Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, July 23, 1909, Image 1

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N 1 ' M fiKfl
Th Projrt It Now Bsfort th Com
mercial Club of Indsptndsnca, and
Its Magnitude at an Advortltomant
for County Dawna on Poopl.
A special meeting of tho comtner.j
clal tlub whs hold Friday fVMitn for1
the purpose of considering the prop- (
oaltlou of W. A. Albln. president of
the Security Land and Investment
Co. of Portland, Oregon. The prop-,
oaltlon attempts to Interest tne fit-1
liens of thla section In thH develop
ment and colonisation of a thousand
fruit laud uear tho city.
The meeting was fairly welt at
tended, thre being thirty or forty
nictubera present all of whom exhlb
lied Interest In' the proportion as
laid before them by Mr. Albln. which,
ummarlied, la about at followa:
To plant, cultivate, and colonise
one thouttuml acres of commercial
orchard within the vicinity of Inde
pendence. To subdivide In five and ten acre
tracts, and tell to eastern farmers
and orchardtHta.
To have the citUen co-operate
with the compauy In thla enterprise
in the purchase of profit-sharing
itock to the extent of $30,000.
To operate for a period of fir
years In the vicinity, put tin a thous
and aores on the 'market ea.-h year,
If the above sum Ib Bubsrrtcd and at
least 60 per cent available by Octo
ber 1, 1903.
tleuieil could be Induced to la
III tb company as It would r-S
if ihu ureltmlnnry work eili'
-- - , ,
cd In t-ulilatluir a young orchard. r
Others present were of the saint
opinion as Mr. lllrbborg. and aj
strong sentiment as Mprcssrtl by
tlios preaeut lhal lu the went of
Mr. Alblu'a compauy being success-'
ful In securing the land referred to
Ibal but Utile difficulty would lit ex
perienced In securing the capital net
Miliary to maku a success of the un
dertaking. Dr. liutler, 11. Hlrschberg. VV. T.
Ilofftnaii. D. A. Hodge and J. U Han
na were appointed committee lo
ail vine Mr. Albln and Mr. Simon of
the action of the tlub.
After the cbfo had adjourned Mr
Portland Capitalists Visit This $ec
tl on With View of PurehstinB Ont
Thousand Acres Land to Subdlvids!
Into Five and Ten Acre Tracts.
spied to II".. rnUlug of fruit than
the other localities.
Now that such reprineiiimlve men
as It. Il.rchb-rg, Dr. ltuU.r, W. T
Hoffman, Manna Hm., and others
are becoming Interested there Is lit
tl doubt that the project will soon
be among the successes that we hoe
to chroulcle U the efforts of the com
tnerrlal club from this time on.
Through the courtesy of It. Wrseh-
Albln and Mr. Simon were telephoned ' berg, who is vy enthusiastic over
for and Dr.Butler and Mr.Hlrschberg, the projci., representative of Inn
acting an spokesmen for the com-' KnMpriBa accompanied Messrs. Al, laid the matter fully before
the gentlemen, and It was very grat
ifying to know that the cou.Kor prop-1 Hon of the property under consider
osltlon of the club met with their , lion .by the commercial club oaj Wed
hearty approval.and aa a consequence ncsutty morning, It haying been Mr.
the matter Is now being placed be-1 mrsebberg's Intention to have accom
fore Mesvra. Uowers, Carter and Ad-1 pttnicd the party In person but owing
dlson by the members of the com-: ,ome DUHlneHs which came up on
mittee as well as by the represen- .nal morning, demanding his atten-
While there wani.?i. . very Jare
attendance at the meeting of the Com
merelal club Tuesday evening Hume
present wore very enthusiastic over
the propoKi'tlon as laid before them
by V. A. Albln at tho special meet
ing, with a view of Interesting the.
members of the club and the citizens
Of Independence and vicinity to co
operate with the company in tho de
velopment, and lonlzatlon of a thou8
and acres of fruit, land near the city.
Dr. Hut lor, president of the club,
Stated Miat owing to the fact that
so many of the capitalists of the city
and vicinity were largely interested
In the hop Industry In this section,
which had not been very profitable
for the past few years, he found U
a difficult matter to get them inter
ested In the proposition at thin par
ticular season of the year, but from
the conversation with those whom
he had approached upon the subject
he felt confident that later on -In the
season say after tho crop had been
harvested it would bo an easy mat
ter to finance the proposition along
the lines as explained ly Mr. Albln.
' Some of the members who bad "vol
unteered to interest the citizens in
tho project, stated that they had met
considerable opposition on account of
the fact that the tract proposed to
to colonized, which is in the vicini
ty of Parkers, about seven miles
eouth of independence, was too far
from the city, and It seemed to be
the general opinion that it would be
only a short time before another
town would be started in the neigh
borhood of the colonization,, which
would have a tendency, to take busi
ness away from Independence rather
than Increase It.
Mr. Hlrschberg, who was very en-
thusiastic over the proposition, stat
ed that he felt sure that the company
whose plans are broad and complete
could secure the tract of land recent
ly acquired tby Benton Bowers, a cap
italist of Ashland, B. V. Carter, cash
ier of the same bank, of Ashland, atjd
Wm. Addison of this city, which Is
located about two and a half miles
south of town and containing in the
neighborhood of 1100 acres. This
land, he explained, had been purchas
ed by these gentlemen with a view
of setting It out to fruit, it being par
ticularly adapted for the purpose, hav
ing the natural north slope essential
for the successful cultivation of a
fruit farm. While It had been fully
demonstrated that fruit could be
raised successfully in almost any sec
tion of Polk county, it has been
proven that a north hill side is bet
ter adapted than any other. He was
of the further opinion that the gon-
Rlckrsall F.rlsnds Delightfully Enter
tain Departing Cunts
At the beautiful country home of
Mr. and Mr. Al. V. Mulr, near
Rickreall, Oregon, a farewell party
wss given July 16th to their nelce.
Misses Leiiora and Clara Klemme, of
Bt.Louis, Missouri, who has been vis
iting with them since June 1.
Those present were Mrs. Wm. Md
dll, Mra. John Orr, Mrs. Hartley
Mulkey, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Meuler,
the Misses Unora and Clara Kemme,
Hatel and Mabel Lorence, llallie, Nel
lie and I-a Verne Gibson,-Christina
and Minnie Clow. Stella Black and
Blanch Mulkey and Ada Longnecker
and Mr. Phillippi.
Cards and other games were lndulg-
tative. of the Security Land In- tlon lt WM lmpooluto for H,- Jo - ti
vestment Co. t0. lie, therefore arranged for Mr.'CTl '
It would fbe a difficult matter to Dawoll of the Chas. E. Hicks Real " ,, d, the A .y P al S.
estimate the value of an undertaking KBtate Co. to take the party out in I Pr , ' .
... , latlle Hie .Misseu nieiuun- win oioy -
of that character to this particular hl automoblle. " . . Van(.mivt.r n r Thev
Both Mr. Albln and Mr. Simon wera ' " ,.,,, ,,, h..r
tl.- ndinve mmir iimuy
UlUrtJ lllttll I'li'oo u wsm v -w
location of the tract cited by Mr.
Hlrschberg and feel confident that,
with the "assistance of the commer-
sectlon, and In fact the entire coun
ty of Polk.
Lane county has offered Induce
ments to the company to operate In
the vicinity of Eugene. Albany Is al
i by their charming manner and their
I Oregon friends all wish them a pleas
ant Journey and safe return home.
so very anxious that they should op- cjal cub tne property can be secur-
erata In the vicinity of that city e(J on terraa that will prove advantag
and the people there are willing to wjm alJ conCerned.
assist In any manner that the com- oraer that the readers of the
pany may suggest, and lt has been gnterpriae nlay be more fully ac
stated, on good authority, thafT the quante(i with the objects and the
entire amount of Block necessary to turu of the company that Is pro
awlng the first colonization of thff n,olng the project, the following in
company, could be raised In a very ervlew was secured from Mr. Albin,
R. W. Wyantt. a farm hand who
has been working In this vicinity,
was arrested Saturday for discharg
ing fire arms, within the city limits.
It appears that he was on his way
home from Salem where he had Im
bibed too much christian fortitude.
and when In the vicinity of the ferry
commenced shooting into the river
with the result that he had some of j
the mill employs looking for a safe ,
known lu Independence, happens to The e(Uupauy was organized und-r ! l'lf e a''"1 ,he Monday ye
' II : : .... .... 1.,. r nr,n. Mav 2,.. i was gHen a light fine and he went D
short time.
Fortunately for Polk county W. F.
In which he sets forth fully the aims
and injects of the company of which
Simon, who is well and favorably he la tne j)rt.ldeut.
1 I.. ln.l,.n,nitotinn haimona t
(Continued on fourth page)
, 11)09, with a capital stock of $200,000.
par value of shares of $100 each,
j "The officers of the company are,
' W. A. Albln, president; W. B. Clark,
i vice-president; aud A. E. Swanson,
"The purposes of the company Ib
, buying, selling, leasing and iiuprov
( ing land, territories and laying out
i platting subdivisions of same. Also
; I farming, planting, tilling the soli,
Sherman Hays, manager of the ! operating farms, ranches, etc.
ru i, vflrrt east nf IndeDHudence. i In answer to the query as to tne
was given a very pleasant surprise
last Sunday by a few of his friends,
the occasion in honor of his 42nd
birthday. The surprise was in the
shape of a banquet given him at the
Hotel Independence by Jesse Whit
eaker, S. E. Owen, Clyde Williams
and Moss Walker, mine host of the
hotel. The menu, which included
UUltT!. 1HO UWU, Wltivti ......
oysters, spring chicken and all the es- promotion of the project of the com-
sentlals necessary to complete a
successful birthday dinner, was serv
ed in eight courses. It was one of
the most elaborate affairs that has
been given In the city for many a
day and the event was one long to Ibe
remembered by those participating,
especially Mr. and Mrs. Hays to
whbm it came as a complete sum
prise, they having entirely overlook
ed the fact that Sunday was Sher
man's birthday. Usually Mr. and Mrs
Hays take their Sunday dinner at the
hotel, and' lt being no uncommon oc
currence for them to meet their
hosts at the dinner table, on that
occasion no suspicion was, attached
to the fact that they all dropped In
to the hotel about the same time,
and, not until they were seated at
the table and Mr. Hays was present
ed with a box of cigars did he real
ize that there was something doing.
Those present at the dinner were:
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Whiteaker, Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Williams, Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Oweri, Miss Nola Owen
and Moss Walker.
By unanimpus consent Mr. Hays
was made toast master and all who
know him will bear us out in the
statement that he was fully equal
to the occasion.
Tortured on a Horsei
"For ten years I could not ride a
horse without being in torture from
the piles," writes L. S. Napier of
Rugless, Ky., "when all doctors and
other remedies failed, Bucklin's Ami-
present objects of the company, Mr.
Albln stated:
"The present plans of the compa
ny are the purchase of 1000 acres
of fruit laud each year for a period
of five years, planting and improv
ing the same, 'sub-dividing into five
and ten acre tracts and colonizing
tho same with eastern people. The
pany is an investment for the stock
holders. ,
"The possibilities of an investment
runs from ten to forty per cent per
annum. The safety of the proposi
tion is that the land is sold on the
Installment plan the title remaining
with the company until it is fully
paid for.
"It is the intention of the company
to confine its operations to the Wil
lamette valley as it is better adapt
ed to the raising of fruit than other
portions of j the state, with
the possHble exception of the Hood
river and Rogue river valleys. The
land is sold on the basis of 25 per
cent down, the balance being divid
ed into three equal payments, pay
able at the end of each year. At
the end of the fourth year the com
pany willhave !!0"0 awn of land un
der various stages of improvement,
from one to three years.
"The purchasers of stock may, at
the end of the third year exchange
his stock at par value for land under
"It will be readily seen that the
establishment of 1000 acres of fruit
land in your Immediate vicinity will
mean an. increase in population .to
the county of at least 6000 people
by the time it is fully colonized and
make polk
county famous for its
Both of the gentlemen are very iem firm was to be accepted.
ot,.iait..n nvop thia section, and iTnio- tho henrt of new business
ihu- l.uvr- hAit 'liiiterino- offers r,.T,f.nninn tlanna turned over to
other remedies railed, wucKnn s Arm- . -
ca Salve cured me." Infallible for from commercial bodies of Salem, Al- the city the deeds for the eignt ieet
. knn am4 tron a fllfV OTP VPTV fa- I tKa wOct nf thfl lflts Of Mrs.
rllos. Burns, Cuts, scams, lions, re- nJ ,4fe""v - " " t.
' i- ...Jtv. 7 1 ; o cortinn - xrn;n of i-not u-nirh snf
ver - Sores, Eczema, Salt Rneum, i voiupiy nuwu uanub uu
Corns. 25c. Guaranteed by all drug
and other conditions are better ad-
his way rejoicing.
The council met in regular session
with Councilman Hoffman In the
chair and all the couucilmen, city re
corder and city marshal present.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and approved.
Councilman Hubbard, chairman of
the committee on fire and water,
which committee has In hand the
work of putting a new roof on the
city hall, stated that he had re
ceived two bids for doing the work,
as follows: R. M. Wade & Co., whose
bid included he painting of the
under side only is as follows:
20 lb coating roofing tin paint
ed on under side put on city
hall at.... .... ......$V 65
30 lb coating roofing tin paint
ed on under side put on city
hall at 8 1
Workmanship and material guaran
teed to be as represented.
Steiner & Berger of Salem bid as
40 lb standing seam coating
tin painted on under side
before laid guaranteed for 15
years $10 00
30 Ib standing seam coating
tin painted on under side
before laid, guaranteed for
10 years , .... 9 00
20 tb standing seam .coating
tin paluted on under side
before laid, guaranteed for
10 years 00
Guarantee covers a period of 13
years on 40 lb tin provided it is paint
ed once every three years. Cheaper
material is guaranteed for only 10
After the usual discussion on mo
tion of Councilman Hubbard, second
ed by Councilman Mix, the bid of
wi jC- Pn was tn be accepted, if
at, the end of a few years it will they would put on. a standing seam
and give ten years guarantee lor o
lb tin, otherwise the bid of the ba-
(Continued on last page)
We're Cosing Out Odds and Ends
and Broken Lots in All Depart
ments at Greatly Reduced
Clothing Bargains
A big Hue of Men's high grade worsted Spring Sulis at
20 Discount
Th'i,e are choice Spring patterns of the latest style.
Every Tan Shoe and Tan Oxford
in the house
All sizes for men, women and children.
Our dress goods department offers a great special in
Novelty Spring
Dress Goods
at 75c per yard, reduced from our $1.00, $1.10, $1.25 and $1.40 lines
Barrtes' Cash Store
E. T. BARNES Pro., Salem
102 acres, one mile from town; 45
acres under cultivation;- orchard;
dug well; 25 acres timber, balance
pasture; new modern 7-rooni house
and good barn and fences. Terms.
Price $3800.
277 acres 10 miles from dependence
. 150 acres in cultivation. This Is
another of the good buys. Will sel
al) $50 an acre.
324 acres 4 miles from Jlonmouth.IVs
from railroad; 160 acres in cultiva
tion. Good Improvements. A good
buy. $30 an acre.
160 acres, within mile of town and
railroad. Al piece of land and fine
country home. Rich sandy loam
soil. Good Improvements. Price
235 acres, almost all In cultivation at
$40 an acre.
See Us for City Residences
12 room house and basement, bain,
chicken houses, windmill and tanks,
water system throughout. Dwell
ing is modern, with, patent toilet, ;
bath, laundry in basement, septic
tank, etc. Range goes with proper
ty. Nothing better in Independ
ence. $4000.
9-room house and 2 lots In Monmouth
desirable location jjf- good improve
ments. Price $1500.
An acrs of land' and 6-room house;
good Improvements, lumber on the
ground for bam and other improve
ments and goes with place at $750.
Look thia up. ; , -