irom Salem, Eugene and all of the Cities of the Valley are coming here to buy Ready to Wear goods. We have a resident buyer in New York City and the buying of such large quantities, does it not stand to reason we can sell our gcods cheaper than any other store? . We Can, and Do; so Let Us Prove It. The Ladies Suits in any style, color or ma The Misses' and Children's Suits -j in two and three piece styles are pricea ui $10 to $50 $8.50 to $20 Coats for Ladies, Misses or Children Choice from a stock larger tha,n all other stores combined at prices from fLOO to $30.00. Beautiful New Millinery Albany's most magnificent Millinery stock is on display in every new style and color, at such rea sonable prices that anyone can wear strictly Up-to-date Hata this Fall. This is .the only store in the Valley that sends a trimmer East to get all the new idtas and buy stock in the Big Whole sale markets of New York City and Chicago, giv ing you a choice equaj to any large city. Dressy Shoes Maybe you are hard to fi, in Shoes. If so, we have any style of Shoe in any width from AA to EE, and call your attention to our line of $3.00 guaranteed Patent Leather Shoes, with Grey, Wine Blue, Green and Black Tops. They cost you $4.00 in any other store. One Piece Dresses and Capes Worsted DrcSSes and Capes are all the rage. Here you Wi!l find them all Ready to Wear in a big variety cf styles nd materials, exactly as de scribed in f ashion Books, at prices cheaper than you can have hem made for. Shirt Waists This is one of the largest departments In our store. We fchow everything from the cheapest to the finest, in Tailored and Fancy Waists in any color or any price from 50c to $10 When you visits this BIG STORE you will see how impossible it would be to mention all the lines, but the following things you always need and when you see the immense assortment we have to show you and at Buch reasonable prices you will see how important it is for you to come to this store. We save you mon ey on all kinds 'of Underwear, Hosiery, Blankets, Curtains, Corsets, Gloves, Umbrellas, Belts, Bags, Collars, Fancy Work, Stamped Unens, Sweaters, Silk Petticoats, Shoes and everything Ready to Wear for Ladies, Misses and Children. We pay your railroad fare to Albany and back home on any purchase of $20.00 or over and prepay express charges on any $5.00 purchase. CHAMBERS & McCUNE THE BIG DAYLIGHT GARMENT STORE ' . Albany, Oregon. !om j