Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, September 26, 1909, Image 5

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Br. Mr. luusmor
)nd Uliur thin wiH-k-
it a Port-
Janice lihtikburu of Bal-ia do
ing business la low it this vn'k.
0. C. I'll r uf Monmouth dlil bus
fiitwi In liiJ'-iMulfni-j Oil week.
Jin Lacey, resident of Mo
Mltinvtlln, was In town last Monday.
K, J. Armstrong w among those
who iuih over from Dallas this wwk
to run
'ri'lva took time Ual
. j
W'I '
out to Salem to attend tuo
l)n and Trudle Frh'm-n of Dallas
0undayi'd In Independence, visiting
Win. Iawca. of tun Cliaa. K. IHck
Jteal Estate C-, has biH quite sick
tola week.
Jacob J. eker and Mm. In
Decker of Dallas visited Independence
friends last Sunday.
L. E. StapUttou, a farutur who re
sides aoullt of lown, purchased Chet
Long's automobile lam Wednesday.
MIhh Manant Hodge entertained
the I'rlMollltt Club Monday evening.
Those present aiuim.'d themselves
Karl Ilushncll and wife of
pent a couple of daya In tuwu
this week the guest of MIhm '
Ml Carter.
Itev. II. U. McCain, the former pax
tor of tho M. B. church horn, will aup
ply the pulpti at Hu.-iia Vlata the
coming year.
Sulla, tailor made from absolutely
all wool goods, at Moore's Cash Store
Price $13.50 to $S0.00 and about 000
samples for your selection. '
A now roof la being put on the
Jllrsehbcrg warehouse Juat north of
the depot. C. A. McLaughlin U stor
ing hla hopa there ihla season.
Clove Kobliiaon la like tho Irish
man's flea he keeps juuiplng around
0. He loft Monday for Maker City
where he expect a to go to work.
A. O. Stum of Lebanon waa a vis
itor to our city thla week.
Jake Nelaon of Wulla Walla spent
a day or two In town thla week look
ing over the city.
C. W. IJullor and wife went to
Portland Tuemlay morning returning
Wednesday. Mr. Uutler went down
on btialness connected with the com
BiIhhIoii bUKlneaa.
Don't forget to hear the talented
Sunday school evangelist, Mrs. Clara
O. 10Hon, who will apeuk at the
Christian church Sunday, September
26, at It a. m. and 8 p. m.
Mr.Stull was a Brownsville visitor
Sunday of this week, lie says that
Albany and Corvallls are getting their
:iare of the homeseekera that are
coming west thlg month on account
of the low rat?.
102 acres, one mile from town; to
acres under cultivation; orchard;
dug well; 25 acres timber, balance
pasture; new modern 7-room house
and good barn and fences. Terms.
Price 3S00.
277 acres 19 miles from Independence
150 acres In cultivation. This Is
another of the good buys. Will sel
at $50 an acre,
160 acres, within mile of town and
railroad. Al piece of land and fine
country home. Rich sandy loam
oil. Good Improvements. Price
$15,500. .
See Us for City Residences
12 room house and basement, burn,
chicken houses, windmill and tanks,
water system throughout. Dwell
ing Is modern, with patent toilet,
bath, laundry In basement, septic
tank, etc. Range goes with proper
ty. Nothing better In Independ
ence. $4000.
9-room house and 2 lots In Monmouth
desirable location; good Improve
ments. Prlco $1600.
An acre of land and 6-room house;
good improvements, lumber on the
ground for barn and "bther ianprove-
meats and goes, with place at $750.
Look this up.
New factory linn of ladles' eout
sweaters at Moore's Cash Bloret.
Hope lira coming In fast these day
ltd the warehouses are gettlug fhock
It. Abby, a resident of Kile CHy.
a day or two In town thin
Hev, Weber, the new pastor of Hi
M. K. church lit Ibis city, will preach
lila flrat sermon In Independence n i
Sunday. Coma out and hear him.
II. 8. Murray, a farmer, la the vl
lllllir Ol OIU'I IUlli mmmt-i rf
luess in una my i ueimy.
MUa Hurt ha Cochrane of WalUburg
Waahlnntott, visited with friends In
Independence lust week.
Dean Walker left for Kuaene
Monday where he goes to enter lh
tutu university a a pupil.
I have 100 aacka of seed vetch and
oata already mixed to sow. The prlci
I Hunt. L. E. Utapleton. 17-19
CheBter lllnkle of Corvallls spent a
portion of the week lit Independence
veiling with friends and relatives.
Marshall Serafrord of Walla Walla
Washington, was In this vicinity this
week visiting relatives and friends.
Our $3 r.O Hard wear shoe has a
printed guarantee direct to you from
the manufacturer. Moore's Cash
W. W. Perdval, wife and daughter,
returned Sunday from Salem where
they spent, the week attending the
Or. nmiHinore visited his son In
Portland this week, going to the city
on Tuesday, and returning on Wednei
day night,
Mrs. C. M. Vanderpool of Wells
visited with Mrs. It. J. Taylor one
day this week while on her return
from the state fair.
The Skinner Rros. are keeping tbt
rasoline launch. Louise, on the Indo
pondence-Salem run during the rush
of the leaving of hop pickers.
The fold nights and mornings and
the shortnltiK hours remind one that
It Is time to get In tlie supply of win
ter wood.
Once more the swlmmln' season
Is a thing of he past.
Use the public library. It Is t'
your benefit.
The nubile schools will open next
Monday. Have the children ready at
that time. It will benefit both pu
pil and teacher.
The Independence Warehouse &
Milling Co., shipped a carload of oats
to San FranclBCo Tuesday from their
Parker warehouse.
Misa Hattie Mix, the talloress, has
Just received a new line of samples
for men's and youths' suits which she
will be pleased to have you call ana
tvnmlna before ordering. I7tf
Tlirrn was no meeting of th com
mercial tlub Tuesday evening.
11. r. Jones was a Dallas visitor
yesterday bcr he went to attend
to l-E"! bufifnrsj beforo tho prouu
Kev. J. L. Whirry will preach at
the PaptiMt ( hurrn next K nday. H
Is missionary tolporler for Western
John lllliebrand left Wednesday'
sflTiiiMJii f. r Portland, lis expects j
to visit Victoria. II. C. before r
turning. .
Our winter line of men's shirts Is
direct from the manufacturer to our
store and Is quite the finest and best
lino we have seen ' this season.
Moore's Cash Store.
Mrs. J. E. Hubbard Is spending the
wci-k at Hi-attle whi-re she Is In at
tendance at the Sovereign (irand
lioilgn Ileuekahs which la In session
thT0 during tho entire week. Mrs.
Hubbard, It will be remembered. Is
president of the state organisation.
Ruby Karhart left for Corvallls
Wednesday. She goes there to be
on hand at tne opening or uregon
Agricultural College In which Institu
tion she will be a pupil tbe coming
Miss Iluth Rodlne, of Albany, who
has been visiting In Independence
for some time with the family of
Wm. Kurre, left for home the first
Of the week.
Mrs. Langelller of Emporla.Kan
sag, was In this vicinity this week
looking over the country with a view
of removing to Oregon. While here
she visited at the home of Mrs. Si
las Cook of Monmouth.
Parties who reside south of Mon
mouth and who were in town this
week, report quite a heavy frost in
that vicinity Wednesday morning. It
Is the first frost of the season.
Mrs. Vermillion of Kansas Is In
Independence attfiiding at the bed
side of her mother, Mrs. W. H.
Parks of this city who Is lying at
the ' point of death from a stroke
of paralyBls.
Lost On the county road, between
Independence and Sidney, a woman's
gray handbag containing a sum of
money, also cheek book on Independ
ence National Bank. Kinder return
to this office and get reward. 17-18
Boys! Girls! Columbia Bicycle Free
Greatest offer out. Get your friends
to subscribe to our magazine and we
will make you a present of a $10.00
Columbia blcyck the best mad.
Ask for particulars, free outfit, and
circular telling "How to Start."
Address, "The Bicycle Man," 29-31
East 22d Street, New York City, N.
Y. 17-18
ti, no,. h ,i.rhfr oro nmv
lJi .j-'uiiiiiiiui casiu uhb"vvi "
comfortably settled in their new
u . k co-woria,, manHO
!. ,Qct t ,.hmv.h h,r
III OL UUUI TV V " l, Ul ,ut x v a t .,..--1, i
thov will hn nleased to receive their
manv friends at any time. A rew
evenings ago a number of the ladies
of the church and other friends made
a descent on the manse, being In the
nature of a "shower party" and be
fore leaving left many articles of use
fulness in the way of housekeeping
utensils, also provisions, 6udi as can
ned fruits, etc.
and Mrs. Amos Nelson, with
daughter, Miss Bernlce, who
have been visiting at the home of A.
Nelson and Dr. Butler, left for their
home in Kansas Monday. They went
first to Seattle where they will take
the fair, then to Montana and
through the Yellowstone, and calling
on friends in Colorado and Kansas on
their way home. Mr. Nelson was very
favorably impressed with the Willam
ette valley and it is not Improbable
that he niay decide to remove from
'Sunflower state" and become a
resident with us.
A team of horses belonging to Geo.
Ruth, who lives on the Damon place
south of town, created considerable
excitement on the streets last Mon
day by taking a little spin through
town. They were left standing in
vicinity of the hop warehouse
becoming frightened at some
thing, started "down railroad avenue
to Monmouth street where they turn
ed east to Main streeeL then went
south on the 'county road. They did
not stop until they reached home.
The Ovlatt Bros., the new own
ers of the auditorium, receeived an
electric piano Wednesday from Port-
wblch they will use this win-
in that building which is to be
converted into a skating rink.
For Infants and Children.
Kind Yen Have Always Ban;M
Bears the T yATJZtr
i Gooevalv Cooper left Wednesday
morning for Albany wtters sb will
attend th bich school this winter.
W. D. Cummins returned lt wet k
ftum an it"ii(ii visit to tmutnern
California, going as far south
Long Iks. h. Wbtl away he stopped
at San I'ranclsro, Los Ao-eles. and
other points. He says California
beats the world for watermelons and
Hev. J, R. N. Hell, D. U . of Cor
vallls, was the gu-sf of Dr. and Mrs
Uutler on Wednesday, i-avng on
Thursday for Portland. Oo Sunday
next he will lay tht corner stone of
Urn new Presbyterian church at Mc
Minnvllle, preaching there on Sunday
There was a good attendance at th
opening dance of the m-ason at the
auditorium lal Wednesday' night, uu
der the patronage of Ovlstt Bros,
who recently purchased tho building.
They have laid a new maple floor
and have otherwise Improved tbe In
terior, which makes it one of the
best dancing balls In the county.
C. A. Mclaughlin g"t two first
prizes at the Linn county fair held
at Sclo week before last. Kanuark
took first pnie as a thoroughbred
nd Princess Viola took first prle
In the sweepntakes for thorough
breds. He sent the horse from Sa
lem where Prlncet.s Viola tool: a
first vrte at the state fair- He
was too late to enter them In the
livestock show at Portland tills week.
Mrs. Mary Wolverton. aped 84
years, widow of the late John Wol
verton. died at her home In Mon-
nmuih imi MnnHar night after a brlel
Illness. The funeral took place
Wednesday afternoon from the fam
ily residence and Interment was made
In the K. P. ceintery south of Mon
mouth. Mrs. Wolverton was the moth
er of Otis Wolverton, postmaster at
lUnmn.Hh Snt JlldlTA WOlVeltOn Of
Wanted Success magazine wants
an energetic and responsible man or
woman In Independence to collect for
renewals and solicit new subscription!
during full or spare time.. Experience
unnecessary. Any one can start am
ong friends and acquaintances and
build UD a paying and permanent bus
iness without capital. Complete out
fit and Instructions free. Address
"Von," Success Magazine, Room 103,
Success Magazine Building, New York
City, N. Y. I7"18
A llnrry-l'p Call.
Quick, Mr. Druggist, quick! A
box Of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Here's
a ouarter. For the love of Moses,
hurry! Baby's burned hlmseir ter
ribly. Johnny cut his foot with the
axe. Mamie's scalded. Pa can't
walk from i)iles. Billle has boils, and
i -
my corns acne, tone goi n. auu
cured all the family. It. s the great
est healer on earth. Sold by all drug-
Dr.'AlHu. Dentist. Cooper Bldg.
nair of reaaine glas
son xi Oft at. Kramer's. tf
Faber's Self-filling Fountain Pens
They are right. Williams Drug Co
Dr. Duganne, Dentist, over Indo
pendence National Bank. Bell phone
121; Independent, 4410. tf
Sewing machines, needles, oil an
extras, repairing a specialty, go to H
H. Jasperson.
Special attention to filling faniil)
recipes. Williams Drug t;. lJl1
The Ladies are invited to call and
Inspect the new Hand Bags shown by
Williams Drug Co. lltf
Wood for sale Second growth at
13.60. old growth $4.00 a cord de
livered. S. Cox, Independence. Phone
i tf4-2
Bring us your prescriptions. Ac
curacy and purity our motto. A grad
uate pharmacist In charge. Williams
Drug Co.
Mew up-to-date caskets and coffins
burial robes, special line of trim
mhio-a fnr Patholios. G. A. R. and
secret orders obtained from H. H
Jasperson. ' tf
A well equipped stock of sick room
necessities'. Williams Drug Co.
Old papers for
at 25c a hundred.
saie at this offic?
Lare or Small Orders De
livered Promptly.
Independnece, Oregon.
J. 0. MATTHIS, M. D.
Office Pot toff ice Suntiing
Phone It ana- S
farm Least aad Insurance. Notary
uena Vista, Oregon.
The beet for Sores. Chapped
Hands, Dandruff, Insect Stings
and Poison 0k.
Mrs.J.W. Richardson 6r Agt
Monmouth Street, Independence.
Office next door to Independence
National Bank. Independence Oreson
W. R. ALLIN, D. D. 8.
Both phones. Cooper Bldg.
Independence, Oregon.
Phvalcian and Surgeon
in Cornier BnlMinK. .ihhi 2
and 3 Office bonr,. a. m. to 12 m. j
and 2 to 6 p. in. Calls nwerea nigra
snd dsy.
Launch Independence
Ply betweeu ludependeui-e nd Fsl
eui dailv except Sunday. Paseenifer
and freight biiHine wtliclted.
leave IndetieiiiJenre :
Leave Hulein
Geo. Skinner
-IS rt til
Chai. Gregory. tallat. Ore.
Steele's Ferry
Buena Vista, Oregon.
The ferry that crosses the
Most direct route to Jefferson,
Sclo, Snedburne, Salem and Al
bany from all points in South
ern and Central Pork county.
jr- A I D
Having just finished remodeling our store we have added a
complete line of the latest style
Furs and Sweaters
These lines were bought new this fall and you will find no old
or shelf-worn goods. Our stock of Novelties, Stamped Lin
ens, Picture Frames, etc., is complete in every particular and
up-to-date. When in Salem we would be pleased to have you
call and look over our stock, whether you want to buy or not,
as it is no trouble to show goods.
Remember the Place
The Variety Store
64 N. Commercial Street, - Salem Oregon
knrul u sin '
r- i
l.arf Minxy It .inku iiir ..r Mil !
" rally
tlMilt I
a fluo
1 I ri
lakm, Ore.
iff?!, GL Hawkins-
frY"-"'' 5 !. ....Ore.
Sjfivp; iMorble and
vJliit" Granite
t.i 'Mia
, t'" t
M i ninriiif end Heed
,tjie tVmeu-ry
or e.
Mrs. U R. Hlcka
Wafds and private rooms. Inspec
tion Invited. All classes of non
contagious case from reputable
physicians accepted. Special at
tention to confinement cases un
der physicians care. Trained
nurse In attendance. Phone Pacific
Main 321.
Self filling at a magic touch
And a self-cleaner too,
Tbe pi Ice you'll find la not too murta
For the one that Just suits jou.
It. fills Itself, it fills all needs
For the office, scIiimiI or dnu;
Among them all the one that leads
Is Faber's Fountain Pen.
All Styles
At all Prices
W 1 JL1.11VK
Independence, Ore.
i ,
! The
; Family
Those intending to plant family or
chards this fall will do well to place
i their order early, as already some
; of the good varities are nearly gone
I already.
! .The : '
' are ordering early, too, as some were
disappointed last year by finding that
the varieties of fruit trees they want
ed were gone when they were ready
to plant.
Information cheerfully given by ad
dressing G. W. PENNEBAKER
Special Salesman for the company foe
Polk and Marion Counties
C. r. V. 4lwa
rruptiaf r
ILL -n