ITREAT1SE ON u ROCK ROAIIS Rial EUte Iffintn Tlio fnllulii f the rl lomiii trankfi rt r ioiuiJ tr the ud- V It Alllll et UX to H 1 1 '! it 40 . rvi i a r 4 I I" M WCkiua il ux to K N Hull I 125 . The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which h been In use for over 30 year, litis lrti the ulirnntiire of mid hm bwii made under It in pm -unl mt?rvls!ou Iuo Its iufi.u. j. r4 'urt AllovMiouetdcelT Tenia tat. AH Onntert Its, Imitation and " Jnt-aa-sroMr? ure but K?KTimciit that trifle 'with nd endanger the hmvltk f luiauM and Children Exiwrlonce against Kxporltaeat, What is CASTORIA Cttorf is a. liiirmk sttbstlttita for Caster Oil, Pare povlc, lrop a:td SMthmjr Syrup. It Is Pleaaant. It t-onailaii wither Opium, Morphine nor other Kareatle MiWn:ic I;. nje la 1U guarantee. It destroys Wwmw N und alLty IVvfrlslntos. It curea DlarrhwA and Vlud Colic It relieves Teething1 Trouble, curea CuimtiputUm ai.d I I tul'm-y. It assimilates the Food, regnlat the Kuattavit .iul iioweli, giving1 healthy and natural aleey. Iho ChiUi rut''! Pauacea-The Mother Friend. CCttUINS CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC KMTUM COHMNT, TT HUNMT TCCT. HON eT. iSHIRT WAISTS and TUB SUITS Greatly reduced for the end of the week selling. We are display ing a beautiful line of tailor ed stocks: New Cherry' Pillows 50c Needlecraft Shop Mrs. S. C. Wall 270 N. Cotn'l. St. Salem, Oregon '3 Chew Cadillac King Corn! To Jb a ceo. Always Good. Not by the Trust SOLD AT F. D. COX 'i For Style or Beauty We have thm. All of the popular shapes and popular priced Shoes WE DO FINE REPAIRING JACOB VOQT 345 State Street, Salem, Oregon B00KS T2 READ For Summer reading on your outing or at home see our paper line at 10c, 15c and 25c We have reprints of the copyright books at 50c. Come in and look ovr ur large book stock. The Commercial Book Store t 163 Commercial St, SALEM, ORE. COTTAGE HOTEL CHARLES SAVAGGE. LESEE Special Attention to Commercialjand College Organizations 160 Court street . Telephone 209 Main Cnlpm Telephone and Messenger Service at Hotel O-ICIIl LIMESTONE TO BE TESTED KANSAS UNIVERSITY , I and Chan IU.h lt In lii:U 'C C HeroiEKill to c 1$ ! rj Kin. AT i rii ,. u in i ii it r t. w in t u . r o w T I' Jk by nliiilniali.Ui'lx l I J' II Muran 1 :i 7 a r-N t 8 r 6 w Klin Si hiifl.l. r hiuI SiiihIi Jm k to J It Mtiritn I J? urns I 8 r 6 w , Wftiera llios Invent iiient C-'. o A I lurking In lolii In Vel Salrin , , The englneerlnr le.nrtineiit or tne , Wttll ra roH iveHtin.'iit fo to rxlt, of Kanw." Im .Ui hl.d to I . kl,11N,,lu i,8 ... W,.Bt Snletll .... , I i Countiti and Towni May Hava th encr.t for th A.kma Material! and Mtlhodi Found That Will Makt Macadam Last Indafmitaly, I :.tiil 450 lulu the km1 ruHtla iiiovtMiient. I'lMin now en It will I einil(iHil to plve tlie benefit uf lis ti-atlnis Inlmrstortea to ih. roiintte and ililr In the Htnte of Kuiimin nil mnd mute! IhI xinl meth wis. A liulhMln will tie pnMlHlied aiwin by the tlfpnrtm"it ulvlnu the standard tenia on Diorp tliiin Jim minipltn f llmentone from th asti'riv tin If of the mute. The rt'Benta etnbllhtt1 a ti'dt lnK station at Ijiwrenco about a yenr nco. tut up to this time there have Ihtu no funds to pnbllrt'i the remilis if the testa that have Ihvd niPde. The testa in the first bulletin are of atones .iviiilable for niHi'iidnmlrlnit. f wbl'-h there la practically an tinllmlted amount , In lii5 Irofeaar W. C. Hoad. who has charge of the work, bnd two sen ior students tie-in an lnvextlpatlon of the valueof K.msaa lliiieatoiiea for road nuiklnir, and they tested nearly a hun dred Hnmplef. In the followlnc yenr two more, students, Kdward N Nnyea and P. C. Mi t'onaughy, carried on the lisls. Ijiat year more tests wer made from time to time until the ilepari meiit haa a pood Idea of what lime atones will make macadam roads. There la a wonderful difference In them, some beliiK practically worth less, while others and they are In the majority are first class material. Two testa are applied, one to deter mine (he toughness and wearing iimill- tlc of the atones" and the other to de termine the cementing properties of the powder that Is made by the road roller nml the wear of truffle. It some times liMimi'tiM that a atone that Is pood In one resect Is worthless on account of the lack of the other o,un!l ty. Wearing qualMe are determined by the standard 'Tattler" test, which was originated In France thirty yours apo. The samples of some are broken Into uniform pieces, so that fifty will welph approximately eleven pounds. They are put Into a 'rattler," which coiiKlsts of nn Iron cylinder, set ut an anple of thirty degrees with the axis of rotation. In the test, lastlnp five hours, the cylinder Is rotated loo.OOO times, and the amount ground off the samples in that time by weight de termines the measure of wearing qual ify of the stones. In making the ce ment test the powder Is taken from the "rattler" and mixed with water. It Is allowed to harden In cylindrical briquettes and Is tested for Its resist ance under the trip lmnilner. "We expect to be able to make tests from now on for any town or county Wa ers HroH. Investment Co to It A Kirk lots In West Sa- lout W C Soachcst et al to Loreiuo Lough 34 acres t 6 r 6 w Harriet Scudder to C A and K M Dei k land In Independence Amanda C McLeaih and hd to Waters Uros. Investment Co. lots In west Salem V O Bowman to Ll.!e How- uutn 110 acres t 9 r 5 w K D dossier to J S snd L K riurkhard lot In Monmouth aucy J Frlnk to Harriet K Smith part lot 3 blk 14 In Dill las Kdward D I'errlu et UK to Chas Spalding Co. 320 ai res t9r7w Edward B Perrln et ux to Chas Spalding Luiu. Co. 1G0 avr. t 9 r 7 w J M Crowley et ux to Robert Stephensoi land In t 8 s r ' 4 w Mary A Chapman to Chas K Spalding Lum. Co. right of way O S Uels to Lizzie S Stiipp lots in Independence Heury LnJrance et ui to H (1 Campbell 18.50 acres in t 8 8 r a w J o VanOrstlal et ux to Nel lie Billiugs 12.57 acres t 8 s r 5 w J O VanOrsdtil et ux to ueo W Johnson 47.57 acres fc 8 sr5w G W Johnson to Waters Bros. Investment Co. lots ill West Salem J G E Oelss et ux to Christ Domaschofbky 70 acres t 7 s r 5 w A 11 Fletcher et ux to Jacob Domes 155 acres t 6 s r 5 w Chas Falst et ux to Jacob Faist lots In McCoy 900 1870 10 Remedies are Needed Wr we rrtt, which we are aot, medu-inri would nut ulteit fce ne-dd. Hut iee our ty.trnii hsve ! Cum weakened, impaired and broken down thrush btJitoretion which heve done on Irani lh eerly tlin.h eounllcK (rnrrslion, remedin art needed la aid Neture in correctmi our Inberiled snd tihrrwie ecttuirtd weekne.we. To reach the et ul Homei H weekneei and conenicnt dirfr.tive trouhlr, there il Bulhmi so iiHtA Dr. Tieree'e (iolden Medical IWnv ery, a lrceno compound, n erected Iroin native medio- ,!. Id lr over lorty veer with Sreel eli'l.clion to all Ueen. Week Siomech. HdioueneM, I.iver ('omplaint, I'ain in the Mumach slier eetm, lleerthiirn, lied Ureuih, Helchin ol oid, tlhronio Dierrliee end ollief liiie.tiual llcrenjrmenU, (be ,,Diooery" is a time-proves and Bluet eBioient teniedy. Tti genuine haa on It outhidc wrapper the Signature You esn't sfford to eeeept t eeoret noetrum si a iuh.tiliile lor this non slco. holio, medicine os inoin composition, not even Ibouilli the urgent deelrr n,, y llirrcby make s tiltle hirr proht. . Dr. 1'ierce'e ricu..nt I'ellels reule!e end invlgorele (lomavh, liver 1 howrli. Suir-iHietcd, tiny renulc, iy to take si eandy For 6100 :i2o 2500 750 2100 HOO 800 10 io;,o 500 a TAllKTPAVT KtMOUhLirNO . JUrilNUlN RENOVATING Experienced Felt and Panama Hat Cleaner and Blocker ' 190 South Cimmnclal St. JCf totilef lewirrcAGiett ly Store Phone 565 - - SALEM, OREGON THE NOBLE l. A. MAIHSON, I'rt.p. Corner Commercial him! Stutc Mtrert When You Sit Down To a Meal in this restaurant you are pure It will excellent as to food, eookinu and wry!!--. The urro!iinlliii'H soeuk for tlieinselves, ami th" lilll ol f,ir- tells iiiuuly ul line eatlnit at 'Ittle prices. Come liraml brmtt n irieml or I wo aloiip- Vmi will 1 1 tw be ple-iscd. White House Restaurant Wm. McGilchmt & Son, Pmprirlnn SALEM - - ORCCON 1 Cftr,,tHT, I I f f I ' i i J jl' r 1 T t I Highway Maintaining Scheme. Many Herman hhrluviivs are Unci with cherry trees. When the fruit Is line It Is fathered and sold, and thl ing the highways. ! that has a macadamizing project on-1 nr-oop,,, ,r to the funi'. for nmlntnlu ler way, ' said rroiessor uoau, -ana I believe the work will be a great thing for the good roads movement in the state. There are any amount of limestones which, If properly selected and put on the roads, will make roads that last Indefinitely." There are only six other testing sta tions in the United States that are equipped for the tests now being made at the university. The only other one west of Ohio is at the Iowa Agricul tural collope -s-Kansas City Star. THE KEY NOTE TO your pleaaure may be the fact that you presented your music loving daughter, son or wlfo with an ex quisite musical instrument from our rare stock. You may dovclope a musi cal phenomenon unawares. Anyhow members of the family possessed of one of our fine guitars, violins, man dolins, rlthers, banjos or cornets can not but make the home pleasant and cheerful. L. F. SAVAGE 247 Commercial St Sulom, Oregon ROAD DRAG PARADE. Novel Movement at Sturgeon, Mo., For Good Highways. , A road drag parade half a mile in length attracted a crowd of people to Sturgeon, Mo., the other day and un doubtedly converted many who will take up the work In the future. The puaie was headed' by the Stur geon band. In carriages were the offi cers of the Brotherhood of Uoad Drng gers, and then followed the drags, which were furnished by the farmers living near town. At the end of the procession on automobile owned by i. A. Pollard carried a drag, and this feature was liberally applauded along the line of march. Sturgeon is trying to sustain her rep utation of having the best dirt roads of any city in the state, and the road drag Is doing the work. Good Roads Prescription. At-a recent meeting of the highway commission and road supervisors of Unltimore county. Md.. Dr. Charles L. Mattfeldt, cue of the highway comm!s-v sioners. wrote the following prescrip tion for pood roads: Good stone On wood grades, Over good base, Dry and well packed. Rolled and rolled. Oiled or tarred And properly drained, Dustless and waterproof Success will follow. It will be noticed that the letters forming the beginning of each line spell "good roads." If you'do, don't purchase until you have inspected the celebrated The Crime Of Idleness Idleness means trouble for anyone. It's the same with a lazy liver. It causes constipation, headache, jaund ice, sallow complexion, pimples and blotches, loss of appetite, nausea, bu Dr. King's New Life Pills soon ban ish liver troubles and build up your health. 25c at all druggUts. Carry a full Line of McCormick Machinery WleCo p mi cit SwioweF Since the first World's Fair, held In London In 1851, the McCormick has remained first In International leadership. McCormick machines are de signed and constructed to harvest the grain and grass crops of the world. These machines have maintained their pre-bmlnence because they have been kept far In advance of ordinary machines. The durability of Mc Cormick materials and workmanship has never been rivaled. j" Our Stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware is Complete and tip-to-date. Call and get our Prices HANNA BROS., Independence, Ore.