Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, August 13, 1909, Image 8

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IH.K.V. H. Kni I'alUa,
ty.uu mvum " t'
,t,,,,,s over in Iml.i.don... I aft. riu ' ' 1h"""
from iuf. I.ins.dn county, '
rg.titiml I'iouor tirange !'
ooty, winch UUkuon a Lt
t-Uttir-inSv.ih J. M. Iio-r. a
Mlrr. and A. Holmgren MVn
tary. Hi "rang stalled "rt ,th
thirty-two i baiter nientt-cre and baa
my .iomii"g future.
Mr. Kinbre very enttiu.iaM.c
over the future ol Lincoln county ai.d
rd.cU lhai it will be one of the ban
erountieo!U atate in a very
,u.rt tune. aa U 1"'"' Vt'r (erl,le
.ml cabl ol rawing anything that
jou may .lt without irrigation.
Una U about nine mile outh 'l
Vwiuiii end he aaya that in order to
ch it that he rode on every con
cfivallecumyame ,,h ,,,e
tioa of an automobile, and what the
Saviour rode on into Jftuwkm. 1
M. Hewitt, one of the substantia)
fanner of that eection. waa one of the
prime movera in the organization of
the Orange.
a7 antiocm
' Mlaa EtM Btngman was a Mon
cnouth visitor the first of the week.
Dave Olln and family were Pb'as
ant gueats of her mother, Mrs. Cox at
Alrlle Sunday.
, Pearl FUhback was In Independ
ence Wednesday.
Herman Wunder la hauling lumber
to build an addition to his house.
mi.o iwal Clark spent Saturday
with Iter neice. Bessie Sullivan, of
A. L. Chute of Talmage is getting
kia winter wood of Noah Heffley.
A. J. Shipley who hag been at Mon-
toe Tlalting relatives, returned home
Dr. Bird, the leading physician of
sim wa called Monday to atrenu
U. L. McGowan. who was suffering a
evere attack of heart failure.
Arthur Baker of Independence is
assisting H. C. Hannon in spraying
hops this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J- R. Ln of Salem
-were Hopdale visitors last week.
D. B. Taylor Is having his hops
prayed the second time.
Mr onH Mrs. H. Brunk and daugh
ter of Independence were the guests
Mr and Mrs. M. L. McGowan last
Slope Bros, are spraying their
hops this week.
Misa Harriet Woodward returned
tome Monday from Seattle., She was
accompanied by her sister, who is
risking relatives and friends here.
(lonlumed from -vmli VK")
h M
i mm
There will be, no services at the
Christian church' next Sunday. Bun
Jjiy school at the regular hour.
Preaching at the Baptist church
next Sunday morning at 11 a. m., and
in the evening i.t 8 p.m.
- Methodist Episcopal church, Harry
a McCain pastor. Services for Sun
day, August 15: Sunday school at
10 a. m.; preaching at 11 a. m.; sub
ject, "Soul Winners Methods." This
Is third in a series of talks on Soul
Winning. Preaching also at 8:00 p.
ML on the subject, "Lessons from a
Miracle." All are cordially invited to
any or all of these services.
finde and tha atrengtb of her arm per
mitted I. la ran out and down the street
swtfi and true a woodwork fljlng
through a crove of aapllnga at duk
And then followed the Ulg city's big
gest hani, banded down from a long
ago reuinry of the haw harbartiy
hu hn., ami crv. Nowhere tul In the
t.l fill (tm l survive, rnd bw
nt of all. hn ibe ulitiuaie rrf
ll..n of culture. cltlaenhlp and allep-d
uH-rlrUi J..lna bawll,.g In ihe cbB.
Tbev puraued. a (bricking mob .f
father, mother, lovers and maidens
bowling, yelling, calling. wbUtllug.
crying fr blood.
Knowing ber way and hungry for
ber euneaae. abe darted down the fa
miliar win U..IU at laat ber feet
truck lb doll aolldlty of tb rottlug
pier. Aud then It waa but a few more
panting step-, and good mother Eat
rtTer took Ua to ber bo-om. aootb.-d
ber romldUy. but quickly, and acttled iu
five minute tbe froblftn that ket
Ughta l.urnlng o' nighta la tbouaand of
patorati ind collegae.
It's mlphty funny what kind of
dreams otie baa oiuetluiea. Toeta call
them vision, but a lUn la only a
dream In blank vera I dreamed tbe
reet of tbla story.
I thought I waa In tbe oeit world
and there waa a great crowd of ua out
alde tbe courtroom where the Judg
cueuta were going on. Aud eTery now
and then a very beautiful and linpo
Ing court oftVer aus-l would come out
aide the door aud call another case In
a loud vol' e.
TVhllo I waa consider! ray n
wordly alna and windrlng whether
tuere would be any use of uiy trying
to prove au alibi by claiming that I
lived In New Jenu-y tbe bailiff angel
-unie to the door and aang out. Cae
Xo. !9.S.V.,.7-I3r
Up Htcpped a pl:lln flotbea man
there were lots of ein there, dreaacd
,n nivarhera and bustling ua
spirits around Just a copa do on earth
-and by the arm ne oniK-.
do you thluk? Why. Ll:
The court officer took her lualde and
closed the door. 1 went up to Mr. Fly
Cop and Inquired about the case.
"A very and one." says he. laying the
points of hla manicured flngera to
gether "an utterly Incorrigible plrt. I
am special terrestrial officer, tbe Rev.
Jones The caae waa assigned to me.
The girl murdered ber flame and com
mitted suicide, she bad no defetwc
My report to the court relates tbe facts
in' i..t,iii till of which are mibstantt-
ntel bv reliable witnesses. The wage
nf cin 'is death. Praise the lord!"
The court officer opened th? door
nn 4retineH out.-' ' '
"Poor vlrl" said special lerrwinm
Officer the, Kev. Jones, with a tear In
hi eve 'Jit was one of the saddest
cases' that I ever met with. Of course
she was" (
Pls-ehnrsred" said the court officer
rme here. Jonesv First thing you
know you'll be switched to tbe porpie
so, and." Ho would you like to be on
the missionary fon-e In the south sea
islands-hey? Now. you quit making
these false arrests or you'll be traus
fP1T,.dsee: Tbe guilty party you've
got to look for in this case Is a red
haired, unshaven, untidy man. sitting
,ly the window reading In his stocking
feet while his children play In the
streets (Jet a move on you!" '
Now. wasn't that a allly dream?
M.W. Mix and Chario rlln
have returned from Harney county
where they went t.i take up deTt
Und, each gentleman .curing V$)
e-u-h. They arrived in Iturna on July (
31, and at the time of filing there hal
been lt'i.tKM) acre already taken up.
B..ih of the gentleiiicii are lubilani
over their luck in getting hold of the
land, which they ay will grow good
. . . ... i
cmj without rriKn"i. ami
w.terwill te4ually a giHtd if not
better than the Yakima valley or the
irrigated district of I'matdU county, j
A a coiiMHinenoe of the glowing c
.... - ... I-
coiuiU ol the opMriuimu
hip Your Product to BmitH
Ha Will Pay You
1I foe DrJ Pock.
10c r OreaJ. "H VM
15 for Llva Spring Ch'eea.
14o for Ulwa Hena.
Intermediate paym"tt. No Com.
minion chartjad.
Fighting hte Beef Truat."
Portland, Oregon,
Thoae Intending to plant family or
Lk..i. ihi. u n lil ,1.1 wall to nlace
c ran"! in that section there waa a i olr oru,.r early, a already aouie
of the good varltlea are nearly gone
grea tatampede for' the promiaed land.
Among thoae who left Una week were:
W. W. Percival, Janice Hanna, tfam
Irvine. I). O. Love, Claude Hubbard,
Ctiut, Moore, L. Datnond, W. E. Hod
ge, NVn, Kurre, Tearl Alexander, C. L.
Fitchard and J. M. Jdne.
gmtctlveeuoday, July 4. IM
raoM iNOewuiNC
, , roR DALLAS
Train NoMImwi Indrpcndrnce J1"1!;,
. m.: Ivr Monmouth a.14 a. arrive
I11M a. ui.
Tmln No leve ludrpendenr daily
lSe . n.: Ir Moumouih, lt:to m. m.
tiivm liwIlM, JlJOa
Tmln HnWInvM Indeix.adi'no dully :ll
p. m.: It va Motimoiuti :! p. m.;arrlv
Imk p. Bl.
fnom iNOtetNocNCC
run A1KLIK
Train Nol lwvra Independence dully T:
a. hi.; lrv Moniuoulb 1M . m.i arrive
Alrll7:Ml. Bl.
Train No 71 leave Independence dally at
astlp in : leavee Moumouih dally at i.M r
m.; arrlvee at Alrll al 8:41 p. m.
raoM oALtaa
Train No S leavee Dallne dully yt;a. m;
leaven Moumouih :6a. m.; arrlvenlndepeu
deuce 1:16 a. ni.
Trala NoWleavee Dallae dallv 15:15 p. m.;
leavee Muumouth 1:10 p. m.; arrive Indepen
dence l:ii p. m. JTIilt train oDiiituat Mon
luoiilu for Alrlle)
I ralo No 71 leave Kaliae dally 7:W p. in.;
lea- e Moomoulh 8:15 p. an.; arrive Inde
pendent P- m.
fhom aisLit
Train No Si leavee Alrlle dally H 3 a. ni.!
eavr Mouniedtb :l"a. m.i arrive! lade
p.ndenceH:A a. in,
-n i ... llrltA dt.llv 4'0 D. tn.
i ruin nu. (, irn --j -
arrive at Moanmiith :40p. m .: arrive at In
ai!ii:uaeii-e ai iw p.
Demouatration at Irviue'a grocery
August 23-24.
Keep your eye on the cat.
i n: s u u a n c k
Aaroat wlehlag good reliab . fir. toauraaea rail oa or writ. M
Ag.nt tor It-aver iMai M.naaata Pt Port.aad, an4 ta.
Uankora Merchant Mual of roreal Prova
Farmers' Feed and Sales Stable
H. EICMEU Proprlator
Grain and Hay for Sale.
Meraea boar4-' by day, weak ar month, at raaaonabla att
are orderina early, too. aa aome were
dlaappolnted laat year by finding that
the tarletlea of fruit treca they want
ed were gone when they were ready
to plant.
Information cheerfully given by ad
dreaalng 0. tf. PENNEBAKER
Special Saleaman for tbe company for
folk and .Marlon Couutiea
G L Hawkins
PUV'lt Dall-.Ore.
mm Marble and
Mitiumenieand Head"
tone Cemetery
work etc
Launch Independsnce
Plvi ltweeu Iudepedeue and M
eu. daily eaeept Huiiday. I'aeaenger
and froight bHaiiieaB anlidtert.
t . v i mi0rkf)rwiin(-e . -
IJr t am".-- -
Leave Hh1ib ,
Geo. Skinner
3:16 p. ni.
The l aziest Man in tbe World.
would not be contented to be kept
in thfl house and doing nothing
w rheumatism. Neither are you who
active. Then
wt npelect the first twinge of an
che or pain that you might think
a. ii.Bt a. "crick."Rtib well with Bal
lard's SnowL iniment and, no matter
what the trouble Is, It will disappear
at once. Sold by Williams Drug o.
Many Want to Be Teachers.
Tn, Aueust teachers' examination
.va in Dallas last Wednesday
morning under the direction of Coun-
,,nprintPndent H. C. Seymour.
The class of applicants for teachers'
certificates at this examination is un
usually large.
Fine Oats.
fino-t onpeimens of
jue oi i
c&ta ever raised In Polk county was
in hv Frank P. Byers, who
ka ohnni a mile and a half west
4A Independence on the Independence
& Monmouth road. The stalk meas--It
fPt and the heads were
11 filled out. Mr. Byers had only
-..i ,.ro In the tract and he
ay that It is the heaviest stand
rhat he has ever raised since
Jte has been in the county. It i n
Kidney Diseases Are too Dangerous
r for Independence Peoploi -
to Neglect.
The great danger of kidney trouble
is that they get a firm hold before
the sufferer recognizes them. Heaitn
is gradually undermined. , Backache,
headache, nervousness, lameness, sore
ness, - lumbago, urinary troubles,
dropsy, diabetes and Bright's disease
follow In merciless succession. Don't
neglect your kidneys. Cure your kld-
nevs with the certain and sale reme
dy, Doan's Kidney Pills, which has
cured people right here in inaepu-
Mrs. Melissa Govro, Log Cabin St.,
inHonendence. Oregon, says: "I suf
fered for years from kidney compiami
The secretions from my mauej.
nrora . VOW irreeular and caused me
rrPat annoyance. 1 felt languid ana
tiror! and had frequent dizzy sp.
ran down in health and used so many
.viiMnoa withour satisfactory re
1UOU1V"vu v
ita that I did not have much faltn
in anything. I finally procured a box
of Doan's Kidney Pills and began us-
i The results were very gra
ih .nrl I continued until cured.
I have recommended Doan's Kidney
Pills to many people suffering iron.
Mria n-m nlalnt."
w , -n
v hv all dealers, rrice owe
U wwav
Foster - Milburn Co.. uuiwu,
-t ao-pnta for tbe unueu
X Ol ft, D"to
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Mitv cow for sale Enquire of F.
n edrickon. 4 aallea south of In-
102 acres, one mile from town; 45
acres under cultivation; orchard;
dug well; 25 acres timber, glance
pasture; new modern 7-room house
and good barn and fences. Terms.
Price $3800. '
. 277 acres 10 miles from tndependence
150 acres In cultivation. This is
another of the good buys. Will sel
, at $50 an acre.
324 acres 4 miles from Monmouth,l
from railroad; 160 acres in cultiva
tion. Good Improvements. A good
buy. $30 an acre.
1 160 acres, within mile of town and
railroad. Al piece of land and fine
country home. Rich sandy loam i
soil. Good improvements. Price . ,
235 acres, almost all in cultivation at
$40 an acre.
See Us for City Residences
12 room house and basement, barn,
chicken houses, windmill and tanks,
water system throughout. Dwell
s ' ing is modern, with patent toilet,
bath, laundry In basement, septic
tank, etc. Range goes with proper
ty. Nothing better In Independ
ence. $4000. V ' '
room house and 2 lots In Monmouth
desirable location; good lmprove
, ments. Price $1500.
An acre of land and 6-room house;
good Improvements, lumber on the
ground for barn and other improve
meats and goes with place at $750.
Look this up. y
Jo spuwjjvpvD ysjj
jo fuwfJostir
. r ' ' " '
III iw'HlliiWini,
That's what
you'll say when
you see the new
and attractive
Every one's a
International Fabrics.
beauty. Drop in and get a line on the
good looks of INTERNATIONAL
Clothes. Prices that are popular, and
styles that will stay popular. -:-
Independence, Oregon
Tubular Well Drillers
Same prices for wells drilled with their new larger
diameter drill. Wella for Irrigation purposes.
Both Phones - Independence, Oregon
exhibition at the office or
4t Da vis. "