giulfpfurtrnrf CHARLES EDW.'.RO HICKS En'i re4 at In Jpn Jme. Or., pot office scoond cUin mutter. 2 -:cnptic", $1.50 Tr Yr "Merely a party cIk'V will prob ably oe (leleiise of in onitrtn ainu's hoii w ho liiU itHViilly been uM for br ii h of iroinlit. Kl-H tlun unil t thf now local "I'Hon Uw IfiCiuly ptHl baa been lu'ld lu towm and clttt ot h t' of Wanhlnston to dat and of Ihcao tu bav lion dry. W ucc In tti elwtlou oouieata in l iu'oil?r f town, petition "' now beluji cinu'a " 1 !: ..cveu1. Unvl. asking for el -cttoii lo b held ' which time It may be deetdetl wheth er or not ih liquor bimlnesH hall be pertniited any lontter. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Albany, according to the u.-wnpa-pt'r of the town, experts to alitp 100 car. of prune this And a! Ill Uiis U not a good fruit. It 1 said. W'itlt the crop of bop hamnied and the good prbe prevailing. It l pro.ia'ule that more money U1 be put in circulation in this section 'hi year than for a uuiawer of year past. Neither Dr. Cuok or Coniiunud'-r Teary ha given u any information a to whether th.- North Pole will de velop any new species of game for Mr. Roosevelt to go up and kill. Three year ago it required thlrty eighi Instructor to handle the Eu gene schools. This year flftyfive are employed. This goes to show how the schools of Eugene are growing. If Commander Peary makes his in dictment of thirty counts stick, which he ha prepared against Dr. Cook, that eminent explorer will look like thirty cent. The fortune bequeathed by Mr. Har ri man's will amounts to about $100 010,000.00. The will contains about 1 )0 words and considered as literatur It certainly holds the record price per word. A Portland saloonkeeper was re c ntly fined fifty dollars for selling a glass of beer to a minor. If every dispenser of liquor was given thirty days in jail for selling liquor to min ers, we would hear less about Oregon going "dry" next' year. The death of tioMTiior Johnson tias liaused a pang of regret turmignnui Iho nation. Hi ltC. story would read I ke a romance In any country ext . -pi AmerUa. still ihe land of equal op portunlty. where Industry may over come poverty and natural ability welsh far more than social position and advantage. Johnson1 boyhood was i;rrouitded by the direst poverty, hi fa'her a worthless drunkard, com pelling the boy mother to work over the washtub In order to support her children, until the future governor was old enough to take up the bur deu of labor himself. And yet this man, of foreign parentage. became governor of tils tate In the early thirties, won distinction and power, and gained the respect of the entire nation, without the assistance ot ....aithv nr Influential friends, and without resorting to the methods of the demagogue. Hi was a typical American career, ending all too soon, and bringing a touch of sorrow to po litical friend and foe alike, who feel that his death is. a national bereave ment. At the time of his death, he was still a young man who gaveprom Ise of great usefulness to the plain people one of whom he still remained although by force of ability and lnteg rlty he had thrice been elected to the governorship of a great state. The Rainy Season Coming. The wholesale weather house has sent in a bill for an early winter sprinkler and the weather man has a hunch hat he sees showers sailing down the line that may unload a wet cargo and wash ths face of the earth most any time now. Die ud your goloshes and oil the joints in your old umbrella so that a wet time coming will not sneak up J, 0. MATTHI6, M. D. Office Poatorflea Building MONMOUTH, OREGON Phonaa 81 and 83 J. D. WINN REALTY BROKER r'arm Loan aud limuraifca. Noiai) Publi.u Buon Vlata, Oregon. B. F. JONES . ATTORNEYATLAW NOTARY PUBLIC Office next door to Independence National Hank, Independence, Oregon W. R. ALLIN, O. D. S. DENTIST Both phone. Cooper Bldg. Independence, Oregon. J. 8. COOK ATTORN EYATLAW NOTARY PUBLIC Room 7 and 8, Cooper Bldg. Independence, Or. LAURA PRICE, M. D. Monmouth, Oregon Specialty Diabase of Women Bell Telephone Main 193 L. L. HEWITT. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON) Office in Cooper building, room 2 and 3. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 12 m. and 2 to 6 p. m. Calls answered night and day. LAUNCH INDEPENDENCE Four women killed in auto joy ride''"! surprise you i Vf an A iha rt rsla last week, three in Seattle and one lasi wets, ui're iu ocamc ..u i in Portland, all of whom were joy barn; the summer is goln, ' I In., rarourdll that- mflV riders out for a "good time," it is u. a 6"u . .v - lu.tnrb nnll't hUV alleged is the record for the last u , h ec . . , , condola because- the rain may be week. The c ose carriage does not sonaoia o""" " ' seem to be in it with the auto for night rides Some of the metropolitan papers have issued warnings that their north pole stories are copyrighted. Sinct a majority of the stories would be perfectly safe without any padlock upon them they could save themselve, much needless trouble. From a neutral standpoint it looks if "Joy rides' and road houses in Multnomah county will go a long way- create a s.rong sentiment against saloons in that county and help greatly in making the state "dry next year. In almost every instance It has been gambling and lawless sa loonkeepers which have made county after county go "dry." as to the The opponents of Director t H. Newell, of the state reclamation ser vice, are after is scalp. They have united upon P; H. Thompson, city en gineer of Seattle, as the man whom they will urge upon President Taft to be namsd as Newell's successor.. T. C. Taylor, a resident of Pendle ton, is now eminent grand commandei cf the Knight Templars for the state c: Oregon, having been elected at the session of the state commandiy U-. Baker City, September 22. The constitutional amendment to take the election of sheriffs, district attorneys and state officers out of th people's hands and give the govern or the power to appoint, as advocat ed by U'Ren, would cr?ate such a monster political, machine that it would eclipse ail other boss rule ev er attempted in Oregon. Surely it is -about time for the republicans who went crazy over the U'Ren fallacies to regain their senses and adhere Btrictly to representative government. The election in New York city in November will be the most important one in the country this year. It is the only election in which the whole country is interested, the outcome of which is doubtful. The only other Important contests are in Massachu setts , Rhode island, and Virginia, There governors are to be elected. ln the first the republicans have a ..Mtnvw. in the second the democrats will strive to win the r lal off year victory, and in Virgin! . r.t sop no reason to iear that their party record of victory will be reversed. r,an Moore for your Mend the hole In the roof o' your to wee; 'last farewell that may float out a gentle bluff, but don't forget to car ry your umbrella. How to Cure a Cold. Be as careful as you can, you will occasionally take cold, and when you do, get a medicine of known reliabil ity, one that has an established rep utation and that is certain to effect a quirk cure. Such a medicine is Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. It has gained a world wide reputation by its remarkable cures of this most com mon ailment, and can always be de pended upon. It acts on nature's plan, relieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secretions and aids nature In restoring the system to a healthy condition. For sale by P. M. Kirkland Big Bunch of Bssf. Nino hundred head of beef cattle, for which he drew checks aggregat Ine approximately $30,000, were de livered to J. C. Mitchell, at Ashland, Monday of last week, by up-valley an Dead Indian range stockmen. Thirty carloads were loaded at the yards in Ashland that day and shipped out for the south. There still remain atoui fifteen cars to be shipped later, cars not being available for the entire delivery. The prices pa'd ranged from $3.7.-i per hundred weight gross for prime steers, down to $2-50 per hundred for lowest erade stuff, feeding steers going at $3.25 and dry cows at. $3. Notice of Meeting of Board or Equalization Notice is hereby given, that on Monday, the 18 day of October, 1909, the- hoard of equalization will. meet at the county court house at the city of Dallas, in the county of Polk, state of Oreeon. to examine and correct the assessment rolls, to correct all errors ln valuations, descriptions or qualities land, lots.or other property or in correctly assessed as to description m Quantity, or where assessed in tne name of a person or persons not the owner therepf or assessed under or beyond the actual cash value thereof d to assess all lands, lots and otner Drooerty appearing to have been omitted or that was not assessed. Petitions or applications for the re duction of a particular assessment hall be made in writing verified by the oath of the applicant or his attor ney, and be filed with the board dur ing the first week it la by law re quired to be ln session, and any pe tition or application not so made, rerified, and filed shall not be con sidered or acted upon by the board. Assessor of Polk county, Oregon. C. S. GRAVES. Pl-8 between Independence and Sa lem dailv except Sunday. Pasnengor and freight business solicited. Leave Independence .. 9:30 a. m. Leave Salem 3:15 p. m. SKINNER BROS. SKIPPERS THE ELDRIDGE C. E. VanAllen, Prop. Large sunny rooms, en suite or sin gle. Electric light, bath and piano. European Plan 248 N. Commercial t., Salem, Ore. CALIFORNIA MED ICATED SOAP The best for Sores, Chapped Hands, Dandruff, Insect Stings and Poison Oak. Mr.J.W.RIchard8on Sr., Agt. Monmouth Street, Independence. INDEPENDENCE AND MONMOUTH RAILWAY TIME TABLE Effective Sunday, July 4, 10 FROM INOerNUtNCl KOK DAI I.AB Tram No M leaves Independence d.llyW a. m.: leaves Monmouth :lo a. m.; arrives plia: a. m. Train No H8 leaven n''Pen.(,e,n., ttda"! 10-5(1 a. m.r leaves Monmouth, 11.06 a. m. arrives Dallas, 1UW . Train NoW leaves fSlSll p. m.: Iaye Monmonth 6:.W p. m.: arrive Par las 0:55 p. til. FROM INDEPENDENCE FOR AIRLIE Train No 1 leaves I"rt"rtlnMrr??arrive s , ; leaves Monmouth T:I5 a. m., arrives AlrlleTa. rn. .,.!, 7! ip,i-rnrienpnifhee dally at 2-80 P mj. leaves .MiMUncmih dally at 'KM l in.; ui-rtves at Alriie at 3:2 p. m. FROM OAtLAS FOR INDEPENDENCE Train No BS lesves Dallas dally ScSJa. m; leave ;.i..iim.nli .; arrlveslndepen- denceB:15 a. m. Train NofKMeaves Dallas dallv lfclS P- .; leaven Monmouth 110 p. rn.; arrives lndepn. deneeli5p. m. (This train connects a Mon mouth for Alrlle). Train No 71 leaves Dallas dally 7HW p. m.; lea-esonmouth m.; arrives Inde- pendeuca 8:25 p. m. FROM AIRLIE FOR INDEPENDENCE Train No2 leaves Alrlle dally tWK a. m.: aves Monmouth a. m.; arrives Inde pBdeiicei):25a. in, it i i lv J-flR n m. Train nn. z-iuvt? -m . -j- f. - -arrlvesat Monmouth i.Mi p. m;.-,arnTe at In dependence IHWI p.J". ainless Dentistry 3 ' pf1 ' 1 f V fir n - ll'" art. 'i'vV , W Bi M Rub- rt Ug.W.LWIi,Pu.'r wflauu " , en WORK OUARANTZEO FCH IS VEAR8 Modern elortrie Qolpmaat. Bern mnthoda. Cnat of town peopis i ' csn have their plnt . -'ond bridgework tin "M..tiaJ in Ann ,1m4 ! , i W will gin you gad ' "12& (old or porceli j '(,!crao)or ' $3.50 iJ-jMolir Crowna 5. CO t Gold Filling. 1.00 ' Unamsl Fillinfrt 1.00 1' I&htrFHIinn .50 i I' Jl.l.. TiHInm 2.E0 "1 PiatM 5.03 WORK euAKnii bcv ru" Painless Ijtraction mo whan platan or bridgs worn i. ordered. Ooniraltatlon Frea. Ton canot pt btte UinlcM work don. any-hen- All work fiiliy rur- Wise Beiital Co. THE MdIInmPi RANGE Popularly known as the "South Bend Malleahle, the range that combines all that is-modern, all that is foremost in range buildinga work well done. It is the range that appeals to common sense through its severely correct lines and elegant finish and by its eas ily demonstrated practical perfection in cooking ef ficiency and economy of fuel. ' Riveted throughout like a boiler "The South Bend Malleable' will, with proper care, last a lifetime. It is the product of ex pert range builders who assemble every part with ut most care. "The South Bend Malleable stands alone in the world today the greatest of all ranges of malleable construction. It is the range that vye sell on trial and easy terms and guarantee absolutely. "ASK THE WOMAN THAT OWNS ONE" Men s Wearing Apparel of Exceptional Interest ti a a I 4 V If you want to see ever) thing that's new and Jaahionablo In men's and' young mcn'H toga for Fall, coma to our Btore, Here yo"uTan7ee the correct styles and fabrics. All of them In the renowned i . i $ r'"v:ati.' ..stop's Ready ailorcd Klothe 0.00 10 $35.00 MICHAELS-STERN FINE CLOTrtl IMG MICHAtia, STERN A CO wcHtiria a . In no other make will you find such a great variety of strlk "lng styles, or wide assortment of exclusive patterns. Every garment displayed is a tine specimen of creative tailoring. At fhertop notch of excellence Salem Woolen Mill Store SALEM, OREGON. 4. OrIOl E0DM: A. M. I r . X. tuiara. t i. School supplies-