Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, September 17, 1909, Image 8

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The New Mrger Will Spend Lr
Amount! In Building Electric Line
and Betterments of the Plant Now
Controlled by Them.
The Willamette Valley Company
which has leen furnishing .itr
and lUhts to a number of Willamette
valley to win la a thin of th( h'
it having been merged with the North
et Corporation, which ha already
j allied control of lUht and po
companies la Oregon and Washington
The merging therewith of the I ad
Ing public service corporations of
even citiea has made the North
wet Corporation one f the nios
powerful of Ita kind In the Northwest
With 15,000,000 at Ha disposal to
pay off old bonded Indebtedness and
to utilize for extensions and improve
ments the new company will lnaugu
rate extensive development work In
the Nor h west.
The mortgage of the entire hold
Inga for $5,000,000 to th eGerman
town Trust Company of Philadelphia,
recites that the instrument was exe
cuted for the purpose of paying oft
bonded Indebtedness and " for the
purpose of providing funds for ex
tensions, improvements and better
ments of the property now owned or
hereafter acquired."
The Northwestern orporation is
incorporated under the laws of Wash
ington and its headquarters are at
Walla Walla. Its scope of operations
La limited to the states of Oregon,
Washington and Idaho, so whatever
development it contemplates will take!
place in these three states. The pur
pose fo the company, as recited in
I he mortgage, is to purchase, lease
and otherwise acquire, construct, own
maintain and operate waterworks.
waterpower plants, heat and power
plants, gas plants, street and inter
urban ra.Iways in the states of Oreg
on, Washington and Idaho.
The complete list of property
which the Northbwestern Corporation
now owns includes the street rail
way ays: em of Walla Walla, the ln
terurban line from Walla Walla to
Milton and Freewater.the power plant
on the south frk of the Walla Walla
river in Umatilla county, which trans
mits pow..r to Walla Walla and Pen
dleton, the eleciric light systems and
gas plants in Walla Walia and Pen
dleton, the water supply system, pow
er plant and electric light plant of
Albany, the transmission cables from
the Albany power plant to Corvallis
and the system of poles and wires to
Corvallis, the water supply system,
power plant and electric light system
in Springfield, the transmission ca
bles from the power piant at Spring
field to Eugene and the electric light
system in Eugene, the gas plant fran-
, chise in Eugene, the electric light
systems at Dallas and Monmouth, the
-water supply system ,-and electric
light system at Independence, the gas
plant at North Yakima, Washington
and the gas plant at Lewiston, Ida-
One of the first extensions planned
o it is said will be the construction
tot an electric line from Dayton to the
Columbia river. Surveyors are now
in the field for the company. Aside
from enabling the merged companies
to issue bonds in a large amount at
tractive to investors', the deed filed
at Albany last Saturday transferring
plants from the Willamette Valley
Company to the Northwestern Corpo
ration apparently means only that
all these enterprises are now merged
with others in Oregon, Washington
and Idaho under one governing body.
'The same capital has been backing
;loth the Northwestern Corporation
and the Willamette Valley Company
lor months, in fact ever since the
.Northwestern Corporation was formed
. 'When the capitalists now back of the
company first began operations In
the Northwest, they confined their
-work to the Willamette valley, and
.hence Incorporated the Willamette
Valley Company, with headquarters a
Salem. When they began branching
out into Eastern Oregon, Washington
and Idaho, a new company, the North
western Corporation was formed
with headquarters at Walla Walla
Washington. Though the valley
points continued operation under the
Old name, they have been under the
management of Northwestern Corpo
ration and it has developed that the
offices at Albany and other cities
bare been making reports for sever
al months to the headquarters of the
Northwestern Corporation. Hence,
he deed for the Willamette Valley
Company to the Northwestern Corpo
ration merely merges companies own-j
d r-jr th rati o ;' U. a:..! ,r '
a'lly iiei eninry a pr paratury at.-p
In th ltauloc of th big uiorut;e.
4.u .Mriutii-rn t'urptirtlii and
the Willamette VbUtt Crmpany are
uwtK-d by the Muio tilil a l !
iluated by the fat i Clyd A !l ll r
Is aeeretaryvfuolh tiitaiile and the
d ed and iiuMKjt wen drawn up
it lid eXerUled 111 the mum low offliv
In Philadelphia. John C. 8tetm
ilgned th deed for th Willamette
Valley Company and Waac W. Ander
son nulmcilbed his name to the mort
gage as prealdimt of the North ei.t
era Corporation. The- Portland office
of thf two corporal Ice alj..n a
other In the Kenton building.
Mrs. Ella Fennell-Jeetup Dire. Sud
denly In Portland
Died, In Portland, September 6,
1909. Ella Fennell-JesBup, aged
year, after a brief Illness. The re
main were takeu to Salem and buri
ed In the Odd Fellows cemetery
where Mrs. Jexmip had a daughter
buried. The funeral service were
simple but Impressive, only the mem
hers of the family being present
The services were conducted by
Rev. P. S. Knight
The death of Mr. Jessup came
a surprise to tier parents, eae nav
ltig left here only a short time
lnce. having; come here from her
home at Boise on a visit to her pa
rents who reside a snort distance out
of town. She was not feeling well
at the time of her visit here but her
Indisposition wag not taken seriously
by her relatives.
Mr Ella Fennell-Jessup was a
daughter of Thomas Fennell of this
city, and was raised fcere where she
has a laree circle of friends. She
was married a few years ago to Dr.
Albert Jessup of Salem and removed
with her husband at Boise, Idaho,
where they made their home until a
few months ago. She is survived by
her husband, her father and one Bis
ter, Mrs. Susie Fennell-Pipes, of Eu
gene. Mrs. Jessup had many friends
In Indenendence and Salem and the
nw of her death comes as a sai
surprise to all.
A fall eitiJ CiiM'!cUll.iiic of
Buster Brown and Wliiteliouse
Men and Women.
Kvery pair r ranted
Also Cotton Blankets and Comforts
Corner of Main anJ Monmouth Streets
Independence, Ore.
We Make a Specialty of Farm Produce
I x s i: U A. .N c
Anyone wUhluii sod r li.uiv dr Insurance call on or
Aurnt for Heaver Kittle .MTvliaiit .at of I'urilaml, and
Haukrre Merchant .Mutual of Kor.ol liruve
write to
Farmers' Feed and Sales Stable
Horace boar1-
H. EiCHCL, Proprietor
Grain and Hay for Sale, .,,
by day. week or month, at reaeonable
Piejiaree young people for lHikkeeers, etenogrspliere, oorrenouleiit ami
general olf'ice work. Tlie develnjmient of the Morthwtwt will afford oeiiiiig
for thousand in th next few years. 1'kkhakk now. Setjd for catalogue.
W-1. Staley, Principal
Salem, Oregon
Tubular Well Drillers
Same prlcea for wells drilled with their new larger
diameter drill Wells for irrigation purpose
Both Phones
Independence, Oregon
Bradley-Blood Nuptials
One of the most notable social
events of the season was consummat
ed with the solemnization of the mar
riage of Miss Katherine May Bradley
and Rev. James Blood of Eugene, on
Thursday, September 9, 1909, at the
beautiful suburban home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. P. Bradley, father and moth
er of the bride, who for years were
highly respected residents of Polk
The beautiful marriage ceremony
was performd by Rev. J. M. Morris
of Eugene amid banks of snow white
crysanthemums intertwined with Or-
regon grape. The dining room was
artistically decorated in pink and
green, harmonizing beautifully with
the snowy linen, glowing silverware
and beautifully laden tables supplying
the wedding feast
Thfi bride wore a dress of cream
colored silk down trimmed in baby
Irish lace and carried a boquet of
pink roses. The groom wore the
conventional black.
The out of town guests included
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Beck of East
ern Oregon, Mrs. R. W. Swink and
Sunut Maculae effere the reaiUre ef this paper the Beat eppertualty
ef the pear
Review or Reviews .
3.ooi ALL FOR
J $3.00
with your order, a beautiful premium, e n-pase Veek
Illustrated In four colore with IIS Weatere viewe.
Jo spujy jo puv ysjj
uor uog
Real Estatb Transfer
The fJllowing real esute transfers
were filed for record for the week
ending September 10, 1909
E M Brown and wife to W
J White and George Canfield
119.18 acres t 7 s r 5 w..$ 7200 i
E J Smith to S H Peterson
land In Monmouth 600
George Record to A J Barham
half interest t 7 s r 6 w 1000
T A Moorman et ux to C W
Bowers 138.50 acres t 7 s r
5 w 10000
J L Wheeler et ux to J Flora
part lot 4, 5 and 6 blk K in
Falls City 350,
W L Tooze et ux to D R Hall
lots in Falls City 350
N Simon et ux to G S Guild
120 acres t 9 s r 4 w 4800
H P Strickler to W H Erwin
110.20 acres t 6 s r 6 w
daughter, Mabel, of Dundee, Oregon, F M splawn to Cornelia Splawn
and C M. Bradley and daughter, lotg ln Dailas ,
Mildred, of Corvallis. The apprecia- M Garrigus to City of Indepen-
tion of Mr. and Mrs. Blood by their
many friends was duly expressed by
the copious gifts of fine silverware
hand-Dainted China and other expen
sive presents that were showered
upon them at this time. -
After a brief honeymoon Mr. and
Mrs. Blood will be at home to their
friends in their little cottage in Eugene.
dence tract in Independence
Given Pleasant Surprise
Miss Emma Hinkle was pleasantly
surprised on Wednesday evening by
a number of her girl friends. The
evening was spent in games, music,
etc. At a late hour the guests bade
their hostess Rood bye with many
good wishes for her journey to Con
don where she goes to teach this
Thos epresent were Kae Dunsmore,
Mildred Owen, Margaret Hodge, Cor
dia Gooch, Hazel Bohannon, Grace
Wallace, Gladys Irvine, Nellie Damon,
Rowena Sperling, Clara Earhart and
Mabel Ellis.
Go With a Rush.
The demand for that wonderful
stomach, liver and kidney cure, Dr,
King's New Life Pills is astonishing,
like. It's because they never fall ti.
like. It's because they never fail tc
cure sour stomach, constipation, lndi
gestion, biliousness, jaundice, sick
headache chills and malaria. Onl?.
25c. Sold by all druggists.
Brood mare for sale. In foal b
Taffla. Would trade for good cow
wood or hay. Write or call on J. W.
Bullard, Independence, Oregon. 8tf
Had a Deal On
Last Monday a telephone message
was received from Horst tiros, nop
yards for an officer to come and ar
rest a picker who had become obsti
nate over the condition of the nops
in a box he had picked. As a result
of the controversy he pasted one of j
the tenders in the nose. At the time !
the message was received the officer
of the law was out on a real estate
deal, and before he got back the of-
fendine Dartv had packed up' and
left the country.
Don't buy a Gordon Hat
because most well dressed
men wear Gordons-buy one
because it's the best quality,
best style hat made, and the
price is right--
Three Dollars
Drop in7 and try one of the New Gor
dons today Whatever your idea as to
shape and color may be, we can show
you just what you want. f
.... ipl w
Best Treatment for a Bum.
If for no other reason, Chamber
lain's Salve should be kept in every
household on account of Us great
value in the treatment of burns. It
allays the pain almost Instantly and
unless the Injury Is a severe one heals
the parts without leaving a scar. This
salve Is also unequaled for chapped
hands, sore nipples and diseases of
the eidn. Price 25 cents. For sale
by P. M. Kirkland.
Our Stock of Gordons Comprises All the New
Ideas in Hatdom
Fruit Lands for Sale.
E. W. Strong of Monmouth, who
owns (MX) acres of fruit land Rlong the
ine of the Foil? City railroad, south
west of Dallas, has laid it out into ten
a - e tracts" which lie is selling on easy
te rns. For further particulars cal
on the Chas. E. Hicks Real Estate
Company, Ind ipendence; T. B. Ford
! & Co., over Ladd & Tilton's bank, Sa
lem; r E. W. Strong, owner, Mon
mouth. '13-16
Soft or Stiff in Black, Pearl, Brown, Gscen or Blue