AUTOMOBILE TURNS TURTLE In an automobile accident on the road brfwevn this city aud Moutuouth Ul Saturday afternoon. Mow Win tra, a traveling wan from Portlaud. E. V- Sirou and Archie. Tetnerow of Monmouth, wr seriously Injured and ther la twine doubt to tha re Ml,rr of the lalt-r. Th machine in srhich the party as rldlu at the Un waa Urge 190. Cadillac tour ing car. It waa badly and U will cost somethlui like 1250 or 1300 to put it in commission again. At the time of the accldeut it U aald by those ho claim to know, that the were running at about a forty mile clip and in a Joshing way Rron reached over and shoved w ter'a cap doan over hl eyes and th.u turned on wore Juice". This caused the wathiue to swerve to one l- nf the rod M.d in an alumni to kep It from hlttlug the fence Winter quickly reversed the tuacnm and In doing so It turned ao short iii.i h automobile turned a com plete summersault., landing upright. Thu norimanu of the car were tnrow kth In the air and alighted In every direction. Mr. Winters, who was here . . visit to hla brother-in-law- fc.. E. Hewitt, was hurt the least of any of the party. He suffered a very bad ly wrenched leg and severe gashes about the face. E. W. Strong, who until recently was engaged lu the lumber business a CorvalUs. but at the present time who is running a drug store at Mon mouth, escaped with a broken arm and lacerations about the face. Mr. Tetherow is one of the well known young men of this communi ty who resides with his parents on a farm near Monmouth. . He was one of the most seriously hurt of any of the party. His nose waa smashed and bones of his face were broken. One of his teeth was knocked out and was forced through his lip. The victims of the accident were taken to me farm house of Fred Moseman which Is within a short distance of the place where the acci dent occurred, and Dr. Butler of this city was at once summoned who dressed the wounds and made the sufferers as comfortable as possible. Later on they were removed to their respective ho'ues. At the time of going to press Mr. Strong has recovered sufficiently to be able to be about. Mr. Winters was sent to Portland Tuesday morning while Archie Tetherow is still in a very critical condition with a fighting chance for his recovery. Card of Thanks The undersigned desire to thank the many friends of Independence for their kindness and acts of courtesy extended to them during their recnet bereavement in hte death of hteir father, Thomas Pomeroy. Mrs. Qeo. B. Pratt, Margurite Pomeroy, Dole Pomeroy Dono Pomeroy. snORT NEWS NOTES. Lumber production in the United States was less in the calendar year 1908 than the preceding year. The decrease amounted to" 17.3 per cent. Sovereign Camp, Woodmen of the Wcrld, has appropriated 1750,000 to be used for the erection of a head quarters building at Omaha. Organization of the Sen Sen Chicle Company, with ia capital of $6,000, 000, which will take over the busi ness nf six of the largest chewing gum factories in the United States and Canada, has been completed in New York. Two hundred pounds of dynamite mysteriously exploded at Fredericks burg, Iowa, wrecking the business district of the town and injuring a score of persons. The shock was felt 12 miles away. During the year 190 8 the steam and electric railroads of the United States purchased more than 112, 000.000 cross ties, costing at th8 point of purchase, over $56,000,000 The call for the forty-first annual convention of the National American Women's Suffrage Association has been issued. The convention will be held at the A.-Y.-P. Exposition at Seattle on July 7. Edward Everett Hate, chaplain of the United State senat- tor many years, minister, author and teacher, died last week at his home in Rox oury, Mass. He was 87 years old. The steamer Tanana has arrived at Dawson with $500,000 worth of Fairbanks gold-dust, making a total f $2,000,000 received ao far this aeason, en route to Seattle. Aa additional 15000 waa nt to the Amerleae mbaaay a Coaatatl noplt Saturday by the American Hd Croa Society for the rllf( work among the dslute pwple U Tr key. This make 10.000 tent fcf tbt society. Tha petition of the proaacutlon for a rehearing In tha ease of. Louis Glass, vice-president of the Paeltlo States Telephone Company, who wai convicted of bribery by a San Fraa clwo Jury in 107. baa been granted by tha supreme court of California. Attorney General Mulleaa baa commenced suit i'.g. I t t, .Veste a Union Tvlegraph Company to co i pl the company to Ala artlclea of Incorporation with the aula of Wy oming or suspend operation within Ita borders. Monday ww tha Hid anniversary of the adoption of the American flag by coogresa. that Important avoid having taken place June 14, 1T7T. While not a legal holiday, tha day la generally observed throughout the United State by the raising of Haas on all public buildings. Anthony Meyer, a Brooklyn. N. T., Iceman, on the ame day sold an Interest In an oil well, which had cost him 1100. for JI0.000 and re ceived a letter from a long lost brother In Seattle saying he had made 11.000,000 in Alaska, and In Tltlng htm to go Into partnershfp. He will live In Seattle. Off for the Race V. W. Perclval shipped his run nlng horse, St. Salvanla. last Mon dav to Marshfleld where be will en ter him in the races to be held there Julv 1. 2. 3 and 5. They went from here to Portland by boat from where they shipped Wednesday nlgbt to Marshfleld. The horse was in charge of How ard Copeland, his rider. Mr. per cival and Rube Dickenson expect to leave next week for the same plce to attend the races. For sale or trade High-class par lor organ In good condition. Enquire at Mrs. Neeley's in North Indepen dence. Will trade for young stock of any kind. ' ' ' tf New up-to-date caskets and coffi is burial robes, special line of trim mings for Catholics. G. A. R. arid retained from H. H. O'T I . L Wl . . U ., Jasperson. tf. A RECORD TO BE PROUD OF R.i H. Knox, a merchant of tins city, last week made complaint to Salem, that on June 14th' he received notice of a consignment of potatoes that had been shipped to him from Gaston and up to the date of writ ing, Friday; June 18th the shipment had not been received. The ship ment is of last year's stock and as the new stock is coming into the market every day he wanted to know what recourse if any he could have against the railroad .company if obliged to receive the goods when delivered, under the circumstances. In reply he has been advised that It is the opinion of the -railroad com mission that the only remedy at hand in the evint of a failure to reach an amicable settlement with the com an action at law to recover the amount of damages. From Gaston, situated in the north ern part of Yamhill county, to Inde pendence, Polk county, is a distance of about forty miles, or an average of about ten miles a day is the re cord for rapid transit by the South ner Pacific on the West Side. A WAY OPEN Many an Independence Reader Knows it wen. i niaIp nnon tn ennvince iiicib ib a t- tj v.- v the greatest skeptic. Scores of Inde pendence people nave niaue il p--ble. The public statement of their experience is proof the like of which has never been produced before in Independence. Read this case of it given by a citizen: Zed Rosendorf, merchant, Main St., Independence, Ore., says: "For ten years I was troubled with kidney coiuyiaiiii. una that r was forced to walk in a stoop ed position. My kidneys were dis j ' j i w.nnt nf the fre- quency of the secretions, i was i" to arise almost constantly during the night, orten i wouia ue co on ue not being able to He in any comfort able position. My nmos o01"c ii h toqq a nufflness swollen miu l" . i- , . , beneath my eyes. I doctored and tried everything but received no relief un til I finally heard of Doan's Kidney Pills. They helped me from the first, and I am today free from Kidney complaint. I believe there is nothing in the world for kidney trouble equal to Doan's Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers. Price 50c. Foster-Milburn Co.,Buffalo, New York sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. HAS RELATED TO J.S.COOPER Among the dauntless and hardy pi oneers that came with Iaulel IUk.u on hia return to Kentucky were Fred- lick and Dorothy Cooper and family, seeking a home In tha "dark and bloody bunting ground." They choae a placa to build a home and settled on Beaver crrek In Wayne county. Kentucky, where tha Cooper family hava since realded. They were of German parentage. Among the chil dren born to thla pair wii Henry Cooper who married Patience Mark. To thetn wa born May 14. 1SU, Wil liam Armtrong Cooper, than whom no atronger nor greater man ever lived in Wayne county. And moat truly one whose life and -character ha meant so much for the general good of the people of hi native coun ty. Hla life for the greater part wa pent near the place of hi birth, about twelve miles south west of Mon ticello, In Wayne county. In hla 22d year he professed faith In Christ, a .having found peace and forgiveness of sin through faith in Jesus Christ. Shortly afterwards he united with Heaver Creek Baptist church, being baptised by Mathew Floyd. He re mained a member of this church until hla death ou the 31 day of March. 1M)9.' Ht was licensed to preach In the year 1S3.", and was ordained to the full work of the gospel ministry in 1S40. His labors aa a gospel mes senger were abundantly fruitful. He haut.sed about 3000 persons during his ministry, and performed th car riage ceremony for about 1300 couples He served his home church at Beav er Creek for fifty years. He alo served other churches from one to! fourteen years. He rendered faith ful service a.i parlor to Seventy Six, Clear Fork, Cumberland City. Friend ship, New Hope, Bethel, Mt. Plsgah. Taylor's Grove, Canada's Creek, Far ncll. Mt. Pleasant. Charity and Steu benvllle. lie also served one year as missionary to Texas. He labored Irmif. well and wisely. There is no standard by which hij work can be fully estimated. The books of the last day will lovcai the abundance of his labors. Wayne county can nev er adequately meet her obligations to this servant of God. He was a strong, true, clean and manly char acter. His intellect was of a very high order, and as a thinker,, clear and analytic, and even to the last years of his life he had a clear con ception of the great current questions .of civic and religious thoughts and I niv. iiinva with strong and clear convictions on all moral issues he was faithful to the utmost in the de fense of what he believed to be the "truth as it is in Jesus". Few men of his time new the word or imu more fully than he. He was truly a mighty man in the scriptures. Like wise it was a rare privilege to hear him tell his experience of grace in the forgiveness of sin, the conscious, peaceful and joyous presence of the Spirit of the Lord with him from the riav of his conviction to the end i- jnnln. hla friends Ills wnere ne ucl,ihu .v ,1 ,i abidine hone in Jesus as a blessed personal Savior. For almost three quarters of a century he was the champion of truth against every at tack of Satan's hosts. About the year 183 he was united in marriage to Miss Sally Cooper, daughter of Daniel Cooper. Through many years of his ministry she was indded his co-laborer in the( work of the Lord and is now wearing a crown of rejoicing for a large share of the good accompli'shed by her husband, having departed this life August 23, 1879. Six children survive them, What Has Long Been Needed BY THE CITIZENS OF INDEPENDENCE The Independence Cleaning and Pressing parlors are prepared to call for and deliver all work, and guarantee prompt attention and atlafaction. We make combination Suit and adjustable Skirt hang ers to your measure. Be sure and aee them. Give ua a trial for good work and the price will be right. Work done while you wait. Guy McKnight - Independence YOU GET WHAT WE GET Our books are open for your inspection. fF"k M Buyers name given if wanted. We not only M tQp priceg) but you can eatisfy yourself tfTQ absolutely at any time that you get what we et PROMPT CASH RETURNS nHifZIfErJS SfaiP yur pruce to us. AV rite SOUTHERN OREGON 600111881011 CO. W. H. MCCOROUOOAIE, PlUP. 95 Flout ST., MRTUKD, 0REG0R namely: Uvlngatoa Cooper of 'r nell, Kentucky; Ltl.too lad MUUr Cooper ol Taaaaj Mrs. J. B. Uocae ter of Paaduaky. Kurky: Mr. L ol Tr. He urtUfO b one brother, J. M. Cooper. bo no Uvea with hla daughter. Mr, W. l Rector of Alea. Kentucky. Tha people of Wayue county whose home, hearts and Uvea bav b"n hi n.lnlalrv delllM 10 Uis-u "7 honor him. It wa good to aee the manifestation vt love and reepect when wa laid hla remain to rest In, tha beautiful Elk Spring Cemetery at Montlcello.The good people of Wayne county will erect a aultable monument to hla memory. May hi noble and ChrUt Ilk virtue and faithful ad herance to hi lord's will be repro duced In the Uvea of all who knew and loved him. Written by R. C. Kimble and published In the Wayne County Out i.w.w ,..,h..p .Ihim nf Anrll 22. I'0'-'- aa, , " Polk' Gaiattter. A bulne directory of earn city, town and rtllnitn In Oregon and Wnaulugtou. giving a deacriptlye ketch of each place, together with the location and ahlpplng facllltle and a classified directory of e. buslnesa and profelon. R. L. Polk A Co., Inc.. Seattle. H1LLSB0R0 SANITARIUM Mr. L. R. Hick Wards and private rooms. Inspec tion Invited. All classes of non contagious cases from reputable, physician accepted. Special at tention to confinement case un der physicians care. Trained nurse In attendance. Phone Pacific Main 321. Faber's Self Filling FOUNTAIN PEN Self filling at a niagU' touc h And a self-cleaner too. The price you'll find is not too much For the one that Just suits you. It fills Itself, It fills all needs For the-office, school or den; . Among them all the one that leads Is Faber's Fountain Ten. All Styles At all Prices- WILLIAMS ..DRUG CO.. Independence, Ore. INDEPENDENCE AND MONMOUTH RAILWAY TIME TABLE FROM INDEPeNDCNC Train No 01 leaves Independence dally :) a. m.; leave. Monmouth (1:18 a. ".; arrived DbIIiir b:4l a. m. Tiln No HH leaven Independence dully i u J.tir.i Itu IIhh. lliHbti. in leflVeH .Vloimioum, n.w n. iii.- , Triilii Nn 70 leaves Independence dally :lo .? ' 7 vw.;ATciit. :' - trr)v ltl- FOR A I KI.IK Train No7S leaves Independence dally 2:M p. m.; leaves Monim.utli 2:80 p. m-i arrives Airlle3:2&p. m. FROM DALLAS KOK 1N1)KPKN1KN,'K Train No K leaves Uallas dully i!Wn. rri; leaves Monmouth -.. tn.; arriveslndepen- Train' No (III iBBves Dallas dally l:f p. "n. leaves Monmouth 1:25 p. m.; arrives Intlepen. dence l:W p. m. (This train connects at Mon mouth for Alrlle) Train No7l leaves Dfll ifl dally 7:SS p. m.: :t.v c Mi.i.n.i.utl. p. "-, arrive. IndepenU. ence 8:15 p. in. from aikl:c Train No 72 leaves Alrlle dally 4:05 p. in.: leaves Monmouth 4:40 p. in.: arrives Inde peuden!e4:56 p. m Make a Clean Breast of It Get a New Shirt, or a Mumbir of thm, frm our ityllsh duigns for thm pr0snt ttason. May b your tinin clor f nd$ stilt moro repUmsh Inglntho matUrof Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, etc. In Underwear, Socks,Ties and Gloves Wa can give you complete and lattlng satisfaction for little money. Our atocka are selected with a view to sterling quality and durability aa well at recentnett of style. Lot us be your haberdasher. Yours Truly, O. A. ong 's Cash Market Now Open for Business. CHICKENS Fancy Fine Slfouldcr Rousts of Val Flho firi-atUs of Wal Klslit FrcHh Choke YVul CuU. tH Veal Ste w k'lltlfkli.H of 'oh Veal SuuHase, tlio only genuine Veal Long's Meats are all city dressed, Shoulder Roant of iMutloll Legs of Mutton Mutton Chops Host Round Steak Hurnburg Steuk, fi'enh every hour, Heat Sirloin Steak Best Tenderloin Steak Shoulder Steak Prime Rib Iloast Heef Rump Roast Heef .... Shoulder Roast Beef Beef for Soup Beef for Boiling .... .. Long's Absolutely Pure Sausage Frankfurt Sausage VISIT THE UP-TO-DATE MARKET. Bologna Sausage, Liver Sausage and Head Cheese .... Ham Sausage Long's Absolutely Pure not-Adulterated Lard, per lb. Breakfast Bacon Hams Chinook Salmon Halibut, 3 pounds Sturgeon The above Meats at LONG'S for Fat Stock. A GOOD WEIiIi OF WATER Is indispensable to every farm We have had splendid buccew in obtaining water in all our boring operations. We are prepared to do water and oil well drill lug and all kinds of prospecting. SbOPER BROTHERS Telephone 49x2 INDEPENDENCE, OR. Kjamer Hens at Long's Market , ' . . Sc to IOC . ...8c, lUc 10c to 12 V .... Se, luc tic Suumuku In the city :. li'aC in our own Abottoir. 8C . .. I2lstf . .. I2',ac 1 0c lOo . .. 12 Vic , .. 12V 8c5 IOC , t. 8t JOc . . .. 7c, 8c . .. .... 3C . . . . Cc, 8c 10c5 .. .. 12ViC . 10CT . 15c , lCc , 20C ,' 18c 12 V . -' CASH .MARKET. Highest price 10c paid For Style or Beauty We hava them. All of the popular shapes and popular priced Shoes WE DO FINE REPAIRING J1QOB VOQT 345 State Street, Salem, Oregon