- -I'wjmMGr.FiuNn ;i " ' ; I iinuuauuL.uuiiu i A Few Choice Farms FULL OF ERRORS ; ; i r i i I SALEM JULY 8, 9-HiLlO cut ef thrM hundred and fifty hast li.t. I" 1. natt. I - UAL'- GV.f BBTil.. ' '.-.ll DENCe AND DALLAS 2li 140 KfM well Improve .nd In cultivation. SVfc mil. -.t of Mon- mouth, Onuon. I'rl S Pr r.. Trm. 66 .re.. IH mile, north ,, of Independent.; .11 In c-IUv.tlon; Al building. A snap .1 ''. H in high f of cul-lvatlon; good Improvement, and pkn- of fruit; 1 mile. .-t Monmouth, f'rlc. J00. 10 .ere. well Improved land; J ien orchard .nd b.rrle. In crop; i.d wit. bulWl.... .od fence., 8 mile. orib. weat of Monmouth. 1'rlre 2600. SB .ere.. 1 mil north of Monmouth; fin. black Ml, .mall bu. .nd large b.m; plenty of t-r. r sr BM ,T0- islei Land Branch Office Hotel Monmouth Monmouth, Oregon II. Ilir.chb.rg, Pre. A. N.l.on, Vic Pre.. C. W. Irrin., Ca.h. The Independence National Bank Incorporated 1889 Transacts a General Banking Business Interest Paid on Tim Deposit Director.: H. HirM.r, A.Nel.on, D. W. Sear., Smith .nd J. E. Rhode.. Hj. ECoikier'len Wholesale Family Liquor Store PHONE MAIN J 03 144 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon TTT.. REVIEW OF REVIEWS . . S3.00J ALL FOR SUNSET ""?' !-"i$3.00 WOMAN'S HOME tuiwrniwn nPC. wUh your order, a beautiful premium, a 75 - AND FREE i'u.tryatcd In four color, with US W.t.rn SUNSET MAGAZINE t xr ft TT 'E A N O. Anyone wishing good rellab e fire Insurance call on or write 8. E. BUSH, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON Agent tor Beaver State Merchant ir i'.al of Portland, and Bankers Merchant Muvuai oi iuio TELEPHONE A. G. MAGERS. Pioprieiot Standard Liquor Co. WHOLESALE DEALER IN WINES, LIQUORS Sr CIGARS 1 48-1 56 S. COMMERCIAL STREET SALEM ' OREGON 1 1 T Tom Cronise PHOTOGRAPHER Salem, Oregon ndpndnc. Ball Team Win. Game by Score of Tw.lv. to Ten From OalL. on t.ttw. Ground. l.at Sunday Afternoon. I i Ther were .bout . hundred jx-opb-; from Independent lnt Humluy t at tend the bull gaum between th Iml-, liraya .nd t Independent ' j Blues. The fr.y reminded n "f ''! games witnessed at a rural pi' nlv .,,, th animrt mi ut of error, aiol- n ban.-a. and bit. piled up a aeore of; twelve to ten In favor of the l!l'" ! The remarkable purt of It wa that ,..;. r Hi., run of the tiraya were ......hit iiifla. Th unadverllm-d ellipse of the aim waa .taged In the third liniiiiK. greatly to tlic dUg"' of lh Independence faun. when the Uluea made the Pallua boya a tfh of .even tallies. In tb. sixth Innliu. while old aol had hla far, hid the HI,,,., dunned Into th. name and drove In three ruiia. giving them the, lead the second time, but alaa. the w . of abort duration, for In the laat half of the aame lnnl"B. after puttlnn out the flrat two men up they allowed the Dallas boya to put three men over the home plate, tying the ...r The next three Innings there . -ti her aide. In waa iioiu'h - the flrat half of the tenth Ii.depend ,.re milled and succeeded In arlilK two runa and giving Oray. a gooae tgg winning the Bame by two ru"- i t.. ti. ...hlbltlon aa a whole might be called a romeay or vwi .r of a ball name the umpire, C A. Grant, playing a atrong band in the I column of errora. Hill and Walker were the batteries In the start for Independence, but the j t . .l former going In the air In the thiru. retired and turned the box over io Berry who. pitched a splendid game. hnhlln the batters down to two nu B. F. and shutting them out in six innings without a score. Lee played a rag ged itame at short during the first three innings, but settled down In the latter part of the game redeem ing himself with some good work. Neither side scored in the nrsi in ning. In the second inoep secured two runs and rour in third, one in the fifth and two In tne tenth. Dallas scored only In two ln- Ings-the third and the sixth, wnicn netted tbem ten runs. Following Is the score: Independence ab r h po rnvon in .... i n o z l i Lee ss 6 0 Berry 2b p 5 Fluke cf 6 Force 3b 6 Stine If 2b 5 Jiohnson rf 5 Walker c 4 3 2 3 Depew If Hill p Klrkland lb Total .....46 12 Dallas 7 30 15 7 ab ....4 ...4 h po 2 0 a 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 2 1 p.e v,.w. F Boydston lb Rice ss If W Barham 3b p ..4 ..4 . .! ..4 ..5 ..4 C Boydston rf c Paul K ss Barham cf E Shaw c rf McDonald 2b to the Doty p 3b ..5 Total ..39 10 11 30 11 12 Pnmoa runs. Dallas U, Independ ence 1; first base on balls, off Doty 4 off Hill 3, off Berry 1; leit on h.DOO Independence 12, Dallas itches notv 1. Barnaul i; iwo MAIN 175 UU jj , . base hits, E uarnam, out by Doty 8, by Barham 4. Dy & u J w, v r.ii,. hit. ; ' Pit : .r, Craven v nr,. nnsand btl .18. W i. v v oini i ' , Walker 2. AicDonu.d.PaiU.iioya- ston. E. Barham and Shaw; Time of came 2 hours and 55 minutes; vm- yuc, u. - i n A Hrant Next Sunday the Dallas urays w. o pftturn game vu me grounds. They are feeling just a little unrfl over their defeat msi o"" . an lnnk for a good game one that will be played for blood.The home team, not having met aeieat QOann la eolng to strain every nerve to maintain their titles. They nut every nlffht tnis wee practicing with mlgnt ana Berry will be in the oox ir t.i whti Bowen. the much lauded J"' . . . .u. uaiias iwmci. Grays. i.ii, uriii reDreseni Hattle Mix. tailor shop. Independ The Cherry Fair exhibits are to be displayed on Liberty Street next to our store. Weal so extend to you a cordial invitation to call and see our fine exhibits of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Our lines are complete in every way and we take pleasure in showing them. When tired out at the fair come to our store and rest. You will be show every courtesy. 1 57 THE WhiteDays Sale Continues to attract a record breaking busi ess; thcres a reason for this marvelous selling and it s not dith culfto understand, as there are hundreds and hun dreds of saving opportunities on white merchandise here now Our fixed policy is to always provide the best and most up-to-date merchandise at absolutely S lowest prices. During this sale this policy is be ng more than outdone. Look well to your needs 1uh 1 . , i i ,Mic nmv Kpino-nttered: andsharein thepnenomenii vamW Women's White Linen and Wool Suits at low prices. Reductions In Women's White Waists. , All Muslin Underwear greatly re duced. White Hosiery and Knit Underwear reduced. Laces and Embroideries all reduced Great value, in White Parasols. White Ribbons at special low prices White Belts and Hand Bags re duced. . . , White Gloves and Handkerchiefs at Special prices. V ery Brisk Selling At the Stockton Salem, Oregon OREGON QQlI Cherry Fair ,M GREAT Extraordinary values in all Corsets. Boys' White Apparel low priced. Lace Curtains at specially low price Curtain Materials offered very low. White Blankets specially priced. White Silks and Dress Goods re duced. White Wash Goods of all kinds re duced. Table and Bed Linen specially priced. In fact all White Merchandise at lin and thread excepted.) greatly reduced prices. (Staple Mus lin and Thread excepted. Great June White Sale ! i i i ence, Oregon.