Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, August 06, 1909, Image 7

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iiinnuir. miT
mirriitu uui
Henry Herbert Huff, Whote Adver
txlna Talks Copyrighted ly Am-
- - - i
ricjin Preai AiaocUllon Give
Many Good SuB9tlO"-
"Mr. ltUMtiKHM Mail, let UK nippone ;
chat you have ri'Mohiil to make, a tu
.-m of your advert pins that you a
going nil' r U:il") In ""'1" i
Firt ot nil, lay out Uim fuinuui.i. I
' IV amount to upend I thw flrat
j.niuleni 1 illnliko D 'i uny Htimd
rd, an io much depend I""1' 1
condition! tiol'iilullo.i, toiiip-'tllioii
end tliu lliiu uf but.1 1 Huoiiid
4y tlml one or two per fut f t",a'
ohii'm oimlit to hrni K"d i-miii
for a cuintry utoi'o. ('outran for a
40itl.i imuiu'r of imlifH of m''.'1
to bo UH.d during tlm year. Sc(. to
tt' that you have the privily of (
4 liaiiKi'iK th tjad. ve.ry loitu.-, 1
"The, of lilt l tt H 10 be UI 1
) another hard knot. It la wine to
atari with a hiiiiiII a:a e a.'d Incnaw
i gradually. AJveitiae routlnii u-iy . j
l large apace f r Belling evcnta of
i-ntreum Importance. I h- nmt a
Jlb. rally In dull leasoim a during pay
In oiK-H. Advi-rtlhlng la a panacea
for b;islii'B IIIh. Vou mum' force,
Juhln's ai t finally If you, " iJl
k -ei biiny all tlw time.
"It la nioKt Important to study con-''
illtloiis. Endeavor to find out tU
what territory trad nmy be drawn
from: (2) how many . families are!
to bo reached by tho local papers j
U'ompllo a mailing list and send op-,
J. -a of your ad to turne names); ,i3) ,
where the atrength and weakliest of,
nompetltorii lie; (4) what advantage,
you are able- to offer patrons; (5)
fhe charaeterlHtlcH of the people l
he community (nationality, Intel
JUence, occupation, wea'th, etc.).
"Study your moHt,niici emtful compe
til or. Learn what gooda ho s -lls and
who buys from him. J'attern after
him as much as you clmoHe. Endeav.
or to give your patron even better
idvnntan8. Study riiHtomern. You
jirobahly know from experience the
L'ood.s that sell best In your vicinity.
H you understand the wants cf your
palroiiM, you should have IHtle dltfi
ulty In advertiHlng wliat 'hey like
in the way they will be Interested.
"Women like detail. No fad re
yarding a piece of goods Is bo unim
portant as to be overlooked by them.
Jj. scribe everything fully." "Women are
ordinarily good Judnea of value, and
price. Is regarded as of first Import
juice. Dwell on the three, price and
mtyle' first.
"Men are the opposite. They seek
the facts about goods in tho briefest
way. They do not tnko buying so se
riously. A bit of humor often pleanee
"Plan your advertising month
ahead of tiitn. Buy up special lots
, to use as leaders in the ftur?. :rr,
notebook for ideas and Jot tin m
down. Have copy ready for ads. sev
eral weeks ahead. Ttiko time to write
and do your best, Make the most of
your present opportunities. Plan and
100 REWARD $100
The readers ot Una napr will be
pleased to learn that there la one
dreaded dlacaso that Science has been
Able, to cure in all Us stages, and
that 1st catarrh. ; Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is the only positive cure now known
to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh,
being a constitutional cIlHease re
quires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly. acting directly on the mucous sur
faces of ho system, thereby destroy
ing the foundation of the disease,
jand giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and as
sisting nature in doing Its wd(rk. The
proprietors have so much faith In its
curative powers that they offer One
Hundred Hollars for any ease, that It
fails to cure. Send for list of testi
monials. Address, F. J. Cheney &
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by all druggists, 7rc. ,
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. ,
Wants Government Land
J M. May left on Monday after
noon's passenger train ' for Sp6kane
where he went to register In the
drawing for land on the Cour de Al
ene Indian reservation which com
mences August 10, next Thursday be
ing the last day In which to register.
yit. May expects to return home via
Remember the date August 23-24
ftt Jrvine's grocery. Be sure to be
Unci John Exprtmad HI Opinion of
n Aiitomobll
Johnny's full. el, who li'Bi.rn to otn
of tiid rit ditrl- of r'!k ronnTy
inailu trip lo l oitloiid ami tin h.
tl fitlr re w.uly On hi rit,m l
wa dea.rliilUK In those Rt liolnt
Itiaiiy ot (lie gTi'ul nuiuli rn In. hud
r en Watlii ny and nmotiK
many other new fan.'.J ihln,;i
mentioned th aid ui.obile.
"What In an ainoiiiidi.le, father
quired lUllu Johnny, who had bei u n, , lumbago iirlua- y Iro n ! i. ."J
Intently iUi. hIiim lo hU father, wHi dropay, dlab. t.a and Hright's dl anei
ey s, mouth and cars wnltf opiii.
"An ftiuu-moblU'. iny wm," rt 'l
-1. . uf It. "I- k lnri Irikn inrt 111 K.
inn iino' i , sit m i ft v w
her couveyiince f r transforming tiaito
linlnlo speed. .uxury, el lU ineii: ui.d
obituiirles. It io nld'a 1 a ha.i '
leather upholstered ra rla.-e l.o.iy
mounted on ful I uoie.i tin d w.i f
and ciuitalnln , a glz.nri: f
chlnery suffi ring from varloim ail
ments. It is the Bpedl.i I i.
slyllsli f i in of ti aiiMpoi tut ton know n.
U has reord of over 1 tU inlb H an
luur and costs over $i t.u a iuiuti '.
It can rannpoi'1 seven pi'ple fioui
Hie front porch to the police station,
U,e banur.pi.y ... or ... g...-..
Kates In
i...... . ..... ih.r
'nn ini'T inuii w.i.
known m thud.
uilera Infa'itiim Cured
"Homeihing like tw j ymrs ano r'.y
baby, whiih was then about a year
old, wa taken serlo.isly ill wl h
cholera Infantum, vlm.tlng and ur-
..l,..r tir.. f ujl-ll. u I V fli'HIO.
HI.V of IliiiLi. v. AIA. "I' did what I
cotild to relieve her but did her ..o
KK)d, and being very uuili alarmed
about her went for a phyBl. an but
failed to find one. bo came back toj
Klder Hros. & Carters store audi
Mr. Klde- re-on in nded Chatnbei-,
min-H folic. C holera and Diarrh.a
n:.'iedy. 1 pro-uied a bonis "t
went home as qul kly as po;-stble
X)..ui.u -qi jo oeoii Xqq "'0
It relieved her In Tift -en minutes and
soon cured her entirely." For sale
by 1 M. Klrkland.
Itlnnling Brothers' World's great
est Show is to visit saliin Thursday.
August 1!6. They come this season
with new laurels won at Madison
Squure Garden In New York because
of the unprecedented excellence of
their performances. It is In ail res
pects the very best circus that was'
ever organized, the two perfor
mances that will be given In Salem
will be given exactly as they were
Elven In Manhattan, not the slightes'
change having been madu since the
season opened there.
TIkiv ar.i tm lu atjven s-n-satlons
on the pro-ran;, any one of
which is enough to give a circus dis
tinction. There are the wonderful
n.t which waltz on
n.,.!,. hin.i l.'us. drink from
r I '.. )J fliWl nil each other around
in huge beer barrels, elephants tdat
use the telephone, conversing with
each other over the wire from on-'
end of the main tent to the other;the
hrilllng double summersaulting aui
mobile act performed by a young
. ...i. Dwii,inn the Mexican
i rencn gm.
wire wizard; the wonuenui -nui..
family of acrobats - and tuu ouie.
acts that are new to America.
Disagrseable at Heme
Lots of men and women who ae
agreeable with others get "cranky"
at home. It's n. t disposition, it's the
ltvt.r if vnn find liirourself thnt
you feel cross around l he liouse, lit
tle thiDKi worry you, Jest
around vou will feel better for it. ' i
Price 50c per bottle at wuuams
Irug Co.
On Way to Fair ,
Another San Francisco party passed
through town last Friday in an auto!
en route to Seattle to attend the fair.
They were traveling in a large tour-1
Ing car of the Studebakcr make and
report having) a jolly trip so far. .
They went via Portland where they(
expected to hang up for a few days,
seeing the sights. , I
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhea Remedy Never x'
Known to Fail
"I have used Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy since
It was first introduced to the public
tn 1872, and have never found one
instance where a cure was not speed
ily effected by its use. I have been
a commercial traveler for eighteen
years, and never start out on a trip
without this, my fa!thful friend " says
H. S. Nichols of Oakland, Ind. Ter.
For sale by P. M. Klrkland.
Dr. Duganne. Dentist, over Inde-
R!!illGS TD
KMny Dtsrs Are tco Dar.jer;us
for Indapandsnc Psopl
to Nalct.
Tint great datiKr of kidney 'rou. I
la that tley gel a firm held befor
tti suffer, r fecoKiiUe ttieui. . Hear h uiiun ini J. Iiui j,
lit'aduclm. nervoiihuend. lauo nt, or:
iro'ii l. 1. 1
Kour kid-
follow in uiiiil. .i
,(,Mt rotir kidni-yn. Cur your
; -
n')' wltu the er(in and safe
dy, Ifoau s Kidney I'HU. whli h has
( tired pH)ple rt slit here In IU.lep. IKI-j
III e. i
;.!rrt. Melhwa C ro, Ug t'abln Bt , ;
Ili.U pendeiict , (ie (.u, Hi: "I nuf-
ferecl for years fr in kidney complaint
Th. aeertftlons IV. m my kidn ys
were very Irr ku ar and .1 is d i
greul auno)Biie, 1 t I; air.uld and
tln d and had fiv,ne:il dizy spells. I
ran down In h. a tli and u d so many
me.llclues without sat It- factory re
sults thai I did not hav- much faith
roured a box
iii ;i,wr "
111 i II J m
of Uoau s Kidney Tills and began me ttiem. Tile resuns wop ") n" -
lfying and I continued until cur.e.
I have n coinuifiided l-an's Kidney
Hlls to many people stiff-ring from
nicy complaint."
For hale Ly all deal. rs. I'rlco 50c.
KciHt-r Milburn Co,, Iluffalo. New
agents for the LlllteU
, Illlm,. i, an's
" '" mo
take no """ r-
Probate Court Matters
The f()i0ws Is the busineHs trans-
att, a , tb j-roba. court for the
week ending July M.
In re estate of Nancy W HarriB.
deceased continued until August ,
14 for service on Maud Holt. J
1 re en ale of A M MiHer.-fl-j
nal account filed and August 28 set
for final hearing.
Kstate of Elizabeth M Wright re-,
port of real estate filed and set for !
hearing Monday, August 9. i
Guardianship of Henry iKSteffy.
an ln.-oinpet.-nt final report filed and
set Tr hearing August 28.
Guardianship of Gladys Martin con
tlnued for service until August 30. I
Estate of Ashbury Shultz. de
cfast.o final report filed and set fr
hearing on August 2S. ;
Estate of Nancy Harris, deceased-;
continued for service to August 14 at;
10 a. m. I
Estate of Andrew Monroe Miner, -deceased
final a count set for hear-;
lug Saturday, August 28 at 10 a. in. j
Intense Colicky Pains Relieved
"For some years I suffered from
intenne colicky pa:ns which would
come on at times and from which
I could find no reli f," says I. S.
Mason, of Beaver Ham, Ky. "Cham
rv,Hc Cholera and niarrhea
Remedy was recommended to me by;
a friend. After taking a few noses o.
a., i entirely relieved.
me reiin-u)' -
That was four years ago and there
has, been no return of uie syw,
since that time." This remedy is for
Bttle by P. M. Klrkland.
Hop - Contracts
...,o..i, nied with the conn-
. 1 . f tll week ending
tu,K 1U1
30, 1909: .
j T Reed to A J' Ray & Son.
B C Dimick to Kola Neis H.p Co.
j e Hubbard to Kola Neis Hop Co.
Milk cow for sale Enquire of F.
O. Fredrickson, 4 miles south of In
monmouth railway
, .
trleottve sunrtiiy. July 4-
Trnln No (it leaves" Independence daily.!
a.n " h-iivc ; I. il:l '! r"ve
Pallas (.:4fl b. m.
'ivin N'e li leaven 1 iidependeiioe iln.ll
W-aTn Vo :" Monmouth, 1IUW m
ar.tvl-s Dalian. II:' m.
Train No 7U leaves Independence dal'v 11:15
p. nl ! leave Moiuii'.nlb Ii:' l. n.: arrive Dal
las 6:ii p.m.
Ktll Aim. IF.
Train No III leave Inrierendenee dully 7;H0
a. i. leave Monn.-wth T:IS a. m.: anivef
Alrlle7:ia. m.
Train No W leaves luclej.eudeliee daiiy at
2-K) n in - leaves Mnnnionlli daily at ...11 p
n'i.i arrives at Atiiie at 8 I' m.
TralD No " leaven Dallas dully a:Sna. m;
leM .ie.nniou I. Km5a. in.; arrfveslndepeu-deii-"
Train No MM leaves Datlas dally I'-". IS p.
leaven M'n.iiUh I 10 P m.: arrives Indepen
dence l:iT) p. m. (This train oonneets al Mon
raonth for Alrlle) ,
Train No 71 leaves I ml as dally 7-..W p. m.:
lea-es Moninonih II 15 p. m.: arrive Inde
peudeufv 8:-.,:ip. in.
Train No 82 leave Alrlle daily HM a. ra.!
leaves Moiimoniu ll:Ja. ni.: arri Inde
peudenee l:'fc a .
T V 72 lea vra Alrlle dally 4 0i p m.
arrlvei at Mouiin.uih 4 W . ra .: arrives al In
, epemleuee al i-iu p. ia.
Launch Independence
h udiidrtie n
m dudv nl Ul..l . l'-" ''
n,lw,ii'l.'iir ; M.'H'a
VI H'ei.l . 3:l.f. M.
Miir? GL Hawkins
,,p, ...
-v; !'.; .
j 'V
garble end
; r j
i , , ii sed H'cd.
t J i .
Faber'sSelf Filling j
Self filling at a manic touch
AUU S Seili lesiier
Th price you'll find Is not too much
For the oue that Just suits you.
It fills itself. It fills all needs
For the office, school or den;
Among them all the one. that leads
Is Faber's Fountain Pen.
All Styles
At all Prices
Independence, Ore.
! Steele's Ferry
Buena Vista, Oregon.
The ferry that crosses the
Most direct route to Jefferson,
Scio, Shedburue, Sab m and Al
bany from all points in South
ern and Centra! Pork county.
OES.ONED v-r -ScmlossBros
Co. v 4
i - 1 1
..... A A T .
Single or Double Breasted Models Two or three
piece styles. Buying here always means the best for
your .money.
141 N Commercial St., Salem,
Thus Intending lo plant family or
i hards this fall will do well to pise
their ordr early, as already some
of ihe gx.d varlii. are nearly gone
i. .i .....I., i.wi u. HOiiit wre:
j.M? oiii'iii.t '-.
dlsappc.inted las. year by nnmng lu.i,
th varletl.s of fruit tries they wani-.
Ol.. ,i ii... ..r ri-adv
tu were kwiii.- , ,
to plant.
Information cheerfully fciveu by ad
dressing ' !
o. w. ?imm
Spei-Ul Salesman for the company for
l olk and Marlon Counties
j Cheapest and Best Hr'Z siZt.
Phonographs Popular
Edison, Victor, Columbia Sheet Music and
j Full Line ol . yliuder and StlldieS
j Dibc Records mmmmmm
1 1 " issssl''
Farmers' Feed
H. EICHEL, Proprietor
Grain and Hay for Sale.
Horses boarrt-t by day, week or month, at reasonable .ate'
1 ss
f: i - i
to supply you with meat of only tb
fluent quality. W select carefully nf
eipertly only
Tender meat Is not a matter of lurk.
.... . . ..
lt j, B question or uree.nng anu
Vmilkl..(.,M pmjfcI... u. ia
choose only such luVata as are clasa-
1 eel as prime, a trial order will snow
surpassing difference In our met
I and those you uave been rating.
Heck & Flubacher
Independence, Oregon
and Sales Stable
NO, SIR, you haven't
Clothes enough if you
haven't a Blue Serge
SUIT. For business,
for traveling, for
arouud home evenings
there's no Summer
Suit to compare with
a Blue Serge they're
so cool and dressy.
We have them In all
sizes and can fit any
Notwithstanding the
fact that a erge fab
ric is very difficult to
tailor, ours are tailor
ed splendidly, because
they are made by tail
ors who know how.
Our guarantee of sat
isfaction goes with ev
ery Suit.
& CO.