Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, June 25, 1909, Image 4

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Kntrred at iJi'uaVucc, Or., po
offUt as nwnil-f las mattr,
Subscription, I.S0 Par Yair
button of su.h a ull b,o to lrt lotrlw win
ctel u Urcctlstn,! ' th u"' U
'Think of tb rJ of mouth turtk raui for vetoing th ur
lUing that that fai .lone oubJ r-j roldln. for h sal vt
celc! It I. th i. Mn4 of wor4M7.tKX) worth of city bond, for th
f mouth idvtrihilui. backed by th.ipurpww of riltn Mi fr tb
Uefr the Publicity club of MIiiiii
spoils Hugh A. O'Uiiiiifll, advertbiln
nmimm-r of the Minneapolis Journal.
aj Printers' Ink, recently made
uioxt ItttfrmiiiiK address. Anion
oilier thlnns he said:
"AH medium of publicity are tinr
y ilie i liaiiu.-U through w h adw-i
tiiiiiK flow. The mK' delivered
is the real advertising And it uium
be applied to be ilmu theory
You can learn to iuukc t-iic-iutcal an
alyses from books and experiment
yon can measure the distance to Ju
piur ami welsh the water in th
ocean by mathematics, but there is
boiu.-iiiiiis about folks which U be
yond figures, ll la the reaching on:
of the human to the iiunuii. .Ja.
tunes It' llu little things tliut couut
"All thitica equul a small point
turn trade. To tell these little ihltii,--costs
bis money, but It Is worth it.
Our friend Uife Young says tin
American government believes In au
verlishu. Sending the fleet around
the world was good work on the part
of the Ainreican government's adver
tisint? department. It was an alcr
tiseuient of the government to other
nations. Digging the Panama cann".
Is more of the governmental advertis
ing department's work. It shows lha
I lie American government is here to
"Indeed this question of advertising
s growing so important that Dayton,
ft., is aaitating the value of Introduc
ing newspapers Into the curriculum
of the iiigher grades in the puHif
schools that articles on current event:
might be discussed and criticised and
the relative worth of advertisement-?
be judged as a study of business.
Y'ou can get some conception of the
commercial meaning of newspaper ad
vertising if you can imagine the abso
lute suspension of the American daily
papers for even twenty-four hours.
Think of the state of chaos that
would ensue! Think of the mediums
of general circulation which some re
gard as the only outlet for the distri-
usual nrinted statements, that la lh
arm of reat publicity, Oitc pleased
customer will C-ll ten. and thua sales
rw perpetuated, business built and
trade-marks made worth millions,"
IVople ho ran read at all read the
uewspapera. If they cannot read they
ar not likely lo b valuable custom
. ... kiu
era. The wis advertiser sp-mi m
truction of system of sewers. K
ceptlon, It aeeiita. haa been taken K
the article In question from certain
quarter. V fall lo see where any
fslr minded peraon could find good
and valid reason for grievance. In
much aa the paper made no comment
on the laatw In quest Ion. The fact
In the ca are desired by the people
era. cue mu u. -r - - , t . . .
money where ll will do him th- moat of Iudependne- and they have a rl-h
11. vr. linle of It Into to them. It ahould bo publicly a.a
' . . i i t .1.
,. i l t, i.rni'lliM fir anv
, it.. -..4 ... in iu.i.i i i caaea inaneia in w - -
llllllNt-w lit- n 1 1 i mtv iti "-'"'" ' I .
au, of ten conaUned without readln newspaper. Th Knterprlae baa been
acrUHCtl of lieKiet '' "i'ei v.
publlahltiK the dolliK of the city rotm-
10 the waste imper basket
Newspaper ar n-ad. The adver
reputable newspapers rll and It was only a few days before
Using lu
tells the reader what he tor to be
xact, she I lu the shops, and
he reads car, fully and profits by the
.ifjrauitlon she receives. So doe
the merchant.
There la no question that if Inde
pendence ever expects lo be auyihlUfi
out a wayside village, one of the first
steps taken is to provide good aani
.ary conditions. This cannot be ac
complished successfully without a
ihorough and adequate system of sew
ers. Tln-se facts no one will deny.
Nature ha provided us with a natur
al location for a splendid sewer ays
tern, which can be constructed at a
comparatively small expense. From
a progressive standpoint and If Inde
pendence Is ever to become a city sh
must be progressive. We fail to
where any property owner, If he has
his own Interests at heart, should put
a straw in the way of any move
which may lead up to the construc
tion of a system of sewers, for the
reason that from the day the system
Is completed all of his holdings with
in the city limits will advance In
price to a figure more than double
the amount it will cost him. It Is to
be hoped that those behind the move
to hold up the Issuance of the sewer
bonds by applying the referendum.
will reconsider the move they are
making and will let the matter rest
hat adau.ed, but aa i'olk couut) ,
lands contliiua u adranc and
prospect at aood (or fair rropa this j
tall with aood prlcea. It la not r .
petted that the local diamond will bt
effected by the advance.
It la aeldutu thai ruaioinera have
a chaiicw to get am h valuea In cloth
Iiik a are beiua offered by a well
known firm of I hi c ity, aa will b
seen by looking over their ''
thla luu of the Knterprlae. . I'
uittd of a real bargalu. It ll !
you to look It up.
Vitcav .... j
town asked to have the matter pub (Continued from first pane.i
lished. In this the Knterprlae hedged
taking sldea In the matter and asked
Mayor Jone for au Interview, setting
forth hi reason for vetoing the
measure when It came up for consid
eration In the council.
The Knterpiist Is In receipt of un
Illustrated edition of the llak- r I'ity
Herald and It Is a fine advertisement
fur the actlve.energetlc town of I'ak
er City. The best advertising a city
gets goes out through Its local news
paper work, and If the cltUens of ev
ery town would do their duty the
home paper could lund more settlers,
accomplish better Industrial results,
bring In more manufactories, and de
velop the country around faster than
any other advertising could possibly
accomplish. The home paper is your
means of publicity and If you reiiMi
ed It you could double your popula
tion by using it Judiciously and care
fully. There is always something new
coming to the surface In the way of
sports. The latest proposition in re-
lav stunts is to throw a base uan
from Chicago to New York, the ball
passing through the hand of
some 30,000 men and boys stationed
180 feet apart, to see how long It will
that it can be
tnkp It Is believed
mailing anu l - -
where it now stands, forget their per- done between sunrise and sunset of
sonal grievances, take off their coats 0I1C day in July, but it is ui.p..
and pull together for a greater In- that n0 one should drop the ball as
time would be lost picking It up.
Aonnnlinir tr advices received by
- - - . . - 0
Last week the Enterprise took oc- local dealers the price of diamonds
Beginning Saturday of this week and continuing to
and including Saturday, the 3d, we will make the fol
lowing proposition whereby you can dress yourself
properly ana save sonic ui mc
money to spend in having a
glorious time celebrating. With
each suit, as described below,
we will give you a pair of shoes
or hat free:
With each $10.00 suit
pair $2.50 Shoes or Hat free.
With each $12.50 suit
pair $3.00 Shoes or Hat free.
With each $15.00 suit
pair $3.50 Shoes or Hat free.
With each Suit above
As $3.00 is the highest price hat we carrywe will
make the difference in other merchandise. This in
cludes all our newest suits, hats and shoes.
wan?" 1
alkcr $itmmm
tl- t a t nnr fprrhnnK nf I ndeoendence. Oregon
mutter that very few of them hon
ored the council by uitmdiUK lh'
"The claim of class legislation I
the uioUllllllKS of a cheap politician.
We all pay taxis fur the i.eii r: 1
good and common welfare and nut
i.-ial benefits to the Individ
tul. The people of olil town vclii be
beto-fiil'il by the improved comllt lo.t
that wtil result from the newrliiig of
the mnlii part of the city by the Im
proved reputation of the city In gee
eral. and we bcll-w tlx re are pub
lic spirited and progressive and fa.r
minded ci.izcna in old town who will
resent the imputation that they will
oppose a sewerage system that, at
present, leaves them cut.
"The mayor's reason for his veto
of the ordinance bonding the city for
sewerage, viz: 'That the ordinance
bonding the city for $17,001) when
$8000 Is ample' Is rot. The $Stioo
tlniate wat for one sewer pipe down
one street and no inort.
"The mayor claims to be in favor
of sewi-rage lino he Is provini;
claim by doing everything In his pow
er to block that end."
In this connect ion It may not be
out of place to state tla' petit. ous
are being circulated for referendum
in the matter.
W. bav. many new Idea lu dainty Garment atamped lo em
broider. Uaby preaaea from 75 cenla to IJ0O
8llp Petticoat. Hood Cape. Kltnonaa. Hlba, llooteea. Honneta.
AU artlelea atatuped on b.-at rad of materUU. tin le""
In embroidery.
Needlecraft wShop
Mrs. C. Wnll
270 N. Com'l. St. Salem, Orerfon
Groceries, Boots and Shoes
We Make a Specialty of Farm Produce
Call and examine our Stock before buying, you will
find that our prices are right and we carry anything you
may want. Remeber the Place
Corner of Alain and Monmouth Streets
Independence, Ore.
For ale or trade (Jentle pony,
broke to drive single or double. Will
trade for young stock of any kind. En
quire of F. 0. Fredrlckson, 4 mues
south of Independence. tf
Mt-stlaines llaitanl lluglin, I'lopiictoirs
Board by Day. Week or Month. Meal Tickets Sold.
iMi:iuii:cv, oni:c ox
Fancy Indian Robes
Salem -Made Goods of
Superior Quality
$3.50 to $7
Men's Suits From
Salem-Made Fabrics
None Better
$10, $12.50, $15
All-Wool Flannel, the Product
Salem Woolen Mills
35 to 50c per yard
Handsome Indian Robe Free
to Person Securing Most Made-in Salem
Coupons From this Store
Salem Woolen Mill Store
1 I1C Ltauiug A 1 - ,
r tGZaveTVa