hidrptmlfntf ntfirti.-f ; Charles coward mic-'. Er.urei l Indcpcndcnco, Or-. oftVa M rtond tu ni ' Subscription, 1.M Par .- Tb old ailas Nut fishllt, tn devil with Br haa bovn IiUh1 ' t.i Imtllo of thf country atorm i ID.- mull or.ler lnuca. It hi . i'i mulling Uv than a iiuuitxr o' 1 1 r ham mill HuiitufH-mriHi f.-rn i. UUM '' I'"' IW""1 Hf"" " ,h' ' unl.r i, :i - iiil iti.il :ni; l' ihrmiuh ilif roimiry iiwd -ham a i I mhi-nlMii-.' hi tin- i'iimr.v ; TIlP IH'W HUM tlotl li ll!lll tTl-" j Kit-in. mikI H iifiiit.iiiiriir hiv i Siolll '!' ,Thi BfiH-iul oiiiliiif ( !' Ilan f ilils ltcrl-i-y k iii Ik tliu tli-wrlUtl : iVrimn i -li.l mil l' "v humllrJ l.y V.- "ai! ''r hou l "' nimw quuiilUK'o n-lroitl. Th.v tf" iaHv ai tl-l ik1 'or iil- 11 ' hm.Iv .Ipii.uhI 'I'1- :i uu-.iw'.- cllllHlf tl.' ! ) . Hi n v . t ' '" " 1 ' ,.u, Tin- i -.mifai-ti. r lu'lnin-lim lu ,(',',. VH I'!"', l '- tl- k.m1 h! H-m iti I'"4 .. i..-ni' -:... ' i-'" ',' ,h',1'! Il.e m.itl '." i-'!'1'- '" k"""1 1,1 "" !!, lul hi n IMi.is I""' t U.""lvi Manv line ..v.- pliiwl :! tl- Uglier -o-i "roiiMni'.i.l"-l I "!" ",r "'n Tin -..hkIj. m'U .-. fat-r wtwn UiilavJ In I. '" hV from cnlnl.'il. A KlIiRl IIH-I will IIHmlial how Ull ,.i, Im b.i orki..K mil. rii uiH o,-U-r .-om-i .i" t "I !'' will" ,,"" o UimiHii'l of kUi-l.ii il m.v Wnod i xt-'ilv.- mi Ih.- wlffn plain :l, Oil I f!T Bill I.HIMII.T lOl lll hoiiw-wir. Tli Jferklry M.m and th n.Hnufa.lurm -o.!ni.a Hh Him tiw-; ui th iiovm, with Hi "-xult "'' ,l!e bulnM of lit mll onliT ln In Mf rt!il ihrouKhoul Hie mliWI wt ha fHllrn off trfinendously. Today ttii" Ui !' B ini n tori eiirollP1 a mintr(i kih) Ik KHinft nw rrrm!' t it ml of in,a liy-ao month. Th ryrwm nt '! 1vr--tlKinn In Ih rh-Hcl farm. It dpi"i on advert lnient In loen! i!r and -lrculr. The merchants are furnished -wit It platea for their nesni.ir notlrei" nd i-hriilar and are kit supplied with onIhint new every week or eery fort tilKht so th' Khali be no cessation of interest on tiie part of the buyer and so that th atook shall be kept.movlns even ly and rapidly. Generally aiieakinK. It Is like a hime department store, not under one roof, bul with Its various branrh.es scattered throuuhout the fnited States. Jn this way the business of these country store has revived Incredibly. Ti e vol ume of their advertising has Increased 3n per cent In the last two yeirs. and their business has grown decidedly. The country newspajiers are Klad to take the locnl stores" advertisement!' at the lowest possible rates and to help them fight the mall order houses, because the latter do little. If any. newspaper advertising. Thus far the Berkley system hna been managed most Judiciously. While the manufacturers belonging to the associa tion have kcnt the ro.-; of production down to the lowest possible notch, they have received such tremendous orders from the svstem that they have bce:i nMe to fill them at rock bottom prices, yet at a living profit to themselves. The coun try merchants, who are in a sense their copartners, are thus ahle to compete suc cesnfullv with even the h! est of the muil order houses. The arrangements w ith the manufacturers permit tiie soods bai.'.g shipped direct from the factories to tiie eusiu !! as fast as the orders come In so there is no expensive Iwdi'ns or storing of the goods before they are :ieed ed. In every way. in fact, an effort is being made to handle the vast business with the strictest economy, not with a vie w of centralizes the bulk of the prof its in one place, but of distributing, them impartially and equally among all who are concerned in their making. There are certain (eutures of this Berkley system that make It seem feasible and practical. One is that It recognizes the principle of concentra tion and co-operation that seems so much a part of this age. it meets the mall order house on Its own grounds of cheapness of manufacture and elimina tion of waste. It was organized by country merc hants themselves to meet the very question of the mail order business, men who knew the actulil conditions and figured out a plan that would most effectively solve the prob lem. It takes advantage of the news papers and thus has a superior kind of publicity over the mall order houses. It allows the local merchants their margins of profits aud yet gets rid of the cost of middleman and wholesaler. It confines Itself to some of the leading articles in which the mall order houses have made their greatest inroads. And by gaining the support of local mer chants and newspaper men it builds tip a vast organization and one that Is powerful in every community. More over, the system has proved itself by Its results. Already it has had a vast success, and as its plan becomes known this success cannot but be in creased. I am not speaking for the particular house started In Sioux City alone. That Is probably only a fore runner of other houses that will be started throughout the United States. There Is uo reason why the merchants and manufacturers of any section might not form a similar co-operative concern. I am only recognizing the correctness of the principle. On sotne such basis and along some such lines an effective tight against the mail order houses could be organized. The country merchants and the country press should realize that they have in their own hands a powerful weflpnn' and one that should be de cisive. Then let the newspapers and the commercial clubs Join hands with them, and we have a fighting forte that would be invincible. A lnr::t number of manufacturers would also lend their support. Here. It seems to me. Is a feasible plan for solving the problem. Within the words rural civics there Is embraced a movement which, car ried to its fullest possibilities, may well mean the transformation of a natiou. We are prone to think of civics and civic matters as having to Ai .lely with town or city. People Kviiie in such close proximitjr to one i, re urvec jo"tim ,,l i . tAHiMilcr Hi' i- rdttt.- a whole . ru imt that (he ttri 1 truer uieut loultl t f.lr i !' ' .t II .-i,- -i f ... t. ... i '. u II t :1M t l.C 1 I I .. .. I I , ,- . i ui.- r 1 i nil) u i S , ! - tl- f C i t v. couie when llii 1 l U'lteriiient. th-' e ihIHUmi. for la. ui he itidlf lilnul. I ! the srvHtcM fa ,'.! ig f rural roiu - cr m a time. I , lly. wIm-ii the In- . i I .i. i''.e I i" ' rt'i-i Ui mini ; '' , i! i I w i- i .1 r i c-h tllrect titillKa- , -, i i l.'i. Mi I v." ! fOlloW CHI. fill v is. h .!' iiiui. by ui.'una . f , , ,-.-., I tr .,-.. ttuloti f;t llltlc. t,. n. t tn. . i l ie .'li'ptioue niid the !. .r .. t, a ui clic ! veiitloim ill. tl , , .a. ..i. ti.i n..ui...iiilni ami U'tui Inif. inn li lis he. -tune well mure ( li-sely Iniitttd lu lil neighbor, that i he iHitcra welfui-e hu e-oitie lil-i .iwu welfare. Thl la Jut n "rue of ihe fiirmci- nn of hiiv iitlcr Ins. !n tin' H'-'Alli of riir.il Ivlca lie not Iv I'll- vilvmi'Hi of our rurul coin l i but of tlx' bill lull US .1 th.lc . ,-n- inii only llie IikIU Mitiil farm, ' ,ii ! i I'liiiiuioil.v w hole tlic t,in t-:;t.-r. I In- hallways M.lliUliit -i a I dirii-tloli. the sikIhI i-oiiili!lor.i. . iiMii'iiiilh'H for iiiciilul relnxti tii ii ii-il di'Vi'li-i'iueiit- nii'l von excit i jr,:! i, is. c whi -h cxii i.ilf Mmlw1!! .1. (.. the .(.M:itlve hn!W of the t' .i.ti. That llctiry J.uics allow hi ,i:-tnri' t- run t.. ihlstli- I "i :rc..: !y nolMnt.v's !.unIiii's Kit hi" own. Th; nmv Is- ' ii Up to the p .int w hi re llii ttrst puff f V.I flcit the tlii-tlc il.iwn over Into the pii-tu:c of Ills uclKlil.or. lalit thcie Henry .loici lm tiiiliiti'iitloiiuli.v till en u liaml hi his iicl.:hl..'rs- affair, ami his in-l.i:'i-burs luivo u right to Oeiiiuiiil of Henry June that he tb his share to rellcte tin comiuimlly f a pct. A puff of wind ami a bll of thlstledowu hnve made of tin- free liidivl.litul respon sible t't I" the mil. Kveiy movement which teiul to bring the ini'iiiliers of the rural com munity together for discussion " those thlugs which conceru the com munity a a whole Is a iliilnct step forward. Kvery schoolhouse should le a civic ceuter for the district lu whic h It Is slttiateil. Every town house or county neat should be a larger civic center wherein the leaders in the smaller centers may meet for the dis cussion of the work which they are doing and for the Intelligent mapping out of futiir plans aloug which these smaller centers, may co-oiprate. The "town beautiful" of necessity means the - home beautiful." aud the home beautiful meaiis the retention of the hoys and girls on the farm. Kural c Ivies lu its , broadest sense means rural uplift, uplift i.long every line whidi tends to imike country life more worth while, more attractive, more in spiring. i:u:ul civics has no place lu party politic s, save that It will produce in each party the best men that can be put forward. The welfare of the ni' (imi Is clei-iMiilenf on the welfare of the Individual, "ml the individual alone N helpless and hopeless. Patriotism of the hi'ihest type Is the Immediate and best product of the realization of com munal responsibility. The lycemn in the schoolhouse and the public forum at the town or couu ty sent will -onie to mean not only a more beautiful country, but n purging of politics which shall ultimately make our govern inent what we are wout to claim that It Is and what it should- be if it is not the Ideal which Lincoln so tersely set forth as "a government of the people, bv the people and 'or the people." Trees to Hide Billboard. In one of the back Btreets of Brigh ton. England, up which the tram cars pass to the Dyke road and the golf links, stand four little trees. The road is not an avenue, and one wonders how these four llttle-trees strayed there till the conductor explains that they were placed by the municipality to hide an advertisement boarding put up by the railway line and which mars the view of a very pretty wooded cutting. As the company declined to remove It trie town fathers promptly planted their trees, and now in the summer the boarding Is almost hidden from view. What Is Best for Indigestion? Mr. A. Robinson of Drumquin, Onta rio, has been troubled for years with indigestion and recommends Chamber Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets as "the best ' medicine I ever used." If troubled with indigestion or consti pation give' them a trial. They are certain to prove beneficial. They are easy to take and pleasant in efie Price 25 cents. Samples free at P. ii. iKrkland s. Uniform Street Tree Planting. Washington is rapidly becoming fa mous the world over for its fine trees, but one kind of tree being planted in each street. Some of the tine exam nles are: Pennsylvania avenue, pink oaks: Indiana avenue, oriental planes: Massachusetts avenue. American lin dens, and East Capitol street planted with American elms. Streets such as these, planted uniformly with one species, and that a good species, will in time make any town famous for beautiful streets. Estray Notica Came to my place about the first of July, two black fillies and one gray horse about nine years old and one bay colt two or three years old, not altered. Owner can have same by paying for this notice and dam ages to G. M. Hoyser, Independence, Oregon. Phone Bell 14x8. lOt GREAT BENEFIT TO CHILDREN Satisfactory Results From Scheme to Beautify Towns. Cncourag CUanlinesa and Thrift and Otvaicpa Artiatio TnU-Hsw Lit Can B Mad Worth Living For Homo Loving Employee. A scheme of ptiaa awards aa an In centive for greater ir of yard and Kunli'iia by hotiw dweller lina l-eeu adopted by a lundm-a tlrm lu NeeuuU, Wis., for the liiiiiii'vemi in of NUitura. one of tiie poper u i io" on u'" Menominee river. In northern WW oil sin. This plan, which mi be fol ovi-d by any towu. nuirWa mintlu c Mi : I" ''' movement for well Upi i:iiiici a a civic iK-ceSslty. .Milwaukee Hl belU ftt by ui li a movement. nil Ishpe miiiK. Mich., rejoice I" ' I'1'1 ' " test held annually bv mi iron coinpiiny. In the Ma if an plan the village Im Imi-U dlvliiod Into sixteen dNtllcts. Prlae are oiteivd on a yard Improve ment contest to cover cleanliness. , sliilitilness uml iioiitnett of (he prem ise. The rottiptttty In Neenah will n- j mint three tni'ii out of town. who. ! with two resident Judge, will make three lnsi'clloiis during th season, A prixe will be given to the jurd In eac:i r.r the sixteen district showing the greatest Improvement during the su n uier. To the last of the sixteen dis tricts a prize winner's prize will be offered. In addition to the nrst prize, there will lie given a cash prize t every family residing In the nelghlior hiMKl which -how the greatest Im-j provement. Seeds, plant, snrnos aim n- being sold to the contestants at cost. Milch of the natural beauty of the lit tle town, which I situated attractively between high bluffs, was shorn by lumbermen and Jobbers, who cut ev ery tree from the hill and valley, leaving stumps and slashings aa they passed through. Ever since the Inauguration of the vcnl Improvement plan stumiw and jruh have begun to disappear rapidly, renclng. grading and the removal of ock are doing wonders In th? way of 11-peiirs.iice. an! thousands of plants, shrub and trees are being set In. stntr lawns already take the place of riot of weed and Canadian thistle. The women and children have henetlt cd In health by the out of dour exor cise rtleiiilant on the garden work, and men find recreation and Interest In working about their homes. Niav'ura's tinny of willing ben ti ti tters promise to make their village n rival of Ishpeming. with Its annual prize contest nnder the auspices of an im.i cnmiiiinv. The pri'.e contestants no. re nre iiersons occupying hind own- ed by the company, anil a iiumuer oi classes are posted under which they may compete. Prizes are offered for the best kept premises, vine planting, window box planting nnd vegetable gardening. The company Issues nn at tractive booklet with Instructions In the care of the garden and planting. The pamphlet issued by the Ishpeni Ing company speaks editorially on the subject of garden care. "We find that the children In the homes where much regard Is given to making and keeping It as attractive as possible are Inclined to be more home loving and more easily Interested lu the best thing." It says. "A boy can have, no better training than that of i-nr.in how to cultivate the soli. . , ..a Mnnv vegetable and flower gardens have been brought to our notice show ing the value of the work done ny boys and girls through the long sum mer holidays. Many a boy and girl have thus been able to earn their flTst money and acquire a habit of Industry in this work which has been a help to thom throiiB-hout their lives. There Is no niipstlon about the benefit to the home or the home lire navtug sucu im proved surroundings." As a result of this work the city of Ishpeming presents a pleasing con trast to the coal mining and foundry towns of America and Europe. It en Joys the distinc tion of being the best kept of any in the long mining list. Ishpeming has responded enthusias tically to the company's invitations for general Improvement. The prizes, which are cash, aggre gate several hundred dollars annually. There are several first, second, third mi fourth tirizes in each class. These are for the tenants of the company.. Besides these the president or tne com nnnif irives prizes of money to the boys and 'girls of the public schools who make the best showings in, nower ana vegetable gardens. The company has a fine nursery and greenhouses, from which It supplies its tenants at low cost. Missionary work In the cause of gar dens has been carried out with satis factory results In Milwaukee by the Milwaukee Sentinel Outdoor Art asso ciation and the Woman's School alli ance. In Milwaukee the entries for the first year were 100. This season 1.500 are taking part in the contest. Many of the native ferns, wild grape vines and trees have been collected In the wood and transferred to the yards. Three prizes have been offered, not for the best yard, but for the greatest Improvement under prevail ing condition. There are special prizes for children and ' two extra AM ." I liiiprMvriiH'til imI one for me areaunf permtiiieiil Improvement. HU kly worn, en and hlliUvu are lielti made well and trti by Ihe Mtlwauke le. ment movement -Hi. Louis lleimhlU;. tM )uiidno 10 Mutic. Major I- W. V. Keiuum In lullldln r.je lleiiguet road throuuh Hie liioU-l-t n ln of northern l.uaott. Philippine bind. obliged In study the ehr Meter of lit . native employee and adopt evuilttr ItietlHHl of ileveloplnif their emi'leiicy. He found that tnuali tt Ihe licit Incentive lu work, He had a Uml follow tho aanca wherever they went and play the men worked. Prom Inlxirera worth ldceiil a day he di'veioied Ihe men Into mti alettl machine working- In cailenc with drum lieat. Plnnlly In rloaln up the work b mad a wager that the road woulJ be flnUhed by certain day. Ha promised v "lsr to vory lnlorer If ha won tho bet. II .on. .11 u. . taansiKo ; - - - - - ft cow IRVINE'vS GROCER! Call on These Pates and Learn tne usmes. I " I ' ' t I Economy Jars Keeps Everything Fruit Game Vegetables Er., Etc. Salem Woolen Mill Store SALEM, OREGON. JUST RECEIVED A I nJl and Compkie Line of Buster Brown and Whiteliouse . rr A"nn SkHl II FOR CHIL0RKN Kwry pair aarrautod ! Also Cotton Blankets -.ind Comforts H. DREXLER, TH li GROCER Corner of Alain and Monmouth Streets fideijendence, Ore, We Maku a Specially of Farm Produce OMY Demonstrated August 23rd and 24th, 1909 Keeps Meats Game Fish and Vegetables At well mt Fruits No Rubber Rial Keeps them perfectly forever, with all original flavor und natural color Air-tight, elf-scaling Wide Mouth No Zinc Cap SUITS Now is the Young Man's oppor tunity to fit himself out for the rear of the Summer or for Fall All Young Men's . Long Pants Suits In cluded in this Sale Extra special redac tions are being mi.cic 20 to 50 per cent saved in buying now Don't let this op portunity slip by Meil u4 Women. JARS at For Sale at Irvine's Grocery Cooper Block Independence -s' II tfl f 1 II - A II 11 I J-if