Jtt, The highest grade mai in thf rwuuty was ninety seven and flv ninth, by Alfred May of district No .THESE PASSED ii MH )M;-t fralth win trie arr.u 'EIGHTH GRADE': ridiip off rej by tIIU C .II'k fr Iklith grad pupil makiiu the his i- cat grade In tli- county. 'S' IaBBBwasae M T You're lure you're letting the genuine when jrou buy from ut. No danger I refilled bnttlcs-lNo danger of buyin cheap worth let frith placed in CYRUS NOBLE boiilci and palmed off as the genuine. We arc now aclling lor the fir, lima in 44 year direct to the eon turner in diitricta where you are unable lo obtain lhi farnoue brand. 4 quart bottle of CENUINC CYRUS NOBLE lirect te you, all chart iid to the naarett railroad eipreae oil ice. $4. 90 Pure old honeit whikey at an honet legitimate price. Guaranteed to the United State Government and to YOU to contain all the econdary conitituent that make it real WHISKEY The government official Mate that any dUtillation that doesn't i alcohol. W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO. DulliAed 1864 I OS-1 07 Scd Str. PwtUd, Orrfna tttt t ' UN o tm CENUINC CYRUS NOBLE. , rP"i f OjTMfta Nmw. . .1 r o i ii ' Cm - . ' i Following county who ari the pupil of I 'oik have Dai'd the eUhth Kor Tortured on a mrt It-ii yiur could not ride a Summer Rates East During the Season 1909 i ia the Southern Pacific Co. from Independence, Oregon To Omaha and Return $61.95 To Kansas City and Return $61.95 To St. Louis and Return $69.45 To Chicago and Return $74.45 and to other principal cities In the East, Middle Went and South. Correspondingly low fares. On Sale June 2, 3; August 11, 12 To DENVER and Return $56,95 On Sale May 17, July 1, August 11 Going transit limit 10 days fora date of sale, final return limit October 3lst. Theso tickets present sotno very attractive features In the way of stopover privileges, and choice of routes thereby enabling pas sengers to make side trips to many Interesting points enroute. Routing on the return trip lirougU California may be bad at a slight advance over the rates quoted. Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be fur nished fcy any Southern Pacific local agent, or WM. McM UI1RY, General passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. , 2 Papers forROol IIPiFIli THIS I'A I'Kll AND TH K : ipLLF 1'ACIFIO MONTH KY j MwRSoa Ths School that Plaei i'ov n rt Hood Pontic m. mar (She Court Resort arpd Geprrar) Liupch Place FKANK H COLLINS, Proprietor 357 State St. Salem, Oregon Phorpe 117 The Willamette Valley Company Light, Power & Water at Very Reasonable Ratet WATER RATES-(Water by meter applies to wsl denoaa only.) Residence rate en meter applies to eue tomert only who pay 2.00 and orer at the rate el We per 1,000 gallon; minimum 1.00 per month. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER RATE Residence, 15 cents per K. W. Business houe, 25 cent per drop and 5 cents per K. W. Fewer, rates en application. , OFFICE AT WATERWORKS PHONE MAIN 41 .....ft...... ft.. 1.... t.. ...a.... p.. fr...i niuiuy piiu K"" - - i our wiuii'Ul UflliK in i.ift..v rail i-iaiuliialloua for the school yca,,, plica.' rlt hint closed, the eianilnation Im-IiiK HuKh-aa, Ky Klven In lUo inontha of January, aAay and Juiit: Dikti-ict No. 1 Z : Joyce Cra ford, Eiilulla Iwvla and Mildred Krakea. Diitnct No. 2 Oalla. Maurice Dallon, Arthur A Hciiim U, Jfiinib ricaalngir. (Jleil Brock. Kuth M. Khaw, J.hlu A. Howard, Alfred j. .ta', IU lioydston. Im-n Butler, Krtnk II. Campbell, Eddie H. hta rln, Kaye I. I'erclval, Frank II, w ,u, Cladys K. Smith, K.ith V. Camp- bell. AblKBll U Walker, t iaia vauur. a U X. Napier of "when all doctor and v) other reiuedle falhxl. Iiu kiln' Ami ca tialvp cured nie." liifIHbl fr I'lh. Iltirn. Hcalda, Cut, Holla. Fe ver Sorea. Kema, Halt Rheilm. Corn. 2!ic, (luarant -ed by all drug-Hist. Notice of Sale of Bond. Notice la hereby given that at a regular meeting of the common conn ill of the city of Independence, Ore- (gon, lo be held in tn councu cn--'ber In atd city on tho 2Ut day of 1 July, 1SU9, at the hour or 7: i...i.i. ... . l... -liv will aell U I ll Ift V. Ml., .... . 1 A bi ll. AtilK"ll 1 waiaer, v ' -'"' - &o negoliaoie coupon "" u.m. dul J Harold Stouffer. Irene Iluun- ald city, or tn prmiipui ani...u w. 0 J' . ' , . r.iv.. A ($12,500 In the aggregate, as au , Fran.ia M. Holme, taroly,, A. 'lhi;Tllvd by or, ,.,, N(). m f ald O ihikf C'audia E. JS'3 ' i,,,lt" city, entitbd "An ordinance autbr- iJnhrk.. Claudia K. Brown. Iul Ixlng th IsBiiance and aale of bonds ' ' ,h A rrlffitb Pearl M of the city of Independence. Oregon. RastnUMsen, Kdlih A. Crlffitli. I eari m pwrpie of raising fund, for Phillip. th construction of a system of sow- Dlitrlct No. 5 Pde. era In a.ld city," passed over the . ., r mayor1 veto June 2, 1!W9. sal'l H.atle Klnsey and Kvn Wom. r. boI1(lH arf, ,ienomlnations of 2"0 District No. 8 LewUvlll , eai h. payable twenty years from the - . I.All . I . K till) ona Lewis Neda wis. Hyro firrt day or August, i w. u N l' ' 'privilege, optional with said city, of 'paying sum inmm in , Dittrlet No. 9 Balliton al any tme a(,,.r tno first day of - Helen Anderson, (lllbert (anipb'H. gust, 19M.) and bear Interest at the catiMle rate of five per cent per annum, pay Karl Connor, Rose Ml Bbl J,a,anLaliy from August. l!.y. j. k.-bi-k Lillian Short, Gerald Tili-ry ... . . trM(.iai ari interest pay- ioi.i at First National UanK oi Portland.Oregon, in gold coin, wlthou iliarL-o ir exm-nso to the D'T I'hnHur nr holder of said bonds. Said I Kl-j bonds will be sold to the highest bid ider or bidders therefor, but will not be sold for less than their face val 'iie. The said council reserves the Riinie IJurhead Henry Hathaway. ; right to accept bids for any part oi . . m o,.iseiii,er iKaid Issue of bonds hereby adver Clmrles McCarty, Diht Quis. nl. r f part ry, Emma Parger, iieueieni i0iy 0( SUch bonds be receivea, ana and all bids. bated this 5th day of June, 190!). 1 asa n nnmvsnN. JR.. 2-4t Recorder of Said City i District No. 10 Salt Creek Lena .May. District No. 11 Parker Oscar Peterson, Guy Peterson, iner Frldrlckson. District No. 13 Monmoutn ( f u? . . - - - . ... I AM OMOL 1 rtK an r. AVeuUr rVrparlin ErAi siiuliikJlrrjodJniuVt'Ja a lie? Smstifii adikeris i "'J wwiaaa eaaH Pro moles Di jcsltonflvf rfrf Mace ttawl 1jW rvntiin nHPwr OjmHu.Morph.ine narMiKri-J fOTi Kl Ulll,-. flu" ApmVft Brmrdy fortWlp 1 ion . Sour Stomar h.Dtarrfw Worms JL otmilswns Jrvrna noes amlLoSSOFSUZP- FicSimilt Sijnantrf of . KEW YORK. The Kind Ycu Have Always Bcag! Bears the A Signature uy r A Air Bxact Corv of Wrapper. jlJ j l-'-H aMiak.taiiaaMttmft Ui 6 I If 1 AjjT Use For Ovor Thirty Years TH 0WTUII HdMHT. tO OfTT. Ivan Wood. Incite Shore, IX.ris Her ren, Mildred K. Force, Delpha HarioR, Glydoline Tucker. District No. 16 Airlie Zelma Simpsn, Henry Nendcl. District No. 17 Bethel W ill Jenkins, Edith Romlu, N"lHe F. Stewart, Isaac Boyer, Elmer Boy. er, Verda M. Hubbard, Ezra Boyer. District No.. 19 Oak Grove .Joseph Allen, Hursel I. Sanderson. District No. 26 Rickreall Lanora Smith, Irene Hays, Harry Taylor. District No. 27 Oak Point llarold Brooks, Raim Brooks. District No. 29 Independence Amanda Hilke, Ella Lawrence. Frank ivirklaml. Marie Jones, Alice Mi,l..n,:in Lena Brown, Dena Mil ler Muriel Boyle, Hilda Hilke, Effie rs.thwr- Tvril Richardson, Gretch Kreamer,' Susie Whiteomb, Ruth Sper ling, L. Jackson Purvine, icior e i r.in,iv Uvcrs. Velna Busn, ties .io'wurtmnn. Marie Byers, Bertha Col "'" ... .. . lins, Wright Ellis, Ven uuiumcn, ton Jones, Marion Butler, Helen Hai Mary E. Foster. District No. 31 Brush College Irma Stuff. District No. 32 West Salem Glen Hogg, Perle Davis. District No. 33 Buena Vista Eunice Elkins. nistrlct No. 34 Buell Furroll E. Dickey, Jay Don Fletcher District No. 35 Spring Valley Mary E. Wyatt, Myrtle J Wells, Harry A. Lenstrom. District No. 37 Harmony Leta Barber, John McLean, Floyd Hayes, Delia Hicks, Cora McLean, Ve na Blair, Cora Barber. District No. 40 Lincoln Irene Bradford. District No. 43 Suver Eva Kester, Vada Ruef, Wellington Kester; Carl Larsen. District No. 47 Greenwood Fred Young, George Becker. District No. 48 Fir Grove Arthur Goode. District No. 49 Sunny Slope Minnie Wunder. - District No. 53 McCoy Glen Stevenson. District No. 57 Falls City . May Johnson, Ed: a Cou ter, Edna Seymour, Edith I.arrls, Dora Elktns, Harold E. Alkens, Herbert Hansel. District No. 58 Blackrock Orin McGlnnls, George Clauc-m, Mni-vodv Dot Smith. Hazel Web, Arrah Martin. Gladys Davenport Marian Martin. District No. 60 Oakhurst Ronald White, ni.trlr.t No. 61 Mountain View Nellie Adams.Charles Adams, Alice Ethel Bennett, josepnme Fred Norwood. nintrlct No. 64 Highland Winifred M. Wilson, Ella Chase.Har ValUere, Ruth Stapleton, worvai Stapleton. . . There were 214 who wrote on the examinations and 154 of these were .nrcessful. having made an average of 80 per cent or more and not fall Notice to the Public. I Notice Is hereby given that I will ! not be responsible for any debts in-1 curred by Mrs. Emma Tucker, my wife, she having left my bed and board. All merchants will please tak notice. Dated this first day of June, 1909, at Independence, Oregon. 1-5 Chester A. Tucker. PIANOS AND ORGANS Cheapest and Best PIANOS AB ORGANS REM ED GEO. C. WILL Phonographs Edison, Viclor, Columbia Full Line of Cyi nler ami Ditc Records GEO. C. WILL SEWING MACHINES s'Jpniiin' Nepdles Oil ami New l'arts SEWING MACHINES RENTED GEO. C. WILL Popular Sheet Music and Studies GEO. C. WILL Shlndler, Wilson, ry ti t ; si? - - o 'IV ufji iff- 'Mm f '& J stoic t. J UXJcaiKS mws. t ap " , ZXlm Ctattn Ndien Jf T , w iuiJ IMili S L This store sells Clothing ou the square. We furnish our patrons with Clothing that will flo its duty and never cause a disappoint ment. We secure the best Clothing that the country's best manufacturers know how to produce Clothing that is absolutely right. We price it to sell at the lowest margin possi ble, allowing ourselves a living profit. While human hands may fail and human heads maw blunder we stand ready to make any wrong right or correct any error that may occur. We want your patronage today, tomorrow, next month and next year. We want it as long as we are In business. We shall endeavor to win and hold it by sell ing clothing "On the Square." 10 G. W. JOHNSON & CO. 141 N Commercial St., Salem, Oregon ing below 70 per cent in any one