Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, August 06, 1909, Image 5

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Clara purvlu iw ri-luriiiH) (rttiu
WllUr.l H
I.lntlllii Bumiajrc-d In In-
tlue lluffuiu
Fori land v!lt.
Mark Uravr,
fiuiu Newport,
Mr. Ed Owtu
lor Wedueeday.
I bum from
and wlfrt era 'k
was tiaktu ll
aflaa Florence lluriiiii wua a
In vlallor (lila week
J. W. Klrklaud li aUiut again after
(-w day' lllntH.
Prof. K 1 1. KkhnIit mil down from
for Hill Ihhi Htiuday
Kd Luruiii returned frmu Ali.uny
lit flrat of (he w.H'k.
Mrs. CIIik Moon, haa returned fruiu
tor outing at Mali creek.
M. (iruukii haa returned from a
abort vlalt with frlemla.
J. S. Cooper made trip to Salem
and ri (urn Uhi Tueaday.
JfHii Alirwlu niiiili. a trip tu Hi"
capital i Ity lum Saturday,
John llAkli'inn haa returned from a
abort aojourn at Ne p rt.
Krohnmy jura demonstrated
vine' grocery Auut 'fl-'i.
at Ir Kvana of Dallas wus an In
dependence visitor lut Kuuduy.
Hartley llu kii-r cam up from Port
laud to apend Sunday at home,
D. II. Taylor, wife and little
wade a trip to Corvallla thla week.
Lynn Nt-amllh of Kkkreall waa do
ing bUNlneita lu Independence Satur
day. Cleve Robinson Sutidayed with hU
parents, having come up for that pur
pose. Miss Maud Illff or Portluud Is via
Jtlng with friends In this city thla
Frank McCready of Black Kock
tame In Friday and left Saiurduy for
Hank Mattison and party" have re
turned from their oiiiIiik up In the
John SluipBon came down from Air-
He Saturday and spent Sunday with
city friends.
left Monday uiorulnK
He expects to be gon
HI Hufftim
for Tillamook.
for sometime.
0!O. Graves. iio has been visltliiR
friends at the coaia and roriianu. s
Jtome again.
Guy Walker made a flyl"K trip to
Portlund. going down Friday and re
turning Saturday.
Miles porterflold and Hoy SmtO
were Salem passengers on the Skin
per launch Saturday.
Mrs. P. H. Drexler returned this
week from Otter Rock where she
has a summer home.
Jesse Whlteaker moved the frlat
of theweek and la consequently laid
up with lumbago.
C. L Fltchard returned Saturday
evening from an extended visit to
Southern California.
Miss Jessie Mattison left Tuesday
for Albany where she went to visit
friends for a week or two.
Chas.A.Rice, principal of the Couch
public school of Portland, Is visiting
with his brother this week.
Mrs. Frances Byers and Miss Alta
Savage of Dallaa were visiting friends
Jn Independence this week.
Mrs. C. E. Williams made the trip
to Salem and return Saturday on the
Bteam launch, Independence.
Don't fall to go to Irvine's grocery
etore August 23-24 and witness the
demonstration of Economy Jars.
Lucile Burt returned to Portland
Jast Friday after a visit with her pa
rents who reside near Monmouth.
n r n-vine wife and mother left
(yesterday for Slab creek where they
spend Mr. irvme-s
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Butler left fr,r Seattle where wey gu
visit relatives and attend the fair.
r snerline came up from
Portland this week and will spend the
balance of the summer wun u.
Mrs.-Corwin Townsend of Seattle,
has been visiting ur
Jones, left for home last Sun-
Uiiil thla . to ipiiiil a U dan
with hut brolbira Cbar and llwry
II. K. Vtnr and 'wife of Port
land are Ulti with Mr. NVKoi.r
lister, JJrs. W. R. A!a, tV.s
C. 0. Una, wife aud IUl aon. P-r-rjr,
Ift Bat ui day uiorulna for H-lk
nap spring. Holly Hart ai.uipaud
Mlaa HertU ellBr,an uiply ff
who has ben vlUl" with Mrs D
via for a fw daya, rtunid bow
tbla .
Mr. C'hitM. (irlfflth and Mrs. Chap
mau of Alapletuii, Iowa, are tlaltltia
at Hie holm vt Mr a. Ken-.d, ou.
tf town.
Floyd Wllllama and Croby on
returned Wednesday fr m their f
ln and hunting tilo at lb Ilea . .
Hlleti rivtr.
Aita Hoblnaon lft for KalU City
thla week where h ent to accejii
a pimltlon In the drug ator of lr.
I'odtuiaHler Merwlu and wife r
turimd lioine Wednemliiy from Otl'-r
Hoik wln-re they bud been spending
the pttHt ten day.
C. (1. Long baa gone to the tuouit-
talna and the man h- I' ft In charRe
of hi oiaiket ban turned tblniia up
aldi down. See IiIh ad.
MM. Frank llader and Mra. .1. K.
Hubbard attended the f 'inral of
Frank F.lll. which took place at I !
lua Wediieaday aftrrniKiit,
Mr. KnterprlHe will accept fruit 'r
vegetables from anyone ou aubnerip
tion. Don't atop to ask about It but
bring In whatever you have.
Kdward Wallace, who baa ben at
tending the term of summer school J
UorvlllllS Agncuiiuil .un-rf
ed home Friday of last we -k.
Dr. Mark Hayter and wife of Dal
laa were gueHta at the home of W. W
Perclval lasf Sunday. They tuine ovi r
In the doctor's automotdle.
Mrs. McCain, wife of the pastor
of the M. E. church, went to Salem
lust Monday where she expected to
go In a hospital for treatment.
. Miss Bessie Copeland of Los Anse
le Is spending a few daya In this
city the guest of her bro'her, Howard
who Is employed by W. W. Perclval.
Mrs. F. E. Chambers, Miss Minnie
Chambers, Mrs. SiiBan Jones and
Floyd Parker composed a party that
left for Newport Saturday on a short
out 1 11 1,'
Miss Mary Slack of Cook county.
South Dakota, arrived In the city
last Tuesday and will make her home
with the family of Henry Mott in the
Those intending to put up fruit
will find something of Interest if
they will read the advertisement of
Irvine's fc.rnc ;ry, which appears i"
another column. , , .
Mrs. Frank Coqutllette, who has
haan In thfl Snlein Sanltorulm for
sometime past, has so far recovered
that ahe was able to return borne
last Saturday. 1
Word Butler and J. H. Walcott left
for Grants Pass last week where they
expect to spend their summer va
cations, prospecting for the makings
of twenty dollar gold ploces.
Georae Conkey received a telephone
message yesterday mornjng that his
residence in Dallas was partially de
stroyed by fire Wednesday nig&t.ine
loss is fully covered by Insurance.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wilcox spent
Sunday at Newport. They went over
Saturday afternoon and returned Mori
day morning. They were accompani
ed by Miss OHie Owen of North Da-kota.
Dean Walker and Clint Moore got
home Monday from their trip to Sal
mon river where they went to hunt
and fish. They stopped a few days
at Slab creek and report haying had
a Jam-up-good time.
.lured li,Ui,tlo. of tlii.. tu folk rf ! A f d wlU
county and f"Uuln their and ork hr.. Kn(Uir. of U E
9iua. EupUiton, to tuih-m aoutlk of
I ladpadac.
II, fthi'lwrll.
tbo ba bo vl't
lug friBiida tu Independence for a0 I Tb
ltiu, M'f( Awwuv uiori'iu fur
L.uin lii Fargo. North Duko'a.
ripeet, to go U Portland. 8attl
aitd Vautouver, II. C.
Artbln Parkor, mall tairl r on HI.
vk i liatf returned from Corvallla
tier Im wvitl to at -nJ ta J" i
i.iiilon of mail tair.era wblch con-vt-ned
In that 'Uy Friday and Katur
day of lat week.
Th Wl Anna. Hetia and i:f
fin Cu'bu rt, fcf ludependeuie. aud
MU P'ar Wo.d and Mr Guy
W..od and Hay Haundera of Hopdule
Pt-ui 8iimly at tb "Hr"the gu.nt
of Mr. and Mt. H. L. McGowau.
DHk MadlBoii tunc oi er frmu H
b m in aii aut nual lie lat Sunday.
, oinl.ui.ied .y a paity of friend.
Thai. la. they tame part way and
walked Hi ret, lb piai'hlun halng
broke down a abort Ultttam below
llaiina Proa. b've put up a ti'-w
i.. rn. i.i nf their lil.ic- ut
buslnesn. With the new cement ld
waik and other iuiproveiiieiiu they
taw been making of late their store
preHimta quite a metropolitan ap
pearance. Claude JoIiumoii and (irant MfLaugt
liu, who have b en on a bunting trip
to the mountain lu the vl' inry oi
Cottage lirove, returned home Mon
day of thla week. They ay X)"-r bud
a good timet, caught lota i f flh. but
no b e a r. V
H LHeiit. wife and family, accom
panied by Mlsa Orlet Kraua of Aurora
whJ made a pleasure trip over the
alley last Sunday, visited with In.
dependence friends for a while during
lng the day. Mr. Bents was one of
the boHt at Seattle on Oregon day.
Herman Sperling, who recently ar
rived trotu South Dakota, has pur
chased the old Barber place lu the
west part of town. J. McKitition.who
came here with him, contemplates
buying Independence property in
which he sees quite a future. They
are friend of Henry Mott.
A horse attached to a buggy 'tied
on C street In frout of Coukey, Wal
ker & Lehman's store, became fright
ened at a passing automobile Tues
day and broke loose, running down
street. Mr. Jaspcrson. at whose au
tomobile the horse became mgnieu
ed took after thi fleeing animal in
a vain attempt to catch It. The nore
went out l:tu Le country and grazed
awhile, meeting Mr. Jasperson on
Railroad avenue on bib return.
Ul'itto of Uia Ittdepondencu
bin f oi-u Lauuuiy I bl inl tu
He j b bad. Aayon hating laundry work
duim tuof will find It iul to or
letter tbaa that doi if utld w
cerua Tbta b guarantee., tilt It
triJ and b toavtnred, Tb pric
i mbi.
Tb bt for Bora. Cbapn-d
Hand. Dandruff, lD-ct SHng
aud l'oi'ii Oak.
Mrt.J.W.RIchardaon Sr., Ao.
Monmouth $trt, nde."d'"-
McMinnvillm, t : S t Ormgo
Chat. Crtgiy. Jtgt., Dalla$. Or.
B. F. .'ONES
Office next door to Independence
National Itauk, Ind- pendence. OreKon
Monmouth. Oregon
j Ti'4 Capital, J33.CC0.C3 TrsGsacis I Ici.iral taiklny tuslcca
J. H. !iawly, Prirt. J. B. V. Uutl.r. Vlca Prea. Ira C Pot!l.i i.i
r. . p.ii.
J. 11. .'lump
I. U. Btuipaoo
What Has Long Been Meeded
Th ndpndnc Clal"g "d Pralnj partora r praparad ta
mH tor 4 dallvar all nrk, and guaranty a'ompt attention and
aatMfactlon. Wa maka combination Suit and djuatabla Skirt hang
ar to your mur. aura and than. Qlwa u a Mai for
tooa w.ork vd tha prlca HI ba rlflht. Work don,whlla you wait.
Guy McKnight - Independence
W. R. ALLIN, D. D. S.
t, i. dViUv who has been visit
lng with friends' at McMlnnvllle tor
avmeUme past, returned home u...
. u. n h. Rice and.
rroi. ana. .
tMr children came up from Port
For Lifanta and Children.
The Rind Yen Have Always Bought
Walter Govro, a railway mail clerk,
running between Portland and Ash
land, who has been visiting with his
brother, I. Govro and family for the
past few days, 'left for his home in
Portland Tuesday, afternoon.
Quite a number of our young folks
attended the dance given In the old
gymmasium at Monmouth last Satur
day night. They expressed them
selves as having had a jam-up-good
Mrs. Asa Tunnicliff of Baker City,
Oregon, and Mrs. L. A. Kitchen of
Centralia, Washington, who have bee their naretits. Mr. and Mrs. R
J. Taylor, for the past week, left for
their homes last Saturday.
Miss Chrlstenson and Miss Butler,
school teachers form Mapleton, Iowa,
arrived in thla city this week on ai
Visit to Mrs. Reynolds who resides
...tfc Af town. They are delighted
with the Oregon climate and have de-l.. ud.
It's luck to smoe Pukck.
The bteter than 6c cigar.
The cigar in the green box.
Dr. Allln. Dentlat. Cooper Bldg.
Both photea. Cooper Bldg.
Independence, Oregon.
u iiK-wirr, m. d
Phviirian and Surgeon
ifllce in Coor-Hulldinic. .'noma 2
and S. Office hour.. 9 a. m. to 12 m.
and 2 t 6 p. hi. Call .nnwered night
and day.
Jl 0. MATTHIS, M. D.
Office Potofflc Building
Phonea 61 and 63
Day and Bight calls promptly attended to. Ftn- parlor la con
nection. An eipirleored lady alianl
W. U SICE. Embalmer and Funeral Director. Licensed by th
Oragon Stat Board ef Health.
Home Phone: Store, 2220; Re.3121
Bell Phone: Store, 114; Re. 73
Independence, Oregon
A Card to the Public
Wa dielre to Inform the public that wta have purchased the real estata
business of Young & Irvine a:id eitend a cordial Invitation ta U
of their .customer and all other Jio have laud to Bell to p' ca.l
and list with us and we will do our beat to sell It for you.
Real Estate Agents
tfthktic and jimnasium eedtf.
Sum, Ammunition and Jhhinq faekle.
Blende Skipl Repairing. I
Farm Loan and Insurance. Notary
Buena Vista, Oregon.
O. f. Van Alli-n
Hhnn 1112 Mala
L'W N. Com. HI.
European P an
Urie.Sannv RnonmEn Siilmor Single
EitHcLiiHB. Salem, Ore.
A good pair of reaalng glas
ses $1.00 at Kramer's. tf
Bell phone
oendence National Bank.
.121; Independent, 4410.
For sale one 3V4 lch won
almost new. For Information call ou
John Robbius, Independence. 40tf
To let 40 bead of goats to let out
on the shares this fall. For Informa
tion call on or address R. E. Fergu
son, Independence, Oregon. 8-11
For sale or trade for horse or
cows, windmill, tower and 500 gal
lon tank. For further information
enquire at this offcle. . 9-10
Brood mare for sale. In foal by
Taffia. Would trade for good cow,
wood or hay. Write or call on J. W.
Bullard, Independence, Oregon. 8tf
Wood tor sale Second growth at
S.60, old growth $4.00 a cord de
livered. S. Cox, Independence. Phone
141. .
For sale A number of first class
driving horses, weighing between 100
and 12i0. First-class roadsters. En
Quire of I. VV. Dickinson, at his liv
ery barn on Main street. 8-10
New up-to-date caskets and coffins,
burial robes, special line of trim
mlnga tor Catholics, G. A. R. and
secret, orders obtained from H. H.
Jasperson. ,
For sale or trade High-clow ar
ioe organ la good condition. Enquire
at Mr, Meeley'a In Nortk fade-
' Mrs. L. R. Htcks
Wards and private rooms. Inspec
tion invited. All classes of non
contagious cases from reputable
physicians accepted. Special at
tention to confinement cases un
der physicians' care. Trained
nurse in attendance. Phone Pacific
Main 321.
... BY THE
A Large Variety of Penny
Postals,Comic, Local and
Call and See Them.
The Variety Store
264 N. Commercial Street - Salem Oregon
Large or Small Orders De
livered Promptly.
Iadependnece, Oregoa.
': ' The j
Farmers' Fire Relief Association
J. D. Winn, Buena Vista, Agent for Polk County, Ore.
M ike a specialty of rural insurance of farm
buildings, churches and school houses.
Props, of Salem Gun Store OREGON
We new have on display a very fine and complete line of
Base Ball Goods, Lawn Tennis Sup
plies and also Fine! Fishing Tackle
Sentf for Catalogue ef Baae Ball Uniform