If fiwi ifi if Jl Kind ou Wwn Alwuyv nought, and MhkU hiu buoii ii. uo for tn? tfO ei, liu Irno ih tlftvittirw 0. 1 - niiil hua born t".-!o under ltt.i pe nonal suporvW 'n sdiAC INlnftni. n si'$i AUoW IIOOUOtO!e:otY .3 Ow.iu All Counterfeits Imitations and JusI-ob-stcmmI" ar but Kvper'.tuont? Hint tttllo with and enlnu r tint JmnUU of lufuuta uutl ClillJiou linerlenco against KxperUiieut- What is CASTORIA .Hutorl I ft harmless smhstltiite for Castor Oil, Par trorlo, lru4s a::.l Soothing1 Syrups. It U lMeiwant. It contain iielttu r Cpium, Morphine nor other Nareotlo mi'u((.imi-o. It. ftfro i it ernarantce. It destroy W orm and allay IVverUaneiw. It euro Diarrhea and Wind Colic It rcl!eve Tethlnjr Trouble, cures Constipation and Flatuleney. It assimilate tho Food, rejrttlate tbo Stonuuh and Bowels, glrlntf healthy aud natural lep. The Children Panacea The Mother' Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ) Bears the The Kind You Have Always Boughf In Use For Over 30 Years. thi CKT.ua tMHaf, TV auiui BTmrr. new von ft orr. IS t i PSME5 GRADUATES CAN BE THIS SCHOOL AS THE B E Send for new SECURED II Cummins & Davis Land Company INDEPENDENCE, OREGON Have an enlarged list of farms and mercantile establishments, also entire list of Stull & Darst of Newberg, Oregon, who have become partners of the Cummins & Eavla Land Co. Two or three good hotel properties for sale. New Listings of Desirable Farms All parties who have farirg for which they desire quick sale are requested to call and list their property with us. BO0HS T9 READ For Summer reading on your outing or at home see our paper line at 10c, 15c and S5c We have reprints of the copyright books at 50c. Come In and look ov..r ur large book stock. The Commercial Book Store 163 Commercial St., SALEM, ORE. COTTAGE CHARLES 8AVA0GE. LESEE Special Attention to Commercial and College Organizations 160 Court street. Telephone 209 Main Telephone and Messenger Service at HoUsl aX d m n VJ Signature or "ae i m S FOUND RL.lfLTJ?0 ASO.N FOP THM B PF.M.VKMRl-t Sl't I K.HS y fOLlEGE Facts Worth Noting Enrollment ol students past year 468. All graduates placed In good position. Filled but 50 per cent application for office help. Reputation for thorough and personal Instruction. Safe and refining Influences. Folder and Success Stories. FOR STUDENTS WHEN mm COMPETENT WITHOUI LllAWit For Style or Beauty We have them. All of the popular shapes and popular priced Shoes WE DO FINE REPAIRING JICOB VOQT 345 State Street, Salem, Oregon HOTEL Salem MONMOUTH U. Shew U hMi'i'lns a fi l"t Th evaporator ami vaiuo ry r l- run r.u- mi r.rna. II. C. I'hamUerlaln hli''l " I""1 of his bouMiold ooJ o Albany Mo day. Tha Monmouth puMto lu m itd Monday lth a Urn atu-iul-am e, Mlu Aauea Cainphfll went to HtlU boro Friday where aho lll leai li Sl'lUHll. Mls Namy Klmsey. forin.rly of Rtc kreall, ll Tfitlde H woiiuiohui t.lU WllltiT. ivveral faiulllea lu 't Monmouth have been afflltd with smallnos In uil'd form. Mra. Howdu of Corvallla vlitU.nl friends la Monmouth lat week, re turniim to CenallU 8a urduy. Mrs. MskbI Kidd U MiH a will soon return with her two sous to her home In Florence, Douitla county Mrs. Will MeCready of McMlnnvllle vlsl'ed her parents. Mr. and Mr. George Hoothby. the first of the week MarHhall Wolverton of Hrltlnh Col umbia Is visiting his brother, O. A. Wolverton. lie did not arrive lu time for bis mother's funeral. Wm. Martin of Pennsylvania who has been visiting his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. D. 8. Martin, went to Salem Tu s lay to take a position and will probably remain on this coatt. ANTIOCH Clarence Bruce aud family are nov Ing to Oakdale. Russell Flshback made a trip to Falls City Friday George Blngman and family start ed to Idaho Monday. Mr. CuuimliiRB of Monmouth wss an Antlorh visitor Sunday. Our school began Monday, October V.wlth A. J. Shipley as teacher. Dora Zook of Monmouth visited friends here Saturday and Sunday. Noah Heffley was a guowt of his brother. Grant, at Talmage Saturday. V. A. Fishback Is assisting A Hie Griffith to wall a well for A. J. Ship ley. Roy Johnson is visiting at Norton with his uncle, John Hauler, this week. I Mr. and Mrs. Tuck of Independence have moved to the Dave Dove place near here. George Clark returned to his home at Portland Friday, after visiting sev eral days wi h Mrs. E. Clark and family. :A1 EVI'M WING A Bad Back is Always Worse in the Morning. Independence People! are Finding Reliif. A back that aches all day and causes discomfort at night is usually worse in the morning. Makes you feel as if you hadn't slept at all. Can't cure a bad back until you cure the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys make you feel better, work better, rest better and sleep better. Permanent cures in Independence prove the merit of Doan's. Geo. W. Richardson, Monmouth St., Independence, Ore., says: "I suffered from a severe pain in the small of in) back, especially at' night, and would arise in the morning feeling so lame and stiff that I couid hardly put on my clothing. I was very miserable when Doan's Kidney Pills came to my attention. I procured a box at P. M. Kirkland's drug store and tney helped me in a short time. I do not hesitate to recommend Doan's Kidney Pills to others suffering from kidney complaint." For sale by all dealers. Price 50c. Foster - Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Near Beer Joint is Pulled A near beer Joint conducted by Carl Fuchs at McMlnnvllle was raid ed a week ago last Sunday. The raid was brought about on the evidence of one Fred N. Robin who had been sent out br the anti-saloon league from Portland and succeeded in in gratiating himself Into the good will of apparently kindred spirits who con gregated around the place. Samples of the goods handled by Fuchs were have heen submitted to chemists In McMinnville and Corval Hs for analysis. It is said that Rob In SDent a day or two inl ndepen- dence recently and there being noth ing doing In his line, he left for other pastures. For Chapped Skin. Channed skin whether on the hands or face may be cured in one night by applying Chamberlain's Salve. It is also unequalled for sore nipples, burn ophIHr. For sale by P. M. Kirk- Concrete Walks the Bret. V. W, l'rtt enteitiilr the io.itUllon of hew lourr -t wa ke around Ins r Ulei-. iru.riy no K" street, as e!l a throusU ground y.t. r.tiHaj U ut i;' f..i'...H luM 1 .. 1 . ... ...I whenever new ik e thy should bJ of e.iui Tete whUir It be In the buln-hs sin ur !' ' fHild-net d'str'et t'n. r.-i wa'hs are jiniire iitteunlve, It U tru, bn ! 1 (are iliesper when durability; Is eoimld jered ami they add greatly to th ap jp.rane of the fit). It woi.lt jr. I lalily b wine to an orilusnee prohlbltlns atitb ig I ut rm.r te wa'ks lu tho buslnens seetlou and the better r"ld nu-e d's'rl 't. would gladly be paid for a cure by many people who are trlppld with rheumatism, yet If they only k.uw It, they ran b ruled by a few bot tles of Kal'.ard's Liniment, and the price Is only I.'.c. f.Oe, and H per bottle. Sold by Williams Drug C H1LLSB0R0 SANITARIUM Mrs. L. R. Hicks Wards and private room. Inspec tion invited. All classes of lion ontagtoue cases from reputable physicians accepted. Special at tention to confinement cases un der hyslclans1 care. Trained ours In attendsnce. I'hone Pacific Main 321. WE MAKE PROVISIONS to supply you with meat of only the finest quality. We select carefully and expertly only THE CHOICEST MEATS Tender meat ts not a matter of luck. It Is a question of breeding and feed Ing. Our knowledge ennnies us to choose only such meats as are class ed as prime. A trial order will show a surpassing difference In our meats and those you have been eating. Heck & Flubacher Proprietors Independence, Oregon Perfection of Bridge & Beach Superior These tion. H)ters give you satisfac They warm the appartments better than any other stove, be cause they are. made to throw out the heat. You know that with some haeters you are freezing when the stove is red hot. Those are not the SUPERIOR they are wood eaters. HANMA Stomach Blood and Liver Troubles .k. et.r .... ..orneeH. mmA r"' poor, .mK..r..l.J bluod. Nsrvowe and p.l.teM'' SLhI fiita. rcU blood. 1 H.ir stoasachs id meor.li Lr, ali.r all. a ... eaa ba ew elr..sr lh. ,;,m; A rmJr thai make lta etomacb etronf ad . ellva, es.kM tub lad blood aad ov.reowa sd dnvee vut rfiw-pruduclitf bacteria aad eurae whole ull tuda ol di. . Cf rtrf mi fr ITaasejaas t aWraf taaaa mr f Ur. Plr0' aafla Iasrarr -Ik trtmt lomt tffrmtlr: Krar Imrlfrsfr mm Jea.aa Yoa raa't afford afford la aooapl aaf anadiclna ol eaae-a as a suKeoiuta lor "tiolJea MaJ.cel inoov. arr," which ie a anadiciaa of snow t:oremo, havin a eomplela liat ol nrliant la plala l'.nlieb o bo. lawrappar, aama beia attaetad aa eorraol Major oath. Dr. rW'i nmt PtlhM nrfaae mm4 trwla Jlaaw, Sl.OPKH DUOS. Tubular Well Drillers Saw prices for wells drilled with their new larger diameter drill. Wells for Irrigation purposes Holh Phones THE NOBLE II. A. M AIHXON, 'r. I orner t:oitimrrHtl himI NtHle Street When You Sit Down To a Meal In this restaurant jou art-mire H will I excellent m. to food. (SH.klnu and a-rviee. The aurneimliiivs "i"' fr iliemaoive, and the hill of fMre lellf mutely of fin" eatint; st little ( rl.e. feme In Biid l r.HK a friend or two aloii. Yon will all oe te pleased. White House Restaurant Wm. McGilchrut & Son, Pioprielor SALEM - - OREGON Our Superior Steel Ranges emboddy est construction and features In these popu lar style raugse. Attract ively nickled, malleable Iron, Joined with cold driv en rivets are some of the features of this fine range. It Is not an ordinary range. It Is not bolted together so that In a short time the bolts work loose, the putty drops out and "air leaks" come slow baking. The Superior Steol construction detail. ; i ; - .-", Llrtr faieehfc Independence, Oregon 4ALK.M, OKKCON THE KEY NOTE TO your pleasure may be the fact that you presented your music levlng daughter, son or wife with aa f tulslte siuslcal luBtruuient from our rare stock. You way develops a musi cal phenosienon unawares. Anyhow Members of the family possessed of one of our fine guitars, vlollus, man dolins, slthers, banjos or enrnets can aot but make the home pleasant and cheerful. L. F. SAVAGE 247 Commercial St. Salem, Oregoa Detail In, causing waste of fuel and range Is perfection in every IT IS EASY to fix up your house with our line of builder's mater ' lals. Save contractors' , prices by coming direct to us for them. rosv . 1 S''''''' i BROS. land.