Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, October 01, 1909, Image 8

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. ----- I
k u ! crNjiNr
CYRUS NOBU rct t r
tuboxl rrw !.,
ia wood and
Yo mutt hvt lb. bl lo bt .b.olulely purt-fi
Wt bSTcYRl' NOBLE diret from Ih. di.iillcrt-h.v. bouhl I lor 44 yttft.
i', i,, ,krm tell you wmtihint e!s " juil ood.
BuT iht b'-iVf lhTcbe.p.. .o lb. Ion. run. Honied by lh.
ttruttVth I' Sl..c. Government nd lo you lo contua ooihinl toe
FncT e.r.) ! .och ion. -
mKj, the bc.l teUin brmnd ia the whole world.
vrr i VAN SCHUYVER & CO.. 105-107 Second Street. Porttand. Ore.
EkM pU) fed KM lor U pUm mm! at M m by
Th Salem Steam Laundry
Leave order at D. Taylor's Barber Shop, Independence, Oregon
Pass the word to your relatives and friends to come now.
To Oregon will prevail from the East
Via the
Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co.
From Chicago $33.00
" St. Louis 32.00
Omaha 25 00
" St. Paul 25.00
" Kansas City 25'00
Deposit the amount of the fare with the nearest O. R. & N. or S.
P Agent and ticket will be delivered In the East without extra cost.
Send us the name and address of anyone Interested In the state for
Oregon literature.
V . General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
Props, of Salem Gun Store OREGON
We now have on display a very fine and complete line of
Base Ball Goods, Lawn Tennis Sup
plies and also Fine Fishing Tackle
8end for Catalogue of Base Ball Uniforms
Fair Week Specials
Towels, stamped to embroider. . 79c
The Famous Needlecraft Cherry
Pillow 50c
The latest Waists are those embroidered on French Eton Crepe, which
require no starching or ironing. Full waist length, C 9
stamped to embroider or braid V
KEMEMBER, we are selling the balance of our Ready Made
Shirt Waists anl Tu Suits at One H ilf to One-Th rJ 05
Needlecraft iShop
Mrs. S. C. Wall
270 N. Com'l. St. Salem, Oregon
Co's brand of flour W made from old'
wheut. ltuy no other.
Your rtlit good for an K.limi .
phonograph at Craven Moore's. IKH
TU Oit'tion Milling and Warehouse
lr. Oinsmore was to Dallas
lt Sunday ailiTiiiK ii lo lonilu. t th
fun ral enlce of the nl" -month-
old child of Mr. and Mr. 0r !
Mica Hyde, a school leather from
Neb rg, nt Wt'dtunday In Inde
pendent e visiting fil'iuls. tfu,' left
Thursday for Vo l.'e where ulie
g.wa to lake charge of the at hool al
.hat place. 1
Willamette Preahyu'ry will me t ii
on Monday evenln. i-oiilluulng the
lesslou until Tuesday. On We.lina
day Ihf t-'ynud of Oio.ii iil 111 !
In Newberg wlih eHloiia 011 Thurs
day and Friday.
George RlchardHon, an old reiddMit
of this Uy. dl.-d yesterday mornlnx
at his home on Monmouth street, af
ter a linicrina llln as. At tlie Un.e
of going to press no funeral arraiiit'
uenta had been made.
Miss Hattte Mix wishes to an
nounce that there will be on display
at her shop. Friday and Saturday, Oe
tober 8 and 9,a full line of ladles' and
misses' tailored suits and long coats
In all styles and colors. Call and In
spect them.
Tho auditorium skating rink was
opened to the public last week by the
Ovlatt Bros., the new proprietors.
The place has been overhauled and
put In first class shape. They have
also put in a $H.r.0 baud organ, It be
ing one of the finest in the valley.
If you want to spend a delightful ev
ening, drop In at the new rink.
Roy D. and E. D. Cass oC Oswego,
who have been In the city for the
past few days looking over this sec
tion wi.h a view of Investing in real
estate, closed a deal Wednesday for
in erpa of the Burrows place wnicn
Joins the Krebs hop yard about five
mile, south of town. Tno consulta
tion has no: yet been made public.
r. V McGowan, a farmer residing
,n,n fm.r and a half miles southeast
of Independence, died at 8:00 o'clock
Inst Tuesday evening, after a inher
ing illuess.The funeral was held from
the family residence yesieraay
norm at 1.00 o'clock and Jniermeni
was made in Oddfellows' cemetery
A more complete account of Mr. Mc
Goaan's demise will be given next
S n A.iam. the buyer for Adams
Bros., wholesale butchers, Portland,
i .ho ritv Wednesday interview
ing our stockmen rela.lve to buying
their stock. Adams uros, uy-
independent of the union stocK coin
hin nH nav Portland prices f. o. b.
at the place of delivery. This makes
it quite an object to the farmers and
stockraisers, as they save me
on their stock from the point of ship
ment to Portland.
Mrs. Marshel Merwin entertained
the Five Hundred club' Wednesday
afternoon. The rooms of the Merwin
home w.'re tastefully decorated wi'h
ferns, sweet peas and rcses aud pre
sented a very pleasing appearance.
Dainty, refreshments were served.
The first prize was won by Mrs. P.
M. Kirkland. Mrs. J. S. Cooper, find
ing the lucky penny in the cake, re
ceived a prize also.
Regular services at Calvary 'Pres
bytman church next Sunday. Sun
day school at 10 o'clock and morn
ing worship with sermon at 11. Sub
ject of the morning discourse will be
"The New Birth, What?" In the
evenin? at 7:30 Dr. Dunsmore will be
gin he series of sermon lectures, or
character sketches of men and wom
en of the Bible. The character study
for Sunday evening will be "Eve,
The First Mother." All are cordial
ly invited to all these services.
More Than Enough is Too Much.
To maintain health, a mature man
or woman needs Just enough food to
repair tthe waste and supply energy
and body heat. The habitual con
sumption of more food than is nec-
ono..., fn- those numoses is the
prime cause of stomach troubles,
rheumatism and disorders of the kid
neys. If troubled with indigestion,
revise vour diet, let reason and not
appetite control and take a few doses
nt Chamberlain's Stomach ana IJver
Tablets and you will soon be all right
again. For sale by P. M. KirKiana
Old Wheat Flour
Everyone knows that old wheat
flour is superior to flour made from
new wheat. Remember that all our
brands of flour are made from old
wheat, we having reserved enough
to last us until the first of the
year. Be sure and ask your grocer
for our brands of flour made from old
wheat and take no other. Oregon
Milling and Warehouse Co. 18tf
1 will n-'ll at public utliii to ;!.
llU I.eM bi.l.ler, MI Hlr SIm f U' ,
OU lllil south of liiile'Udoiieo, tlr -
gon, commencing at 1000 o'clock
a. m.
Friday, Oct. Stli
I ho following described property, tt.
Live Stock.
1 bay horae 12 years uM.wclp'it.
1700 pounds; 1 gray horse 12 year
old, weight, I3H pounds; 1 gray man
10 year old, weight Hoo; i
gray mare 11 year old, weight I2 'i'
pounds; 1 black mare 8 years old,
welkht lli'0 pounds; I pr. bay mures;
had of choice milk cows, cul.en
late, good for winter cows; 1 two
year-old heifer.
Farm Produce.
14 Tom of vetch and oats hay.
bald; 8 tons of ve h and oiu hny.
l.Hae; -100 bushels of spring outs;
175 bushels of vetch and oats, s. ed;
0 bushels of winter oats cleaned for
eed; 60 sac ks of cheat eed; 3 sackt.
of vetch seed.
public auctlou continued
'Farm Implements.
1 New McCormlck mower; 1 new
rake; 1 McCormlck binder; 2 chill. d
plows, no. 50; 1 steel beam plow as
good as new; 1 good four-horse har
row; 1 good spring wagon; 2 good
farm wagons; 1 light farm wagon;
1 hay baler, the Eclipse. In good
shape; 1 pair scales; 2 sets of plow
harness; 1 double set of work har
ness; 1 Empire ir am separator cowl
as now; 1 Sure Mat h Incubator In
good condition; stands of bees; 1
hay fork, car and 120 feet of new
Terms. ,
All sums under ton dollars, cash;
over that, six months time will be
given on approved security,
Free lunch will be Bi-rved at noon.
W. W. Newton
Wlllard White, Auctioneer
Card of Thanks.
We desire to thank the friends and
neighbors for the many acts of kind
ness and words of sympathy extend
ed to us during the illness and at the
death of our relative, the late Wll
lard P. Bevens.
Mrs. Mary S. Bevens,
W. E. Bevens,
W. R. Bevens.
I A I nil iJ Conceit LIno of
Buster; Brown and WMtehouse
I en and Women.
Kvery pair warranted
Also Cotton Blnnkcts ami Comforts
Corner of Main and Monmouth Streets
Independence, Ore.
We Make a Specialty of Farm Produce
Monmouth, Oregon
Pali Capital, $30,000.08 Transacts i Ccnenl Banking Business
J H. Hawloy. rres. J. B. V. Butler. Vice Pres. Ira C. Powell. Cask
F. 8. Pewcll. J. B. v'tump, 1. M. Simpson.
Dealer In
Tobacco, Cigars. Soft Drinks, and Lunch Goods.
If you want to enjoy a quiet game of pool or solo come here.
. . . ....... i.. o hia H.-hnnl Insures the po'
Money and time invented in a i.u... ... - . -
session of substantial dividends thr otighout life. We take a persona In
terest In the welfare of each studei t. Living expenses low. Send for
W-1. Staley, Principal
Salem, Oregon
;m s
Greatest and Most Sue-
yO, Is certalnlj
otore r r,o
alnly doing the business the greatest in our history.
' . . . . 1 It .-,.1-1 nt 1rur nfl.
tie appreciate high-class mercnaiwise "
. L - . . A. .1. In UtilMttl in
VVCUi Mi ' w w ceg lf you want t0 8,e the greatest. w ...
make your fall purchases from, come to the Chicago Store, the store that makes the prices.
High -Class'Tailor-Made-Suits,
Coats and JMjincry
sold Lo .!!!-cles ,
If you want values that surpass, goods that sur
pass, and styles in cloaks, suits, and millinery
that surpass anything you can find in this part
of the world come to the Chicago; Store. We have
the proof right here. We are doing the business
and that Is proof enough that the people are wide
awake to good styles and values, also the low pri
ces. We buyvrlght we soil right and we do the
volume of business. That Is the reason we can
"Undersell our competitors. See these prices: La
dies' $8.00 Broadcloth Cloaks from $3.90 up; La
dies' $18.00 Bwell suits from $10.50 and up; La
dies' all wool sweaters from $190 and up; La
dies' silk petticoats from $3.45 and up; Ladles'
trimmed hats $2.50, $3.50 and up. Remember these
are all the newest goods.
Mountains of all the latest and newest
K - Co .0 o.r r f -J;
r;;rr, ; sr.'S; r;.:rrc, u h, ..... - -
Z. to " h,r ar. good. .d .Ilk true. w. .e.. WsMa.. ood. to. wl.
Fine Silks, yard .. .. ' 25c," 35c, 49c, 65c, 75c and up
Fine Dress Goods, yard 25c, 35c. 39c, 45c, 49c, 65c. 69c and up
1000 pair of
Blankets now
on sale 49c, 65c,
75c. 98c and up
6000 yards of
Standard Outing
Flannel, per
yard, 4c.