Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, August 13, 1909, Image 1

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N I'M Kit It
Whll th Wi On Remain at
Horn and Rssps a Bounteous Hsr
VM( and 6vvS Hsr Pin Monty
tor Wadding Cowns.
No doubt many of our rattn
beard tb aiury of Ins wsl and t!:
foolish virgins, oil, tuy daughters!
Then harkeu, for tlila la a modern
tluie story which polntuth a great
Now the foolish virgin cried unlo
h t slitters early In the season, "Lo,
the aPlrlt of the love rhase la upon
tuel I mum be up and doing; for th
summer resort at th seaside auall be
jay happy hunting ground. Yea. thers
the game la easy and 1 shall take mj
pin money and buy nie a pink paraiiol
ad open-work stockings that I may
bring down my victim at sight."
And aha went her way rejoicing,
armed unto the teeth with a acore
of truuks and enough powder to sup
ply tho state national guards at th'-lr
summer encampment aud girded about
with lingerie frocka and a atlk bath
ing ault.
Hut lol when ahe arrived upon the
cone, buhold! there waa nothing in
IghL Each morning ahe wandered
the beach with one callow college
boy and each evening ahe two-stepp.
ei with a flirtatious octogenarian.
All the glrla of tho aunimer hotel
walUed In pains and pretended to
like It.
But the Wise virgin sighed, "Alus!
I cannot afford to go upon a summer
vacation trip. Nay. I must remain
In at home, for I shall bo busy." And
he was busy.
For when all the other htiHbaiid
teekerg of the town had departed
the town, being bored and having
naught else to do. flocked unto her,
front door-step and made thenmelves
comfortable upon her piazza.
Yea, In herds came they; the sim
ple youth with his mandolin, and the
wIhq youth with his Rubalyat; the
married man In his loullneNs and the
bachelor whose sweetheart was ulna
abroad. Ami ahe fed them Iced drinks
f and flattery, and they swallowed 8ll
of It gladly and were consoled.
And lo! before the summer had
waned he wore six engagement rings
for the harvest was plentiful.
Moral Verily, verily, the summer
resort Is a PlnCH where a woman
will resort to anything from a eolicy
babe unto a grandfather for amuse
ment, but a womanless town is a ripe
field. Then waste not thy best
clothes upon the desert one of bath
ing beach. Rather let thy light s'hine
before men and stay at home, for a
man within eusy range Is worth two
at long diHtance.
Nay, it Is not the woman who is
most attractive, that a man weddeth
but the one who Is nearest at hand.
t0 you see?
Rlngllng Brothers' World's great
eat Show Is to visit Salem Thursday,
August 26. They come this season
with new laurels won at Madison
Square Garden In New York because
tof the unprecedented excellence of
their performances. It Is in all res
pects the very beet circus that was
ever organized, and the two perfor
mances that will be given in Salem
will be given exactly as they were
given In Manhattan,: not the slightest
change having been made since the
eason 'opened there. ,
Town Improvements.
The A. Rico general merchandise
, etore has moved into the south half
of the new Campbell brick building,
Which has Just been completed. This
two-story building W one of the best
: In town and adds to that part of the
' street. The upper floor will probably
be fitted up for the Commercial Club
rooms., The, Bice & Calbreath fur
Kntldinir has been re-
111 111 It? " 13
paired and Improved. The Hanna
. Hardware company nas pui m
J front, and built, a large store house
in ihe rear which makes it one of the
largest establishments of Its kind In
..u wnmemiifl cement walks
ins vmicj. .
have been put down, making all or
the business street wi, -exceptions,
cements Few towns of
ttio !(n of Independence ran b'
of so many cement walka, Thu build
ing occupied, by .In posiofflf la to
ha ularge4 and repaired. The. brick
building adjoining ih present po'
offles building, now occupied by E. T.
llenkle's barber bop, will tm added
to the building occupied by the post,
office., Besides the enlargement and
repairing of the building, a complete
hew ei of furniture, Including com
bination boxen, will he ln'mslied.The
Independence flour mill lias resumed
operations after having been cloned
down for a complete overhauling ana
building of warehouaeM.Ktatemnn.
Intsns Colicky Pains FUUwvsd
"For som years I suffered from
Intenas colicky ' palua hlco would
come on at times and from which
I could find no relvf," nays I. 8. J
Mason, of Heaver Dam, Ky. "f'ham-J
berlaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea
Remedy waa recommended to me byj
a friend. After taking a few doses of.
the remedy I was entirely relieved.
That waa four years ago and there
has been no return of the symptoms
airn e that tlm." This remedy Is for
aal by P.'M. Klrkland. "
Petition Granted.
At a meeting of the Commission
ers Court held this week In be mat
ter of the Kurre road petition It waa
ordered that upon the petitioner
opening the proposed road and plac
ing it in good condition for a public
highway, without coBt to the county,
the prayer of the petition be granted,
and upon no other condition; super
visor ordered to notify owners along
route of nroooaed road to open It for
a public highway; proceedings exam
Ined and approved by Deputy District
Attorney J. E. Sibley.
A a rexnlt of a break in our Lino
type machine yctcriluy morning The
Enterprise not only aicnrs a duy late
(hit week, but exceedingly short of
local new. Owing to our; inability
to act it into tyiXMveare compelled to
bold over nevernl interesting storieo
anion),' winch mo 'H"J rilgrimitgo oi
the Hunch to Newport Hunday," "A
Inscription of the New IWolnee,, A
Wild Hush for Dexort Lands." "Town
Talk by thu Town Cat," and the "Ex
cell"iicy of The Show at the Star Thea
ter tlii's week" which yon should not
fail to see. We hae put them on ice,
however, for the next issue, and sent
Tom to Newport to spend Sunday.and
keen cases on Zed Jiosondorf and his
band of Hnrf Mather and Merry Mak
ers, who leave tomorrow morning for
the time of ttieir laio. iveep your eye
on the cat.
Disagreeable at Home
Lots of men and women who are
agreeable with others get "cranky"
at home. It's not disposition, it's the
liver. If you find inyourself that
you feel cross around the house, lit
tle thlngt worry you, Just buy a bot
tle of Ballard's Herbine and put your
liver In shape. You and everybody
around you will feel better for it.
Price 50c per bottle at Williams
Drug Co.
$100 REWARD $100
Tha render of this Daper will be
tn loarn that there Is one
yjCWUU v '
dreaded disease that, science has been
able to cure In all its stages, sou
that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is the only positive cure now known
to the medical fraternity. Catarrh,
being a constitutional disease re
quires a constitutional treatment,
tioii-o ratjirrh Cure is taken internal
ly. acting directly on the mucous sur-
faces of the system, tnereoy ue".r
i f,-.,n.iatlnn of the disease.
111 & VilO ivj n . -
and giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and as
sisting nature in doing us worn,
proprietors have so much faith in Us
curative powers that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it
iV's to cure. Send for list of testi
monials. Address, P. J. Cheney &
Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by all druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family PUta for con
stipation. Remember "the date August 23-24
at vine's grocery. Be sure to be
Henry Herbert Huff, Whoss Advar
tiling Talk Copyrighted by Am
erican Prsss Asstc'stlon Give
Many 0oo4 Suggvetlona.
"Mr. Business Man, advertising
performs no miracle. To one who
us wl'neiM-d a aimplti Idea I'd by
advertising grow magically Into ky
s rapers it is no wonder that such
an Idea should be current. At Its
best the ad is no nioro than a vehicle
for conveying the plain truth 'about
goods on sale to prospective cus om
ors. Successful advertising consist
In getting th' public Interested In a
good store In leading people to the
door. It is for the merchant to com
plete the sale and Induce them to
coma again.
"No nia'ter how well planned or
effective, advertising will not take
goods from the shelves and explain
their merits: will not sell a bill of
goods to the patron tio came for a
single article; will not bring a patron
back again who got cheated the first
time; will not put a customer In a
happy mood it the clerks are sullen
and unfriendly; will not make a favot
able Impression on buyers If the stor
Is dirty and unattractive; will not
make a succesa of the store that
is overloaded with out of date goods
at high prices; will not make up for
any mistakes In buying, lnexpa-lence,
slack methods, poor location, or any
defects In the management
"The b'St that advertising can do
Is to bring new customers to the
store, but that Is the hardest part.
When the patron Is standing bviore
thS cxinter ready to any, then it is
up to the merchant to show him uie
s-oods. tell their points of merit and
do all he can to make sales. It. Is for
the dealer so to pleaso his viHiior
that bK- will become a permanent cus-
onier of the store.
"According to custom, January 1
is resolution day, but there is no
need of waiting till New Years to
make resolutions. Do so now. Mr.
Business Mnn, I want you to man.
the following good resolutions and be
gin putting them Into practice at
"I resolve to (I) advertise liberally
In my home papers, giving careful
study to tho writing of copy and fol
lowing all the instructions you have
iHven me: (2) dispose of all left over
and unsalable . goods as quickly -as
they accumulate; (3) hold frequent
sales, openings, etc., as means of
drawing customers' to my store; (4)
turn over stock frequently so that ev
ery dollar of my capital shall be kept
moving and yielding a profit; (5) pay
cash for goods and sell for cash as
nearly as possible; (6) reach out
after trade over the surrounding
country; (1) push seasonable goods
and to keeB as complete and attract
ive a stock of new goods as I can af
ford; 8) use price cards it) my snow
windows and on counters and- to
change my window decorations fre
auentlv: (9)kekp my store as neat
and clean as possible and give my
patrons the best of service; U) ts
honest, truthful.systematlc and active
in conducting business and deal pleas
antly and fairly with those who may
come to trade."
"I wish to thank you for your kind
attention during my visits and hope
you have found them profitable.
"I must bid yo t joodl r!"
Has His Leg Broken.
Charles Burch, an employe of the
Salem, Falls City & Western railroad
met with an accident last Saturday
while working In the gravel pit that
resulted in a fracture of the right
leg. Mr. Burch was operating the
easoline engine' which drives the
steam shovel in the pit at the time of
the accident and in some manner ms
ankle. He was taken to the Dallas
leg became entangled in the machin
rey and before he could extricate
himself both bones were snapped
about halt way between the knee and
ankle. He was takken to the Dallas
hosDital at -once where the injured
limb was set and placed in a plaster
A well equipped stock of sick room
necessities. Williams Dru Co. lltf
Probsts Court Matters
The following ! a yu., of thw
proceedings of th. frut,st Court for
j tho weK onding Autoixt 1. 1 i 1 1 :
Klat of Clarence Vermillion;
bond In thw sum of -"0 having bn
given, I. A. Johnson sppointed ad
ministrator; ; letters lo Isaue; J. C.
Tslbotl, W. U. MfKown and Walter
Williams appointed appraisers.
Uuardisnahip of the llsy minors
heirs of Nellie E. Hyes, deceasd
report of guardian approved subject
to finsl sett lenient.
Estate of Hsrah MeQuerry, decean
d Cro k County Inventory filed and
Estate of Elisabeth M. Wright, de
ceasedsale of resl etftst confirmed.
Some one reports seeing a ghoul
in the shape of a woman promenadlnt
our street Sunday evening. Eye wit
nesses say It appeared and disap
peared In the twinkling of an T.
As it happened at a late hour we are
of the opinion that 11 was a n flection
from the planet Mars or some o'tier
Celegtlal body.
T. D. McClaln returned home Sun
day after spending a week on bis
ranch in Linn county. .
Ed Oelger of Jefferson was tran
sacting business In Buena Tuesdsy.
Frank Fluke of Independence was
a Duena caller Monday.
Mrs. Heuf of Ituena was shopping
In our city one day this week.
Our hop growers are spraying their
hops which appears to be a wise con
tusion. J. D. Winn has removed his offices
to F. M. Donaldson's new store build
It Is expected that the hop crop In
this state alone will bring a return
of over $3,500,000 this year. Oregon
will produce about 70,000 bales of
hops and hops are now sellingat 21
cents a pound. The price will go to
the 30-cent mark In a few weeks and
optimistic: growers look for an even
higher market price. '
Hops have always been a great
crop in the Willamette Valley. Salem
has long b jen considered the hop
center of the world and many a for
tune has been made in the crop in
this city. .
The hop crop of the world Is uni
formly small this year but the Ore
aix crop leads In comparison with
others and consequently Oregon grow
ers will receive ttfe greatest percent
age of the benefHs derived.
Because cf the poor world crop th;
market has been shooting skyward,
ahd prices advanced five cents In a
slngla wefk.
It has not been necessary to make
any attempt to bull the market this
year as the growers and brewers are
both so well Informed as to the gen
eral situation that the prices have
gone up regardless of any desire on
t'he part of purchasers to the contrary
Hops have always proven a
good thing around Salem and proves
very attractive to the prospective in
vestors. Statesman.
'Twas a Glorious Victory
There's rejoicing In Fedora, Tenn.
A man's life has been saved and now
Dr. King's New Discovery is the talk
of the town for curing C. V. Pepper
of deadly lung hemorrhages. "I coul
not work nor get about," he writes,
"and the doctors did me no good.but,
after using Dr. King's New Discovery
three weeks, I feel like a new man,
and can do good work again." For
weak, sore or diseased lungs, Coughs
and Colds, Hemorrhages, Hay Fever,
LaGrlppe, Asthma or any Bronchial
affection It stands unrivaled. Price
50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Sold
and guaranteed by all druggists.
Expects to Beat tha Lytle Road.
The United Railway Company, who
have been making a survey over the
Wilson River route for an electric
railroad from Portland to Tillamook,
have completed the is claimed
by those who are In a position to
know that the electric roads will
reach Tillamook before the Lytle roac
Is completed next year. ,
Economy jars demonstrated at Ir
vine's grocery August 23-24.
the Bargsln Boxes again Uh brok
0 Unes of Shoes
THE I0e. HOX Is full of Child
ren's Shoes, In sixes t'i to
J, and Children's Slippers In
small slie,. Prices wr "
to $130; now SOc.
THE 75e BOX Is full of Child
ren's Shoes and Slippers In
broken lines, worth from 9.7c
to $1.10, montly sl-s 5 to ft.
THE $100 BOX is full of La
33 pslrs of Ladies' fine turu-sole vie I
kid dress Shoes, sizes 24 to 5. In C,
D, E, and EE widths, regular price
$3.00, now $2 2;.
All Tan Oxfords and Tan
Shoes Reduced 20 per cent
Those boys' tan outing Shoes, soft
as glove, sizes 3, 4 and 5. Now $1.60
regular price $2.00. Sixes J 2 to 2
now $1.44, regular price $i.80.
Barnes' Gash Store
E. T. BARNES, Pro., Salem ,
BROKEN LINES In all departments at greatly REDUCED PRICES
Dou't carry an old disreputable
Suit Case to the seashore. We have
a nice display in our north window.
Dou't have a cold bed when sleep
ing in the mountains. We will
sell you some warm blankets cheap-
Don't blister your hands working
In the' sun. Our- gloves are the
best and cheapest.
Don't buy Inferior calico when you
can get the best from us at the same
Don't forget our button machine.
We make any size, any shape, any
Lunch Goods for
Imported Sardines
Genuine Deviled Ham Welch's Grape Juice
New Lobster and Shrimp Wisconsin Swiss and
Heinz's Mandalay Sauce Swiss Brick Cheese
Mustard Dressing India Relish and Pearl Onions
Conkey, Walker & Lehman
Independence, Oregon
dies' hih grade Oxfords most
ly sits 2'-, lo 34 for Lsdi-
ami 12 lo 1 for ties.
THE $1 50 BOX contains a big
ri.-iy ef Ladies' Oxford
Ties In f'stent Iaiher and
Wl Kid, mostly from, our
$2.r,0 line. In slz-'s 2Vi to S'.
Also Ladles' fine .Shoes In
Iz-k 2',? to S'i won hh j:'.7:.
$.1.00 and $:l.2', n"W Sl.f.0.
Warm Weather
Heinz's Bulk Pickles