TOWN TIK BY THE TOWN CAT (Continued from flit fctttixi iifit tin ml ay etentug an J alt on the back porch, and you can look for some hlug tit-xt !t k "that will burst your boiler. Toot. toot, JJ. and don't get gay until 1 ytu again." nld Tout a b crawled to hi bed In t in bay wind w. Meditation of the Cat That true virtue ner forget an fcon,et debt That the wheat and oal are head lag rapidly Ui daya. ' "That hop will be 30 cents per pound before snow file. That those who did not contract their hops have the laugh on the other fellows. That It will pay you to go to Ir vine's grocery August 23-24 and ee the Economy jar demonstration. That honest failure Is better than dishonest success, though the world doesn't always measure it that way. That modesty has reached its cli mat when one of our good old maid dresses their clothes pins In divided skirts. That optimism Is a fine thing and we notice that every wire pulling politclian, grafter and standpatter practices It. That the religion Is a failure that takes so much of a girl s time that she does not get time to help her mother wth the house work. That some women's Ideas of serv ing a tasteful dinner is to have the napkins folded like the "waiters fold 'em at a summer resort hotel. That Asa Taylor should not be al lowed to go to Newport without a chaperon to see that he Is properly hooked up before going bathing. That the young man whose lady companion fainted dead away on him in the middle of the road, half mile from water wished he was at home. That it's hard to explain why when a man's own wife is the most aU tractive figure at a bathing beach, his eyes, nevertheless, are always roving elsewhere. That the pet sand toad of Aunt Lou's amusement croaked the other morning. Anoihr case of dying of a broken heart for the j dear ones at: home. That the woman is pretty lucky whose husband whistles as he puts on his clothes in the morning, even if he has do more ear for music than cave lizard. That the string beans and cucum ber vines of a Missouri Bottom par-1-ener got mixed up with each other and now they are all doubled up and tied In knots as a consequence. That it does not require a preter naturally shrewd woman to see quite through the male cutey who wears patent leather pumps and white silk stockings in the day tmle. That an entertaining manifestation at a summer resort is to observe how the married women readjust their de meanor to the trim and starchy pat tern when they're starting for the jstation on Saturday evening to meet their husbands. That it stands you a3 an "easy mark" to give a poor old bum of a fakir a nickel, but when the cam- ..f a nnsRed to help the party keep in power a lot of pork barrel ravagers, we shell right out and count it a pleasure. Monkeyed With Buz Saw Johnny Quiry, a fourteen-year-old lad got his hand badly hurt last Tuesday afternoon while working on a wood saw. According to his own statement the saw had been shut down and was almost stopped when not thinking of the weight of the bal ance wheel.nor the fly wheel on the nglne, he put his hand against the the saw to try to stop it. The revo lution of the blade threw his hand Into the saw teeth badly lascerat ng the flesh of the little finger and Siring the bone in a small place. Mr Wilson grabbed his wrist and pinched down the artery while he ied him to the office of Dr. Hewitt where hte injjurde member was dressed. At last accountts the boy was doing nicely. For Sale. A quantity of early peaches of the Charlotte variety; Just the thlngfo table and canning purposes. Those desiring peaches can be accommodat ed by calling at the ranch 2 miles ZrtZ of town or phoning : . Jther M " ,64 and their orders will be flH- m, D L. HEDGES. d promptly- u- " MONMOUTH NEW Mr. and Mr. peter Kurre and daughters Bunt and N.dil returned rtlday from a WU to Clsud Kurre' l urvtown, 'I Hian count. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Aram ut back to their bom at Vhaletu this tn-k, Tb-y wre accompanied by MUi Luolla lul.'l. T. A. Rigs. wlf and ton. visited over Huuday with friends at Italia. Judge Cha. Woherton of Port laud vlltd nt mother and brother. O. A. Wolverlon. Sunday. The summer school w ill cloae Au, ut 6th. Mlm Ad-lla Waiters w the guet of Mr. Wm. Jones Sunday. II. K. 8lkafooe and wife will noon o ta reside near perrydale, Mr. Sophia Hastings wont to Cot- Uk t;rov Tuesday to visit her ton. Rice Ilastlnjta. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Jennings of Sa lem are visiting at the home of Mr. V. K. Daniel, who la a sister of Mr. Jeuutugs. Mr. aud Mr. Harvey Guthrie re turned Wednesday from two day pleasantly spent in CorvalUs. Miss Haiel Lorence returned Wed nsdeay from Newport accompanied by her friend, Mla Parker. BUENA VISTA ITEMS J M. Ueiitrv and wife of Indepen dence were visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Winn Sunday. , Grandma McClaln of this city was a Carleton visitor Tuesday. W. J. Steele Is treating bis new ferry poles to a coat of carbollneum. T. D. McClain was a Jefferson pas- snger Sunday. J. D. Winn was transacting butd ness in Independence one day this week. W. P. Bevens and wife of Ilopda'e were Buena visitors one day this week. V. F Black sold several head of beef cattle to an Independence butch- er one day this week. C. W. Fisk and wife were incoming passengers from Newport Saturday. AUTO SMASHED NOBODY HURT Catnrilav nitrht. While Oil n l" ' hnm from Salem with a party fj friends, the automobile of Maurice Butler got beyond his control an-i went over an embankment. While none of the occupants were injured the machine was badly smashed. Ac cording to the siatement of those whe were in the machine at the time or the accident, they were running along at 'a fair clip when about two miles below town in the vicinity of Air. Hirschberg's hop yards where there is an embankment just at a turn In the road. The steering gear of the machine refused to work precipitating the machine over the embankment and lodging against the fence at the foot. Both axles were badly iprune and the body of the car was almost a total wrack. This is the sec ond time the machine has gone wrong with the same result. BROWNS ORSE r-r he left ha sislej Hut nothing had bet a don reU'lv to the Hint el WINS TliEMONEY Joe Itrown, who renldes on the Lucklaiuuta, and Art MUl-r of Kins' Valley, happened to meet tu town the other day and while talking about the running qualities tf their horse Jo allowed that he had "lie that could bet anything MtllT owned for !0t In too rd dash. Miller, who had the ueeBry fluo down lu hi Jeaus, was just as positive thai hi horse was the swiftest of the two As a result of the dUpute the malt h was made and last Sunday afternoon U Daylejr's was the time and il ft to decide the question at Issue, At the appointed time the two prin cipal and their friends were present aud they had "long green" with them The way that money went up would make one think It advance Interest on loans made during a panic. Brown aud nls friends are hspp)' mourning tbe los of their filthy lu cre. There was In the neighborhood of about a thousand people preneut. Howard Copelaud rode the Brown horse. Seared With a Hot Iron or scalded by overturned kettle cut with knife bruised by slammed door Injured by gun or In any other way the thing needed at once Is Huik len'a Arnica Salve to subdue Inflamma lion and kill the pain. It's earth s supreme healer. Infallible for bolls, ulcers, fever sores, wsema and plh. 25c at all druggists. Nothing Doing Mr. Benton Bowers, who has been In the city the past week looking af ter his large property Interests in this vicinity. left for his home Wed nesday. He Is Interested with Mr. Carter of Ashland and Mr. Addison of this city In the tract of land on which Portland capitalists desired to set out orchard tracts with a view of colonizing with eautern people, lle- WHI Ta Vacation I!!. itM iiii lo mr.'rm n r pa ro i Unit her iftilm inn jisr. lora will be closed during tue luoi.lU of August she having ilei l.le, iu loke her summer vailon, Notlee will be Kltvo of lh tlnle on !il'h kirn will rKitu Hiroukh the niimi' of thia paper at which time she will have rH-lved her t k of fall aud wlnt.-r goiil which will Ihi of the lu-t patterns aud .vie The Lnzlest Man in the World. would not be contented to be kept lu the hoiiMB and doing nothing by rheumatism. Neither are you who are always buy and active. Then don't neglect the first twinge of an ache or pain that you might think Is Just a "ciltk'Hub well with Hal lard'a SnowL Inlmeiit and, no matter what the trouble Is. It will disappear at once. Sold by Williams Drug Co. Automobile Breaks Down Mr. Kaupisch, tbe I'orvalll cream ery man. was out In his automobile last Sunday, taking a look over the country, when about three mile south of town the machine broke down and be telephoned in to town for help. II. Hlrschberg took Ida auto and went out and pulled him Into town. Demonstration at Irvine's grocery August 23-24. Granulated Sore Eyes Cured 'For twenty years I suffered from a bad case of granulated sore eyes," says Martin Hoyd of Henrietta, Ky. "In February, 190:1. a gentleman atk. ed me to try Chamberlain's salve. 1 bought one box and used about two thirds of It and my eyes have not given me any trouble since." This salve la for sale by P. M. Kli kland. Large Peach Crop Th indications are that there will be a large peach crop this season. Already the early varieties are being ...orkAie,! nd the trees Hi an oi orchards In this vicinity are said to be loaded with fruit. Tumiember the date August 23-24 at rvlne's grocery. Bo sure to be there. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS There will be preaching in the United Evangelical church next Sun day at 8 p. m. by the Rev. M. J. Bal- lantine, the pastor. Also on the 3d Sunday in August. Regular services will be held at the Chrsitian church next Sunday by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Mulkey, both morning and evening. The morning subject: "The Three Bible Deliveries" will be concluded at the evening ser vices. Sunday school at the usual hour. Washington's Plague Spots lie in the low marshy bottoms of the Potomac, the breeding ground of ma laria germs. These germs cause chills, fever and ague, biliousness, Jaundice, lassitude, weakness and gen eral debility and bring suffering or death to thousands yearly. But Elec tric Bitters never fails to destroy them and cure malaria troubles. "They are the best all-round tonic and cure for malaria I ever used," writes R. M. James, of Louellen, S.C. They cure Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Blood Troubles . and will prevent Typhoid. Try them, 50c. Guaranteed by all druggists. Took in the Race Moss Walker, S. E. Irvine, Dr. Du ganne, Jesse Whiteaker and Harold Fitchard took In the horse race at south of town Sunday. They went out In Harold's auto and when about home trip the pesky thing went down on them. People who reside in the neighborhood where the accident oc curred say that there was a great expounder of the gospel of the uni versal faith among the party. They arrived home a'! ri-rM in time. si". -"H V, iter 'T,... ) " ' v' . 1 1 r ', I ' THE FIXE ARTS PALACE. A.-Y.-P. EXPOSITION. SEATTLE. Into the Palace of Fine Arts there has gone as fine a collection of works of art as has ever been shown at a world's fair. It Is made up of loan collections from Great Britain. France, Italy, Germany and the Eastern states of America. Also there are valuable specimens of work by the leading modern artists of Japan and China, and many of the more notable works of their ancient artists. So valuable Is the collection that insurance In the sum of H.225,000 has been placed upon it with Lloyds. ' ' The building, is absolutely fireproof. It Is of reinforced concrete and brick and, at the end of the lixpdsitlon, it will revert to the University of Washington, by which it will be used as School of Chemistry. KEEP COOL 10 Per Cent Discount -on- THE ALASKA REFRIGERATORS R. M. WADE & CO. W. E. CRAVEN, Manager, INDEPENDENCE, ORE Teachsri' Ciaminat'Ont. Notice l hereby given that the county superintended of Polk coun ty HI r'H be rx'ilar rxsmtv.atloR of applli aut for sisto atd county p per ai Dallas, as follow: For 8Ute Paper Commencing on VVedniily. Augui II. at V o'clock a. ui. and ruiittnutng until Huturdsy, AuKUt 14. at i p. m Wednesday I'eliliuiaeshlp. Hlt"ry. Bpelltng Physical tiiMiraphy, Heading I"ychology, Thumdsy Written arithmetic. The ory of Teaching, (iraintnar, lUmk keeping, PhyU. Civil Government. Friday Phylolocy, CeiKrahy, AI gnlira, ConiHMltlon, KnulUh Mtr ature. ri' h h.I Ijiw, lioiauy. Plain U'uieity, .hitk1 lllntory. For tS.un'jr l'tt welii'dy- I'ni ii.aiiKlitji, liis'ory Wednendsy P n.anl.ip. IHt"ry Bpclltiig. Reading. Ph.el tl-"OKrapbf Thurdy- Wrliten ArlthnmUc, lh ory of Teaching, Grammar, Pliy''. ogy. Friday Ueography, B h'nd Civil (ioverilllielit. KllKlth LI' r' aire. II. C. HKYMOl'll, 8boo Huperliteiidnt Polk County. Old papers for sale at this offU at S6o a hundred. SJVdjif pdJTlJ Jo spuiyjvpuD ystj JO )U0W)JOSSf' fdyjDflf stSuoj It is Big' Enougli to Fit vtTaia y of fine Shrlts and gentlemen's Furnishings generally. And the qual ities are good enough to satisfy the most particular dressers. We have splenddl values In dressShirts. Negligee and Business Shirts, new anda ttrcvatle neckwear good and cool Underwear, Union Suits. Gloves and Hoslrey, and everything that a man needs in Haberdash- i- aBUBfflCiw ery. We pride ourselves on ou high values and low prices. . .jk . ..1 Yours Truly, O. A Kramer sl.opj:r BROS. Tujbular Well Drillers Same prices for wells drilled with their new larger , diameter drill. Wells for Irrigation purposes. . Independence, Oregon Both Phones