Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, June 25, 1909, Image 1

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Mr. Hoffman, President of the City
Council, Telle Bonn of R
one Why Sewer Ordinance Wae
Patted Over Mayor's Veto.
In the last Ibiiuu of the Enterprise
considerable spaee van devoted to
an Interview with Mayor Jottn In
which he gave tils reasons for veto
ing thu ordinance recently passed by
the city authorizing tho Issuance and
al of bonds of lh city for
at ohlch lhi mayor a pr ut and
(.reeldln. H not only offered no oh
Ji-itlon to thla recommendation tn
adopted but expressed blliwclf a be
ing In favor of It. Thu reason for
recommending to bond lint city for a
Him imvcral thousands In fXi' of
I ho amount estimated that It would
require to complete the ayatem out
lined waa thla: only boi-da wouli". be
eld or offered for r.ale. In amount
actually reuu.'ed to pay for the work
done, and tlx bonding at thla llrtie
for a larger autn than npecied to be
i mtulrd would malt provisions for
future extensions of tbe aewer y
Icui without havluic to make another
bond Issue.
"When the ordinance waa finally
I drawn and presented to the council
f . r adoption tti amount named In
the ordinance had been placed at
$17.00(1. because It waa decided that
thin amount would be ample for all
Splendid W either, Good Government,
and High-Clasa Hortee with an
Increased Attendance of Horatman,
Adda to Succete of M et.
Wllh the weather perfect, the lurg
et crowda ever bad the speediest
horses and tho Urgent number of
entries In the history of the club, the
Fourth Annual Meet of the lnd penti
enve Driving Club Association closed
1 laHt Huturday aflernoou In the nn-H
(requirements, a the engineer had ob j,,,,ce of 2,Hl0 lwttph,w wiih but few
luiiu-il Homo definite information in
m i m .Hi I l'titjiia aii invnr wuu fii?-itu U HI
purpose 01 rami!. m - I retard to discounts on materials and
t ruction of a aewer syiem.
At ev-.
three days' races, given under the au
I aniiiu ro liin-. r limn formerly III L..i ..9 .i ....i..
....... I ...l.ll.. .nl..rul ha!" " ' ," u LIB wVouoil, Will BJ
try m culated
two sld-a to It the Knterpriao iw.m
week called upon V. T.
. .1. .... II ....I ayluH i
president o. u.e ....,. --""; ,, was panMiMl , but I. was a reg pr,.8,d(.nt of ,he l)rvlllK r,ub Hn(, ,H
ior au unci i iew bi-hiiih
I well sutiHfied with the snort afford
Thu niHvor waa not nresent at the h
lloffoiaii. .. ,,, ,! . .
iiii'kiiiik ul mi- . -i.. .. i...- ureal credit la due V. V. 1'erclva .
councils au r me ma. ,h,r,.. ,, kn,.w ,ha, tll8 ordinance j ,.ar,y ftl(1
mey naviun paHn.-u u ... wa(( to t.oni(, (jp am, ho alH() kM,.w
While Mr. Ilofrmnn waH very renn-i-ant
In tulkliiK for publl'allon be was
at lt prevailed upon to lve out a
tateiiient KcttliiK forth the reanoim
for piiasli'R tb 'veto over tho may
or's head.
Mr. lloffman Ih fully Himiaiu- U III ' ,)Ut rlnl,v (,., i,(.d t liaat It would be
tils statements by tho other Inem- j j)PH, fo H()W. to 0V(.r to tu.
era of the council, with the exeep- rKUiar nitM-tln. So far as the onll
Hon of Mr. Hubbard, whom the rep- ,,,. j,,,llK hurried (IixoiikIi without
res nlallve of Ilm pup r was unable p(v(n ,lt people a chance to know
to find. Mr. Hoffman staled in Pi,rt: what was belnn done is concerned,
...... . . i I ... .r ii it . !.. . ... .li .... ...... ..,,! I. mill
-nen inu piesoiu couo. i. "HilS pnwpecuvH '" " j for a purs(. of $lno was W01) ,,y Fr,,(i
tho (lueatiou of a sewcraKo system ' aiscussed over and over for a numb-1 T r0oker's Atabel; L. V. Watt's
for ttie c.ny ol inucpcuuein u n. " ' cr 01 meeiins m wic ruu.n u jjie jark,.t ol
understood and tmitly agreed tnai t0 iH pnsmiu'e, and the people nau
tho city had no survey and estimate j manifested so little inlreent in the
ou record lout uie council was in
favor of ac ct plinu and undertaking j
to be Kovcrned by. Tho lirst acuial j
step taken by this council to carry ,
Into execution the sewerane of the i
city was the appointment 'f a com-
'ular meetinn and he should have been ab,() (,orp(( flf (jHHaillBi whf, w(rk 1
latu in their efforts lo
make the meet one of the bcHl held
'that th council was anxious to K't j ia ihe Willamette valley, and that
Jo work on the Bewcr and would like- ; t,y 8ll(.t.,.e0l.( ln tIl,,r efforts no
ly pass tho ordinance at that meet or)t, wm ,uKpu0.
Iiik. In fact the mayor had con.e.n (h
1 ,., ... (best horse was the one whirl, pui mis(j)on. After another one was pro
ine piiiiHw.- vi i.... !riOHe ulUt,r th( ,ire (,rHt
I In two atrainht h.ats. Lou N. Ill r
second and IHu Jacket third. Time
1:07 and 1:03.
In the s.MOud heat of this emit an
ccidi-nt oc-urred which put Jton Nort
owned by ferry Nauiey of 8aim.
out of tho raie. There waa ronald
srsble delay In aetttnic the horses off
In the second heat, and the crowd,
becoming Impatient rommenced to
ill o, as tho hors.-s paaaed under
the wire, notwIthstandlnK the judices
had run th bell for them to come
back. As a result of the yelling by
the crowd the borsea becamo excited
and while trying to get them quieted
down the sulkies of Fred T. Booker,
driver of Atabel and II. (J. Cox. drl-
er of Lnu Miller, became interloi ked. j
tearing a tire from the sulkey of thej
latter. In trying to avoid the collis
slon t'ox came In contact with the i
sulkey of I'erry Naurey, driver of Zon
Nort. capsizing the sulkey and throw-:
Ing tho driver bUh In the air. Com
ing down head first he struck on the
back of his horse wliich had started
to run. falling to ttie ground under
the frightened horse, the sulky drag
ging over him.
Ids injuries were slight, however,
he was rendered unconscious for sev
eral minutes. His horse ran Into the
fence with such force that be was
thrown to the ground. The sulky was
completely demolished. Regaining his
feet the horse tore loose from the
sulky and run half way round the
track before being caught. The sul
ky of Mr. Cox was put out of coin-
cured he re-entered the race coming i
Thursday, the first day. there oul 8,.,.omi
three events, the fir race on the Tip n,.xt eV(,nt waH the 0f a '
program, a 2:U0 trot, hail inile h-uU, Jlo dasn for a pur8e of a ir,o. Much;
3 in & for a purse of $ 1 00 failing to iIlt(r(,Pt had centered in this race
2:r pacing tu.arlv the same field started in,
the half mile dash the opening clay of j
the meet. There were five starters, j
as follows: C. A. McLaughlin entered .
Carl P and Kamsack, fi. F. Brown. ,
nil. ttace o. I was a
I event, three in five, half-mile lua.H
(Continued on .'.fourth page)
jnittfu to employ a competent engi
neer to nrnke survey and
Before this committee was created
the mayor had recouimuecled to the
council an engineer of Lincoln coun
ty who was a personal acnualniauco
of mo mayor, so, as a mark cf cour
tesy, tiie mayor was named ou tho
comiuiUeo to select and employ the
engineer. The, did not se
lect, the engineer recommended by
mayor au.l the mayor threatened to
bold up tho pay Of the engineer em
ployed by the committee This
threat was the means of delaying the
beginning of the work by about two
weeks. After the survey and estimates
were mado by the engineer, J. M.
Hall, his work was gon eover sev
eral times ,aml discussed in council
meetings at which tho mayor was
present, and he. offered no objections
to them and apparently had no fault.
to find with the same In any way
The engineer estimated that the
three main sewers as recommended
by him could be put in complete for
about $11,000 ..and the laterals, for
forty-eight blocks, which includes the
500,000 FOR
Perry N'auzcy'e Ad
miral Togo 3d and Cole Mc-Ulroy's
Weugand Wing 4th. Best time.. U II.
Kace No. three, J'oIJi county trot,
half mile heats, two in three, for a
purse of $100 was won by Susie Lane
owned by P. M. Kirklund. W.
Shinn's Pilot Hock got second money.
Peter Cook's Marquis H. got :id and
Mrs. G. A. Young's Teddy C 4U. Bestj
time, 1:!8.
The event of the day was the haif
mile run, weight for liine, for a purse
(Continued on sixth page)
Last .Friday morning at about 6
Last Tuesday O. W. Taylor, D. W. I of $l.r.O. Four liorses' staling in this o'clock in the morning Thomas Pome
Sears and H. Hirstlibc-rg of ihis city) race rh follws: Little Nelllo'Vwned roy, a well-known and respected cit
filed articles of incorporation with tht 1 by A. T. Boynton, Crifilelgh, owned izen of this city, died of heart fail
secretary of state for a' new coast j by G. F. Brown, Kamsack owned by tire. At the time of his death Mr.
railway. The new road Is to be ! c. A. McLaughlin, and St. Salvania Pomeroy was accompanying his young
known as the Independence, Siletz & j owned by W. VV. Fereival. It was a est sou on his way home from his
Pacific Kailway Company. It is
italizcd at $500,000. ,
cap-'good race, the horses running in a hop ranch, which, is Just across the
bunch. Little Nellie got first nion- river from Buena Vista. They had
According to the articles the pro
posed new road is to be built from
a point near Simpson, lu Polk coun
ty, to the Pacific coast, through the
Sllotz Indian reservation, Cape Foul
weather in Lincoln county, to be the
Western terminus.
Church Announcements
Following is the order of services
at the Methodist church June 27, 1909iiiu Adams, fifth.
ey,' Criglcigh second, Kamsack third Just arrived at the ferry when all of
and St. Salvania fourth. Time 49 sec
onds. "!;
Second Day '
Race No. 5, the four and a 'half fur
longs run for a purse of $100 was
won by Little Nellie. The Councilor
tok seend and Princess Viola 3d. W.
W. VV. Pereival's Miss Condon came
ln fourth and K. W. Dickinson's Lil-
Sunday school at 10 a. ni.; preaching
services at 8 p. m. Either the past
or or Rev. T. L. Jones of Browns
ville will preach. If Brother Jones
Jones fills the pulpit the public is 'as-
treat. There will be no
........... e
- ... i u .,.! ol!u'll
WilOlO Ot incieuencuMii:v:,cu"iu emu vwoi
i 1.-...r..i..l. T ..illx nnvt Cllli.lQif al'Ull.
of the Independence slough, could be
put iu for about $1000, if included In
the same contract with the main sew
ers. This estimate did not make al
lowance for discounts on materials,
which the engineer estimated would
be from 30 to 35 per cent on sewer
pipe etc. With the discount off he
estimated that the system complete
would cost considerably less , than
f 15,000.'
"A committee had been Instructed
to bring in an ordinance bonding the
city of Independence for a sum suf
ficient to pay for the putting
In of the proposed sewer system This
committee was advised by the city's
attorney not to have the ordinance
drawn until the plans, specifications,
etc. were adopted by the council. So
a special committee was appointed to
bring recommendations to the coun
cil as to amount the city should be
bonded for, par value of bonds, time
they should run, etc. The mayor was
put on this committee, he being pres
ent at the time the committee was
created.Thls committee recommended
to the council that the city be bond
ed for $20,000. This reeommenna-
iiig.Please note the following changes
The two-year-old Polk county stake
race failed to fill. It was a trotting
event, two best in three, for a purse
of $100. The association substituted
a mixed race of trotters and pacers
in which Mrs. G. A. Young entered
Sally Young, Alva Byers, Prince Fal
mont and Peter Cook Sis Bendre. Sis
in our service: Mr. Aldrich will take j B(mder won the event ln two straight
charge of the Sunday school song ! heatg ln 1:37 and j.32. Prince Fal
service and will train the children to
sing. All children are invited to at-
mont won second' and Sally Young
third. After the second heat Sally
a sudden his body fell lifeless, from
the buggy. His little son gave the
alarm and Abe Porter and Mr. Dix
on, being close at hand, hastened to
the assistance of the unforutnate
man, but all efforts to resuscitate hiro
were futile. Members of his family
were notified at once and the hearse
was dispatched from this city and the
remains removed to the home Friday
afternoon and prepared for burial.
Only a few months ago Mrs. Pome
roy succumbed to wounds inflicted by
a small rifle in the hands of the 'hus
band, which was purely accidental
and which proved a terrible shock
to Mr. Pomeroy. Following this came
the taking away of the father with
out a moment's warning with the ex
ception that his little boy said he
complained of severe pains in his
breast on the night before his death.
: Further than this he was in apparent
We wish to extend our
tend and receive the benefit of Mr.
Vnnn tr rofr1 n liillf "ilia fllnTlA P1V-
AldrU-h'H learirsehin. Mrs. P. H.I. ...u.,..,. , ' t ' ooA health.
n Z.' ' u ,hr,B of thei " . ? . ' ' Z ' ' 1 heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved
" " o o lties wuu noui'ies. one whs umi
choir. The public does not need an from usln? ,,, in slake race.
introduction to Mrs. Drexler and her ghe made th(, m,,e eight seconds
work. Mrs. James May will be or- j qulcker than Sis Bender's best time.
There were five starters in the 2:17
ganist. All are invited to attend our
services. Harry McCain, Pastor.
Will McAdams will sing at the Cal
vary Presbyterian church next Sun
day morning.
Calvary Presbyterian Church
Next Sunday Morning at Calvary
Presbyterian church the regular quar
terly communion service will be held,
with preaching by the pastor and the
administration of the Sacrament of
the Lord's supper, and the ordinance
of baptism. New members will be re
ceived Into the communion of the
church. '
In the evening Dr. Dunsmore will
speak on the subject: "Above all
Names". Special music with solos at
trot, mile heats two In three, for a
purse of $150, as follows: Blacksmitl
owned by H. G. Cox, who won the
race In two straight heats, in 2:26
and 2:29, Red Skin, owned by A. C.
Lohmlre, got second money, while
Coma, owned by B. M. Young, pulled
down third. Billy Smith's Starlight
came fourth and Dolly Dimple
Race No.8. mile dash for a purse
of $150, was the big event of the day0reEon
children. May the supreme ruler of
the universe guide and comfort them
in their hour of bereavement.
The funeral was held from the
family residence in htis city last Mon
day afternoon. Rev. Mr. Dunsmore of
ficiating. The funeral was largely attended.
A Good Real Estate Deal
A. Gross, an enterprising merchant
of this city, sold his farm, five and
a half miles south of the city on the
Willamette river, consisting of 175
acres, to Jou Studervund of Bourne,
. i rpi, ,,i.H l
tlon o the committee was adopted i me
tit a regular meeting of the council cordially Invited.
The consideration in the
and was won by Pacific, the favorite. , transaction was $11,000.
owned by A. T. Boynton. Time 1:17.1
Crigleigh came second, King Korej J. M. Stools, one of the substant
thlrd and Kamsack fourth. lal citizens of Airlie, attended the
The Last Day's Races (races last Friday and Saturday. He
Race No. 11, 2:15 pace, half mile; reports everything prosperous in his
heats, purse $150, was won by Atabel section of the county.
Low Cut Shoes
For Men and Women
and give satisfactory service. You can find a pair that will suit you
In our line. Tan and oxblood are the l.-adlng rolra.
Men's, Women's and Children's
Barefoot Sandals
for the warm weather are made for solid comfort.
We carry a larger stock and sell more shoes than most shoe stores
because our price are- figured on the spot cash basis.
Why haven't you a hammock hanging In that shady corner? Our
new hammocks are large and strong. The debigns and colorings
are elegant. We bought them direct from the factory and show a
splendid assortment.
Is made from strictly "correct fabrics by expert tailors la one of the
best equipped factories in America. It's after they've seeu actual
service that the superiority of
all fl a 3
Brandegee Clothing
becomes more apparent. The high class linings and facings cause
them to hold their shape b"Uf r than ordinary makes and the 'all
wool" label on the sleeve means that there is absolutely no cotton
nor shoddy in the. suit. ftV'c also show a full line of Boys', and
Young Men's Clothing at' pric es that "regular stores" can't match.
Barnes' Cash Store
E. T. BARNES. Fro., Salem
HECK & FLtUBRCHER, Proprietors'
Fresh and Cured Meats
Fish and Game in Season
Phones, Home 610; Bell 693
Main Street Independence, Oregon
Monmouth, Oregon
Paid Capital, $30,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business
J. H. Hawley, Pres. J. B. V. Butler, Vice Pres. Ira C. Powell, Cash.
F. S.- Powell. J. B. itump. I. M. Simpson.
your pleasure may be the fact that
you presented your music loving
daughter, son or wife with an ex
quisite musical instrument from our
rare stock. You may developa a musi
cal phenomenon unawares. Anyhow
members of the family possessed of
one of our fine guitars, violins, man
dolins, zithers, banjos or cornets cau
not but make the home pleasant and
247 Commercial St. Salem, Oregon
Day and sight calls promptly attended to. Fine parlor In con
nection. An experienced lady assistant
W. L. BICE, Embalmer and Funeral Director. Licensed by the
Oregon State Board of Health. '
Home Phone: Store, 2220; Res.3121
Bell Phone: Store, 114; Res. 73
Independence, Oregon