I nn rrn m n n r i nnn; EE mn in! K r i r nh n 1 fl Ml mi u u u We have been slowlv deciding .lurimr th fireat Fire Sale to put on a Clas.ng.Qut Sale to completely close out the ir, tfnrl-. Ir has been rather diflic.lt t make up our minds to really close out a business whose annual sales are ,,,, ,h, very lamest in Salem, but now that xve have made the announcement .t s.mplv means that if you have been pleased with flw Km- Sale that you are vet to be better pleased as Greater Opportunities Than K)-er Await you. 11 New Failor Suits for Ladies For b'-auty, rt'flnemwit. excel li'nca of maw-Hal and tailor ing there are uo suits that sur pans or equal La Vogue Suit. Valua up to $40 now Lat,ies' ana Misses' Coats We have a largo new line which we have Just rwelved. prices raiding trom $3 to $20. Big Closing-Out Reductions on these Ladies" f 12 to $15 Mackintoshes 88c $2.00 raluea 50c 7f " - ' ' 11 .. "' New Lace Curtains l.f,0 valii.- $1.18 $1.25 valu' SSc (1.00 values 78c 75c values 54c New Ruchings 50c boxes 35c New Comforts $2.25 value $1.77 Black and Col ored Underskirts ' fa.' usr-uiaawwtrwwi, Taft is com ing to Salem Sunday evening He Is an extremely great man In more than one sense, accord ing to reports. Come to our 'store and let us convince you that our Men's Clothing and Overcoat values are also Extremely Great OLD WHITE CORNER SALEM, O R EGON NEW THE GREATEST VALUES IN LADIE8' TAILORED ST0GKT 0N OLD WHITE CORNER v.. S A L E M, O R E G O N SUITS UR TO $20 THAT HAVE EVER BEEN OFFERED IN SALEM. WE START THEM AT $7.50. THESE Sa3AI303 N33a Snr 3AVH Sl.fl THREE DAYS YET TO PAY TAKES IN NEW MEAT MARKET The Long Meat Market Changes . Hands. W. W. Newton, who for the past 'three4 years has been living ou the Sloper place about a mile south or town, has purchased the Long meat , ... , . ,. market and will take charge of the At five o'clock next Monday aftei-. noon, taxes unpaid will become de linquent and subject to penalty and interest. During the past month the sheriff's office has bocn kept busy taking in tax money, and it is more than like ly that the delinquent list will be small as usual. Owing to the fact that the Oregon legislature repealed that section of the law, delinquent taxes are no long er advertised same, October 10. The shop will be closed from October 1 until the 10, In order ito give the new proprietor an opportunity to give it a general overhauling. It will be renovated, re modeled and repainted and when fin ished will be one of the nicest meat markets In the country. Mr. Newton Is an experienced' butcher, having conducted a market eight years prior to the time of mov ing to Independence and fully under advertised. . H 'stands the wants of the people and Thfl noai law nrovldes that any day . . . , ,, - , , proposes to carry a complete ana arter me s ..,, including poultry and fish. Remem- lector sntui ui'un -- i invltoH tn ca 1 and insnect ment of taxes, interest and penalty. - make out and issue a certificate of his market. 1M against such property. 175 3000 500 500 250 40 43 650 Hollnnnpncv Such certificates shall bear Interest from the date of issuance until re viaompH at the rate of fifteen per cent per annum, and shall be sold to j It's A Top Notch Doer. Great deeds compel regard. The world crowns its doers. That's why the American people have crowned Real Estate Transfers. The following are the real estate! transfers filed for record during the past week: O E Cutler et ux to A J and Laura M Barham, lot In Dal las J J McBee et ux to William Morrison, 44.66 acres t 8 s r 6 w Margaret J Rucker to R O Wil liams, 5 acres t 6 s r 5'w J J Mathis et ux to R O Wil liams, 8.25 acres t 6 s r 5 w W E Bevens et ux to Mary S Bevens, 10 acnes t 9 s r 4 w Caesar Godwin to B Wilson, lots In Independence J M Graves et ux to Bmery A Cook, lots in Independence B Tarter to L Toedtemeier land in t 9 s r 5 w p T Fuchs to J J McBee,-lots in Dallas, Probate Estate of William H. Knower, de ceasedpetition to sell personal prop erty granted. cent per annum, auu . - .... any person in order of priority In . nr Ring's New Discovery the King applying therefor, upon the payment jof Throat and Lung remedies. Every of the value in principal and Interest atom Is a health force. It kills germs tbereof and colds and la grippe vanisa. It and lawfully engaged in some useful I heals cough-racked membranes and At any time after the expiration of j coughing stops. Sore, inflamed bron three years from the first date of de- chlal tubes and lungs are cured and linquency the holder of such certlf-1 hemorrhages cease. Dr. Geo. More, lcate may summon the delinquent toBlack jack, N. C, writes "it cured redeem his property, and If not sol,e of ,ung trouble, pronounced hope redeemed, the circuit court shall j, esa by an doctors." 50c, $1.0Q. Trial -rant a decree foreclosing the Hen j bottie free. Guaranteed by all drug- . ,l In ! . .ealnst the property meut ; gists. tuch certificate Want a Be inspector. At a meeting of bee raisers held on the fair grounds at Salem, during H.U v--- - Personal property upon which the tax Is delinquent for a period ot ty day aIter " 0n the rair grounas at oieuit uuuu8 April, or the firs Monuy u t&te D Qe0 CoUma 0I AI. ter shall be sold for the payment waa e,ected pres,. f auch tax and anch sale shall be "dent a D w Brea of Newberg, ,0lut. j secretary and treasurer. The associ- x j Uon wants a state bee inspector and Thtf Best Plastw. j will request the legislature to create A, piece of flannel d"P-ed wlth0M Okamberlaln's Unlment and bound. a t the affected parts i superior to! Frightful Fate Averted. -ister. When troubled with lamej T w0id haT9 een a crtpple for fcack or lna ta the side or chest Uf f.om a terrible cut on my knee tve it a trial and you ro certain to ! prank Dlsberry. Kelllher, ha or thaa ple-e4 witk ta prf ! Min., "without , Bucklen'e Arnica rHft wkich it atforae. Tkia liniment Salr -rich soon cured me." InfaUl ,lfl. reHerea rheumatic ! " tajwa for wounds, cuts and brulsea, it rftar. ta WJ ""'isoaa eona Buraa, Scalds.Old Sores, tt dlseass. ' t r- hohs ki o uki'""- " " troi 1 for Ptte. So at all drueflsts' Money Comes In Bunches to A. A. Chisholm, of Treadwell, N. Y., now. His reason is well worth reading: "For a long time I suffered from Indigestion, torpid liver, consti pation, nervousness, and general de bility," he writes. "I couldn't sleep, had no appetite, nor ambition, grew weaker every day in spite of all medi cal treatment. Then used Electric Bit ters. Twelve bottles restored all my old-time health and vigor. Now I can attend to business every day. It's a wonderful medicine." Infallible for Stomach, Liver. Kidneys, Blood and Nerves. 50c at all druggists. Cruahed byv Press. C. F. French, publisher of the Fails City News, met with an accident last Saturday in which ,he narrowly es caped losing the fingers of hta left hand. He waa egnaged in printing ribbon badges on a Job press and In aome manner caught his hand be tweea the type and the moving plt en.Several fingers were badly crushed Brother French may consider him self lucky to have escaped as fortun ately as he did, for had the prcas been running at bfcn SP000. tne loss of his hand jwottld surely have suited. As It is, he will sooa b able to resuma his work a6ala ua las Observer. I hare 10 etck aai au already mitU ta sow. Tie rlc4 it'rleat. L. B. StaaJetoa. 17-tf lb 1$ m One of year when you want a good heavy Shoe. We have a good line ranging from the heavy log ging A. A. Cutter down to flSoodlieavy Plow Shoe Prices range from $7 to Have you seen our Triple Wear Sole Shoe? It is a winner. N Call and let us show them to you. We have just opened up a shipment of fine dress Shoes for gents and young men. 0. 1. If earner Exclusive Haberdashery Independence, ism I V if V .1 Or. atlfltlalt.