ills GOOD FRDITTREESlNEWS FROM OUR 1 CONTKIBTORS WE MAKE PROVISIONS to supply you lth meat c.f only fluent quality. We elect carefully and expertly only THE CHOICEST MEATS Tender meat 1 not a matter of lu k It In a question ot ur.-Mtng aitdfeed Ing. Our kuowlodge enale tin to chooae only uch meal as are class ed a inms, A trial order will abow surpassing different In our ni'aia and those you have bwn eating. Heck & Flubacher Proprietors Independence, Oregon A good fouudaliou UJ uppirt good house. Tti Oregon Nurry Co' fu't ,r I year old and to feci hUh on 3 .......ii .jii bill auituoit belter ire.- than the plec rout graft mm moiily sold. Hundred have deui.ui art ront Inert) that they ill grow faaUT and b quicker Time is Money Unit la tno ValUa'ultf tO bo incumbered with trwi that mill be Ions time lu bringing r.-iilt The Oregon Numery Co' tree ar frown on new land and are abaolutt ly free from dlacaae. Don't buy tta cheapest tree and get tung but bu the beat tree and ba satisfied. loformatlon cheerfully given by ad dressing 0. W. PENNEBAKER Special Salesman for the company for Polk and Marlon Counties EMBROIDER FOR BABY We have many new Ideas in dainty Baby Garments stamped to em .brolder. Baby Bresses from 75 cents to 12.00 Slip Petticoats, Hood Capea, Klmonas, Bibs, Bootees. Bonnets. All articles stamped on best grade of materials. Free lessons in embroidery. 1 Needlecraft vShop Mrs. 5. C. Wall 270 N. Com'l. St. Salem, Oregon NEW GOODS E ARRIVING DAILY P. H. DREXLER Dealer ia DRY GOODS Groceries, Boots and Shoes We Make a Specialty of Farm Produce Call and examine our Stock before buying, you will find that our prices are right and we carry anything you may want. Remeber the Place Corner of Main and Monmouth Streets Independence, Ore. BO0H5 T9 READ For Summer reading on your outing or at home see our paper line at 10c, 15c and 25c i We have reprints of the copyright books at 50c. Come in. and look over ur large book stock. The Commercial Book Store 163 Commercial St., 8ALEM, ORE. COTTAGE HOTEL CHARLES SAVAGGE, LESEE Special Attention to Commercial and College Organizations 160 Court street. Telephone 209 Main C 1 Telephone and Messenger Service at Hotel OllCIYl Farmers' Feed and Sales Stable H. EICHEL, Proprietor Grain and Hay for Sale. Herces boarded by day, week or month, at reasonable ate JNEPENDrNCE, OREGON. BUENA VISTA J. C. Kaya and VV, II. Murphy re Italia visitor Tu-aaay. J, M. Prather aa tin bual ua In Albany one day thia week. C, I. WelU a an Albany iitor Wcducaday. J. O. Puhy and ife returned home Wednesday after an 'xU'd'd ' lu the Alaea country. Chaa. E. Illck and Wm. iHiwc of Independence were Uuena Vial la- Uora Saturday. .Mr. A. Anderson, who haa been xi.Mi.llm the Seattle fair for aev.ral days past, relurned home Friday. Mr. Horgmau, of the liergutau Shoe Co.. of Portland, was a Uuena visitor Saturday. Mrs. J. D. Winn returiitHl home an t-aatern trln Sunday even- lug. M. I. Conger and wife of ilupdal were ahopplng In Hueua Friday. Monmoutn Hood Craven, a former bustnesa man of thia plat e was a pleasant via Itor Friday. here calling on relatives and frlendi Saturday. P. IL Johnson, who waa burned severely lu the fire which recently burned hia dwelling, ia slowly recov ering from the effect of her Injuries. Mrs. Frank Lucas of Portland la spending the summer with her parent onts, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. .Mulkey. Mrs.' May Bowden-Habbltt and her mother and Bister, MIbs Florence Bow den and Dick Babbitt, have gone to Corvallis to live. Allen Clarke, wife and daughter. and George Baker and family have taken advantage tn the lull In bunl- ness and have gone on a vacation to the beach by team. P. Springer has returned from making bay on his farm lu .Marion county. Mrs. W. O. Meador Is spending the summer at the home of her parents who reside in this city. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Pet tit of Cor- vallis were doing business in town and calling on old friends Wednesday William Biddell and Kr. Phillips at tended a farewell party given the Misses Cleuiy of Bellville, Illinois. at the home of their uncle, William Metzler of Rickreall. F. $6 HOPDALE Mrfe. Rice of Sclo returned homo this week after spending a fortnight 1th her daughter, Mrs. McCarter. Mrs. B. Johnson, a sister of Mrs. F. McCarter, relumed home last Sunday from a few days' visit among friends n Polk county. W. F. Bundy has been helping Mr. Haunon the past week. M. Prather is selling vetch hay for a ton In the field. The late rain has brought the pring grain out wonderfully. Mr. Bundy has the best garden in this vicinity with the exception of that of Mr. Saunders who prides him self that he does not allow a weed grow in it. When it comes td gar dens he takes the cake. Most of the farmers of this vicin- have their hay put "by. The hop growers have started to spray. Mrs. R. H. McCarter returned to her home Monday from Sclo where she. had been visiting for a few days. She; reports that that section was visited by a heavy rain Sunday and that the roads are quite muddy. ity COUNTY SEAT NEWS Chas. Canter, who has been ex periencing considerable trouble with his eye, is back from Portland where he went to have it treated, The officers of the Rebekahs were stalle at the Odd Fellows hall Tues day evening. County Clerk Smith issued Verne B. Johnson and Miss Angenathia Red- dekopp a license to wed. , The hospital has taken care of 24 patients since the 10th of June. Miss Annie Fuller has returned home from Monmouth where she has been attending the summer normal. Miss -. Fuller, while there took a course in methods, completing it last week. Prtt.rvtd With Currant Juice Now that the a.-amm for putting up pr-a-rvea and Jam. la at ha d and there are abundance of rherrl a and turittiit lit tot Imiii. itUii. l . t . 1 1 . the r-.'tpi f.-r priming cneme with currant Juice luay Hot, roiixt amis: . Tee iUutla of ilulTl, Ihr.-e ijiiiiii i.f currant, two yuarta of u gaf. Put the currants in the prexi rv-, lug keitlo and on t law fire. hen they boil up them and strain: ill rolled i, heme i huh, preaftlug out all the. Juice. St. m and atone ihe cherrl", being careful to aate all Ihe Juice, put ihe cherries, fruit Julie and sugar III I the preerlllg kettle. Ileal to the! boiling point and aklm carefully. Boll for twenty minutea. Put In atrllled I Jar or tumbler. Thia give an acid preserve. The ugar may Ihe doub led if richer preserve are delred. A Clem Man i....m. -i i: . 1. I... ik. kilt tKa fcattl. A 4.... rf"- timet I UiT. tad '!! ' . .lc. .tomach. cle. bow.U, !. blood. cl.. IIW. II I vJ ew, olM. healthy .... Ik. who I , fX will look it d aot It. IU w,U work .ry aad U.k I j lit II. ..II .v.r be irouhled wltk liver, lu. t"ah b'004 d.wni.f. lrlP d tadigMtioa oriiaat "i"m'T' chi. Hlood dixxtM are fouad where there it Owtanptioa aad bronututii m naoimia luugt. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery prevent thee d -.. It mk- mm aad It mnm digtlve rg. P"r klod. aad oUea, kealtby leek. U rtor.. toe t- lb w" r.... aed ure rvo- h..lle n4 It eonuin. M .leohol or '"'7" i'lrW. Pl....n I. I- Coa.tip.tioa I. the mo! (mmIm uelnlinM. Dr. I ire I l...m Ul. ear It. 1r vr Hp. Pr to t.k t edy. There ia more calarrh ill thia aeiv lion of the country than all other dla eaaea put together, a. id ui.ul the last fnw year wa upiMed to be Incur able. For a great many year doctort pronounced It a local dlneuae and pre acrlbed local remediea, and by con .jtantly falling to cure with local treat ment, pronounced It Incurable. Sci ence haa proven catarrh to be a con Kilt nt tonal dlaeaae and therefore re quire constitutional treatment., Hall' Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney ft Co.Toh-do, O .ls the on ly constitutional cure on the market. It Is taken Internally In dose of ten drops to a teasnoonfiil. It act di rectly on the blood and mucous ur face of the system. They offer tlOO for any case It falls to cure. Send for circular and testimonials. Addres. F. J. Cheney ft Co, Toledo, Ohio. Sole" by all d-.ipglsts. 7.c Take Hail Family PHI for cons. Ipai Ion. Try Long' new Cash Market for cooked meat of all kinds. He makes specialty of boiled ham and corned beef. 611 That Pesky Fly He is her at last and this fact no one ran deny. I ne pestty ny now makes you swear by crawling , crawl ing everywhere. He wipes his feet upon the bread and creeps upon your hairless head. Within the milk ne takes a bath and on the butter makes a path, and then he anger Mary Jane by specking up the window nane; and mama yells and baby squirms because ho leaves those aw ful germs. Get out the sticky paper, quick, and make him goHtiamignty sick. C. A. JOHNSON liS Experienced Felt and Panama Hat Cleaner and Blocker 190 South aniitrclIl5.ICrpoif Lawi.DCflGro.fry Slot Phone 565 - - SALEM, OREGON THE NOBLE 1. A. MADISON, Prop. Corner Commercial nd Ntt turret 4ALKM, O KICtiON When You Sit Down To a Meal I .1.1. PMlaHHIlt Will UN. HtirA it Will lie excellent a to food, ouoklnir ud eerviee. The aurrouudlnpt oek tor llieniHeivea, mi.l the hill of fare tells mutely of fine eating at little price. Come in and hnng a friend or two along, l win an ub be pleased. White House Restaurant Vv'rn. McGilchrut & Son, Piopnrtort SALEM - - OREGON mm CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Be Rind You Hava Always Bought Bears the Signature o THE KEY NOTE TO your -pleasure may be the fact that you presented your muslo loving daughter, ion or wife with an ex' qulalte musical instrument from our rare stock. You may develops a musi cal phenomenon unawares. AayhoW member of the family possessed of one of our fine guitars, violins, man dolins, xlthers, banjos or cornets can not but make the home pleasant an4 cbeerful. L. F. SAVAGE 247 Commercial St. Salem, Oregon Proper Treatment for Disentery and Diarrhea The great mortality from disentery and diarrhea is due to a lack of prop er treatment at the first stages of the disease. Chamberlain's Colic, Chole ra Remedy is a reliable and effectual medicine and when given in reasona' hie time will prevent any dangerous consequences .It has been in use for many years and has always met with unvarying success. For sale by P. M Kirkland . ' - ' j Hattie Mix tailor shop, Independ- ence, Oregon. 7-9 III If you do, don't purchase until you have inspected the celebrated We Carry a full Line of McCormick Machinery S3cC ormick IVilowe Since the first World's Fair, held in London In 1851, the McCormick has remained first in International leadership. McCormick machines are de signed and constructed to harvest the grain and grass crops of the world. These machines have maintained their pre-eminence because they have been kept far in advance of ordinary machines. The durability of Mc Cormick materials and workmanship has never been rivaled. Our Stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware is Complete and up-to-date. Call and get our Prices HANNA BROS., Independence, Ore.